hmmwv 0 Posted March 11, 2005 We'll first finish the SEP Project, then we can think about that TUSK version. A TUSK version? mmmm that sounds very very interesting Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gordy 0 Posted March 11, 2005 In case you haven't seen this before. No harm done if you have though. Â hmm? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hmmwv 0 Posted March 11, 2005 Hey Gordy thanks for the pic. I´ve already seen it but thank you very much anyway Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
adrenaline red 0 Posted March 11, 2005 Great addon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gordy 0 Posted March 12, 2005 another thing to be included (maybe). Here is a kind suggestion Midrange guided munitions Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FerretFangs 0 Posted March 12, 2005 I have heard the Isreali LAHAT is compatable with the M256 gun, as well. Of course, there's been a need to equip the Abrams with an ATGM capability for years. Recent projects included the Extended Range Munition [ERM] XM1007 Tank Extended Range Munition (TERM), and X-ROD. I'm guessing by th looks of it, the MRM is the latest incarnation of X-ROD. But at the rate they're going, they might as well start fitting a THEL to the turret. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HUNTER- 1 Posted March 12, 2005 I dont exactly know what it is, but something like the bradley maybee??? Cuz the idea of like a launcher that could extend upwards and maybee even like 2 meters to fire when your masked behind something... Think of mast mounted sight on the Fennek, that idea but offcourse with different stuff... Then it comes back down and the launcher tube it then loaded either automatically or via a hatch from the inside... just an idea not for this addon... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cpt. FrostBite 0 Posted March 12, 2005 I dont exactly know what it is, but something like the bradley maybee??? Cuz the idea of like a launcher that could extend upwards and maybee even like 2 meters to fire when your masked behind something...Think of mast mounted sight on the Fennek, that idea but offcourse with different stuff... Then it comes back down and the launcher tube it then loaded either automatically or via a hatch from the inside... just an idea not for this addon... Eh, MBT can fire ATGM's out of their main gun if the right ammo (missile) is developed for it. The russian tanks already have ATGM, although I don't know how often it's used Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HUNTER- 1 Posted March 12, 2005 I know that... But I think it will have some advantages over shooting that stuff out of the barrel.. the rocket has to be the size of a shell to fit into the gun... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cpt. FrostBite 0 Posted March 12, 2005 I know that... But I think it will have some advantages over shooting that stuff out of the barrel.. the rocket has to be the size of a shell to fit into the gun... Now you are talking like you want to design a new tank. Something like this can't be used in this addon, since it's simply sci-fi. Although I must admit that an external missile unit may have some advantages. But in that case, why don't just make it a missile tank and give it stingers (or a future SAM missile). This will make it much more effecitve. Or perhaps somthing like these; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Przezdzieblo 0 Posted March 12, 2005 Or perhaps somthing like these; FCS-T and FCS-W? Looks nice. When I post here link to article about TUSK I did not want SEP program delay. Just one more version in incoming addons. Nice, that SEPmakers thinks about TUSK after the next SEP addon version would be published Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HUNTER- 1 Posted March 12, 2005 wow Frostbite what are those models, thats computer animated I take it... looks nice man did you make that? And about the abrams yes I also just wanted to post meh ideas and not tell the addon makers what to do or anything... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FerretFangs 0 Posted March 12, 2005 It really wouldn't make any sense to delay the update of the SEP Abrams, because of the TUSK update. They are really used for two different missions. The current version of INQ's/Homers M1A2 SEP should be a dedicated land-superiority tank-destroyer. This would be representitive of the Abrams used by the 4th ID anti-tank MBT's. Once the battlefield is fully owned by the Abrams ( IRL ) and armored threats are neutralized, another variant used for counter-insurgency, urban operations is needed. Any of the variants of M1, (including the early variants armed with the 105mm cannon) equipped with the TUSK modifications, would be awesome for a dedicated urban armored-assault vehicle. Actually, even an M60 or M8 AGS, equipped with an updated urban combat kit might be even better. The Abrams gas turbine engine is better suited for tank on tank combat, where high speed is a necessity. In the counter-insurgency, urban warfare role, a cooler-burning, more fuel-efficient diesel engine pack makes more sense. And, an M60 could carry more ammo, with types already specialized in anti-personel, and anti-material roles for bunker/barriers/emplacements. The M1A2 SEP should have a different ammo loadout, focusing on anti-tank warfare. Perhaps it would carry 24 APSFDS, 10 M830A1 HEAT, and as many as 10 STAFF missiles, in place of APAM. The M1* TUSK might carry M830A1, and APAM in place of M829A2(A3) and STAFF. So, the mod team really can ( and probably will ) produce the TUSK after the release of the the updated SEP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted March 12, 2005 Thats all nice and good, but the US Army doesn't use any of the M60 variants any longer. That tank is very old and no longer in production. Only Israel, Egypt, and Jordan are still doing modifications and upgrades of it. As far as I know, the US Army isn't buying any foreign made MBT's or heavy APC's. What we will probably see in the future is either a Abrams based diesel engined heavy IFV or an entirely new heavy APC. The primary requirement for urban operations is simply that it protect its occupants from man carried anti-tank rockets up to the tandem-warhead RPG-7VR. The challenge is that it requires almost 360 degree protection. This is best done by a combination of heavy armor and 2nd generation ERA. The uparmored Bradleys (with ERA) do a decent job at this, however, they are still vulnerable on the front, top, and rear. Also usually for most urban operations, a good auto cannon is all that is needed along with a coxial cannon...both preferably on a remote turret operated from inside the tank. Rafael makes excellent remote turrets of this type. For the rare instances where you need a much heavier cannon (like to take out a building) you just call in a one of the TUSK tanks. The TUSK I don't think is meant to act as seperate tanks to regular M1A1/A2's. It is simply a field upgrade kit. It also doesn't take away any of its anti-tank capability. If anything it gives the M1 increased survivability against other tanks and modern top attack ATGM's. As for how the upgrade effects mobility I'm not sure. But any rate, it wouldn't make economic sense to field two types of the same tank when both anti-tank and urban combat fire support can be done with one tank using an upgrade kit...which is what TUSK is. However for the purpose of this game, I agree that the SEP pack should be released and then later on a TUSK version could be added as an update. But that's up to the addonmakers whether they want to do that or not. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cpt. FrostBite 0 Posted March 13, 2005 wow Frostbite what are those models, thats computer animated I take it... looks nice man did you make that?And about the abrams yes I also just wanted to post meh ideas and not tell the addon makers what to do or anything... Nope. I wished it were my models. The are from the General Dynamics Lands Systems website. It are concept-models (or artist-impressions) of vehicles from the Future Combat Sytems vehicle series. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wipman 1 Posted March 16, 2005 Hi, if im not wrong... when a M1A1 or M1A2 main turret receive a strong enought impact, the upper back side pannels on the turret blow up. I don't know if this is for reduce the pressure inside the tank, but i don't care; could be possible to simulate that when the gun barrel gets a certain amount of dammage? or when the turret get's it?; something kinda like the turret of the PSC BTR-T's but not the same (there blow off the entire turret) i mean just those 2 pannels in the top of the M1A1/A2 turret; that'll be a very fanzy of see when the tank turret it's disabled. Just was an idea that i had afther disable some M1's A2 with a single missile hit of the VIT BMD3M 1.0. Let's cu. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrub 0 Posted March 16, 2005 Quote[/b] ]wipman Posted on Mar. 16 2005,14:09-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, if im not wrong... when a M1A1 or M1A2 main turret receive a strong enought impact, the upper back side pannels on the turret blow up. I don't know if this is for reduce the pressure inside the tank It's to protect the crew in case of an explosion in the ammo magazine. The loader has a knee operated switch that slides the heavy door open to get each round for the main gun. Â The panels should direct the majority of a blast up and away from the crew (hate to be the test dummy during THOSE trials) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bobcatt666 0 Posted March 17, 2005 Well when I followed the M1A1 trhrough testing phase we used animals for the testing. Lab rabbits and Bodies turned over for research. Usualy stuck in the crew postions and a camara set to monitor the effects. Kinda intersting when something actually penitrated the hull and blew the crap out of the crew station. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dabitup 0 Posted March 17, 2005 what you mean when you say "interesting"? do the rabbits blow up? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Przezdzieblo 0 Posted March 17, 2005 what you mean when you say "interesting"? do  the rabbits blow up?  No matter how much you tried to blow them up or just to fry one couple always survives Any hot news from SEP`s battlefield? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
king homer 1 Posted March 18, 2005 Sry for lack of news, I was in hospital for 5 days now.... broke my leg ... maybe I've now some more time to work on the beauty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted March 18, 2005 Excellent news! errrr sorry about the leg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InQUisiToR 0 Posted March 29, 2005 this should be enough Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HUNTER- 1 Posted March 29, 2005 something on the front in arabic!! like go F*** yourself! and on the turret Falluhjah thunder! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites