dabitup 0 Posted January 2, 2005 sorry if this has been posted...i know TermiPete said somethin about it. my dad used to have a friend that was a former abrams tank commander, so he sent us some pics, cause the guy knew i was an army buff. But anyway, a couple of the pics were showing hits that the tank had tooken from RPGs, and to be honest, it looks like the tank was fired at by a .50 cal.       in other words, an RPG makes a hole in the abrams slitely bigger than a bullet hole.---but on ofp, only 4 or 5 RPGs will put it out of action. not trying to be a smart  mouth or anything, but the armor is a little thin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monkey Lib Front 10 Posted January 2, 2005 not trying to be a smart  mouth or anything, but the armor is a little thin. Depends on the type of warhead used in the RPG or the angle of which the attack comes from. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pandalefou 0 Posted January 2, 2005 very nice work i'm happy to see you considerate the feedback of the community Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dabitup 0 Posted January 2, 2005 not trying to be a smart  mouth or anything, but the armor is a little thin. Depends on the type of warhead used in the RPG or the angle of which the attack comes from. well it was during iraqi freedom.....what type of rpg would they use? RPG-7 maybe? btw, offtopic, but is the NH-75 even a real rpg? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted January 2, 2005 not trying to be a smart  mouth or anything, but the armor is a little thin. Depends on the type of warhead used in the RPG or the angle of which the attack comes from. well it was during iraqi freedom.....what type of rpg would they use? RPG-7 maybe? rpg7vr with tandem warhead ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monkey Lib Front 10 Posted January 2, 2005 not trying to be a smart  mouth or anything, but the armor is a little thin. Depends on the type of warhead used in the RPG or the angle of which the attack comes from. well it was during iraqi freedom.....what type of rpg would they use? RPG-7 maybe? btw, offtopic, but is the NH-75 even a real rpg? i think i know the picture you are talking about i'm not entirely sure what the census was on that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted January 2, 2005 You mean this pic? There are some more pics also but I don't have them handy right now.  In that particular picture the sideplates are removed so you don't see the splash marks.  However the sideskirts do have the signature splash mark of an RPG hit.  The hole is made by a molten copper slug that gives the RPG-7 most of its armor piercing capability.  Its possible that it might have been a larger AT rocket of some type, but from what I understand, the widely accepted opinion is that it indeed was a RPG-7VR which as a tandem warhead and is capable of penetrating somewhere between 800mm to 1,000mm of armor (I've seen different stats on it).  That small hole it makes isn't such a big deal...what is a big deal is the molten metal and fragments that come spewing out of that small hole into the interior of the tank.  This is what kills or injures the crew.  The M1 however has one of the best anti-spalling liners on any tank (that minimizes interior turret fragmentation).  Also it has a seperate ammunition storage area with an armored door and rooftop blow-out panels.  This helps prevent the entire tank from exploding as you see happen all too often when T-55's and T-72's are penetrated by a SABOT round.  In addition American 120mm DU (depleted uranium) sabot rounds have a secondary incindiary effect that assists in detonating stored ammunition in a tank turret and wounding crew. Nevertheless, M1's in Iraq have been destroyed by even normal RPG's by attacks on the tank's rooftop where they have much thinner armor.  The M1 is very vulnerable to top attack weapons and RPG's fired from rooftops.  There is a video floating around from the Associated Press showing an injured USMC M1 tank crew coming out of the turret.  You can still see equipment on top burning near where the RPG penetrated the rooftop.  Also M1's have been destroyed in Baghdad by RPG's fired from bridges down onto the tank rooftops.  Finally the rear engine area is vulnerable and the m1's can be disabled through RPG attacks to its rear.  Normally this doesn't result in any crew deaths but if the tank is disabled, generally, if they can't tow the tank away, the crew will abandon the vehicle and it will be destroyed by an airstrike and/or other M1 tanks. But even when they tow it away, the crew still has to leave the vehicle and jump onto an APC or support vehicle in their assault group. In OFP we have no tank recovery vehicles so its realistic for the crew to bail out if its disabled.  This is one reason why the Israeli Merkava series of tanks have the engine in the front.  It has a rear door for carrying infantry and loading ammo, but even that rear door is enormously thickly armored.  The Merkava Mk4 has a clamshell appearance and a domed shamed turret because it designed to withstand most top attack weapons using only passive armor.  Overall the Merkava Mk4 is perhaps the most heavily armored tank in the world. At any rate, fortunately for US Army tank crews, there are probably very very few RPG-7VR rockets floating around in Iraq.  But as time goes by I wouldn't be surprised if the militants make it a priority to get ahold of the RPG-7VR rockets as these not only can kill or dammage M1A2 tanks (if they're hit in the right places) but also can easily penetrate Bradley IFV's even if they are protected by reactive armor (ERA).  As time goes by and surviving militants refine their tactics, I expect that they will deploy RPG gunners on rooftops more. But fortunately most are stupid and just waste RPG rounds and get killed trying to shoot at the frontal armor of tanks.  In addition they haven't seemed to have mastered the art of stacking AT landmines.  Instead they generally use suicide car bomb attacks or IDE's which while powerful, genearlly are not shape charged and do not penetrate armor unless the amount of explosives is excessive enough to kill a tank or apc's crew through the shere shock of the explosion.  But at the same time the US military has been extremely slow to uparmor its vehicles.  There are still M113's, LAV-25's, and AAV-7's that are not uparmored and are basically RPG bait.  Only superior combined arms tactics of the US military (and poor tactics by insurgents) have kept losses to a minimum. That of coarse doesn't count all the unarmored humvees and trucks still driving around in convoys as bullet bait.  Anyhoo... King Homer said he's upgrading the armor levels so it should be a bit more realistic and thus be able to take a bunch of RPG hits before exploding. In the Lost Brothers mod, our M1A1's and IDF tanks are like this.  I find that it makes tank battles last longer and gives tanks a fighting chance in heavy RPG enviornments especially against JAM equipped LAW/RPG opponents that carry like 6 RPG's and are unrealistic in their accuracy and speed of reloading.  Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pappy Boyington 0 Posted January 2, 2005 Oh Pappy, I've noticed we added a new sqf file! Is that a problem? as long as you didnt have to edit anything in your config.cpp then no it isnt. im using the exact evenhandler lines that you have now... so as long as you didnt add a new line in the config.cpp then it wont be a problem Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lee_h._oswald 0 Posted January 3, 2005 Hmm, did I miss the updated version? MfG Lee Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
king homer 1 Posted January 3, 2005 Hmm, did I miss the updated version?MfG Lee No you didn't we're still working on it, but me and T_D are very busy and maybe we can finish it till the next weekend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lee_h._oswald 0 Posted January 3, 2005 Roger. MfG Lee Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest [B.B.S.] T_D Posted January 3, 2005 Im sorry but i didnt have a pc for about a week But now it is back Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr. Duck 0 Posted January 12, 2005 Oh, btw, there's one more thing I'd like to mention, the AI sometimes drops the loader in the middle of combat. This doesn't happen when infantry accompanies the tank, only when the group consists of tanks only and so far it happened only when the abrams get shot at (something like rpg's, not so very threatening)... Just wanna mention that too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dabitup 0 Posted January 13, 2005 not trying to be a smart  mouth or anything, but the armor is a little thin. Depends on the type of warhead used in the RPG or the angle of which the attack comes from. well it was during iraqi freedom.....what type of rpg would they use? RPG-7 maybe? btw, offtopic, but is the NH-75 even a real rpg? i think i know the picture you are talking about i'm not entirely sure what the census was on that. I don't see how you could, because he took the pictures himself personally...he sent them cuz he knew I was a military buff. @miles teg: I didn't know all that stuff. Thanks for the info. so OFFTOPIC: is the Nh-75 real? It's bugging me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrFin 0 Posted January 13, 2005 very nice work guys ...nice to see a new era of combat taking shape in ofp i was wondering ...could the staff script be used for air to ground or arty rounds ...bringing a new line of "brilliant" Munitions to ofp Rounds like the ATK SMArt 155 arty round or the USAF's BLU-108/B Submunitions ..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireflyPL 0 Posted January 13, 2005 very nice work guys ...nice to see a new era of combat taking shape in ofp Check out CAVS project Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cpt. FrostBite 0 Posted January 13, 2005 not trying to be a smart  mouth or anything, but the armor is a little thin. Depends on the type of warhead used in the RPG or the angle of which the attack comes from. well it was during iraqi freedom.....what type of rpg would they use? RPG-7 maybe? btw, offtopic, but is the NH-75 even a real rpg? i think i know the picture you are talking about i'm not entirely sure what the census was on that. I don't see how you could, because he took the pictures himself personally...he sent them cuz he knew I was a military buff.  @miles teg: I didn't know all that stuff. Thanks for the info.  so OFFTOPIC: is the Nh-75 real? It's bugging me.  RPG's used in Iraq are all types of the RPG2 and RPG7. and to answer you question; YES!, the NH-75 is real. It's difficult to search for it on google, because it will come up with four pages of OFP-sites, but after that you will find some sites with information on the real thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FerretFangs 0 Posted January 13, 2005 It was apparently in use by the NVA, in Viet Nam. It's ability to penetrate 80's, and 90's era American armour is thought to be practically negligible. It was never more than a cheap knockoff of the M72 LAW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SPQR 0 Posted January 13, 2005 Yes, the RPG Nh-75, aka RPG-75, does exist. It's a 68 mm anti-tank disposable rocket made in Czecholovakia... ... and never used by Soviet/Russian troops. Neither in real life nor should be used in OFP. Just a trick for OFP to keep RPG/LAW soldiers balanced. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Englishman 0 Posted January 17, 2005 any place to get that T80 as seen in your sig homer? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pappy Boyington 0 Posted January 17, 2005 any place to get that T80 as seen in your sig homer? RHS i belive is makin that thing. if im not mistakin. thus its still being worked on (unreleased) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
king homer 1 Posted January 17, 2005 Yes it's the T80 from RHS. Short status report: At the moment we're reworking the Scripts to get better compability for low fps pc's. Also Inquisitor is working on the unique green camo and winter camo. We've decided to not release a 1.1 version, we'll just do it in one thing and release it as version 2.0. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fat_al 0 Posted January 17, 2005 Yes it's the T80 from RHS.Short status report: At the moment we're reworking the Scripts to get better compability for low fps pc's. Also Inquisitor is working on the unique green camo and winter camo. We've decided to not release a 1.1 version, we'll just do it in one thing and release it as version 2.0. Sounds good! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pappy Boyington 0 Posted January 17, 2005 you will keep the textures on it in addition to the "uniqe" one right? we apprecate your hard work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pappy Boyington 0 Posted January 18, 2005 by the way theres a bug with the desert M1A1. theres no headlights. "light on" illuminates nothing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites