gavinthecat 0 Posted September 17, 2005 Hmm i was thinking over that pic today, i think that there are some problems with the horse and the proportions there. (hehe it looks a tiny bit like a donkey costume with 2 men inside) - if u look to the legs and hooves etc. I've made a variant of an older horse model, with new legs and an rtm animation that i think would look a bit superior so picket if ur around contact me and we can exchange some files and talk about horsie development Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joshnolan225 0 Posted September 18, 2005 i used to work with the code blue mod, and i remeber in one of our in-team demos, that when the marine/soldier was hit severely he was on his back, moaning and writhing and was incapacitated, if you want you might want to try to get hold of dave from codeblue to see if he'd help, id get ahold of him for you but i have limited computer accessability for the next 6 months, but yeah check him out for wounded animations Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triglav 0 Posted September 18, 2005 Thanks Josh, good suggestion. Quag, FHP... We have a man in the overcoat in the works, so a variation of it will also be the Irish Brigade at Fredericksburg, with twigs in their caps. And yes, our goal is to have working wagons and towable artillery with this horse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sepe 1 Posted September 18, 2005 The cavalry looks damn fine! Can't wait to shoot 'em from horsebacks with my trusty ol' Whitworth. But how is the dying of the horse looking? You know, PC:s rideable horse looked pretty strange when he was killed, though at least he didn't smoke and turn into a raisin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted September 18, 2005 This is my prob with the current animation, is that there appears like far too many joints in the horses legs, plus the horses leg models look a bit crude. In our mod we've dabbled a bit with a horse animation, and when its done if you guys want we'll share the anim and the model for you guys to use. Though personally I suggest using an altogether different premise for cavalry, instead of having vehicle classes attached to 2 units, it would be more efficient to make a single unit that combines a horse and rider model. This would have the following advantages. 1. The rider could be fully animated, with all the detail an actual unit has ingame as opposed to a vehicle. 2. There would be far less lag generated by having no scripts. 3. AI responsiveness would be much higher as a unit, than as a vehicle class. Otherwise we end up having riders 'scanning' like tank turrets hehe. Which leads to cavalry sitting about vulnerable and confused, getting stuck on hills etc. In many ways, using the old method, we end up using cavalry asa if they were jeeps with MGs, (in terms of the cpu) and we all know that 20 mg jeeps on a map would cause some slow down. My alternative suggestion, to make a fully animated unit with combined rider and horse, is not without some disadvantages however. 1. The rider and horse, combined would be great for the AI, but for the player, would still require a vehicle class horse (if they were to mount and dismount.) 2. The effort to animated basically a fresh unit, would be an immense effort. We have started a horse galloping animation, in this wee video clip, he gallops fast and slow (for walking and running) and lol, yes i know the ground is bright green, and that the horse isnt moving on the ground lol. With this anim we still need to add horse head joggling etc, so still more to be done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted September 18, 2005 Quote[/b] ]It is set up in somesort of a way, that the saddle is the vehicle, the horse is the driver and the rider is the gunner...but not entirely More precisely : the vehicle is invisible but armed ; the rider can use this mounted weapon and ride the vehicle ; the horse is a cargo of the invisible vehicle. Quote[/b] ]. There would be far less lag generated by having no scripts In fact, the animation script is simple, with no laggy commands. With a man/horse man class, you'll have to use scripts also to create mounted or dismounted models. It won't be possible to shoot only the rider or only the horse. It won't be possible to order a squad to dismount. It won't be possible to mount an AI horse of which the rider was killed. Quote[/b] ]In many ways, using the old method, we end up using cavalry asa if they were jeeps with MGs, (in terms of the cpu) and we all know that 20 mg jeeps on a map would cause some slow down. Well, it's mainly a question of polycount, this horse has much less polys than a jeep... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted September 18, 2005 Well precisely prof, though in my proposition, the cavalry for AI would be exactly that, for AI opponents that are cavalry. As for players who use horses, (or if they command squads) well, this would the vehicle horse, with dismounted cav units as riders. It's not the animation script that lags, its the others that determine targetting etc, its the fact that there are a number of ais at work per horse. My intention is that a cavalry will run almost as efficiently as an enemy soldier would, with no scripts and just an eventhandler. I mean i know full well about the current development of the cavarly (ive tested it thoroughly) but i think, given its combat limitations, movement difficulties and lag caused, that while useful for the player to use, a vehicle class cavalry is inefficient for the enemy AI. As for polycount, ive found and with scripts, that a cavalry will lag twice as much as any ofp jeep with an MG. (and im running a fast machine) Most of all, a single AI combination cavalry, will be better to animate I believe also. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triglav 0 Posted September 18, 2005 Gavin, I agree with you on the anim of the gallop issue. Send it over, along with your legs, so we can incorporate it in this model. Otherwise I think ProfT's solution of vehicle/cargo/driver is better than the A.I. concept, as I've been doing some testing and battles really look cool with horses shot under the riders, those running around looking for a new mount, etc...very realistic battle confusion... Only the pistol is used now while mounted. The cavalry use their carbines on ground. Means they charge up close and fire their pistols...somewhat like it actually was... BTW, I had no lag in this scenario, where two squads of cavalry charge three squads of infantry, therefore the scripting is obviously minimal... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted September 18, 2005 What give away my legs? My anim!?!?! After all the effort? Do i not even get like a cookie? or a medal? or chocolates or anything? Okay, well we are making cavalry in our mod too, so perhaps we can lessen the time this takes to make better cavalry by cooperating. I have reservations about the style with which cwmod wants to apply cavalry, but without sounding pompous, our direction will take a long time to apply so perhaps your beta horse in progress can be used by us in the meantime also, but using shared animations we've made too. I am making a series of animations including horses death, (tho this was with the rider) and rider shooting and reloading carbines etc that we could share as well. If you want, if cwmod sends us a horse beta, we'll apply the horse legs and send em' back, and we'll see if theres anything useful u guys have done? //EDIT Okay Trig doesnt want to swap any of ur own horse developments, so *shrugs* theres nothing in it for us to exchange for nothing... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triglav 0 Posted September 18, 2005 Nah, I don't think I'll be sendin' you anything untill we release. You haven't proven to be a trustworthy partner fact you haven't ever really done anything that was in anyone's interest but yours. And like you are now building your mod around everything that CWMOD members have developped, just texturing it nicely, while at the same time claiming all we made was "a compass and a watch", so you'd release our horse development as your own and say we only made a new "hoof sound" or something, whereas it was you and your superior skills that made it actually work. Good luck with your mod mate, nice of you to come telling us how superior and improved your work is everytime we post a screenie of some of our work, but once again...if you really wanted to help and be a niceguy about this, you would do just Like ProfT helps with any spare moment he has. And Pickett. And Combat Agent. And tsalagikola. BTW, how are those aimsights you've promised months ago you'd make, that I bothered to go and do a whole set of pictures of them for you? Ach yes...we can share them once you release, cause they're way too superior for us to get them in advance and release with v.1.2, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted September 18, 2005 Triglav, you are officially the most whining admin i have ever heard on any mod forum thread Look, if you want to try and make me look the bad guy, find go ahead, you demand optics and things well screw you, we're not working to your timetable. I was admin for cwmod for a short while, and those members who left with me that i recruited joined House Divided. But bear in mind triglav, you have no holy right to moan at me as if your entitled to anything. We are a seperate mod, and if we trade we expect to 'trade', you've invited yourself on our mod thread often enough, and i came here in good faith. So go moan to momma triglav, see if she cares ... Oh... as for optics... Nah, i dont think we'll be sharing anything till we release... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triglav 0 Posted September 18, 2005 You don't get what you want and I'm the one whining? Gavinlogic again... I'm not trying to make you look anything. You made your own reputation. Â This is exactly why I said that this time you should send some work FIRST, then we'd use it, make the product and let EVERYONE (including you) use it. Because so far, you've only taken our work and built your mod around it and never sent anything back for us to use. Of course, you wanted it the other way so you could do what you always do again. Take the crude product, but with a bunch of revolutionary concepts, put some polish on it, and boast your modding superiority, as we're clearly only capable of "making compasses and watches..." And if in the process anyone would ever ask, "well, v.1.2 is nearing release, could you please send back the horse, so we can finish our release", we'd no doubt get "screw you, I'm not working to your timetables". Trust issues, see... Your comment about aimsights was a predictable Gavinism of the purest form. I believed that this time you'd be true to your word (all your tales about goodwill between the mods), but some less naive mod members than me expected nothing different from the start. And they were right again. Thus I repeat...if you want to help, then help...CO-OPERATE. Look the word up if you don't know what it means. Don't just come criticizing all over, demanding we send you stuff, which you will superbly improve...then maybe hope and pray we get something back (as you're "clearly doing us all a biiiiig favour" again, aren't you?). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sepe 1 Posted September 18, 2005 Calm down, goddamnit! Triglav, CWMOD put the standard for historical mods. Without CWMOD, there wouldn't be a Napoleonic Pack and there would not be the House Divided mod. So Gavin, I think there shouldn't be any problem for you to give something to CWMOD because your mod only exists because of CWMOD. And as Triglav said some while ago, House Divided is more of a community-satisfier while CWMOD focuses on different regiments of the US Civil War etc. Damn I'm glad to be just an average player, I can actually have two modfolders. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quag 0 Posted September 18, 2005 Triglav I know this might be a old Subject but lying down... Could it be added to the Action menu (like sitting) Even if you can't shoot or Move getting up a'la sitting? and what about an "invisble vehicle" for formations with the Firing maybe as a guy giving the Volley fire order, using that cracking Volle sound effect from the mod (or a random set...dunno may also be an old thought.. I like the sound of working Wagons (rider on shotgun as Gunner?) A while ago someone realeased an Ox Cart Im using that as a temp at the moment and Phil Commandos horse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triglav 0 Posted September 18, 2005 Quag...err...sorry I'm afraid I don't understand your first question. Vehicle-formation...we did experiment something of a wall/breastwork thingie, that had fixed firing positions... Otherwise if you want a straight line, just place individual soldiers, not in a squad, two rows...they'll fire when enemy gets close... Wagons...ProfT has made for the old horse already working towable artillery. I'm sure he can adapt the new one too, also for wagons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quag 0 Posted September 18, 2005 first Question ill try again.. Can you add Lying down as a Action menu choice. like Sitting down is an Action menu choice. The Sitdown command is a seperate thing to stance change as far as i can tell and the computer doesn't automatically do it (which was the original problem?) If so can a Lie down Comand be added as an action which will play out as a guy just lying down, It was just a thought Right I'm gong to watch Gods and Generals again... (I cant believe they cut 2hours out the whole battle of Shiloh I believe! for those who like it and Getttysburg! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted September 19, 2005 Triglav our mod operates on what our members believe serve our interest, for us to give away work and wait for you to give us something that we could develop better ourselves is not in our interest. I do not pretend to play the common man as you do, i do not try to be popular as you do with the peons you like to manipulate on the thread. A triglav-ism is to claim, that you are some oppressed party fighting on behalf of unfortunates against a nasty mod, lol well your no citizen kane. You have negotiated in bad faith THAT is why you caused a split in ur own mod that led to the development of our mod and its roll call of efficient members. Triglav believe in your own propoganda if you want but rest assured that while our mod exists its testimony to the fact, that there are those who prefer working outside ur own self interests... Meanwhile whats this 'Nah, I don't think I'll be sendin' you anything untill we release' Are you nuts? You... YOU asked us for our anim? So please, dont go saying we should wait, we didnt beg, we just had to come up with 'something' to make a trade worthwhile, so dont flatter urself cowboy trig, lol ur no lollipop hehe We'll negotiate with ur mod for deals but not with u button... but next time YOU ASK US for something... just remember whose asking... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanadianTerror 0 Posted September 19, 2005 You guys are "both" killing this thread here. Keep it up and a mod will come and lock it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FHP_Intercepter 0 Posted September 19, 2005 @ Triglav: Did you get the stuff I PM'ed you a while back? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triglav 0 Posted September 19, 2005 @ Quag I understand. It's a good idea. We'll see what can be done. @ Gavin I'm sure you're right. You always are. And superior in everything too. How could I doubt it. @ CanadianTerror I can't help it if he keeps coming here causing trouble... @ FHP Yes I did, thank you. Like I said, Irish brigade is in the works. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cadaver_Dog 0 Posted September 19, 2005 Recently reinstalling ofp, I checked out this mod. The version which is on your website crashes randomly, and I have no idea which unit causes it. Any ideas? It doesn't give an error either, just goes right to the desktop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triglav 0 Posted September 20, 2005 You're the first to report this, seems to work fine for everyone else. You sure your settings are ok? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted September 20, 2005 Gavinthecat as this thread is not for your mod and as (rightly or wrongly) your presence is not appreciated in this thread please refrain from posting in it. Clearly you two cannot get along so I would strongly advise that rather than run the risk of sanctions being taken against the both of you for flaming/flame baiting you avoid speaking to each other completely. If someone posts something in your thread you take umbrage with then instead of responding report the post to a moderator and we'll deal with the problem Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triglav 0 Posted September 20, 2005 I can easily live with that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cadaver_Dog 0 Posted September 20, 2005 Don't see why my settings wouldn't be ok; it's pretty much a fresh install, plus all my drivers (of my hardware) are updated and such. It happens randomly too, like I can just be watching a battle and it'll crash. Perhaps it might be triggered by the death of a particular unit? I have no idea really.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites