pickett 0 Posted June 17, 2005 Can anybody bring me up to speed regarding custom formations, (marching lines etc.) without having to look for hours ? Would be greatly appreciated Please pm or em me. Godspeed, Pickett Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted June 17, 2005 annnnd the horses, there was some great progress going on there? how are they coming along? Picket u were doing some work on them too, any progress? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pickett 0 Posted June 17, 2005 annnnd the horses, there was some great progress going on there? how are they coming along? Picket u were doing some work on them too, any progress? Sorry Gavin, not at the moment, Brooks, the falla doing the animation is taking a break and i cannot give you anything to texture untill he says the moving parts (selections for that matter) are ok. Means infantry duty for some indefinite time, unless somebody tells me the model can be textured regardless the selections. Pickett P.S. I contacted the FDF chaps about their horse shown on their page, but they choose not to answer, so i'm lost as what to think of that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted June 17, 2005 *strokes beard* hmm what we need is a cunning plan, perhaps i can trade my old germans to FDF with permission for them to use them, in exchange for their horse, thats if their horse is 'working' in a manner useful for us. More pics will be coming, mostly of zalmoxis and me map objects. The first ever 'house of ill repute' for ofp is nearly complete, it will feature some units to go with it, (tho the building isnt totally done yet) it features authentic interiors also... phwoar http://img108.echo.cx/my.php?image=illrepute0xp.jpg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted June 18, 2005 There u go chaps a wee peak inside the ooh... er club, still very early, still working on furnishings and such type, http://img123.echo.cx/my.php?image=inside7ik.jpg Tried your campaign out picket very interesting, liked the intro too (albeit the ingratiating tributes were a bit over the top) but excellent all round, hope to see more soon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted June 19, 2005 Man im starting to feel like a spammer, lol here is a wip of some union cavalry, they will include versions in slouch hats, kepilalies and with and without swords, some with pistols, holsters (a little less formal) Rather than give them all swords, its presumable if they were dismounting they might put it somewhere close by (im not saying they all would) but this way u get a choice etc, http://img68.echo.cx/my.php?image=slouch6or.jpg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triglav 0 Posted June 19, 2005 Man im starting to feel like a spammer, lol Rather so. How about just putting a link to House Divided forum in your signature and we can go check the new pictures there... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted June 19, 2005 tsk tsk no reason to be oversensitive triglav, im hardly your taiwan of the china strait as it were, its good to share pics, and im sure visitors to the thread find it interesting to see artwork being done by others as well... *shrugs* plus i dont post all the more peculiarly civil war stuff we do in the house divided thread Note that i tend to do, a corporal, sergeant for every troop, (be it cavalry, or a specific regiment) etc, next will be confederate cavarly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pickett 0 Posted June 19, 2005 Tried your campaign out picket very interesting, liked the intro too (albeit the ingratiating tributes were a bit over the top) but excellent all round, hope to see more soon Glad you liked it. But with all due respect for an fellow addonmaker, i do not think it is up to you to comment on whom i give credit for his work, unless you are the one and left out unjustly. Godspeed, Pickett Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted June 19, 2005 Hehe i was only pulling ur leg about that Picket But seriously ur campaign was cool, theres something i think i can give ya to help u with ur map, just little things too, but talk to me when u get the chance on msn http://img274.echo.cx/my.php?image=slouch27xy.jpg Yeah i doubt they'll still have their bottles in the final version lol, and they wont have those particular carbines either (well, not all lol). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted June 20, 2005 Been experimenting with an early horse beta, ive come up with a way that im sure is the same way u guys are coming up with, for making a workable horse dragoon. This is a very early one, the newer one will have custom anims for the rider (and yeah i know its the old horse, his legs have been wrigglefied and i spruced up the horse texture (or lol horse photo) http://img167.echo.cx/my.php?image=earlytest014ng.jpg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigus_dikus 0 Posted June 21, 2005 well I've been checking things out with the single mission I did up a while ago and figured out a few things. 1) My voice acting sucks (I sound like my college calculus teacher in a 2 hour class ) 2)bayonets are a definite must in any battle but I wish it would'nt lag so much! I can play fine without lag on my 2.8 but the 1.8 has a hard time of it.I tried the mission without bayonets but it just does not play very well.(having to run for your life is much better than standing there and picking off the enemy and hopeing you dont get hit......boring) 3)formation scripts (general barrons or Proft's) are also a definite must. Having men stay in formation makes the battle seem like a battle. So I've kept the bayonets, used GB's formation script(sorry Proft but I'm used to this one) and added some voice and lip files but not sure if I'm gunna release this one since the voice thing is a little embarassing! bigus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triglav 0 Posted June 21, 2005 @Gavin Well, it's an improvement to the old horse, but I think we need to put even more work into it, as we can't affort to have a half-made horse really. Though animating all 4 legs willbe a tough one... @bigus Don't worry about the bayonets. Sripts will shortly be removed and instead replaced with automatic use of the bayonet by AI which causes no lag. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted June 21, 2005 yeah well cwmod has enuf half made addons to accomodate a half made horse muhahaha J/k aside, the horse is a vehicle (ofp classed) so technically as far as i understand it cant be animated in ofpanim. Now at the moment pchorse had the horses legs in weird positions (mind when it was released in cz.info) with a retexture and the legs moved into more natural poisitons (and with remodelled proportions) it does look a lot more natural, and u know how the legs would move back and forward (in a crude ofp vehicle animation) well with the legs adusted it actually looks pretty decent, (and im really picky about addons so) i think ull be impressed, but im doing this as a stop gap till the finished horse is done. As regards the bayonet script with no lag, the compromise with that it that well for example, with House Divided were using a variant of another mods bayonet script (from korea mod) i think thats the one, that causes no lag, but is not 'quite' as aggressive as this bayonet ai, but is the one that reportedly causes no lag. That said, the sooner we can implement that new bayonet script the better, but have u guys made any progress on that yet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triglav 0 Posted June 21, 2005 yeah well cwmod has enuf half made addons to accomodate a half made horse muhahaha Even when talking about horses you never miss a chance to present yourself as a horse's ass, do you? To answer your bayonet question. Yeah, we're making some progress, but we'll probably wait till you release your stuff, then we'll remodel it, retexture it and fine tune the scripts a bit more, then release it again... ...I hear that's the way to do it these days lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted June 21, 2005 lol no the way to do it to get bum mapped into redoing it all, then getting told it wont be used, then being in charge of a mod, recruited, and coup de tat'd, then leaving, starting a new mod, and sharing work... Anway ive introduced some positive concepts to cwmod, like u know, 'lods' or geo lods... so u gotta thank me for some stuff triglav In any case, the work weve done is not an edit of cwmod lol, its usage of the stuff we edited for cwmod, that wasnt used, with some extra furnishings But most of our stuff is completely original, and that is most, which given the stuff were sharing with ya, more than pays the cost of what we are using, cos i know how difficult it is to make a compass hehe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triglav 0 Posted June 21, 2005 Ach yes. Thank you kindly for clearing this up in your perception of things. Aliens must have brainwashed me into believing there was a shitload of extortion from you about sinking our mod if we don't let you take over, etc... And aliens must have sent me all those mails asking me to come out of retirement before you degrade or in other ways insult all old CWMOD cooperators. Damn aliens. I hate them now. I really do. Terribly sorry about all that confusion ol' chap. I see now you've been the misunderstood positive figure in all this all along. But I'm sure you will forgive me my ignorance. After all, how coul I, a feeble minded amateur modder have seen through the cunning deception of those evil aliens. So...Hear that CWMOD people? All we've done in...say...a year of work is one compass. CWMOD actually stands for Compass Working Mod. Everything else has been made by Gavin all along. Praise Gavin! And kill those nasty aliens! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pickett 0 Posted June 21, 2005 I very well may be the oldest person in this, that still does not mean i'm suffering from Alzheimer's. The only things that have been introduced by a certain person were the frequent postponements of promised schedules and the implementation of "delay by posting screenies" tactics. This is about a mod, that means usable stuff to make missions with, not just a team-name with ever bigger promises. Speaking of a team here, not a particular good place for persons that don't even get along with themselves, beeing unable to decide what to finish first and  expanding the task further everyday instead. Godspeed, Pickett Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted June 21, 2005 lol how wonderful triglav, we find ourselves agreeing True to form actually me and triglav squabble or tease, but we have a kind of mutual comedy about it, (well im sure it is) so there is no real hard feelings And picket, thats just divine comedy, what u claim, try making a decent unit and see how long it takes, u can make a first lod (hence make a screen) thats just to keep people up to date, and to encourage their participation in dicussion of the addons and wip, but to code, to do other stuff takes longer. Look how long it takes mods out there, so you have no right lol to judge the speed with which addon teams make their work... cos trust me, it takes a lot less time to make an island with mostly bis models using wrp tool and a semi campaign, than it does to model and texture... House Divided has about 100 units, split between, cowboys, confederacy, union and civilians, all with blood textures, not to mention all the stuff we've done that were handing over to u guys, like the weapons, no mean feat. Sarcasm has a point, but naivity picket does not... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pickett 0 Posted June 21, 2005 I see, you're an expert in islands too now. I was wondering when you would expand your expertise into that field as well. Truly a gifted man you are, that i have to admit. To cut this short, is there a field where you don't consider yourself the leading capacity ? Maybe i can hide in that niche, a stoneage mod ? Or have you already clubs and fur-texture patented ? to the real world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted June 21, 2005 lol i am - A good texture artist, an above average modeller an average coder a mediocre map maker a poor scripter a very poor animator, thats reality, but ur expectations and unfair rhetoric about just when me, and others in house divided should present ur self with finished work is lol unrealistic, So allow me to welcome u to the real world Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SPQR 0 Posted June 21, 2005 lol i am - A good texture artist, an above average modeller an average coder a mediocre map maker a poor scripter a very poor animator, ... and a tiring over-sized ego, large enough to disgust anybody but your pleasure slaves and the ones who like to lick your boot. I wish I was an indian, in order to kill your cowboys ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted June 21, 2005 Thats the thing about mod teams SPQR there all about egoes and personalities as well as editing, I mean u'd suggest im an egoist, but theres those that would suggest counter about cwmods triglav, or would suggest even picket (god forbid) is gimpish, I aint trying to convince u to love me lol SPQR so u aint breaking my heart. All mods have 'pleasure slaves' and those who dont like em' One good thing mod leaders learn to do, is to appear like the 'common man', or the populist, im not so good at that, but thats not why people work in my mod or with me spqr *shrugs* so forgive me if i dont care. In any case, we are cooperating cwmod and house divided where it counts... so let us not make push go to shove lol cos thats in nobodies interest PS - We are actually making a red indian unit SPQR because of a deal with sengir lol, and btw u dont edit RTW do ya? cos if so then we know each other (tho me under a different alias for RTW) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triglav 0 Posted June 21, 2005 Oh yeah. Common man, that's me. Newsflash for everyone. I've retextured and remodelled my balcony. Huh? What's this guy talking about? Well...my balcony. Attached to my living room. I bought some new furniture for it, threw away a bunch of junk and helped my girlfriend paint its walls and floor. Now we put a bunch of plants and flowers on it and can enjoy a nice sip of bourbon on it in the evenings. What has this got to do with anything? Nothing much, I just though I'd tell you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavinthecat 0 Posted June 21, 2005 Man when u told me that on msn, about ur girlfriend etc, i thought u meant u had modelled ur balcony and textured it for ofp! LOL Anyway its not as irrelevant as the weird dream i had, about the 'black cat' Its weird, but basically i dreamt i was getting pursued by this creature called the black cat, but he wasnt a cat, it was pure black, almost like a black hole, it reflected no light, cast no shadow, was 6 foot tall, humonoid, and for eyes, it had what looked like adam wests eyebrows on the batman costume (but white) and it made a murmering high pitch sound (like a miow) and the idea of the curse is that it comes for u to recieve its due for something uve gained, but did not ask for. or something like that, gave me a hell of a fright Share this post Link to post Share on other sites