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king homer

M1A2 Abrams SEP

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Just wanted to show you some new WIP shots of the new exterior and interior.

Can't show you pics of the Desert variant, it still needs some changes. The tank is based on the model of Sigma6's M1 tank.

We try to make this tank of the new generation as realistic as possible.

It'll include lots of scripts for the ammunition (MPAT, STAFF, Tracers....).

The Tracer and STAFF script is finished and I'm working on the MPAT script right now.


for comparison: Sigma6's M1A2


and some more pics of the new M1A2



Interior Loader

Interior Gunner

More pics to follow soon.

Estimated release date: Hopefully this year, but hell, there's a lot of work to do.

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Two questions - Why did you decide to come back?

And why not make Abrams M1 or M60+ERA too?

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Can't show you pics of the Desert variant, it still needs some changes.

Very nice K.Homer!

I'm really looking forward to this one, especially the to the dersert one tounge_o.gif

MfG MEDICUS smile_o.gif

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Very nice! I'm greatly looking forward to seeing the tracer rounds. However I'm assuming that the tracers are only on the main gun correct? I wish there was a way to have realistic looking tracers on MG's as well, but I'll still be happy just to see nice tracers on the main gun rounds.

Glad to see ya back in action. These tanks are going to serioiusly rock!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Very nice! I'm greatly looking forward to seeing the tracer rounds. However I'm assuming that the tracers are only on the main gun correct? I wish there was a way to have realistic looking tracers on MG's as well, but I'll still be happy just to see nice tracers on the main gun rounds.

Glad to see ya back in action. These tanks are going to serioiusly rock!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

I've included a 4 : 1 round tracer script, so every 5th round of the MG is a tracer smile_o.gif

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I have never drooled so much over an addon before but this is certainly one of the best i've seen Abrams-wise. Have you thought about porting it to VBS afterwards? I'm quite sure it wouldn't look out of place! Well done by the way! biggrin_o.gif

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Awesome work . Especially I can't wait for new interior.

Long time ago I made some new textures based on MAAC & MARFYs  M1A1 (1st CDA) for my retex. project ( new tracks, light, gun hole, engine exhaust, optics, glass, writings ....... ) :






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Good work, King Homer. smile_o.gif

Waiting for release to play with these beauties. xmas_o.gif

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Looks great! The crew, however, should have subdued green/black unit patches, not the bright gold/black 1st Cav patch. You only wear those on your dress uniforms. wink_o.gif

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Nice update.  I've seen your comments in a couple threads and have a handful of questions myself.

1) Will you have customizable vehicle names on the cannon itself.    For instance, I TCed a tank named "Forlorn" at the school in Knox.  It would be neat if you had a random script that had both bumper numbers, like many COMBAT! and BAS vehicles, as well as a way to randomize and change cannon (barrel) marking.

2) What will the loader do when turned in?  Can he actually man his MG when turned out?

3) The gunner's station looks great.  Is that a scrolling map?  And the targeting screen looks static, is there any changing it?  Perhaps it should have the same properties as a viewport.

4) Will the commander's station have a version of FBCB2?

I look forward to your feedback, take care and keep up the good work.

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Nice Sigma update King Homer icon14.gif

I don't know a single thing about military so why is there a skull in the turret ?

Very good retexture work SILESIAN icon14.gif, i like it

Is it a WIP or is it released ?

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Will the 4 :1 tracer script be using the standard BIS tracers or will they actually look realistic. What I don't like about the BIS tracers is that they simply don't look realistic. They look like little lines that you can barely see during the day. In real life they are big, fat, and really bright. You can't miss 'em. I know cuz I've had them fired over my head and have fired tracer rounds many times on a wide variety of weapons. Generally the bigger the bullet the bigger and brighter the tracer is.

MOH:AA is one game that has highly realistic tracers as does Hidden & Dangerous. It would be amazing if you figured out how to enhance the tracer effects in OFP.

I know there is that water fx mod that can make tracers look better, but it doesn't work on my video card. sad_o.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Can't wait for this to be released. Looks really good and I like how the tracer rounds will be implemented for the mg's. Will the mg's on top of the turret be useable?

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Looks great guys! Keep up the good work. Perhaps COMBAT! will let you use thier crew for your tank so you aren't using the BIS ones smile_o.gif.

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Nice update. I've seen your comments in a couple threads and have a handful of questions myself.

1) Will you have customizable vehicle names on the cannon itself. For instance, I TCed a tank named "Forlorn" at the school in Knox. It would be neat if you had a random script that had both bumper numbers, like many COMBAT! and BAS vehicles, as well as a way to randomize and change cannon (barrel) marking.

2) What will the loader do when turned in? Can he actually man his MG when turned out?

3) The gunner's station looks great. Is that a scrolling map? And the targeting screen looks static, is there any changing it? Perhaps it should have the same properties as a viewport.

4) Will the commander's station have a version of FBCB2?

I look forward to your feedback, take care and keep up the good work.

For the first point:

Maybe we'll add some different markings and signs.

for 2 - 4: not possible due engine limitations

Will the 4 :1 tracer script be using the standard BIS tracers or will they actually look realistic. What I don't like about the BIS tracers is that they simply don't look realistic. They look like little lines that you can barely see during the day. In real life they are big, fat, and really bright. You can't miss 'em. I know cuz I've had them fired over my head and have fired tracer rounds many times on a wide variety of weapons. Generally the bigger the bullet the bigger and brighter the tracer is.

MOH:AA is one game that has highly realistic tracers as does Hidden & Dangerous. It would be amazing if you figured out how to enhance the tracer effects in OFP.

I know there is that water fx mod that can make tracers look better, but it doesn't work on my video card. sad_o.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

We're using a drop effect as you can see on the pic.

Can't wait for this to be released. Looks really good and I like how the tracer rounds will be implemented for the mg's. Will the mg's on top of the turret be useable?

No you can't us the MG's on the turret top due engine limitations smile_o.gif

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WOW!!!!!!!!!!! YES FINALLY!!! Man, if the tracers work smoothly and don't hit the CPU too hard, I hope that your tracer system will become standard on all new OFP addons. Realistic tracers would be a new breakthru in OFP!!!!

I hope the system can also be adapted to weapons like stationary M2 .50 cal MG's and DShK's. Firefights are SOOO much more intense when you have big fat tracers wizzing by back and forth and coming right at you.

At any rate, the picture looks VERY impressive! I can't wait to see this Abrams pack!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Looks good.

Now I havent studied the pics of this Addon but The only lag I have seen is that there are no covers for the GPS(Gunners Primary Sight) as there are in reality. smile_o.gif


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omg? awsome, real live texetures, NOW, thats a uber addon biggrin_o.gif

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Excuse me my ignorance but how is M1A2 SEP different from the regular M1A2?

Also I believe RHS has made a breakthrough concerning commanders mg. They released a video where the MG on commanders hatch is working but I dont know how they did it.

Maybe you should contact them and ask?

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