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king homer

M1A2 Abrams SEP

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um that is not US..

the US does not have winter camo

in the winter and cold weather FM it evne talks aboot what to do in winter to semi camo the vehical. and it says you just add these white strips of like paper to it.

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arg that is just stupid.

why ruin what is goin to be a nice tank by addign soemtihng completely unrealistic.

the US does not have winter camo.

Ruin the addon? I think you're being a bit bombastic mate. biggrin_o.gif

You don't have to use the snow camo version, it's not like it's the only version Inquisitor and King Homer are doing, just stick to playing with the NATO and Desert versions if the snow camo upsets you that much. Can't you simply ignore that particular entry in the editor list when you come to play the addon? If it really ticks you off you can always delete its entry in the config so that it doesn't show up.

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A bit less critical would be nice...considering your mod is not exactly perfect yet is it?  rock.gif

On that note, I'd like to place an order for a leopard spotted M1A2 please.  wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

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the US does not have winter camo


here is a picture of an us tank in winter camo









You can even notice the dwarves in winter camo protecting the tank with their ice queen on top with a knife.

So think again about us winter tank being unrealistic. xmas_o.gif

Ontopic : what kind of armor/weapons values will be made for this addon ?

BIS standard or something different ?

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i am not beign cruital i am makign a point that if they are tryign to make this as real as possible then there should be no winter camo. the US never uses it. hell even the 172nd infantry bridage at Fort Wainwright, AK does not evne have winter camo'ed vehicals.they just use OD or NATO

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Like I said, they'ed repaint in theater upon arrival, just like they've done in the last two Gulf Wars. We just haven't had to fight in snow-covered terrain in decades.

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i am not beign cruital i am makign a point that if they are tryign to make this as real as possible then there should be no winter camo. the US never uses it. hell even the 172nd infantry bridage at Fort Wainwright, AK does not evne have winter camo'ed vehicals.they just use OD or NATO

I know it's unrealistic...but hell... the people want it so they get it.

And if you don't like it, don't download it...they told me the same with the WSE Weapons....

Currently WIP Status:

Most scripts are finished yet. Still have some problems with the AI azimut script and the MPAT proximity script. But that's all for now.

For the model: We're still waiting for Silesian (?), he wanted to texture the new tracks and he wanted to send the new textures to my mail....but nothing here yet.

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I think the best snow type would be a tank with snow on it,the treads and wheels like kegety's,its not exactly the best to use those becaue they don't fit the newest addons,now all we need next is a M2A2/2A3 and M113 in snow...hum..

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Last texture and model fixes are added and at the moment we're working on the air burst fuse script for the MPAT shell (based on Pennywise's and Hudson's Proximity script for their F18).

Release is close xmas_o.gif

I'll add some pics later.

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Heh, sucks to be that mofo. Is that the APAM round? Does it cause the bodies to explode with ECP? That's the right efect for HEAT rounds, but wouldn't be very accurate with APAM- unless you hit them at point blank range with the main mass of the pellets. And the result would be like shooting a watermellon with a shotgun at contact range. Shedded watermellon chunks everywhere.

Keep 'em coming team!

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he he he he. Thats the end of that guy biggrin_o.gif

Whats the diffrence between the M1A2 sep and the normal M1A2 rock.gif

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Heh, sucks to be that mofo. Is that the APAM round? Does it cause the bodies to explode with ECP? That's the right efect for HEAT rounds, but wouldn't be very accurate with APAM- unless you hit them at point blank range with the main mass of the pellets. And the result would be like shooting a watermellon with a shotgun at contact range. Shedded watermellon chunks everywhere.

Keep 'em coming team!

I think he's using MPAT.

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Heh, sucks to be that mofo. Is that the APAM round? Does it cause the bodies to explode with ECP? That's the right efect for HEAT rounds, but wouldn't be very accurate with APAM- unless you hit them at point blank range with the main mass of the pellets. And the result would be like shooting a watermellon with a shotgun at contact range. Shedded watermellon chunks everywhere.

Keep 'em coming team!

I think he's using MPAT.

APFSDS-T, direct hit to the torso, no ECP or Y2K3 used wink_o.gif

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Just wanted to show a pic of the air burst script.


Thanks to Pennywise for modifying the original RAD F18 Amraam proximity script.

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Crap,need to stop drooling on my keyboard...the abrams tank has always been one of my favorite tanks..like the 1st and thats why I'm extatic about this...can't wait for the release.

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Ok, the Abrams is almost finished, only missing one script.

I need a script to get the AI gunner to target 15° over his target for the STAFF ammunition. It'll only be activated when the round passes the target and no direct hit. Anyone any idea?

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It should be a hard one, Suchey&Earl had difficulties to force the AI to fire their Javelin as intended (top attack on the target).

Finally, they just prevented the AI to use the Javelin, so only the player could fire it like it should be.

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It should be a hard one, Suchey&Earl had difficulties to force the AI to fire their Javelin as intended (top attack on the target).

Finally, they just prevented the AI to use the Javelin, so only the player could fire it like it should be.

Thats because the Javelin is a secondary weapon for a soldier, and not a tank weapon (which we can adjust the elevation for)

The CoC guys would probably be the best lot to speak to, since they manipulate the main armament of their artillery in this way (adjusting the elevation of the main gun by means of a script)

Unfortunately, I'm at home without a copy of OFP atm, so I cant pull anything apart myself, but I'm sure the CoC guys would be more than willing to help.

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Why 15 degrees ? You mean 15 meters, don't you?

15 degrees above a target 1000 meters away mean about 260 meters

above it...

For what I understand the kill will not be achieved with the

projectile fired, is this right ?

Even if , when the projectile is over your target, you can take it,

store away with 0 velocity (and well above ground), create your

drop stuff and various FX, then retrieve the projectile and fire it

against the target from its previous position (with velocity changed

to hit the target). This way you could miss the target, adding a

bit of realism, and if you hit your kill will be registered in the stats.

The problem is: what target ? As far as I know there's no way

to know what's the target of a unit.

You could use a trick: make the staff round with low initspeed,

so that the AI and any player would have to shoot above the

target (of course, the less the distance between target and

shooter the less the elevation). Then, use the fired EH to know

when a staff round is fired. When this happens you capture the

staff round directly from fired EH and raise its velocity to the

proper one (multiplying its various x,y,z components for the

right factor) and you'll have the shell flying above the target.

Then I think you find the target with the proximity script you

mentioned in this thread, don't you ?

Of course this method works well when the target is not moving

fast, because the AI will lead it when firing, so in this case you'll

have the round not only above the target,but left or right of it

depending from the lead direction.

There's another way, but it's a bit more complicated, it will work

only for the AI and I don't know if properly. That is:

(I'm supposing you're using the staff round only to target choppers)

you defined the staff another weapon (not only ammo), so that

you can make it with no sounds and cloudlets when it fires.

When this weapon is fired, you remove the shell immediately

from the fired EH, but before you pass its velocity to a script.

This script will check along the firing direction for a suitable

target: when it finds it, it will place a fake target 15 meters

above it. Then it will add a staff shell to the normal ammo of

the main gun (the one with sounds and cloudlets), select this

weapon and order the AI to aim at this target and to fire at it.

This way the AI should elevate right, but it's a question of how

much time it will take to do all the steps above.

If no target has been found, just place this fake target 1000

meters away so the AI will have something to open fire on.

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umm one problem



so what does it even matter?

the ai will not change from the defualt ammo to HEAT let alone any thing else.

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