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Horse with rider

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Horses has been introduced into ofp and now, thanks, to smokedrib's script, it is possible to mount humans to humans and even shoot.


I know the horse looks funny, dont worry, i wont be releasing this addon, afterall, MIG has done a wonderful horse/mule..this is just my experimental model. More importantly, it shows it is possible what was thot impossible and have to wait for ofp2. In the experiment, the soldier can mount and dismount, charge into the enemy with it and fire/seek out enemies on horses.

So err...'hang on to your horses' and start preparing your Alamo, cowboy town, Gettysburg, Prussian adventures in Europe, Spanish conquisatores, french revolution, assasins in bolsheviks Czarist russia, etc....

As i am not mod base, perhaps some of the research note would be helpful to mods look for riding horses. This is by no means the only way, experiment with it and you may even do it better than mine or anyone else:-

script to use ingame:- smokedrib's

Model:- would have to remodel any horse so that the geometry is compatible to the script use.

rider:- any rider, just face 320 degrees, take note that the default BIS stand with weapon is big enough to mount horse.

the geometry model:-


the critical roadway model:-so that it doesnt shake


and lol!..the offsetting i had to do get 4 legs to move in resolution lod:-


All the best! smile_o.gif

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have you got a link to smokedrib's script mate?

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This is amazing, I hope to see MiG's mule using it, maybe even SeaDemon's horse? It is funny to hear this news, I was just thinking today about making 17th century to Napoleonic war cavalry units but I thought since there were no horses to ride into battle it was useless. Pretty clever, I hope this is fully functional very soon. Great job phil!

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Wonderfull news!!!  wow_o.gif

This was one of the hardest Ofp limitations to overcome and thought impossible ,and it has it uses for many possible addons.GREAT WORK Smokedrib & Philcommando!!  biggrin_o.gif

The model itself is the easier part for addon makers ,as long as the script problem is overcome.This is revolutionary ,i put you guys on my hall of worship of addon makers now.    wink_o.gif

Btw ,will it also be possible to combine the rider script with a tow script so that the horses could pull artillery ,or carts ,or dilligence's?

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i would claim no credit, but all credit to the community for without the postings and support here, ofp would have gone no where..and espacially to the scripters who could just pull magic outta the hair with their scripts.

Yes, just using smokedrib's script u could pull anything, including stagecoaches for yer cowboys and indians..smokedribs is amazing! All u need is just one script and u can use many units with just that script!. (thanks to smokedrib, with that script it is NOW FULLY POSSIBLE to have an aircraft carrier 300km long, with FULL geometry and able to MOVE!...lol!..u can even mount missiles and defensive measures on it and no worries about the objects not following the main unit..cos smokedribs mathematically precise script ensures it works)

Just tested a full mounted calvary charge with the horses and riders using a seek and destroy waypoint...darnest thing i ever saw in ofp! wow_o.gif  - riders flanking, shooting and getting killed on horseback

for smokedrib's script..look under:- ADDON CONFIG & SCRIPTING » How to make 2+ weapons on 1 vehicle, Posted: June 29 2004,21:12 ..he's dah MAN!!!!

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i guessing the script hasnt been relesed to the comunity though

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cool i waant to see a cool good bad and ugly type western mod smile_o.gif

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cool i waant to see a cool good bad and ugly type western mod smile_o.gif

People were trying to start up a Western mod about half a year ago, don't know if they pulled it off rock.gif

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I am not sure I get it all...

You have a horse that your not gonna release? Your not mounted on it vehicle driver like position?

How do you steer it? It runs wild? Issue it commands?

I looked at that topic and the script is an attachment like script,so I don't think it would look good towing a stagecoach with it.Attach scripts been in use since OFP came out and have questionable multiplayer capabilities.You always been able to attach M2 or turret things to ships especially,but it still has some up/down movement and of course thats what Klink has worked out.Still with vehicles we have that banking problem like when going uphills.You can account for it using the drop command and using your object as the effect.

And your just attached to the horse in a standing animation?

What does it look like going up steep hills? And over bridges?

So many questions,lol sorry

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yeah seriously dude release the horse! I checked out the script and it looks good. If I understand this correctly the horse is a soldier unit and a regular unit is placed on its back using a setpos based script. Would this mean that the horse unit is in control of where you go? Also I think this means that you will be able to shoot your own horse in the back of the head while you are riding it, which will be useful if you are unable to manually control it and it gets frustrating smile_o.gif


I tried the script with the animated guard dog addon, and it works great! I added code to end the script if the dog or the rider died and it looked very realistic. Now all we need is a good horse model and especially some good animations...

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release please release oh I can't stand the idea of something being out there that I can't put my hands on immediately even though it comes in the guise of a prop clearly begging me to be patient


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Foooooking hell.....awesome work! wow_o.gif

So many boundries are open up i feel....and with at least 18months left before OFP2, i have a feeling its only a matter of time before we are seeing everything you mentioned.......

Philcommando, muchos respectos! wink_o.gif

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This.... ROCKS! First the Train, now this.... IM SO EXCITED.... ah balls, I wet myself with excitement tounge_o.gif

please release this ASAP.......

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Please wait until you are happy with the quality of the addon until you release it!


tounge_o.gif hehe, how refreshing

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Please wait until you are happy with the quality of the addon until you release it!

The point isn't to release it as a working addon that can be used in a mission, the point is that it will act as a demonstration to those who would build a real horse.

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The point isn't to release it as a working addon that can be used in a mission, the point is that it will act as a demonstration to those who would build a real horse.

Than those intrested in doing so should request a copy of the addon.

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I think it should be released publicly as a beta. Then those who want to attempt to modify or improve it may do so freely, and philcommando won't have to answer many emails. Those who want to at least try it can also do so. BUT, if he does this there shall be no complaning about anything. tounge_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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I think it should not, just allow it to be obtained by request, there is another crap already floating around for the game thats beta or broken. Then it can be somewhat standarized for mp usage..

That and the numbers of noobs who will spam him reguardless because they didn't bother reading the read me or forum pages about it being a beta.

Hell turn it over to Mig make the mules at least working.

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Why would anybody listen to the noobs that spam about beta addons or incomplete addons? Just let them die in their misery.  crazy_o.gif

But now that I think about I think your right. smile_o.gif

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Thanks for the interest and the responses.

In truth, there is no need for me to release the addon, cos most of the way to do it is openly discussed here. Furthermore, art is something subjective, some like it, some hate it. Best to give it a try yourself and i am sure it would turn out better than what i can do.

Bratty..errr...i know that attach scripts have been around for some time, but doesnt it boogles the mind that NO one give it a try to make something outta it??? Heck! the answer to breaking ofp's limitations were there all the time!!!...i guess the same things happen in life all the time, just like computers, it took a college dropout call billy gates to discover a way to have home computers when IBM haughtily claimed there's no way a computer can be shrink for home use. How we laugh now, we even have handheld comps(PD3) now.

Horses in real dont have steering wheels anyway, so u cant 'drive' it like a car. With smokedribs script, u the human will command the horse by linking it to u and to all other mounted troops, either giving a command or by waypoints.

As for stagecoaches and carriages "up and down movement on slopes", no worries, the answer lies in the model itself. Do note that for things that needs to be pulled or towed, it would be static and non moving, therefore no harm in modifying the model. However, its easily done by just selecting the model in resolution LOD and giving it a 'Keep Height' property.This manner, the cargo object would follow every angle or slope the carrier moves. Tried and tested - it works.

:- this horse and rider topic is about smokedrib's script. Make no mistakes, that script can set the boundaries of ofp1 free and will create a whole new landscape of gaming possibilities, for all mods.



the demo carriage showing the horse with rider pulling it upslope.

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