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What type of mission do you want made?

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People want missions but, lets ask the people.  In your words, what type of scenario do you want made?  

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I don't like how most missions involve just you and your squad vs like a company of poorly placed enemies, without any kind of support. My favorite missions are ones where there is a feeling of actually having... I dunno, like an army or something that you are a part of, instead of just 12 rambos vs the world.

I love missions where you have lots of support, such as other AI squads, tanks, or being able to call for artillery and airstrikes. Combined arms style missions especially are great (and the best kind of MP missions). When you have infantry supported by tanks supported by artillery supported by aircraft, then you have a mission that is truly using OFP to its full potential.

It's also nice to have missions where the AI is placed intelligently and realistically (not just standing in a wedge in the middle of their base). Basically, missions shouldn't require a gagillion enemies in order to be hard. One well placed and covered soldier can do the work of a squad of idiots running around randomly on a S&D waypoint. Also, giving the enemies artillery support can help level the playing field.

I could write more, but I gotta go now. smile_o.gif

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For the missions i like to play, they are usually the one that involve a story even a very simple one,

I feel playing OFP more immersive (and so more interesting) when there is a story around the objectives, not just blow up this, kill them all.

That is why i really like playing campaigns as an example, but there are good standalones missions , cutscene help a lot to give them a background (and so a story).

But cutscenes are not exactly the easiest thing to do in the mission editor.

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I'd like to add that the missions I like playing have characters.  Not necessarily on the good team, but involved in the story such as Guba and Angelina for instance.  I like mentioning a character in my briefings for that story feel.  When its balanced out just right to where the support still doesn't ruin the challenge, its a good mission.  I saw this one guy on a U.S. Army Ranger website and thought man that guy looks awesome, why not put him in the briefing and make a character out of him.  Maguire.jpg  You can just look at this guy and envision him in some camp like, "You got it sir, we'll be in and out of there before they can say....blah blah blah".  He's been on a combat mission before behind enemy lines and I think you don't have to ask to know that.  I could be wrong though, he could have lost it in some kind of french fry toss at McDonalds or something, I don't know.  You can read about him here if you want to. You can even email him. His name is Steve Maguire.

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As suggested by a member and agreed upon by the author I'm moving this to user missions as it's a question aimed more at people who play the missions rather than those that create them smile_o.gif

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I agree with the General ... I would like to see more combined arms mission or normal infantry squad missions.

And i really dislike every SpecOp mission (Ranger, Delta, Seals ...). I´ve played to much of them and only a few are good ...

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I enjoy missions using the Chain of Command interface. The handful which exist are some of the more demanding and immersive missions available.

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Well I'd like to see more civilian/criminal/SWAT based missions as the ones i have played are great.

For military missions more things i would like to see are well fortified enemy positions, with patrols, snipers, look outs , minefields, the works. Also to repeat what some guys previously said a storyline would be great, also support is nice, being pinned down only to see an AH bank overhead and ahnialate armour biggrin_o.gif

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i really just like playing spec ops covert op type missions

usually enemies that shoot crap (jam hd weapons) but shoot consistently, to give more of an atmosphere of bullets flying around rather than 1 shot 1 kill. youll only ever hear 2 or three shots in a firefight when using no mods or addons, thats why id really like to see more missions with jam hd ammo incorpirated with enemy ai with medium sized skills so u get more war like atmosphere

Also to say that the only missions that will satisfy our own individual needs are our own missions. but by making the missions we like though we would know all the tricks, it would inspire other players to make more missions like ours, so i reckon the more missions we make ourselves and release the more we will see it.

Me ive only released 2 missions, the type of ones i like but i only decided to makem coz ive already played all the ones i liked and by making and releasing some it would in turn influence those who like it to make some more. so ill have more new missions to play with. now ill be waiting for one to come out. but if not ill make another 1 which should be better than my previous ones so i believe i can influence more mission makers to make more mission i like.

i got carried away bit



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I'd reaaaaaally like to see some really difficult aircraft or chopper missions, that have a nice setting, are innovative and have some nice features like radio chatter . . . smile_o.gif

ATM there are only very few to none that are impressive, one I very like is Apache Assault on ofpec or Flight Academy on mapfact. Someting like that wink_o.gif

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For SP, it's what Gen. Barron said combined with the CoC Command Engine and JAM HD. Great feeling hearing prolonged shootouts in the field back at HQ biggrin_o.gif

For MP...well, pretty much the same: missions that make you feel you're part of a bigger event, not yet another "You are Colonel Biff Starlight, commander of TaskStrikeForce FreedomL337LiberationRoxx0r and we have reports of a stolen Scudzzzzzzzzzzz". Please...

More "Band of Brothers" instead of "Braddox: Missing in Action III", if you know what I mean?

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I like the concept of this missioin :

A touch of frost from ACF

7/10 on OFPEC, but it deserves an 8 at least imo for his replay value and original concept.

Also the voiced (and very funny) intro/outro is some nice piece of camerawork.

In a nutshell :

There are three teams , each one of them has different objectives, every time you retry the mission you will lead one of the three teams. The other two teams will be played by AI.

Also, during the mission you are not informed about the succes of each objective, no hint "objective completed" shit.

You have to wait to the bitter end before you know the mission is succesfull or not.

Are there any others like this around?

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Hey BoweryBaker, that guy looks a little bit like "Big Boss" of the Metal Gear series. Except, Big Boss has a patch over his right eye, not his left.

If he appeared a little less "jolly" or "enuthasiastic" in that picture, I think his face would make a perfect villian.

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I like missions where you have no control AI are smart - they capture towns, convoys are random to get ammo to places, a large scale war, ambushes etc. Player organised assualts/assasinations.



"Freedom of War"

MFCTI - Almost 3 Months Back in 2004 - On [AUS] Buggfix's server.

"I was sitting on the hillside near Levie after a battle talking with my freind Xanthos, deciding what to do next, when I got a message in SideChannel of a request for me to report to the base for a Newly Organised SpecOps mission, I arrived within 5minutes to find a BlackHawk struggling to stay on the ground and 2 Men standing with guns on their backs. After a small briefing of: Your going to be dropped behind enemy lines, and that they will tell me the rest en-route. They armed me with a Sileced HK Mp5 and LaserDesignator. Next Thing I was 60 feet above the sea in a UH60 MG.

I was then told while flying to the target destination that i was to eject over the targer 1km from the reported enemy base and locate and mark their Light Vehicle Factory. After a few minutes of Elimanating AI outer defenses and a small patrol i did my Objectives. 2 Minutes later i heard a faint A-10 in the distance. I had been warned over the Radio to stay clear of the area. Almost 10 seconds after i first heard it the Shilkas let loose. I marked them with the Laser Designator and the player thanked me afterwards. I then marked the Light Veh Fac and saw it get flattened. Soon afterwards their base was elimanated and i was extracted, only to find halfway back to base we won the match."

That was one of my best mp games, mainly because other players cooperated. If all players stopped going in Solo all the time and not contributing any Teamwork, the game wont be as near as fun as it should be. My advice to you all is to have fun, but help others do that to by working together.


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anything goes for me still smile_o.gif

i would like to see more pilot , crew missions where you get to fly choppers , planes , drive tanks and boats to biggrin_o.gif

yeah some sort of combined arms coops would be fun aswell xmas_o.gif

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