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T55 MBT v1.20 / Red Hammer release

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1. you did not extract the full t-55 pack from the rar file (all pbos!)

2. you did not extract the full weapon pack.

check the readme! wink_o.giftounge_o.gif

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well, crazy_o.gif FABULUS biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

nice texetures, nice units,

and best of alll... RATED smile_o.gif

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I was wondering if it would be possible to use the fire/explosion/secondary explosion scripts in none RH vehicles. And if so what should i put in the Units init to activate this?

Regards Buggs smile_o.gif

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you need the RHS_Misc.pbo and the RHS_T55Pack_Scripts.pbo.

write this in the initline of the vehicle<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addEventhandler ["killed", "[_this select 0, [.5,1,.5], 90, 5, """" ] exec ""\RHS_T55Pack_Scripts\RAE_T55_Fire.sqs"""]

that should work, i can't guarantee it.

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good to hear that. but be careful in mp...

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Well you guys just made me reinstall OPF, i just gave them a good try and they work perfectly, no more crashes nor any other problems so far, even the disembark ctd i was getting is gonne biggrin_o.gif . Congrats to RHS on a very fine work, love the new turret sounds and the new AK's, thanks alot for these smile_o.gif .

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one more pleased customer. this addon was worth the effort. fine. smile_o.gif

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Guys love this model. The one thing that would complete it is enhancing the smoke for the main cannon fire. If you look at the WGL tanks, when a heat round is fired there is a nice explosion cloud around the target where as when a sabot round is fired a small puff on impact. They also have a tracer on the round as it goes down range. If I was smart enough with configs I would try to figure out how it is done but at this time Im still searching.

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let's see what i can do for the t-64's there wink_o.gif

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Somehow i was able to get a ctd disembarking from gunner position on a T54 but thats problably just me has some of the previous disembarking ctd's on the 1st version only happened to me and nobody else, will still try to replicate the ctd but im positive there must be something in this stupid tasteless computer that just doesnt like these most impressive tanks mad_o.gif .

And here is the usual report of a so called "bug" that is barely noticeable, doesnt interfere in anything and isnt worth an update or much thought about: The ejecting brass is missing on the new rifles when firing biggrin_o.gif .

There, you can kill me now tounge_o.gif .

And ofcourse the usual polite and respectfull thank you for improving and finishing my favorite tanks once more smile_o.gif .

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the new guns do eject brass, well im sure i saw them do it. is it maybe that youre expect the shell casings to be ejected for the wrong side of the gun(comman mistake in alot of fps games)

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Hey guys

Just happened to be playing multi player with the T55 pack and during the game a message kept popping up that said

RHST55Pack MP Error

Could not figure out what this was because both myself and the guy I was playing could see the t55 and fight against it.

Any ideas??

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Hey guys

Just happened to be playing multi player with the T55 pack and during the game a message kept popping up that said

RHST55Pack MP Error

Could not figure out what this was because both myself and the guy I was playing could see the t55 and fight against it.

Any ideas??

did you play on a dedi server?

anyway, it should be one of those things:

- your ping is too high

- script bug

i found some bugs in the number, so it could be a script bug wink_o.gif it's already fixed, waiting for release smile_o.gif

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No dedicated server. My computer served as the master with one other person connecting.

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I have experienced 3 suden ctd's after extensive use wich i believe are related to disembarking, why me? Strange these only happen to me and nobody else sad_o.gif .

I miss the shell explosions after tank was dead, they were a bit too strong and in a exagerated amount but i still miss them, just some personal thoughts after toying around with these for some more time, i also think the smoke looked better before, everything else is great, definetly worth all this waiting time, thanks you so much RHS smile_o.gif .

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i would appreciate it if you could give any information about the scenarios when the CTDs happened...

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Thank for your interest Raedor, i seem to be the only one afected by this ocasional ctd has in the past version, please dont bother if the problem doesnt afect anyone else.

The ctd i get ocasionaly seems to be related to disembarking the tank.

1- Happened when i disembarked from gunner position, there was a two man crew consisting of me (gunner) and a.i (driver).

2- Happened playing Asmodeus great T55 demo mission, friendly a.i. t55 is hit and it ctd when the crew bailed out before tank explosion.

3- Happened when i was engaging some a.i. T55's with a A6 bomber jet, crew bailed out before explosion and the game ctd'ed.

I cant replicate the ctd's, they happen very rarely and seem to be related to disembarking the tank, also has noone else reported this it could be user specific or related to my crappy sbl pos sound card although my OPF instalation is recent, quite solid and never crashes nor gives me any errors, i also should mention that no other mods (efects, configs,etc) were instaled at the time except for dxdll, Llaumax and some popular addons (about 500 megs) in a addon folder.

I have been playing with these alot really so 3 ocasional ctd's isnt alot, even thought about not posting it cause it seems to afect only myself.

Thanks again for your interest though smile_o.gif .

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maybe its because of the *.ogg sound files... the next version is gonna use *.wss files. killswitch mentioned that it is better to use *.wss files:

Quote[/b] ]Lots of possibilities to optimize in here. (pkt.ogg, gun.ogg, 12.7.ogg are the high frequency ones and best suited for conversion to WSS format)

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Maybe, still strange the ctd only happens to me and other addons use ogg too and i never had any problems, but the ctd is rare enough for me to fully enjoy the addon wich i really do so "pleased customer" still applies for me smile_o.gif .

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did you use outside cargo places before you got the CTD?

check your PM wink_o.gif

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did you use outside cargo places before you got the CTD?

Nope, has ive said one of the times i was hunting a.i operated T55's with a bomber so i also have a feeling about the sounds, the cargo proxies could be a good possibility seing has the ctd is related to disembark action, but if that was the case this would have happened to other people too rock.gif . If this problem is specific to me only you guys shouldnt bother with this.

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Quote[/b] ]Thank for your interest Raedor, i seem to be the only one afected by this ocasional ctd has in the past version, please dont bother if the problem doesnt afect anyone else.

The ctd i get ocasionaly seems to be related to disembarking the tank.

1- Happened when i disembarked from gunner position, there was a two man crew consisting of me (gunner) and a.i (driver).

2- Happened playing Asmodeus great T55 demo mission, friendly a.i. t55 is hit and it ctd when the crew bailed out before tank explosion.

3- Happened when i was engaging some a.i. T55's with a A6 bomber jet, crew bailed out before explosion and the game ctd'ed.

I cant replicate the ctd's, they happen very rarely and seem to be related to disembarking the tank, also has noone else reported this it could be user specific or related to my crappy sbl pos sound card although my OPF instalation is recent, quite solid and never crashes nor gives me any errors, i also should mention that no other mods (efects, configs,etc) were instaled at the time except for dxdll, Llaumax and some popular addons (about 500 megs) in a addon folder.

I have been playing with these alot really so 3 ocasional ctd's isnt alot, even thought about not posting it cause it seems to afect only myself.

Thanks again for your interest though .

Heatseeker your not alone, I'm having a very similar if not the same problem.

I'm having the same problem. It doesn't happen all the time and I can't seem to replicate it. It's happened to me three times. The first two times I didn't witness the tanks explode or anything because they were behind houses or hills when the CTD occured. The third time I was staring right at one that I had just shot with a LAW from about 10 meters. The crew started bailing out and *poof* it froze up. So it might be something to do with the crew bailing after all.

Please don't take this as an attack, it's just feedback. I really like these tanks a lot. They are probably my favorite tanks in Flashpoint right now.

Only other thing I've noticed is that the new AKS doesn't eject brass.

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