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Blackblood's desert grunts

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My biggest setback this far...

Have to sit down and reconsider this whole thing. Could really use some advice from the gurus outthere.

The setback:

I have used 'dummy animations' to check for individual states on the soldiers like for example:

? animationphase 'morphinecheck' == 1 : do this and that...

The AI do animate when ordered - BUT the animationphase shows no change whatsoever unless you have the ai in visual sight. That means I have to look at the bloke when giving orders to drop bergen or whatever.

Another example:

The customizable units. Uses different animationphases to check what gear to wear. Works beautiful IF it applies on you and refuses to work on any ai who's out of eyesight.

Tried everything. Ideas anyone?  blues.gif

I must bee loosing it or something, but I don't really understand what you meen.

Its that a new feature? if so what it supose to do?

I don't understand what them animations suposse to really do.

If its a good looks feature, and not a practical one, and it gives you a lot of problems I would desregard it my self, but that's just me.

I think that just by getting this units as normal ones, without fancy scripting and stuff, would make people happy, but that's my opinion, and I know that you are doing this for you as well, because is a hobby, so if you want to work on them features I'm sure you'll find the answers, lol.

Have you tryed on the OFPEC Forums for some hellp? In there you'll find very clever people that don't post much in this forums, and the most of the gurus in here are there aswell, so lets say that OFPEC Forums is the home of the OFP gurus biggrin_o.gif

I'm really looking forward for the release, and I allready have some ideas in mind for a bunch of missions, maybe a campaign, but I have to over come some addon problems first, not sure what to use for them particular other missions where woodland and jungle are pressent, but for dessert ones I allready got the set up sorted and a cuple of missions started with place holders for your SAS.

I would like to know something though, what is the file size going to be about? I don't mind what size they will be, but I'm thinking on all of the addons to be used in the missions/campaign, all togueder should be an acceptable size to download; other ways it will be a nuisance to download 150 megs for a campaign even if it was the best campaign ever crazy_o.gif so if its a big download I can think that instead of using this island I can use this other one half the size that is not as good but its not bad, and maybe for the OPFOR, instead of using this OPFOR with this weapons and vehicles, I can use something else. So all I got is place holders really.

My other question maybe allready answered before, but after I typed all this, I can't be ask to do a search and tipe again, tounge_o.gif LOL, What weapons are you going to use for this units? Third party addon, BIS, or your own?

Well, That's me done for today, now I got to go to bed, I should stop taking Proplus with Red Bull, makes my brain box wonder too much.

Thnaks for reading and good bye.


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Just wondering about any updates. Hope you haven't flipped out and given up on these babies, mr BB.

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Maybe it's the quiet before the storm, BB doesnt say much for a while, then releases the units! Just a theory. Anyways, don't give up BB!

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He's probs been really busy but hopefully smile_o.gif

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double bump

Don't keep bumping and stuff...if the maker has something to add they will, only bump a topic if you have something to ask/add. Thats 1 of the reasons old topics get locked. wink_o.gif

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My biggest setback this far...

Have to sit down and reconsider this whole thing. Could really use some advice from the gurus outthere.

The setback:

I have used 'dummy animations' to check for individual states on the soldiers like for example:

? animationphase 'morphinecheck' == 1 : do this and that...

The AI do animate when ordered - BUT the animationphase shows no change whatsoever unless you have the ai in visual sight. That means I have to look at the bloke when giving orders to drop bergen or whatever.

Another example:

The customizable units. Uses different animationphases to check what gear to wear. Works beautiful IF it applies on you and refuses to work on any ai who's out of eyesight.

Tried everything. Ideas anyone? blues.gif

Its an interesting engine "feature" we discovered whilst doing the MH-47.

It seems that the only way to have one of these custom anims boradcast globally to all machines on a server is to have a sound attached to the animation.

The MH-47 has such a sound for the backrap, and we could get decent "getanimationphase" replys from that all the time, whereas the switch animations (which had no sound) would only work when in visual range of the unit.

The best way to "fix" this would be to attach a silent sound (make it very very very quiet with a high broadcast range) and it'll transmit to every machine on a server.

Hope that helps mate

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This sounds great BB,

Was thinking, if your really stuck would it be easier to make game logics to come with the units like PUKF, for placing Patrol Packs on and off? Those work great and it's very easier to adapt to missions, no headache at all.

Sorry if it's been suggested I havn't back tracked this topic yet.

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Just repeating what many other people dying to play with your units are saying: any news blackblood?

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Ok, this topic has been dead for like ages. No sitrep has been posted for a long long while. Hope BB shows up any time soon.

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Yeah I really would stop bumping it cos it's gonna get locked.

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We all know these units are awesome! and have great potential, top 10!

Congratulations Blackblood notworthy.gif

We all need these kinda inspirations for new missions wink_o.gif

Only Yesterday i knew about this Release and looked for more info. Here iam now..

Keep up the good work. We know there are some issues to solve but with pacience this might be the BEST ADDON in OFP so far.

Any news for us Blackblood?

cheers smile_o.gif

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Replying to a thread nearly a year old isnt something thats wise round here... kind of frowned apon.

I will, however, try and answer your question before the mods come and lock this. Blackblood has ceased his work on the dessie grunts, and moved onto this scar project. Before doing so, Project UK Forces took over the project with the aim of improving on his already great work.

If you visit our website (www.project-ukf.com) and look at our signature banners, there are a few clues as to how we're doing with that project.

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wake up dude tounge2.gif

thats not even the latest release either

u want this one

also he gave these models to project ukf to use/work on and if you check out their forum sigs you will see a glimpse of what they have done with them.

and your probs gonna get slapped daft of a mod for bumping this thread

edit : damn messiah u posted as i was writing that

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