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What are your favorite addons?

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I'll start with mine in no particular order:

Islands: Ichkeria (Chechnya), Mungari, Normandy (all versions so far), Ia Drang, SEB Ilo, McNools Pacific Island, and Afghanistan by CAT_SH*T_ONE

(everything else...that i've seen, in my opinion wasn't very realistic in terms of one of but not necessarily all of commerce issues, power and utilities, transportation issues, habitation, and economy and the layout will be fictional as a result. Not enough homework put into the island makes it seem that then it doesn't get on my list. Reality is a big point for me. I'll actually sit and look at the island and ask myself, could this be real, like in real life?)

Units: HYK modern U.S. infantry, BAS, Marine Assault Pack (awesome russian units and javelin actually takes skill to use), Phil Commando's civillians work and other works, more to come that haven't been released yet im sure so this game is going to have a cozy place on my hard drive till then and so long as i can edit my own missions, much later than that too. My kids are going to learn combat from this game hopefully and learn an important lesson about human lives.

Vehicles: BAS, Fischkopps work, Combat!, Maac and Marfy's works, I've heard of Sigmas works but haven't had a chance to get into it and with my current project that chance won't come any time soon. Again Phil Commando.

special thanks go out to people who produce effects packs like CAT does and to those who make the objects, dogs, and animals too.

I'd also like to say that if there is an addon out there which you'd like to see used more please say so, id gladly suit your needs as a mission editor. I personally would like to see the ICBM addon used, perhaps the civillian fishing boats, nothing else i can think of off the top. What about you? smile_o.gif

Sadly: alot of people are starting to get to where they don't like using addons, like some clans only restrict to using whats in their pack, or stuff like that and the enthusiasm is high when they come out but then its like theres barely enough missions for them. So I'm off to make the addon makers happy and edit missions showing off their nice work.

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Islands: It would have been tonal if it didn't lag so much.

Units: Ghost in the Grass Sniper pack 1.0 and 1.2 (1.2 not released yet), S&E Marines, HYK infantry

Weapons: HEP Sniper pack, Kabal AWP Pack, a few others I forgot

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BAS Blackhawks with some of Laser's Deltas doing fast rope insertions onto buildings. Sound like Rainbow Six, anybody?

I also like the BAS De/Ras, Fisch's HMMWVs, Hawk's USS Nimitz with RAD F/A-18s, ORCS Motorized Infantry, ORCS VDV, AKM74's APCs, Wargames, and sometimes, good ol' stock OFP goodness, a Glock 17 and an MP5 for close quarters combat during CTI. Gotta love BIS stuff.

Oh and Y2K3 and everything that's in Y2K3. tounge_o.gif

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FDF 1.3

Marine Assault Pack

Combat! Bradley Pack

Tonal/OPFOR Pack

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Llaumax Sky


Hyukishi's US Army Infantry biggrin_o.gif

Marine Assault Pack weapons

Edge's Resistance

BAS's choppers (Me want UH-60A sad_o.gif )

Marty's choppers and planes

Vit's APC pack

RHS tanks


and Jakerod's awsome Avignon wink_o.gif

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Mod: FDF

Island: Normandie

Units: Marine Assault Pack, Resistance units included in WGL, Tonali SF, HYK modern US infantry, COMBAT! vehicles, Fisch's HMMWVs, UKF DPM Pack, OFrP French addons

Effects mod: FlashFX, DXDLL

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MAP, PUKF DPM pack 1, HYK's infantry, DXDLL and DRG Shotgun pack wink_o.gifwink_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Cant post them, there are really too many of them and im afraid of forgeting someone smile_o.gif .

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Theres way too many to realy give the makers the full credit they deserve.Heres the ones that got my wife very angry with me as i didn't pay her the same attention as i did these beauties.. biggrin_o.gif




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Oh i almost forgot.I couldn't leave this pair out..


ps.i know theres only one East side addon but i just like killing them so i don't realy care wot they look like... tounge_o.gif

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Mods: Y2k3, FDF, BAS, AIA, INV44, WGL, RHS

Islands: Ackropolis, Hi-Res Eden, Abel, Cain, AEC, Stunt Island, La Drang Valley and any other Jungle map, FDF islands, Kodiak, CATSHIT1 Afganastan, and some others i forgot

Vehicals:COMBAT! Vehicals, BAS dirtbike, Fisch's Hummers, BAS Helos

Units: Hyk's Infantry, E&S Marines, Laser's Delta, Edge's Resistance

Sound packs: Kegs sound pack, dynamic range.

Effects mod, DXDLL, ECP, EECP

I know i forgot some but o well.

Mr Reality can you tell me where to get those units in those pics?

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Quote[/b] ]BAS's choppers (Me want UH-60A )

Just use the default BIS UH-60A. UH-60A is nothing but a plain jane blackhawk, certaily nothing special. It's the first model the Army recieved from Sikorsky. We had 15 of them when I was stationed in Alaska. The UH-60L has a few changes, like T701 engines instead of T700s and a few other mechanical differences. It's when you get into the MH-60s that you see a huge difference.

As for the addons.

BAS EVERYTHING: Tonal is the best and it runs great on my pc.

MARPAT MARINES: Best weapons in OFP in my opinion.

FDF Mod: Best total conversion.

DXDLL: Makes OFP much more enjoyable and makes for some great screenshots.

LASER DELTAS: These guys look awesome!

Man, this is a tough one to answer, there are a lot of great addons out there.


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Inqusitor's, "Weapon Pack"

Combat's "Vehicles"



CatShit's, "Afghanistan v1.3"

The new, "SKYE Island"

"Marine Assualt Pack"

Color Changers, "Tornado's" (All of them!)

COC's "U.A."

Anything from, "MapFacts"

Tales of War, "Choctaw"

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"


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Mr Reality can you tell me where to get those units in those pics?

I would think by reading your post that you probably already have most of them..They're HYKs ,E+S Marines,OFrP Soldiers,OFrP Puma,Combat Bradley and M113,Fichkopp's Hmmve pack and Sebastian's BTR-T.

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SEB Nam Pack 2

Y2K3 MOD and all the addons that come with it




All BAS Helos and pilots/crew

BAS Delta/Rangers

All Combat! Vehicles/Crew

Ficshkopps Humvees

HYKs US Modern INF

S&E Marines

Wipmans HTTV

And thats pretty much all

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One of my favorites is Footmunch's Skyraider.

Others are,

Sebnampack 2 (Of course)

Jam men (For the sounds)

VC Guerillas

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Hi, i only play with addons; this means that as i play with addons selected by me i can't play with ppl that don't have the same addons that some of 'em are hard to find or just old. One of the things that i always loved of the OFP apart of it's frrdom of movement, the enviroment and all that... was the possibily of "create" your own Operation Flashpoint Resistance by choosing and dowloading the addons that u like most; that died when the big mods came and made a standard for certain ppl. People with big PC's, or of a certain nationality. But well... this is the names list and DL's plus the size (of the download) of the addons; i should update that list; there'r some new addons/addon islands/choppers/whatever that are certainly that thing called: "a must have".


Quote[/b] ]PSC BTR-T's 1.1 (9'5Mb): http://dl1.suicidesquad.co.uk/downloads/BTRT_1_1_ZIP.zip



MT-LB's 2.2 (16Mb): http://dl1.suicidesquad.co.uk/downloads/MT-LB_Update_Installer.exe



Dan M14 Pack (4'26Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/danm14.zip



CBT Misc Pack 1.1 (4'98Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/CBT_MISC_V1.1.rar



CBT Crew 1.0 (9'89Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/CBT_APC_CREW_V1.0.rar



JAM_Mag2 (6'07Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/JAM2.rar



INQ USMC HTTV (4'82Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/INQ_HTTV.zip



INQ M1A2 SEP 1.2 (10'7Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/INQ_M1_v.2.00.rar



USMC Addon Pack (31'79Mb): http://www.mtco.com/games/downloads/usmc/MarineAssaultPack.rar



RNI Tank Crew (774Kb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/SUCHtank.zip



GAZ 24 BETA (2'11Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/gaz24.rar



GAZ 69A 1.2 (2'18Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons/GAZ69ARUS_12.exe



CAS X31A (3'93Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/cas_x31a.rar



GST YAK130 Beta 1(1Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/Gst_Yak130(20040502).zip



DKM MI28 1.0 (11'8Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/dkmm_mi28_r10.exe



ORCS MI2 1.1 (4'65Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/Mi-2pack_byNO.exe



ORCS Effects V2 & RD54(447Kb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/ORCS_RD_EF.rar



USMC AH1-W Beta 0.45 (1'82Mb): http://ofp.gamezone.cz/news/download/USMC_AH-1W Beta v0.45.rar



WIP M1911A1 1.1b(1'25Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/wip_45 1.1b.rar



WIP G36K (1'38Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/wip_g36k.rar



INQ SU25+Pilot (replacement): http://ofp.gamezone.cz/_hosted/inquisitor/files/addons/su25.zip



INQ WEAPONS 1.1 (20'4Mb): http://ofp.gamezone.cz/_hosted....paa.rar



USMC Symbols (108Kb): http://ofp.gamezone.cz/unofaddons/144903_USMCsymbols.zip



USMC UH1-N 1.1b (5'21Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/PRPH_UH1N_1.1b.rar



USMC CAF LAV25-III (8'28Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/USMC_LAV_0.9.zip



Silesian Cessna (1.41Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/SILCESSNA.zip



3WX Objects Pack 1.0 (8'2Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/F3WX_O1_V.1.0.zip



AGS Industrial Pack 3.0 (7'5Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/AGS_Industrial_Pack_v.3.0.rar



Mapfact Nogova 1.22 (25'20): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd//islands2/MAP_Noe_v1.22.rar



Mapfact Military Objects (3'7): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/MAP_MilObj-Pack_V1_0.rar



Mapfact Airport-Addon 1.2 (1'58MB): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/JOF_Objects1_2.zip



Mapfact Barraken-Addon 1.5 (3'69MB): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/Baracken1_5.zip



Mapfact Shed 1.0 (unknown): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/MAP_Shed_V1.0.rar



Mapfact Heaps 1.1 (236Kb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/MAP_Heaps_V1.1.rar



Mapfact Mine Objects Pack (1'80Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/MineLtdObjects.zip



Editor Upgrade 1.02 (1'80Mb): ]ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/MineLtdObjects.zip

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