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Drill Sergeant


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Most of these redi mags and triple stacked mags are just gadgets ignored by real operators. I have heard accounts from people using redi mags and have said that they are confusing because it is possible to insert the 3rd mag into the wrong chamber. Real specops don't buy into much in terms of fancy gadgets, everything they do revolves around the KISS principle (Keep is simple stupid). I did mention that it was possible they still taped mags together but I believe it to be only on very RARE occasions. Go take a look in the galleries on www.militaryphotos.net and you will be hard pressed to find double taped mags or redimags/magclamps being used. Putting 60-90 rounds on the gun is simple a poor option do to the fact that it will make the gun heavier and less manuverable. The added weight also puts stress on the weapon. New high-speed tactical gear also makes mag changes very quick which takes away from the need for double mags. Double mags were popular back in the vietnam days where high-speed tactical gear was non-existant.

Anyways I agree that this practice MAY be done SOMETIMES but it is definetly an exception to the rule. I just hope that not all of the SEALs with M4s will have double mags, I hope the units reflect the fact that few operators would ever use the double mag system.

not to sound rude or anything..but are you an operator? you making alot of assumptions as though you are in the know. Any guy who shoots weapons on a regular basis will tell you having two mags at the ready is always better than one..this is common sense. And on the militaryphotos.net ..that site is questionable to say the least most of those guys on that site except a VERY few are wannabes and and airsoft junkies. Something to think about. You just got a reply not long ago from someone I would call "in the know" take it at that or leave it alone..if Extraction and Drill Sergeant decide to use or not use double mags it ulitmately up to them..lets leave it at that and get back to more constructive topics...

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U were to stop with this discussion.

So stop it. mad_o.gif

Go elswhere with it.

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Soldiers keep their empty mags too, a gasmask pouch for "empty mag" storage could be a nice addition, even if its simply a model on their leg/hip.

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Gordy thanks for the link m8 really cool site wink_o.gif

No problem, I wanted to send u pictures, but there are to many of them.


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***Just with reading this thread, I have noticed that there are alot of whiners out there who havent put out anything yet themsleves and bag others work...Its free addons for this great game and you bag out the person making them...(sigh)It should not suprise me what with my line of work, I see stupid people doing stupid things every day****

Top work mate, dont listen to the whiners, I appreciate yours, and every mod makers efforts.

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Gordy thanks for the link m8 really cool site wink_o.gif

No problem, I wanted to send u pictures, but there are to many of them.


I still looking at them too many to send will take ages to send all those wow_o.gif

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***Just with reading this thread, I have noticed that there are alot of whiners out there who havent put out anything yet themsleves and bag others work...Its free addons for this great game and you bag out the person making them...(sigh)It should not suprise me what with my line of work, I see stupid people doing stupid things every day****

Top work mate, dont listen to the whiners, I appreciate yours, and every mod makers efforts.

Thanks wink_o.gif

Like I said addons we make are for free if you dont like them remove them if you think weapons are too high polly for your PC edit the config to another weapon pack you like so simple is it wink_o.gif

Or if you say not much people know how to edit config to another weapon pack that is low polly I will do it just tell me once the pack is released what weapon pack you want wink_o.gif

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About the double magazines, the weapons pack will have

3-4 sets of the mods, each in different magazine settings.

About the "Loose empty mag pouch" I've yet to attach any

drop legs to the legs because the texture artist is still

working on the skins. Once the base model is established

you will see more variants.  wink_o.gif Also the gear such as pistol

holsters/magazine pouches on the lower body will be added

in the near future. Please remember this model is in a very

early stage of development.

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Quote[/b] ]Most of these redi mags and triple stacked mags are just gadgets ignored by real operators. I have heard accounts from people using redi mags and have said that they are confusing because it is possible to insert the 3rd mag into the wrong chamber. Real specops don't buy into much in terms of fancy gadgets, everything they do revolves around the KISS principle (Keep is simple stupid). I did mention that it was possible they still taped mags together but I believe it to be only on very RARE occasions. Go take a look in the galleries on www.militaryphotos.net and you will be hard pressed to find double taped mags or redimags/magclamps being used. Putting 60-90 rounds on the gun is simple a poor option do to the fact that it will make the gun heavier and less manuverable. The added weight also puts stress on the weapon. New high-speed tactical gear also makes mag changes very quick which takes away from the need for double mags. Double mags were popular back in the vietnam days where high-speed tactical gear was non-existant.

My good friend is stationed here at Fort Campbell with me. He is a weapons sergeant with the 5th Special Forces Group. A WEAPONS SERGEANT. He told me that they do use such products as redi-mags. Now I am not sure how many special operations soldiers you know, but I know several and they all say the same thing. Now, I am sure that there will be two different responces to this reply.

1) "Why are you still talking about mags? I said stop it."

Well cry me a river, that's what forums are for, TO HAVE DISCUSSIONS!

2) "Yeah right, you don't know anyone from Special Forces."

There is really nothing I can do to prove to you that I do know some SF guys. However, if you are truely worried about it, feel free to hit me on MSN using [email protected]



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The UBER M4 discussion thread. The public will get the m4

they want, sadly everyone wants something different.

Gladly, I have just about everything to cater to everyones

fancy.  smile_o.gif

Also it seems everyone knows some one in the military,

truly thats great, once again I'd like to stress I'm trying

my best to be as lenient as SOCOM in operator preference

here. So guys help me out, in case people didn't take notice

I'm going to try to do every mod of every weapon I feature.

I'm going to say this once, and only once and for once you

had better read it......

I am going to try to keep this pack lenient and varied yet

still within the Spec Ops community in looks. I also will be

basing content of it by as follows; 1 Pictures of real world

operators, 2 My operator preference, 3 the community's


Ok you guys can go back to arguing magazine configurations,

just post something constructively on topic and relevant to the

seals pack with it.

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Well it's not exactly conjectural. It's a real piece of kit, and serves a purpose. It's not ridiculous, uber-powerful, or even un-needed.

I say, "make'em with, and without."

Then we'll all be happy, I hope.

So, we'll compromise. We'll do it MY way. biggrin_o.gif

There, it's settled. Wasn't that easy? tounge_o.gif

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I say, "make'em with, and without."

Then we'll all be happy, I hope.

So, we'll compromise. We'll do it MY way. biggrin_o.gif

There, it's settled. Wasn't that easy?  tounge_o.gif

5 post back from this one. I said it before.

"About the double magazines, the weapons pack will have

3-4 sets of the mods, each in different magazine settings."

Normal, double, 40 round, C-Mag.

Clear? Carry on with the discussion.

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Once again I'm just so thankful someone is making navy seals. The only seal versions i see on this thread so far are the VBSS seals. I wish to see the seals that go in without headgear or something lighter like a bandanna. If not from this pack though, i know i will get it in the TOS package. So I'm thankful for both teams efforts, because with more seals you get more variety. TOS seem to be more of the remote area type of guys where as i said before these guys seem to be the VBSS brand. I haven't seen all the models though, and i don't know if there is a remove helmet script on these. Hint.

Edit: I know how hot headed some of you can be towards suggestions. Well one of you. So i went as covert as possible.

Also I'm glad to see how well you considered my double mags suggestion. Suggestions are not all that bad. They may give you an idea you haven't before thought of...or maybe just were waiting to see what the community says.

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Helmets, gloves will be removeable.

There is a picture of a point man with a do-rag on.

The head gear will be appropriately accounted for.

I am not hot headed, I just get ticked when people don't

read my posts and keep rambling. tounge_o.gif

I'm oppen to sugjestions as I'd like to cover as much as

possible in my woodland pack, Ie ops mods and peticular

gear load outs. wink_o.gif

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Well perhaps you could merge in the CoC mines addon and uhhh, get some claymores going. Remember in tears of the sun, how that team went into a deep remote area and carried the thing with them to use in combat? Well I don't see that alot on special operatives in most spec ops mods. Another thing you could have them carry is the BAS strobe that i think monty created. I thought of a procedure for building climbing that you could probably implement. It starts with a command, your guy goes through the grenade throwing animation, and then a rope forms in front of him and he can climb up it or down it. But that'd suck because buildings in ofp are all kinds of sizes and how would the rope be sized to the specific qualifications. Like a rope could only reach as high as about twenty feet up if its thrown but what if the house is just ten feet and you want on top, you'd have this tall ass rope.

Edit: suggestions as far as mods and gear loadouts so thats what i gave ya. I'd like to say though that it'd be cool if the seals had the same thing as the BAS SOAR pilots have on their helmets, the way the nvg's come down and cover the BIS ones. That'd be the icing on the cake.

Edit: I'm not sure if they use machine guns, but an m249 that its sound doesn't cut out when you're using it. But yeah definitely merge the CoC mines and CoC diving rebreather. Perhaps also the SP/MP combat air support addon which gives you a 3d dialog deal of where you want it delivered.

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why are none of the guns textured? and why are some parts (the foward assist) have the bunps even modeled into them, you could prolly save TONS of polys not doing stuff like that especuially in parts not usually seen in pilot LOD, it just seems really rediculous and not everyone will want to dload it JUST becasue thier computers cant run 5 of those m4s without lagging. KISS it. Im sure theres some details that would look better with modeleding (actually 90% od addons are good textures) so why?rock.gif?? It makes no sense.

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bumps on the guns i didn't see but uhhh...seems like one of those things you can do without for the sake of a smoother game.

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Everthing mentioned within reason and game limits will be

included. On a special note I would like to say the rope

could cam creat in sections which may or maynot work,

look at the BAS repelling script I belive that just guides the man down the rope. It may be do-able.

@Sgt. Stryker,

This is not the "Model Performace Thread" please use the

search funciton for that thread.

I have skiners for everything now and provided they do

there work everything will have skins.

Ontopic once again please and thank you.

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I feel that i should explain the picture i posted before because this picture i took of a real U.S. Navy SEAL (real life, not game nor hollywood) that came to my high school from Fort Sam Houston where he was undergoing medical training. I'm not trying to continue this arguement...well, becuz i'm just saying what he said...U could argue with a SEAL, but u'd probably lose. biggrin_o.gif If u want a picture of the seal i can show you him (privacy edited of course).

I asked him in great detail about the weapon in the picture. It's a custom M4 with parts from Colt and and some other company, i think FN Herstal...this explains why the upper receiver is just a normal carrying handle. It has a custom stock buttplate and a removable cheek guard (the stock has to be extended with the cheek guard mounted). The sling is a three point, body retension sling. The charger handle has a bulk ring mounted on it cuz seals wear bulky gloves and the bulk ring makes chargeing the weapon easier.

The magazines are plastic, not metal. (i'm gonna guess these magazines cut down on jamming) They're taped by normal, OD green duck tape, no special gizmo or gadget. He said it is a habbit to tape the magazines together.

But what makes the this weapon so special is it has a heavy barrel! This means you can shoot more lethal ammunition! Yea, u could shoot hollow tips from a normal barrel, but it wear out the barrel faster.

I also asked him what he thought about Tears of the Sun..."Very realistic, but straight up, we'd gag and bag her..."

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Yeah, I figured that about that film as well. Either she'd come along peacefully, or they'd just pack her up and haul her out like a duffle bag. Or, more realistically, if she wan't willing to save her own life, they'd just abort, and extract the team. No point in risking the team for someone that doesn't care about her own life.

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I found it unbelievable that Bruce Willis character hadn't seen ethnic cleansing firsthand before.

It seemed a little contrived that he was so shaken by it.

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He had seen it b4, hes had been in the service for 25 years (so it said in the Special Features), he was just sick of seeing all that death, so he decided to do something about it.

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