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Help unable to play OFP...

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I seem to have turn on my computerr this morning and it was lagging for example i right click to press refresh and it showed the salt icon for 20seconds...it used to take only 1second.When i press on my shortcut to ofp it lags for 40seconds to start and when i do it lags get to play it i mean it short of freezes and moves like if i had 1fps plz help it has happen past week but i fixed with mcfee cleaner but now it doesn i just wished it can work ok now.. sad_o.gif

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Could be several things such as Spyware, a busted windows, trojans but the most likley cause would be a virus.

Do you have anitvirus software, and have you made a scan? Wether the answer is yes or no i sugest you do a online scan here (In the lower right corner of the screen)

Once thats done you may start looking for other malicious software with AdAware, Spybot S&D and similar programs.

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Hmm thanks for the links SpeedyDonkey am scanning with spybot right and will search for a free anti virus scanner in google.About viruses or trojans whenever i restart or shutdown my computer it shows some cannot end progam or hboom progam cant end I was thinking that could be my problem? rock.gif

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Another not-so-pleasant possibility is that the hard disk is dying. Multiple retries and recalibrations will cause long delays accessing anything on the drive.

Make a backup of all important files ASAP.

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oh and what do you exaclty mean Mister Frag by multiple retries and recrablirations?

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Hmmm..how do exaclty make backup files not really good at copmuter stuff

No! I'd never have guessed. :P

Copy all important stuff off the hard drive onto something else. A CD, a DVD, another hard drive, a USB drive, several thousand floppy disks, a tape drive or a punched paper reel.

If you don't know how to do that, get off the computer.

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Hmmm..how do exaclty make backup files not really good at copmuter stuff

No!  I'd never have guessed.

Copy all important stuff off the hard drive onto something else.  A CD, a DVD, another hard drive, a USB drive, several thousand floppy disks, a tape drive or a punched paper reel.

If you don't know how to do that, get off the computer.


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If you don't know how to do that, get off the computer.

If you don't know how to reply to people without being rude, insulting, condescending and arrogant, get off the forums.

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There is a certain level of basic skills required to operate machinery. If the level isn't obtained, there's no point in the person operating the machinery. Not rude, condescending or arrogant.

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There is a certain level of basic skills required to operate machinery.  If the level isn't obtained, there's no point in the person operating the machinery.  Not rude, condescending or arrogant.

Well not everybody is a computer genious, ok?

Maybe he just started using a computer or something like that. Or maybe he just doesn't know a lot about computers, just like me smile_o.gif

It's his computer ffs, he's asking for help, give him that help instead of claiming that certain ppl aren't 'skilled' enough with computers to work with one...

oh well

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I did give him help. Please read the message.

I didn't say everyone had to be great with computers right from the start. Please read the message. Theres nothing wrong with needing a little coaching. Please read the message.

If someone waves at you in the street from the window of their car and asks you 'which is the go faster lever?' you wouldn't think them safe to drive, would you?

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I did give him help.

Yes you did.

Quote[/b] ]I didn't say everyone had to be great with computers right from the start.

No you didn't.

Quote[/b] ]Theres nothing wrong with needing a little coaching.

No there isn't.

Quote[/b] ]No! I'd never have guessed.

Rude, arrogant, insulting & condescending.

Quote[/b] ]If you don't know how to do that, get off the computer.

Rude, arrogant, insulting & condescending.

Quit with the irrelevant analogies, you displayed your usual offensive attitude.

I could easily name 5 users of this forum who have technical knowledge well above 95% of everyone else here, yet I cannot recall them feeling the need to put someone down when offering their help. Your comments were so out of line I was tempted to give you another WL+.

From now on that's what I'll do, post restrictions obviously have no effect on you, so from now on I'm going to increase your warning level whenever you're rude/arrogant/condescending/offensive, you can use your comments above as the benchmark.

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Quit with the irrelevant analogies, you displayed your usual offensive attitude.

The analogy is not irrelevant. What would you do in that situation? You'd tell him that he had no business driving a car. Don't be hypocritical.

Quote[/b] ]

I could easily name 5 users of this forum who have technical knowledge well above 95% of everyone else here, yet I cannot recall them feeling the need to put someone down when offering their help.

Are you saying I feel the need to put someone down when offering them help? That's pretty insulting, really. And not what an objective observer would say, overall. Don't let your bias show much, eh. Maybe I should have put a smiley after 'I'd never have guessed'.

Quote[/b] ]

Your comments were so out of line I was tempted to give you another WL+.

From now on that's what I'll do, post restrictions obviously have no effect on you,

rude, arrogant and offensive. Oh, the rules don't apply to you. Never mind then.

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Placebo has a point, Baron...

2nd that. I know we havent seen eye to eye, but you may want to delete some of that last post if you want to be able to post in the next day or two....thats serious advice.....

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No, he does not have a point. Advising completely computer illiterate people not to mess around with their system is no different than advising people to learn how to drive before jumping in a car.

And I don't see why he can ignore rules he enforces so rigidly on others. Thats not a discussion.

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Ok heres how placebo will see it.

Guy asks for help, you help, but add unneeded, and ermm, some could say "rude" comments...

Placebo warns you that such behaviour is not to be tolerated with:

Quote[/b] ]Your comments were so out of line I was tempted to give you another WL+.

From now on that's what I'll do, post restrictions obviously have no effect on you,

True, its fighting talk, BUT, the crux is this. He was using such language as part of a warning. You were using it where it wasnt really needed to get your point (of how to make a backup) across. I suppose you could argue Placebo could also have made a warning without using language that would offend you, but a warning is more effective with such language......your point is not.......

I would consider yourself fortunate you dont already have a WL and clean up your post before Placebo gets back. I know you dont like me, but.......

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1) I don't dislike you

2) original post was not a flame or meant to be rude, at worst it was meant as scathing humour.

3) EVERY time placebo says something to me he is rude, arrogant and pushy. And then tells me off for what he says is rude and arrogant.

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I think you could PM Placebo, the way this is going that guy will never get help to have his OPF running, atleast from this thread who should have been moved into troubleshooting tounge_o.gif .

I think a good way to find what could the problem be would be to know how do other programs run, just to be sure his hardware isnt dying.

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Baron if you have an issue with how I perform my moderating duties please feel free to take it up with me via PM/Email, if you feel I am victimising you then you have every right to request a second opinion from another moderator.

This topic should now return to its original theme.

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HeatSeeker sir your wrong I did not quit to fix my machine I search google dozen timez and now I have realized that the mean of my computer going slow was the help tip SpeedyDonkey gave me now to play ofp. smile_o.gif

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HeatSeeker sir your wrong I did not quit to fix my machine I search google dozen timez and now I have realized that the mean of my computer going slow was the help tip SpeedyDonkey gave me now to play ofp. smile_o.gif

So it was infested rock.gif , anyway im glad you sorted your problem out smile_o.gif .

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