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Ragdoll Effect Possible ?

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Now we have Reflections, New Anims and other cool stuff is it possible to bring in a ROGDOLL effect for the DEAD bodies, instead of having Stiff Board effect so they either FLOP to the Ground or blown away with a bomb and flip and stuff with limps flopping all over the place.

If u dont know what i mean look at this ;)

Ragdoll Effect

This for me would set off OFP a treat ;)

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I would say yes, it is possible, but would take alot of experimenting, changes, and other crap.

Why it would'nt be "the" ragdoll effect, it could be "a" ragdoll effect.

If you shoot the barels ingame, they tip over and have fairly good physics. If you add those physics to a solider, you possibly, could have a ragdoll effect.

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Now we have Reflections, New Anims and other cool stuff is it possible to bring in a ROGDOLL effect for the DEAD bodies

I hardly think so, I bet you're bunching everything together as "graphics stuff" but reflections, anims and ragdoll are COMPLETELY different things.

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I was surprised with OPF's physics the other day, i shot a small rectangle ammo box and the darn thing started rolling down a hill and i was wtf? Then i ran and placed myself infront of it and it stoped, i repeated the process and shot it and there it went rolling down hill again with very believable physics. I think that if possible ragdoll would use much cpu power and would lag with lotsa units dying at the same time.

For me removing the ridiculous 300 meters high flying corpses would be good enough, dunno why BIS added that stuff in the first place.

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YES!! IT'S POSSIBLE!!....with limits.

Real cool animation..blew me away! tounge_o.gif

While toying with cfgmoves, i realised that the way soldiers die is actually just an animation created in files and retrived by the computer to simulate death. Therefore u can create to ur desire how u want ur model to die- either robatic shutdown, drop to the ground or something like your ragdoll effect.

However the drawback is that the model will not react to the effect of a bullet hitting it cos the ofp engine for the human is configured to accept certain amounts of shots before playing the dead animation file.

But still, noticed how the human will fly if u frag it?..Thats the engine physics at play. Seems the engine will recognise the codes for high impact bullets/missiles/bombs and activate the physics for the model. Perhaps if the bullets are configured as grenades but set to lower 'hit' ratio, this might trick the engine into playing physics instead of dead animation file? Afterall, not all grenades will kill...its the shrapnel from it if it hits the main arteries and veins, most just get wounded.

Edit:- Most rounds ( non-explosives ordnance) realistically will only puncture holes on the bodies in close quarters or make u stagger back slightly if kevlar amour is put on at 0-25m range as the bullet has not reached its max velocity yet..but if u are 100m - 200m with amour, u will fly..more so if the much feared 7.62rounds are used. .50calibre i need not say more except u will look like superman on flight before dying! crazy_o.gif

All the best  smile_o.gif

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A while ago someone was trying to detect where bullets hit on objects. I don't know if that went anywhere but such a script would be necessary. Seeing proper physics in OFP2 would be nice, but I'm not keeping my hopes up.

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at least nobody told you "do it your damn self", so you're getting somewhere. This should be interesting.

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True ragdoll physics would not be possible without editing the game engine (since its the physics engine which causes the ragdoll effect)

However, you can have an "almost" ragdoll effect, by editing the death anims. IIRC there is a way to detect what animation the unit is currently performing, and you could combine this with a nearest object and direction check, and then get the dieing unit to play one of a variety of anims which most suit the object he/she is dieing over.

Would be quite cpu intensive, and would require a LOT of death anims to be made, but the effect (not the actual physics - this would all be SOTAT) is possibly possible...

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My guess is that because the engine allows blood where hit,we can tell where an object was hit,but to animate that part when hit (ie: shoulder impact back etc..)doesn't sound possible.

Like Deadmeat says,you could prolly tell that when the soldier is hit in shoulder and a soldier dies from it and make a correspoding shoulder throwing back dying animation.Sounds like alot of work

edit : When the OFP2 forums first started I discussed ragdoll effect,lets hope its in OFP2,not just for weapon impacts,but for vehicle collisions and such,would be awesome.The game could then recreate crash scenes

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One think i remember experiencing in OPF since...ever, death animation delay! Sometimes when i shoot a soldier in the chest the fall back anim. seems delayed and wierd, if it was to use more than one animation it would problably look very bad right rock.gif .

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I actually have an animation that simulates ragdoll effect, it was created by a good friend by the name of Rouge1 wink_o.gif.

I myself tried to create some, but I gave up, it takes ALOT of time and frames.

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i think it's unpossible without any several game motor change

but the game motor of OFP is over copyright and if you change it... it's illegal like an trainer

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