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Mister Frag

OFP videography

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Yeah about constructive critisism i would like to go down on my knee's and ask smer4 if he or she can plz don't use ramstein music in every movie i think the music sounds good until he starts to sing tounge_o.gif

Try to add some variety like using some other music to wink_o.gif

other than that i would say that the chechnya movie seems promising.

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to Commando84

in New chechnya 3 will be metallica and rammstein too .. to be honest, i'm already thinking about something other smile_o.gif

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nice USSRsniper but it got a bit to much of the same, you shoul put some guys on a car roof or so. First min rocked!

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The thread title is "OFP Combat Videography" not "Counterstrike trailers".

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If you can make it in CS it doesnt means that you can do same in OFP  tounge_o.gif

this trialer sucks!!! cuz CS sucks biggrin_o.gif

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to cain

k, i will try to be really objective.

the  triler link u gave us has nothing special at all !!! the only think i liked is the names of the guys on the fireview at the end ( termonator2 letters )

1-CS has not such a big world, so, the graphic is nicer then in oFP but .. they didn't show as buitiful CS is

2-there is only pousing efects all the time, it's already annoing and boring closer to the end

3-there is no any movie story line. even a little one, so, bunch of guys haotic killing each other ...

4-they didn't show any addon-weapon-cool stuff about CS

and the last thing - don't say us "watch and learn" if the movie hasn't been done by you. or u asking us to learn copy-pasting links of other movies rock.gif

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This is a Counter-strike Trailer, this is how an movie should look like.

watch and learn

Learn what? You can "learn" from Counter-Strike? Apart from bunny-hopping and how to be an asshole I'd say the CS educational system is pretty poor haha.

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although I dislike it, I have to agree with cain2001 to some extent

I want to stress that I have seen some very fine contributions so far, and I want to encourage all people to contribute to this thread, but so far a lot of contributions to this thread have been footage taken from regular gameplay, shot from 1st person view, showing the hud and all. Footage like that mostly just shows your rambo-capabilities, it doesn't really show what OFP is capable of ...

Screenshots visibly shot from 1st person have silently, but steadily been banned from the OFP Photography thread.

The least we could do in this thread is to mention whether a video linked is 1st person (real-time footage) or a scripted-directed cutscene with multiple camera positions, units, ... .

BTW: because ofp is rather CPU-intensive, it is extremely difficult to record a movie on harddisk without stuttering. For most people's system, it is already difficult to play OFP without occasional stuttering ... If cain2001 wants perfectly smooth cinema, I think he should stick to other games or to the cinema.

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It'd be nice to have something like Red vs Blue for Flashpoint, small 5 min episodes with like 6 main characters or something, and then have extra's in the background walking around and doing stuff.

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smer, of course I wasn't talking about you, but I trust that everybody will be able to make the distinction between what they like and what not.

Let me stress: I didn't say that 1st person material is bad by definition, it can be craftily edited into a very good movie (especially now with Kegetys' dxdll, which allows you to remove the hud.)

let me add that I have to disagree with the tone of cain2001's intervention, especially considering the amount of time one puts into such video projects. We are still a long way from the OFP:CP thread's policy (no comment without own picture), but it would have been fairer to debate this issue on the basis of one of your own movies ..

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It'd be nice to have something like Red vs Blue for Flashpoint, small 5 min episodes with like 6 main characters or something, and then have extra's in the background walking around and doing stuff.

lol, so you haven´t heard of east vs. west yet tounge_o.gif

dunno if it´s still in the making or already cancelled.... maybe someone from the team stumbles across this thread

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@Placebo , yes but made a good example of a top quality movie.

@Smer4Sure CS sucks, sure how can u belive in god. We all belive and think diffrent accept that. Smer4 that movie was "cool" good music, nice effects ect, never seen anything close to that in ofp!

Around 100.000 play CS every day, 500-600 in ofp smile_o.gif

For those who find this movie with no qualities at all, you shouldnt be near movie editing. This guy is close to a Guru. Well my point is made, dont think this thread is about to bitch about what we all think.

Placebo, plz delete all non refering to movie threads


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I happen to like Counter Strike.

So does every other millionth person in the world playing it still. No big deal.

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Quote[/b] ]lol, so you haven´t heard of east vs. west yet

dunno if it´s still in the making or already cancelled.... maybe someone from the team stumbles across this thread

Oh yes, we're still very much alive.

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*see's cs... gets ub3r l337 m4 and pwn0rz it into cs_dust*

On a serious note, I like the vid STYLE, but I HATE (strong word, applies very much so here) Counter Strike, hence why I think it was flamed a little because it contained said material.

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As I said once already this thread isn't for discussion about CounterStike, do that elsewhere.

The next person to mention CounterStrike in here will get a WL+ and 1 week PR.

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LOL with that music I was expecting a close up of some kind of Battle Orc or Frodo or something any second, looks real nice though smile_o.gif

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Lol, nice - shame about the camera's sudden movements sometimes...and the lack of combat, but that's not the point of the movie.


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