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Nogova 2004 released!

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hey mates

the highway aia running into things problem. LOL it only works on the north side of the highway....if u let them drive there it works, but the south lane of the highway...notta!


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I'll also give my comment on this map...but notice I only took a flight around with a chopper to see the mainchanges.

I think the ideas of the highway, "bigger" busstations, facilities, storageareas etc. are great but in my opinion it simply doesn't fit to Nogova...the used addons have such huge dimensions, that normal housing areas look like "lego city" for example. It's also difficult to explain that large industrial areas on such a small island with a real small popultion.

If you put all that stuff on an island specially designed for that "dimensions" it would surely look great!

Only the airfield is really a bad mistake because it's really to large and not build up very well (arrangment of buildings) even if it has two landingstripes now.

But that is just my point of view!

Btw, I noticed some bugs...

1. A "road-end" ("konec") was placed in the wrong direction in one of the industrial areas...sorry, didn't remember the coordinate.

2. Some of the groundtextures around the new bridge(s) aren't fitting exactly to the ones surrounding them.



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Just a few suggests:

1. Replace some of the warehouses with the factory in 3WX/

2. Flip the parking lot and the bus depot at the airport (easier said than done)

3. Get some stuff from Wizzywig, namely the stoplight (slipped my mind last posting)

And please add the mapfact airport (like as a customs area before entering the Bus\taxi area).

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Only the airfield is really a bad mistake because it's really to large and not build up very well (arrangment of buildings) even if it has two landingstripes now.

But that is just my point of view!

Btw, I noticed some bugs...

1. A "road-end" ("konec") was placed in the wrong direction in one of the industrial areas...sorry, didn't remember the coordinate.

2. Some of the groundtextures around the new bridge(s) aren't fitting exactly to the ones surrounding them.



The airport was kinda finished in a rush, expect a new airport in the next version wink_o.gif

About the roads: don't know where it is, I corrected most of it can you give me the map coordinates?

About the textures: the textures needed weren't available, I am still looking for a solution wink_o.gif

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I'll also give my comment on this map...but notice I only took a flight around with a chopper to see the mainchanges.

I think the ideas of the highway, "bigger" busstations, facilities, storageareas etc. are great but in my opinion it simply doesn't fit to Nogova...the used addons have such huge dimensions, that normal housing areas look like "lego city" for example. It's also difficult to explain that large industrial areas on such a small island with a real small popultion.

If you put all that stuff on an island specially designed for that "dimensions" it would surely look great!

Only the airfield is really a bad mistake because it's really to large and not build up very well (arrangment of buildings) even if it has two landingstripes now.

But that is just my point of view!

Btw, I noticed some bugs...

1. A "road-end" ("konec") was placed in the wrong direction in one of the industrial areas...sorry, didn't remember the coordinate.

2. Some of the groundtextures around the new bridge(s) aren't fitting exactly to the ones surrounding them.



keep in mind the import/export busness

those large factorys could be exporting wheat and grain to other islands/countries.

everon has no factories. mabe they import all thier goods from nogova wink_o.gif

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One more thing ironsight.  The highways and the ai direction shit...that needs to be worked out mate seriously or this island will be really useless with AI driving around.....at least its easier for me to get from point W to point E on the island by driving the A1 Highway


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One more thing ironsight.  The highways and the ai direction shit...that needs to be worked out mate seriously or this island will be really useless with AI driving around.....at least its easier for me to get from point W to point E on the island by driving the A1 Highway



calm down

that was stated to be his first priority for next release.... 300 other people have informed him of this bug. . . im pretty sure he knows its there and plans on fixing it. . .no need to beat the point into him

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no need to beat the point into him

I got my baseball bat out for nothing sad_o.giftounge_o.gif

I'd like to point out theres room for a pub in Vidlakov, to keep the local fishermen happy wink_o.giftounge_o.gif

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What about a larger dock lol to subsitute the huge oil tankers to take oil around lol!

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About those other improvments smile_o.gif I was looking into runway layouts:


I'm thinking of making the rest of the lights (runway and taxiway) along the same lines as the VASI's your already using. I can even script the VASI's to work when players are landing.

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One more thing ironsight.  The highways and the ai direction shit...that needs to be worked out mate seriously or this island will be really useless with AI driving around.....at least its easier for me to get from point W to point E on the island by driving the A1 Highway


Dude, look in the readme you will find your answer there.

Looks like noone read it  crazy_o.gif

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What about a larger dock lol to subsitute the huge oil tankers to take oil around lol!

Just for laughs...

FULL STEAM AHEAD!!! Erm... no steam?? Oh, yeah, right, this ain't a Sierra product, thank god... it's Philcommando's nice big ship, cruising at the comfortably realistic speed of 116 km/h...


Haye-o Silver, awaayyyyyy!!! tounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.gif

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BUZZARD @ July 01 2004,14:49)]

What about a larger dock lol to subsitute the huge oil tankers to take oil around lol!

Just for laughs...

FULL STEAM AHEAD!!! Erm... no steam?? Oh, yeah, right, this ain't a Sierra product, thank god... it's Philcommando's nice big ship, cruising at the comfortably realistic speed of 116 km/h...


Haye-o Silver, awaayyyyyy!!!  tounge_o.gif  tounge_o.gif  tounge_o.gif  tounge_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

Looks like somebodys due for a time out crazy_o.gif

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hm, what about making the mine north of mokropsy a bit bigger (they might have found something valubal, like Silver, diamonds, gold, iron, Bauxit (aluminum) or something...)

but then i guess Mokropsy would have grown to a small mining town....

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One more thing ironsight.  The highways and the ai direction shit...that needs to be worked out mate seriously or this island will be really useless with AI driving around.....at least its easier for me to get from point W to point E on the island by driving the A1 Highway


Dude, look in the readme you will find your answer there.

Looks like noone read it  crazy_o.gif

welcome to modding tounge_o.gif

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I always read the readmes mates! I just pulling your hair!

One thing i love about this nogova, its a highway guys! oh dude, i love highways!

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Heya, its a great island, i really like it. It has a much improved atmosphere, and i really like the proper highways. The only things i would like to see would a new large city, so that there are at least 2 large cities on the island, which would be more realistic. And maybe some other villages could be expanded to make them a litle bigger, at the moment it just does not look like the population of Nogova is big enough.

And maybe, in the far, far far future... You could create a winter version of this island...? smile_o.gif That would be great!

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Heya, its a great island, i really like it. It has a much improved atmosphere, and i really like the proper highways. The only things i would like to see would a new large city, so that there are at least 2 large cities on the island, which would be more realistic. And maybe some other villages could be expanded to make them a litle bigger, at the moment it just does not look like the population of Nogova is big enough.

And maybe, in the far, far far future... You could create a winter version of this island...? smile_o.gif  That would be great!

There are two large citys. Lipany and Petrovice. smile_o.gif

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But adding or expanding cities would be nice, you could expand Modrava and the highway should end at Modrava, not the airport. And like SandVoss says, expand the villages, at least the villages near the highway. Now it looks like half of the island is still in the 80's and the other half is well beyond the year 2000. But don't change the north much, except Modrava beceause i want to use the north as a base for the resistance

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Problem is, there aren't many modern enterable buildings... of course you have AGS City buildings, but they're external decoration only, so they're not really functional like the apartment towers present in OFP:Resistance for instance.One thing that can be said about many BIS buildings is that you can see 'em inside out...

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sooooo any news?  rock.gif

Made a few changes, but I am busy atm so don't expect anything soon sad_o.gif

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Would it be feasible to have a script or prefab mission that would simulate the civilian population going about their daily lives or fleeing as refugees....obviously in a modulated CPU friendly way, perhaps with civilians dissapearing once they reached a destination : say a ferry or non enterable building?

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