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Operation Flashpoint: Mission Editing Competition.

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Hello smile_o.gif

I have a new question about the scoring/winners. There are 6 categories, and 10 Finalists, and 1 allround winner. So I want to ask you, how can you compare a Coop mission with a Single Player mission? And who will be the winner, when two missions reached the full score? Coop? SP? With Addons, without Addons? Its like you compare OFP with Sims. Which game is better? OFP or Sims? A games magazine makes for all game genres different lists. Or would you put Diablo2 in front of OFP? wow_o.gif ?

So long, xezon. smile_o.gif

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I guess, no mission will have full score in all categories such as reality/ cinematics/ scripts...(there is nothing other to compare, so the relative avarge of rating is free for needs of judges).

And I guess that judges will compare the imaginary maximal potential of each category, however I think that SP missions with addons have the best chance for VBS because of ballanced potential in every testing category (especialy cutscenes and story for SP and greater potential of addons), however the potential may not be fully used and unaddoned mission have a small + against badly or avargely addoned missions.

But that is only a guess, i write what i think, because Placebo won´t answer sooner than monday and I guess he will be pretty busy that time  smile_o.gif

By the way: Why not to make VBS prize for every category? I think it can´t be too expensive for BIS since have copyright on it and those common player would hardly buy full VBS pack - it must cost only the expenses for material, posting and so on for BIS (maybe Im wrong)... and its true that comparing 6 categories to get one winner is not ideal sad_o.gif

In other hand, let be happy for that one VBS, its nice deal wink_o.gif

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Comparing apples with oranges is always difficult.    For example, how do you compare a solo blackop mission with a huge Chain of Command combined operations mission?     The judges will have as much difficulty in comparing missions within a category as in comparing missions from different categories.  

In practice, a lot of the theoretical difficulties will disappear when they actually have real missions to compare.    "Quality" is difficult to define, but it's one of these things that you know it when you see it.

@Batdog, that spoof news item was just a bit of fun to remind everyone that the deadline is close.  tounge_o.gif   Sorry if you didn't like it.    Bad luck about  your comp btw.  sad_o.gif

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Puh, I submitted today my mission, hope everything is right. smile_o.gif

I wish everyone good luck. smile_o.gif

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my mission is about 10 mb can i still submit it?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Submission Rules:

Missions must be compressed into either Zip or Rar format.

The submitted zip/rar must not exceed 5mb (for the sake of simplicity we're calling that 5000000bytes).

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I believe the entry form won't even allow you to submit a file over 5mb so you have no choice but to fix it smile_o.gif

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BTW for the record you won't be marked down in the slightest if music tracks are of a low audio quality due to compression smile_o.gif

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An unimportant question I felt like asking:

Does the submission id have anything to do with the number of missions submitted?

Thank you. smile_o.gif


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Thats it, ladies and gentlemen... i dont know am i sad or happy, but i'm very excited  smile_o.gif

wish u all luck  smile_o.gif

by IDs i can judge that there were submitted many missions tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Does the submission id have anything to do with the number of missions submitted?

Yessir smile_o.gif

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Is it too late to submit a mission now? First I thought there was time for whole 16th Aug to send it over, thus I didn´t finish my mission in the late hours... I was like rock.gifcrazy_o.gifsad_o.gifmad_o.gif when I read the 9 am.

Any chance? smile_o.gif

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There have been a number of late submissions, I think perhaps one more will not hurt too much smile_o.gif FlashNews will be posted sometime within the next hour, in there it says the time for submissions has passed, so submit it quick smile_o.gif

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6pm CET.

Submissions for the mission editing competition will no longer be accepted smile_o.gif

I'm closing the thread to make the point, I'll either open it again in a while or make a new one so that there is a place for updates and such smile_o.gif

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