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How about a forum night?

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As there seems to be so many around right now maybe we could do the best of it and play a few games instead?

Sounds good to me ... on my way tounge_o.gif

yep, that's what i thought some minutes ago. biggrin_o.gif

we need a banner... not "keep ofp alive" but "keep CIA alive!" kind of ambiguous, especially when you think of the current situation of the "real" CIA... wink_o.gif

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Who was talking about putting the cia nights on hold? We just had a live and kicking one! smile_o.gif

Thanks for the games all

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Yep thanks from me too! And dare you if anybody starts talking about something like "stopping" smile_o.gif

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Thanx for joining and thanx for the great games..

The only solution I see is that I recruit a few new members. This is not the right place to look for new members but drop by the CiA site and find out who we are and some other info.

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roflmao, So you did a game yesterday anyway and I missed it again. I can't believe it. Well, better luck next time. tounge_o.gif

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Yeah, yeah....

I´m on my way smile_o.gif

Returned from my coldest mission up to now yesterday.

All body parts still in place.

Hmm...no sunday ?

I´m a bit confused now.


-Group hug-

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Yeah, yeah....

I´m on my way smile_o.gif

Returned from my coldest mission up to now yesterday.

All body parts still in place.

Hmm...no sunday ?

I´m a bit confused now.


-Group hug-

heeey, bals, great to see you back here! you're still alive and all parts of the body are alive? smile_o.gif

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Hmm I think bals has brought some poppies with him home.. At least that's what it appears biggrin_o.gif

Nice to to have you back Herr Heiliger wink_o.gif

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Indeed very, very nice to hear that you are back healthy and in one piece!

"Grüß mir die Landshuter!" smile_o.gif


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Quote[/b] ]Hmm I think bals has brought some poppies with him home..

No harvest season in Afgha right now wink_o.gif

There were some more interesting souvenirs to collect tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Nice to to have you back Herr Heiliger

The saint is pleased to be back and to see some of you still actively fighting the CIA war blues.gif

I´m a bit dissapointed though...no new info on OFP 2.

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Wow, hey Bals! Back so soon? biggrin_o.gif Now I will have to join CiA server to play some games with the l33t Bals... smile_o.gif

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This thread sounds like crying out for a CiA-Server today . . . smile_o.gif

Welcome back, Balschoiw!

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So what's the deal with the Mapfact server? I assume it's still down as I can't see it..

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yay group hug ! nice to see you back bals  biggrin_o.gif

if you´re in need of a server head over to ofpc, we´ve got a coop (afaik addon free) running right now, find all needed info here  smile_o.gif

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So what's the deal with the Mapfact server? I assume it's still down as I can't see it..

sorry, it is still down... i wasn't there today... RL and alcohol was too promising. tounge_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Thanx for the games.. We had few great games. Too bad Bals couldn't make it but I guess he has a few things to catch up with after 3 months of living in the mountains.

Here's a couple screenshots of todays co-op.



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Hopefully I'll be joining you guys tonight.  Believe it's a 6 hour time difference, here being on the East Coast of USA and the majority if you guys being in Europe.

Another video and loads of shots coming up!

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I guess the game will be when we get a more than a couple of players, but it wont take long.

Be kind to bals, he is propably terribly bad right now but don't let him know that tounge_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

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Nevermind, got it, also gotta download Winter Nojogev and Teamspeak, be there in a few.

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CiA is up..

Read the server rules

You will need:

FDF mod 1.3

FDF Desert Pack

Kegetys' russian weapon pack 1.1

It's not sure we will play winter nogojev but some missions still might need it.

Winter Nogojev 1.1

It's good if you get Kegs S&W revolvers as there are a couple of missions that uses them.

Kegetys' Smith & Wesson Revolvers

IP: ofp.ciahome.net

Port: 2302

No Password

All join the Teamspeak 2 server at IP ofp.ciahome.net

The password is ciafdf

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