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Rome: total war / napoleon total war

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Even now he's sitting there being evil... The "old man act" is just a fasade for the satan that he truly is.

EDIT: And yes, by the looks of that trailer that was posted here. Moving ships looks alot easier. In M:TW it was a pain launching a seaborne assault... You had to have ships in every bloody sea zone leading to the area you want to get at.

The sea thing doesn't bother me as much as the other stuff, it seems pretty reasonable. If you're going to move a lot (an army's worth + money + food + supplies + weaponry etc) of men a long distance by sea you need a lot of boats. And you can use the oceans as a short cut.

After the diabolical assassin episode the other day, now all the nations except italy, turkey and sicily are attacking me... all the remaining nations, that is, thanks to some suicidal attacks by their kings and the sacrifice of a few pawns to enable the capture and killing of the enemy kings commanding attacks. Egypt, for example, decided to attack one of my strongest generals with a fairly good army with their king commanding... and no heirs. Cue largest faction in the game becoming rebels.


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Yes, it take supplies to move by sea. But at that time IRL it saved a lot of resources and time if you moved by sea. In Medieval it takes ages just to build one boat. I mean, 3 years? Common!

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A tactic i use in shogun is to get loads of musketeers, line them all up, and wait for the enemy to charge. Never lost on the Tamba Map.

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I loved Shogun, liked MTW and I am pretty sure that RTW will be the last nail to the coffin of sociality for me. biggrin_o.gif

MTW was a good game but I had my sucpisions about the cheating AI when AI peasants killed and routed 30 ghulam cavalry charging their rear. rock.gif

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RTW will be my first TW game. I just love anything Roman so I have to get it. That TV show confirmed that I have to get it.

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Last time I played M:TW I played with Germany. I had a quite big, but tecnologically backward kingdom. I had to compensate it by hiring mercenaries. Actually almost my whole army consisted of mercenaries, so I had quite a few visits from inquisitors killing my best generals mad_o.gif Next time I'm going to play with some arabic faction.

Oh, and I'm drooling for R:TW. I just can't wait smile_o.gif

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is this game like command and conquer or is it more like a "general of the army" game.

Id love to try it out if you are just a military commander, but if I have to build things, research stuff and mine minerals, this game may not be for me.

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Well...There is no micromanagement in this game, you don't have to send out peasants to the farms or things like that. In the campaign map M:TW and S:TW is comparable to Civilization (but far less complex diplomacy wise.)

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There's a strategic component to the campaign - basically you lead a nation/faction. You build the armies, build upgrades, etc. on a main campaign screen. When two armies meet on the campaign screen, it gives you the option of commanding the battle and this is where you actually control the units and fight.

You can play the game in campaign mode only, in battle mode only or both. In campaign you have the option of autoresolving the battles (which is what I usually do) or fighting them yourself. If you only want to fight battles, there are quick battle generators, historical battles, battle campaigns (where you go from one historical battle to another - like following Alexander's career so you fight all his famous battles) and I think one or two other modes of play.

From the sound of the demo, there isn't a campaign map and only a tutorial battle and an historical battle. If you try it and it tickles your fancy, you may think about buying the game.

Personally, I prefer playing the main campaigns - in Mideval Total War I loved commanding the Byzantines and taking over the known world. smile_o.gif

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Game may be delayed to first or second week of October sad_o.gif

Yet to be confirmed yet tho smile_o.gif

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A Demo!!!!

wOOt, i can't wait for Monday. . . Wait that just doesnt sound right rock.gif

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Apparently the demo has been released early:

click me

That link is taking a wee while to load, anyway if it's truly so. Great news indeed! biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: Yee! Downloading now! But is it legit?

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I'm downloading now, but am highly dubious.

Also, if your currently serving in Afghanistan with the British forces you should be aware that you can pick up the full retail version of Rome: Total War free from your base on Thursday.

edit: works fine

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Downloading. I'm afraid it won't work on my comp though sad_o.gif

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It's...The game is...well its...

shweeeeeet biggrin_o.gif

ps. put General Camera on in camera options, it rules!

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I love this demo!!!!  biggrin_o.gif

Hannibal loss 145 men and Sempronious (he was killed by the "hidden" cavalry...gangraped by them) loss 1293 men. I loved how some romans were thrown up in the air by the elephants.

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I'm very happy with the demo - the game runs very very well on my machine and it looks great.

Also, the cavalry is much better than in MTW - they actually charge through some formations and circle around to strike again. Also, the combat looks to be less abstracted - if you see a soldier stab at an enemy, that enemy will be the one that falls.

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Quote[/b] ]ERROR: You're banned from this tracker, shithead.

Current server time: Aug 22, 2004 15:20:28

Looks like I was late...

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Quote[/b] ]ERROR: You're banned from this tracker, shithead.

Current server time: Aug 22, 2004 15:20:28

Looks like I was late...

Looks like I was just in time! Too bad though. But you only need the torrent file, someone can send it to you over msn or whatever you have.

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Seem's someones not to happy about this demo being leaked crazy_o.gif

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