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I hope some1 is able to contact DevilChaser to ask premission to release a fixed version. I wouldn't mind playing my favo mission again in 1.96 smile_o.gif

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From the intel i have gathered he has left the OFP community entirely.

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From the intel i have gathered he has left the OFP community entirely.

sad_o.gif hmm so no Firelord 2?

Anyway, it is a pity that a error occurs when the soldier is lifting and shaking the truck. smile_o.gif Can't be bothered fixing it myself right now.

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From the intel i have gathered he has left the OFP community entirely.

sad_o.gif hmm so no Firelord 2?

Anyway, it is a pity that a error occurs when the soldier is lifting and shaking the truck. smile_o.gif Can't be bothered fixing it myself right now.

very quik fix

here (6kb)

couldnt be arsed to make it good looking but it works... tounge_o.gif

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when I'm pressing the link I'm coming to BI forum   rock.gif

Right click on the link and select 'Save Target As...' , it works.

very quik fix

here (6kb)

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I downloaded this mission recently and had the same problems as everyone else. I use the Game of the Year Edition and so ran it using Original Flashpoint option and it worked great. The mission was excellent, very atmospheric and the cut scenes were amazing.

I would be interested in an updated version however as I drive quite recklessly and constantly find my UAZ bouncing into the air off rocks and stuff crazy_o.gif

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when the MI-8 lands the pilot dissapears and spawns into the water...  WTF?!  crazy_o.gif  rock.gif

well... wich part...?

in the beginning? near the harbor?... rock.gif

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Here's an idea, re-install OFP and play it at the version it is meant to be played at.

If you don't, you miss out on one of the best OFP missions ever smile_o.gif

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Here's an idea, re-install OFP and play it at the version it is meant to be played at.

If you don't, you miss out on one of the best OFP missions ever smile_o.gif

OR start fire up the Coldwar Crisis CD! biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: and it worked! i made the world a little safer! biggrin_o.gif

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It will work fine with 1.96 as long as you replace the video.sqs in the original mission folder by that one fixed by ofpforum smile_o.gif

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It will work fine with 1.96 as long as you replace the video.sqs in the original mission folder by that one fixed by ofpforum smile_o.gif

no... i already told you that i had a problem with that MI-8 pilot wink_o.gif

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no... i already told you that i had a problem with that MI-8 pilot  wink_o.gif

In that case, the  easyer way is follow Ex-RoNiN tip  tounge_o.gif

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It will work fine with 1.96 as long as you replace the video.sqs in the original mission folder by that one fixed by ofpforum smile_o.gif

no... i already told you that i had a problem with that MI-8 pilot  wink_o.gif

well, ive never had that problem...

but its possible, as devilchaser used unassigndriver instead of a getout waypoint or dude leavevehicle thingy.. (or something like that... wink_o.gif )

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