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Albert Schweitzer

Download this ego-shooter (96kb only)

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Okay ladies,

We all know from the past that there are many competitions are out there that challenge to compress data as much as possible. The following Ego-shooter is 96kb ONLY. But the graphics are extraordinary.

Have a try, keep playing and observe textures (later on pretty incredible) and especially lightning effects!


(watched an interview today with its german developers)

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April 17 2004,14:31

Sorry burns. I searched but couldnt find a relating topic. But Placebo by now is used to the fact that I doublepost all the time (without intending it). But corresponding to the short feedback you received on your thread I think it is worth to revitalise the idea. (may it be on my or your thread). People just need to see this!

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This is a great game, I get all the joy of d/loading and extracting it, a REALLY cool black screen when loading it and an error free crash to the desktop, without so much as a title screen. tounge_o.gif

I've d/loaded it several times with the same result... wtf?  crazy_o.gif


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  (C4P741N @ April 18 2004,04:23) said:
This is a great game, I get all the joy of d/loading and extracting it, a REALLY cool black screen when loading it and an error free crash to the desktop, without so much as a title screen. tounge_o.gif

I've d/loaded it several times with the same result... wtf?  crazy_o.gif


Ditto. sad_o.gif

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guys I think you are missing the point here. its 96k and have u seen how cool the engine is?

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You mean the black screen that flickers? Yeah, I've seen it, plenty of times.

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This game ROCKS! wow_o.gif

But seriously folks, I havent been able to get past this screen, did those of you who actually tried it have to do anything special?  Or does my Geforce 2 just not cut it?

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Lol, for me it just went fine. First the loading screen and then the game, high FPS! I get you some screenshots afterwards.

But your hardware MUST be up to date!

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It takes quite a long time to load, but it is amazing what they managed to fit into 96Kb!


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amazing for only 96kb, i got killed by those little bugs in the tunnel though biggrin_o.gif didnt see there was one behind me lol

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The textures improve even more later during the game. The guns however seem to be the same, just always larger grenades, faster bullets...!

(this is a light effect and not static textures. Shooting a bullet through the tunel lights up the walls realy nicely (as well as reflections on the gun itself")


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the light effect which is caused by weapon #5´ projectiles is my favourite.

does the game support dx9 ?

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  (Mr Burns @ April 18 2004,14:48) said:
the light effect which is caused by weapon #5´ projectiles is my favourite.

does the game support dx9 ?

I'm sure it uses dx9 effects.. The game it self might be just 96kb but that's not the whole truth. You wouldn't be able to play it without a big dx9 installation.

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  (Llauma @ April 18 2004,14:53) said:
  (Mr Burns @ April 18 2004,14:48) said:
the light effect which is caused by weapon #5´ projectiles is my favourite.

does the game support dx9 ?

I'm sure it uses dx9 effects.. The game it self might be just 96kb but that's not the whole truth. You wouldn't be able to play it without a big dx9 installation.

System requirements

- A 1.5GHz Pentium3/Athlon or faster.

- 512MB of RAM (or more)

- A Geforce4Ti (or higher) or ATI Radeon8500 (or higher) graphics card

supporting pixel shaders 1.3, preferably with 128MB or more of VRAM.

- Some kind of sound hardware

- DirectX 9.0b

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]a few clarifications:

* Yes, we are the same guys who are responsible for FR-08: .the .product and all the follow-ups (which you can find at our home page, http://www.farb-rausch.de [farb-rausch.de]).

* We don't use any hidden texture/sound or game generators in Windows. .kkrieger requires DirectX 9, but only to gain access to the graphics and sound hardware. OpenGL and whatever audio API would also work, we just chose to use DirectX. Maybe we will even release a Linux version in the future (which should be about the same size using X and ALSA), but as all this is done in our spare time and none of us has a linux desktop PC, it's rather improbable. So, the only thing where we "cheated" and used ressources from Windows are the Arial and Times New Roman fonts which we use as base material for our fonts (heavily processed tho). This and all Windows DLLs that are essential for running. We don't even use any external libc.

* All content, that is: the textures, the models, the map and part of the animations is generated procedurally. The basic concept is a modular graphics synthesizer which only stores the steps needed to opbain a certain image or mesh with their parameters. On www.theproduct.de [theproduct.de] you'll find a short explanation. .kkrieger uses the very same concepts, only in a really evolved and refined way.

* Also the sound is created procedurally by a virtual-analog software synthesizer processing heavily compressed MIDI data. It runs in real-time (for the music) as well as as pre-processing step (for the sound effects). Actual sound output is done via simplest DirectSound programming.

* The graphics engine is made for Doom3-style graphics, that means full Phong lighting model with various light sources and normal mapping everywhere, and of course stencil based shadows. It requires a PS1.3 level graphics card such as a GeForce4Ti or a Radeon8500 or better, though it's only fun on at least a Radeon 9600 or a GeforceFX 5700, we know.

* We also know about the insane hardware and memory requirements and all the bugs as well as the mostly missing gameplay, but we worked on it (partly) for about two years and we definitely wanted to get it out at the Breakpoint party [untergrund.net] on Easter. This meant lots of things we had to cut, this meant lots of thigs we didn't test, and we know this beta is far from perfect. But expect a final version in a few months (we'll definitely take some rest now) which will be about 128k and not only feature less bugs, hangs and fsckups but only vastly more content and hopefully an improved engine capable of real vs/ps2.0 support for more speed and quality. Oh, and gameplay. And monsters that actually DIE instead of just being turned off

Hope that clears up a few things...

Tammo "kb" Hinrichs

Farbrausch Consumer Consulting

freelance audio programming guy for .kkrieger

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Dont forget that they pretty much just mixed up textures in a smart way. Their aim wasnt to create a good game but develop on with small Kb size. Any introduction of a new weapon would have increased the kb size a lot. Any new texture, any new enemy, any new special effect, all that would have had a fundamental impact.

But still. just for the sound I would have expected a size far above 100kb, the shaders, the textures, how can you fit that into 90kb? I am still wondering and admiring!

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if you read you see there is no textures only instructions to create textures with the shaders etc. So its all just code and no stored textures.

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Loading goes to about 90-95% and then locks up my computer completly. Tried twice now.

Guess that means a no.

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Frame rate was ok on my ti4800 but it was really REALLY dark and increasing gamma in my video settings didn't help. The only interesting things about it was the size. A 96kb program that uses 350mb of memory - Microsoft should hire these guys!

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  (toadlife @ April 19 2004,07:22) said:
A 96kb program that uses 350mb of memory - Microsoft should hire these guys!

no BIS should, not MS!

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Okay, got it to run at a good speed, so I have a revised verdict: pretty damn good for 96kb.

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