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Skul's already hard at work campaigning to improve his quirkiest poster position next year  wink_o.gif

If I don't win quirkiest next year, I'll... I will...err...hmm...

Anyhoo, I thought people would vote me as the quirkiest forum member... seems I just wasn't quirky enough... I shake your hand in being able to defeat me in quirkiness, SpeedyDonkey... (begins plotting revenge) 33.gif


[Gareth Gates must die]

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M21man received 2 votes for quirky, one from you and one from another smile_o.gif

Ok, fair enough Placebo.

But i voted "Me" for hotte.. uhm Friendliest poster, and you counted it blank sad_o.gif

RECOUNT, RECOUNT, RECOU... *gets dragged away

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But i voted "Me" for hotte.. uhm Friendliest poster, and you counted it blank sad_o.gif

RECOUNT, RECOUNT, RECOU... *gets dragged away

I will consider self votes in any category their way of saying they couldn't think of anyone to vote for in that category, ie it will be considered a null vote smile_o.gif


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But i voted "Me" for hotte.. uhm Friendliest poster, and you counted it blank sad_o.gif

RECOUNT, RECOUNT, RECOU... *gets dragged away

I will consider self votes in any category their way of saying they couldn't think of anyone to vote for in that category, ie it will be considered a null vote smile_o.gif


I hate rules ...

Did i mention that already ?

Anyway, who reads rules, readme's, manuals anyway rock.gif

omg, my postcount says i'm leet ! aaaaaaargh

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Skul not the quirkiest? They guy writes [Gareth Gates must die] on the bottom of each post? Maybe have a O.C.D. category next year. biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]crap excel... why can't i just open it in notepad or something?

Do a Google search for "XLS Viewer", you can find some free programs that let you view Excel (.XLS) documents smile_o.gif .

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Bah! I bet if there was a 'Most valuable member' award, I would've won that!

Right, guys? (Does puppy dog eyes)


P.S. Whaddya mean OCD? I have no such disorder! Maybe I should just put your name in there, eh?

[spongeBob must die]


[Gareth Gates must die]

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Could we See the Total Votes? ( if its not to much asked )

I like to see who voted on who  tounge_o.gif

Wouldnt that defeat the purpose of private voting???

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Hmm, only Denoir won of my nominations, too bad Hellfish didn't get friendliest poster/best mod.

Better start changing that vip 2002 avatar BTW?

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Better start changing that vip 2002 avatar BTW?
Quote[/b] ]Ok i cant resist it to bitch around so:

2002 was 2 years ago last year it was 2003 So why isent the New avatars placed?

Stop bitching, placebo already answered your question.

Quote[/b] ]Yup I know, I've sent Bis the new avatar and I'm waiting for them to replace it

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Winning the 'best debater' nomination was very dear to me and I am very honored that people voted for me. Therefore, I really did not want to do this in public and seem ungrateful, but unfortenately placebo forced me to do so.

I have decided not to accept the nomination.

I'll try to explain why. Before the voting was done, as I'm sure you remember, I fiercely objected against the methodology used in the voting. A bit of it, I did in public but most of it directly with placebo. Unfortunately our personal disagreements got in the way of a constructive dialogue. It would be hypocritical of me to protest against the awards before and then be a happy camper once it turns out that I've won in a category. Personal integrity and consistency is a big thing for me, and I simply cannot, no matter how honored I am by it, accept an award that I fiercely objected against in the first place.

I tried to deal with this in private, asking the mods to discreetly remove my VIP avatar now or at an convenient time. I did not want to seem ungrateful to those that voted for me or look like I'm belittling the value of winning the members' nomination. I also did not want to make a public scene about it because I did not wish to undermine placebo's authority. We have some personal issues, but that aside I respect him as a moderator and I value the work he and his colleagues put down to keep this board in shape. I did not want to drag up the horrible organization of the awards and the badly flawed methodology used. Simply put, I wanted without insulting or attacking anybody discreetly get my old member status back. Placebo, for personal reasons I fear, flatly refused saying that if I wanted the avatar removed that I have to make a public rejection in this thread.

So that's what I'm doing. This is a formal request to the moderators to move me back to the member group.

I must again stress that this does not reduce my appreciation for getting nominated. I'm still honored and flattered, but under current circumstances I simply can't with good conscience accept it. I also wish to again congratulate the other winners: you really deserved it.

Tex[uSMC], the runner up will be getting the "best debater" award instead of me. I don't need to tell you that he is a great debater and a good choice for the award. smile_o.gif

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*takes his hat off for Denoir.


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I don´t know what to make of that all. My private mails floods me with some really weird issues and denoir rejects the award.

Hey denoir. I disagree !

You should take the award from the people who gave it to you. It were the forum members who voted you. They voted you because you were the best debatorin their eyes.

Push away that internal games.

It were the users, I was one of them, who voted you best debator (If I remember right  tounge_o.gif ), it´s a punishment for us who voted you, not to take it. Not for a mod.

Be a man and wear your badge with pride.

It´s been user-decided, nothing else.

They wanted to see you there.

I know the vote didn´t get on to well but now it´s done and OFP forum people voted. That´s what counts.


I want to take the chance again to say

"Thank You !"


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I, umm, don't know what to say except I hope you'll reconsider, Denoir. The vote's result is a democratic (more or less) decision and there's nothing hypocritical about you accepting a title that A) others voted for you to receive and B) you without a doubt deserve. If anything, arguing about the method of VIP voting in the terms you did just reinforces your position as Best Debater on these boards smile_o.gif . On a more personal note, it makes me a little uncomfortable to 'win' by default and end up holding a title that isn't even mine while others more deserving get zilch. Not to mention, I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't nearly as active in discussions and debates this last year as I was the year before- guys like Bernadotte and Denoir (who I voted for, after wringing my hands over the decision) are clearly better candidates than I. I know saying that someone is more deserving than I after the people state otherwise isn't especially democratic, but it seems we've already thrown the democracy thing out the window at this point anyways, eh? The thing is that I'm perfectly happy with my status as runner-up, and would rather keep it that way than take a title that I don't deserve. Denoir, I just hope you'll reconsider your decision, as it seems that you're making a mountain out of a molehill- where there's no harm there's no foul, and that seems to be the case here.

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No offense Tex, I agree with you here. Denoir, I may have not gotten around to voting, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't have voted for you. You are the best debator, in terms of depth and breadth of your ability to consistently argue logically so many diverse topics concurrently. I don't think that Placebo could have been snookered by the denoirBot.

Regardless of the number of votes cast, I feel that the result was correct. But to initiate a debate on the ethics of the methodology of being selected the best debater is a particularly novel spin, which isn't necessary to cement your title. Congrats to you, and may we continue to pester you enough that you continue to earn it.

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Wow ,lol

I voted for you too Denior and I have learned much from alot of your posts (not that I read the other areas much)

I wouldn't be insulted by you refusing the title,I can't think of a better person to wear the title and your even here debating the outcome ! Now if that doesn't prove it !

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If you guys are gonna pass the title around, I'll take a double dip in the VIP pool wink_o.gif

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No offense Tex, I agree with you here.

One thing I can tell you definitively is that you will never offend me by agreeing with something I say tounge_o.gif

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@ Mar. 30 2004,02:32)]Denoir, I just hope you'll reconsider your decision, as it seems that you're making a mountain out of a molehill- where there's no harm there's no foul, and that seems to be the case here.

I agree that it is making a mountain out of a molehill. I didn't want to make a "thing" out of this. My idea was to quietly get rid of the VIP avatar. No melodramatic rejection etc I was however not given that choice. Placebo put a public rejection of the award as a condition for removing the avatar.

There are actually two components of why I do not want to be a "VIP". The first one I have mentioned already. I took a stand against it and right or wrong I'm sticking with it.

The second reason will probably sound a bit more odd. I want to be 'regular' member denoir. I've been on the other side of the spectrum when I was a mod. Now I do not want any distinguising title, avatars or marks. I just want to be plain denoir. The only thing I do these days in the OFP community is debate here in OT. Being part of a special group makes it more difficult to have a straight debate, especially with new users. You'd be surprised what strange interpretations people have on what constitutes 'authority'.

Actually this is not the first time I've done this. I won 'best mod' last year, but I did not use the avatar and the VIP designation. When I created my new user account after my absense, Ralph asked me if I wanted my old post count back and the VIP title. I said no and that was the end of it. That was the way it was supposed to be this time too. I don't know what agenda Placebo had with forcing this into public, but I don't see the point of it.

Overall, I must stress again that I'm still very proud and flattered over winning. This has nothing to do with those that voted or with those that won. This is my personal thing. Nothing dramatic or sensational.


While I'm posting. I was going to PM this to you a while ago, but never got around to. , We're in political thinking etc clear opponents. As a matter of fact, you are the first clear opposition in a long time that I really respect and enjoy debating with. It's great to get intelligent opposition in a debate. There are a few others but nowdays we seem to agree on most things. You and I on the other hand seem to have diametrically opposite views on the world and you know how to make your case - that's refreshing smile_o.gif

Tex: We've been too much on the same side in debates lately. Isn't there a veteran's day coming up any time soon, so we can have our annual debate about the indiscriminate gratitude towards veterans? tounge_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]and your even here debating the outcome ! Now if that doesn't prove it !

LOL. biggrin_o.gif I knew that I should not have posted this follow-up, but I can't help myself.  wink_o.gif

Now guys really, stop saying nice things about me. I already have an ego the size of the Eiffel tower and you're not exactly making it smaller  wink_o.gif

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I voted for you Tex  unclesam.gif but the ballot was kinda confusing the holes in the chads didnt quite match up so i may have voted for the wrong people by mistake, and what about those absentee ballots? tounge_o.gif

I am awarding myself the "Stop making great missions and get a life" VIP award.

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The second reason will probably sound a bit more odd. I want to be 'regular' member denoir. I've been on the other side of the spectrum when I was a mod. Now I do not want any distinguising title, avatars or marks. I just want to be plain denoir. The only thing I do these days in the OFP community is debate here in OT. Being part of a special group makes it more difficult to have a straight debate, especially with new users. You'd be surprised what strange interpretations people have on what constitutes 'authority'.

Not to be trite, but what about me? I've had my time in the sun, and now I'd rather be 'just' citizen Tex as well smile_o.gif

And as for us agreeing- when you're right you're right, what can I say? Just as soon as you're wrong, though, you can bet I'll be right there to make you start hedging biggrin_o.gif

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@ Mar. 30 2004,04:11)]Not to be trite, but what about me? I've had my time in the sun, and now I'd rather be 'just' citizen Tex as well  smile_o.gif


You can always reject the award biggrin_o.gif

You'll see in 10 steps we'll have FSPilot as the boss debater tounge_o.gif

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@ Mar. 30 2004,04:11)]Not to be trite, but what about me? I've had my time in the sun, and now I'd rather be 'just' citizen Tex as well  smile_o.gif


You can always reject the award biggrin_o.gif

Now there's an idea lol- what's odd is that because of this VIP patch I've never gotten to admire my shiny (and very l337, the chicks dig it I'm told) 5-star status tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]You'll see in 10 steps we'll have FSPilot as the boss debater tounge_o.gif


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