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Pappy Boyington

Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

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by the way i should point out, this mod would not have come as far as it has without the wonderful users who download it.

and im proud to think that we are 3, 5ton trucks away from calling it final smile_o.gif

and this time final is final tounge_o.gif im out of things to change after i get those 5 tons.

and honestly, you wonderful people are just. . amazing. i never thought id be capable of making something like this. . .and i never for a second thought this many people would actualy enjoy it.

im just glad to see that its really all worth it. and its a privalege to have such wonderful, dedicated, and mature users such are yourselves smile_o.gif

PS: 1100th post in this topic biggrin_o.gifunclesam.gif

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Honestly Pappy,

you can be very proud of what you achieved with your mod. I am a totall noob when it comes to editing or modding. This fact restrained me basically from using all these great addons on a regular basis that have been released in the past just because I am too dump to implement them myself biggrin_o.gif

Now what good are addons that are just rotting on my harddrive wink_o.gif

But now I see them in action everytime I start Ofp. And it is such a huge difference!

Thanks a million for sharing this excellent mod with us!

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Anyone else get this missing addon message:-bas_mh47185 ?I've got the addon BAS_MH47E_185.pbo in my Y2k3 addons folder! I can't figure this one out. Thank you very much Pappy once again

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@action man

Be sure to download the X-Y2K3beta addon pack cause you need the included ch47.pbo to make it work.

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As one of the faceless thousands (?) who can't make addons or modify configs, but who love OFP I'd like to thank you for all the hard work that you put into into this Pappy. It's the perfect use of all those great addons and scripts that are out there.

I believe, that if there is one thing in paticular that is keeping people involved in OFP1, then this is it. smile_o.gif

P.s. The new gunsmoke script is fantastic; it really adds to the atmosphere during missions.

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Shame about the change to the MH-47. I shan't be downloading this latest version as I think the default Chinook is just fine. We don't need a special operations Chinook to transport 12 regular grunts lol...

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Ypsilon,thanks for the reply i already had the latest X-YK2 beta addon pack. However as i have just found out i was only getting the bas_mh47185 message on one particular mission in PMC-fury campaign! the five others i have just played have had no problemo's. Weird or what!!!

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Hi Pappy i've got a little suggestion for your great Mod:

Why you don't use the Combat! Mod Crew instead of the BAS Air Crew ?

I think these guy's looks better in a Tank wink_o.gif

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@action man

Do you have the MH47 pbos only in the Y2K3-addon directory or is it also in some other like the res/addons directory. Just asking cause I had kind of the same issues with different addons being in more than one addon folder causing havoc especially when playing user-made missions crazy_o.gif

Now I keep the Ofp/addons folder as well as the res/addons folder like they were originally placing any unofficial addon in their respective mod-folder like Y2K3.

Performance is much better that way. wink_o.gif

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I've got the BAS addons in 3 different mod folders,but i only run one mod folder at a time.Their are no unofficial addons in either my OFP addons folder or RES addons folder! Cheers,thanks

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Shame about the change to the MH-47. I shan't be downloading this latest version as I think the default Chinook is just fine. We don't need a special operations Chinook to transport 12 regular grunts lol...

shashman, if you dont want the MH47E as the default chinhook then DONT install the CH47.pbo thats included in the new pack. i only change the addon/pbo itself. . .so if u dont install it, it doesnt change it wink_o.gif

@ action man i think i know the problem. . i mighta put the wrong preload addons line in teh config. . ill look into it

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hmmm, I downloaded the full installer and when I start OFP I get a missing addon message, when I get in the main menu I get a ECP file not found message, each time I start a map I get some sort of message that I miss an addon and after testing a mission "clean sweep", after completing it OFP crashed saying I missed a BAS pilot addon  rock.gif

I don't know if this is normal but I download the full mod installer...or do I need to download some ECP addon aswell?

I'm not sure what to download on this page...can someone help me out.

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Hi Pappy i've got a little suggestion for your great Mod:

Why you don't use the Combat! Mod Crew instead of the BAS Air Crew ?

I think these guy's looks better in a Tank  wink_o.gif

this is the 982nd time ive explained this:

rude dogs APC crew are NOT i repeat they are NOT tank crews. APC crews are soldiers with a license to drive a tracked vehical and NOTHING MORE.

the tank crew, since i lack a real tank crew, the SOAR crew is close enough, as the real tank crews have oversized helmets, nvg's, and various gear. . so the SOAR Crew is the cloest thing to real lookin tank crews this game can acomplish

@herghoff: you need the full installer, ALL BAS ADDONS, for the missing ecp files thing, just creat a mod folder called @ecp then copy and paste the 3 ecp settings scripts into the new mod folder.

if you want to check out the latest version of XY2K3 you will need to download the addons at the bottom of the page (which i need to update to note that u now need the MH47E)

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;Script by Gummi for ECP


_camera = "camera" camCreate [getpos vrak3 select 0, getpos vrak3 select 1, (getpos vrak3 select 2)+2]

_camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"]

_rnd1 = random 12

? _rnd1 > 10 : skiptime 10.5

? _rnd1 > 5 : skiptime 22.2

_rnd = random 12.5

? _rnd > 10 : goto "t5"

? _rnd > 7.5 : goto "t4"

? _rnd > 5 : goto "t3"

? _rnd > 2.5 : goto "t2"

playMusic "Track16"

goto "znova"


playMusic "Track6"

goto "znova"


playMusic "RTrack1b"

goto "znova"


playMusic "Track12"

goto "znova"


playMusic "Frost"

goto "znova"

I don't know cpp programming, but I think that someone could do something like that to equip the same unit with different weapons

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Quick Update: Configs.rar

*Fixed- cannot find script error on Kord (M2 East)

*Fixed- missing addons bas_mh47185

about the MH47 error. i applogise i competly forgot to put that in the release configs. but its fixed now smile_o.gif

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Hey pappy let me first say that this is the mod of all mods ecp, gmr and awesome units in one something that ive been wanting since i ever layed my hands on gmr.

thanks for making flashpoint fresh..

was wondering however if the ecp whizzing sound effects for bullets and shells were missing and its normal or its just me.. i have DRpacks and addons so maybe i screwed somewhere but just need to know if its one of the effects missing so i can check.

now of course ( like everyone else) :P i have a wish list

the smoke from guns is really awesome changes game completely however it seems to concentrated . feel like everybody is weilding muskets or something so much smoke

maybe changing the opacity? just a sugestion keep up the great work!

and yeah pappy slow down and take it easy! so many updates! wont want u to burn out and fed up! take a break


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i wont burn out wink_o.gif as soon as i get the 5 ton trucks or the hemtts (which ever come first) im makin a new installer and calin it final

about the smoke, ive changed the time to last a mere 3 seconds. so realy fireing long full auto is when it gets difficult.

the bullet whizing effects, im havin troubels gettin that back in. . im surprised i got the AT back blast in again.

ill take another look at it thou

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I know Combat! is working on the Hemtts, but who is doing the 5T'? Is there a discussion thread I missed?


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I know Combat! is working on the Hemtts, but who is doing the 5T'? Is there a discussion thread I missed?


kurakymi has them. thier skined to match marfeys 5ton which would fit in PERFECT with Y2K3. . . and i want to release a final of this mod on the 25th of this month. . . and its been 2 months since kur tried contacting jonno (who unofficaly left a year ago) and he is hell bent on contacting the dead crazy_o.gif needless to say im more then frustrated by this.  i have a 48 hour rule. the maker of any said addon has 48 horus to reply to by messenger, email, or PM to my request. after that its too bad. you had your chance. unfortunitly commoon sense like that isnt common.

anyway on the subject of updates

i got the bullet whiz effect back in with some pros and cons, so tell me your thoughts on weither to include it withthe bugs or leave it out...


*works with all default bullets

*sounds hapen for most of the incoming rounds


*error with the G36A, Hunting Rifel, and a handful of others, the error apperes at the top of the screen and stays there the whole game, it does not however interupt game play with a click ok error window. What It Looks Like

*does not do the whiz sounds for custom ammo such as BAS and JAM

now for me personaly. . lil errors at the top of the screen pointing out a script error does NOT bother me. but its up to you guys.  . . do you want the bullet whiz for most bullets and deal with the error on a very small handful of weapons rarely used in missions. . .  or no bullet whiz at all?

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I thought that the CH-47 had to be changed, but not for this one that is too "Special Operations".

I which that you, Pappy had chosen the old version from tigershark, which iss just a reskinned version in black of the one from BIS.

I play more often with the regulars troops than with the Seals, and it looks weird to see them in such a High-tech machine.

Of course... I know... I just have to go back to the original helo some will say. But since you finally decided to change it, I think that the basic black version corresponds better to the pictures I saw of the latest combats the US army was involved in.

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I thought that the CH-47 had to be changed, but not for this one that is too "Special Operations".

   I which that you, Pappy had chosen the old version from tigershark, which iss just a reskinned version in black of the one from BIS.

   I play more often with the regulars troops than with the Seals, and it looks weird to see them in such a High-tech machine.

   Of course...  I know...  I just have to go back to the original helo some will say. But since you finally decided to change it, I think that the basic black version corresponds better to the pictures I saw of the latest combats the US army was involved in.

look i said this before. . .

if you dont want to use the MH47E do not install the ch47.pbo that was included with the beta pack

i only made it cuz about 125 peopel asked for the MH47E to replace the CH47. . .

for my game. . its the CH47 i did the MH47 for everyone else crazy_o.gif

there was nothing wrong with the skin, model, or sounds of the orginal version

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