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Pappy Boyington

Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

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looking absolutly elite wink_o.gif

You did that in just one hour? Impressing!

Keep up the good work smile_o.gif

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one hour. well shorter much shorter.

but that is easy..... mean the texture was there .....

i wanted to make such a textures for this mod when I made 2 others for it, but somehow, don't know why I didn't do it then....

I installed Call of duty and made a screen but it is still missing in the depth of my HDD.

heheh but know the work with the alpha texture was done by another ! even it is not a prob to make one !

but if pappy wants to implement it .... np

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you know i was thinkin of using his 1911 if it shoots straight in place of the current one. . .

but the gun sight ballence may be a lil off. . now i cant change the sights for the revovlver, or mac10 cuz i dont have the code to put those in the config. . only the ones with the changed sounds. . .

benus. . if your ready willing and able, i surely wouldnt mind u redoing the sights of the

Beretta 92

Glock 17


CZ 75


to match that one (as close as you can at least) smile_o.gif

and if its too much to ask then (althou the screenshot is a red x) i wouldnt mind implementing your sight

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update of the Y2K3 Beta Pack (addons) will be ready for download in 30 minutes. only thing updated in it is the vulcan.pbo

the sound(s) are all INQ's.. the "real" M163 sound is actualy alot more annoying and just ugh  crazy_o.gif  INQ's is actualy the best you can get really

the vulcan error has been fixed and the troop ramp opens (again)  smile_o.gif

Is the upload completed yet ? And the configs? were updated too?


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Yes, pretty please Benus make some cool iron sights for the handguns. tounge_o.gif

About the balance of homers M1911, he adressed that problem with an updated version of his engagement pack(ver.1.1 I believe).

It`s much better now than his first version. wink_o.gif

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I think the configs where updated sometime late Saturday, and the newest pack update mentioned in your post has been uploaded (I'm using it now).

[Edit]  Just discovered this...


I'm running on a 6800 Ultra and with the settings I have it at everything has a real nice shimmery effect.  Like Paradise mode in FarCry.

Is there an easy way to trick OpFlash into thinking the new NV goggles used in your mod are the default ones?  There's a glare effect in that mod that's enabeled on the default NV goggles.

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nope there isnt. . . not the way its set up

and yest netwalker. . its been 15 hours since i made that post. . . "30 minutes" means 30 minutes form the time that post is made

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You should make this mod compatible with Kegetyes graphics pack thing.

When you run both at the same time, your's takes away the cool explosions and the reflective water.

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I have reflective water with both running at the same time  rock.gif  Explosions just fine too.  Only thing missing is the extra glare that kicks in with NV goggles.

edit: I just realised why your not seeing reflective water.  It's with llaumex'es sky pack using it's own water textures.  There's a work around though, unrar the pack then go into the newdata directory.  Remove all the files labeled more_anime.0X.pac, then rerun the sky pack.  This will re-create the new skys and everything but it will leave the default water texture which is what the other mod neads for reflections.

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I have reflective water with both running at the same time  rock.gif  Explosions just fine too.  Only thing missing is the extra glare that kicks in with NV goggles.

edit: I just realised why your not seeing reflective water.  It's with llaumex'es sky pack using it's own water textures.  There's a work around though, unrar the pack then go into the newdata directory.  Remove all the files labeled more_anime.0X.pac, then rerun the sky pack.  This will re-create the new skys and everything but it will leave the default water texture which is what the other mod neads for reflections.

Thanks, that kind of helped.

I just wish that it had the explosions from the effects instead of GMR or whatever.

That NV thing is also very cool, its a shame its not there.

Would it be hard to edit the settings from ECP to make this stuff work with Y2k3? (I like it because of the unit replacements, I want to play the capaign with the new effects, but the orignal BIS content makes me want to puke)

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I have reflective water with both running at the same time  rock.gif  Explosions just fine too.  Only thing missing is the extra glare that kicks in with NV goggles.

edit: I just realised why your not seeing reflective water.  It's with llaumex'es sky pack using it's own water textures.  There's a work around though, unrar the pack then go into the newdata directory.  Remove all the files labeled more_anime.0X.pac, then rerun the sky pack.  This will re-create the new skys and everything but it will leave the default water texture which is what the other mod neads for reflections.

Thanks, that kind of helped.

I just wish that it had the explosions from the effects instead of GMR or whatever.

That NV thing is also very cool, its a shame its not there.

Would it be hard to edit the settings from ECP to make this stuff work with Y2k3? (I like it because of the unit replacements, I want to play the capaign with the new effects, but the orignal BIS content makes me want to puke)

for the night vision to work. . id have to reset the nvg veiw back to the BIS style. . . then you would have to retrive the defualt data and data3d from your game disk and replace the modded ones fomr llaumax. . .

re-run the llaumax installer without the nvgs and custom water replacing only the skys. . .

at which point the new effects would work (from kegs)

the question is: would that special glare effect (which is potentionaly bad for your moniter with the possibilty of the said "burned image" could literaly be burned into the display device) really be worth it?

honestly: it would only be worth it to me if it affected the AI. . and you could fire a flare at them when they had NVG's on literaly blinding them and making for an easy kill. . other then that i dont see what would be worth all the trouble wink_o.gif

althou the relfective water is worth it. . i mean hell im actualy spending the lat few dollars i have to my name for a new card just for those damn effects (and if they still dont work, rest assured i will kill somebody) mad_o.gif

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I have reflective water with both running at the same time  rock.gif  Explosions just fine too.  Only thing missing is the extra glare that kicks in with NV goggles.

edit: I just realised why your not seeing reflective water.  It's with llaumex'es sky pack using it's own water textures.  There's a work around though, unrar the pack then go into the newdata directory.  Remove all the files labeled more_anime.0X.pac, then rerun the sky pack.  This will re-create the new skys and everything but it will leave the default water texture which is what the other mod neads for reflections.

Thanks, that kind of helped.

I just wish that it had the explosions from the effects instead of GMR or whatever.

That NV thing is also very cool, its a shame its not there.

Would it be hard to edit the settings from ECP to make this stuff work with Y2k3? (I like it because of the unit replacements, I want to play the capaign with the new effects, but the orignal BIS content makes me want to puke)

for the night vision to work. . id have to reset the nvg veiw back to the BIS style. . . then you would have to retrive the defualt data and data3d from your game disk and replace the modded ones fomr llaumax. . .

re-run the llaumax installer without the nvgs and custom water replacing only the skys. . .

at which point the new effects would work (from kegs)

the question is: would that special glare effect (which is potentionaly bad for your moniter with the possibilty of the said "burned image" could literaly be burned into the display device) really be worth it?

honestly: it would only be worth it to me if it affected the AI. . and you could fire a flare at them when they had NVG's on literaly blinding them and making for an easy kill. . other then that i dont see what would be worth all the trouble wink_o.gif

althou the relfective water is worth it. . i mean hell im actualy spending the lat few dollars i have to my name for a new card just for those damn effects (and if they still dont work, rest assured i will kill somebody) mad_o.gif

What about the explosions? He has very cool explosions in that mod.

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oh u mean the explosions form the effect pack?

eh ill think about doin an effect pack version of them once i finalize OFP: Y2K3

personaly i dont like them. . thier way way way too hollywood-ish

the GMR-ECP combo is realistic

but i might do an effects pack version of it in the end

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oh u mean the explosions form the effect pack?

eh ill think about doin an effect pack version of them once i finalize OFP: Y2K3

personaly i dont like them. . thier way way way too hollywood-ish

the GMR-ECP combo is realistic

but i might do an effects pack version of it in the end

You said before that Y2k3 is "realism for the gamer" and not pure realism like EECP  tounge_o.gif

Can you tell me step by step what files I need to get from the res CD to get the llamax thing working?

If you you dont mind  smile_o.gif

Also, Have you tried logans M1911? Its Homer's one, but its very accurate now.

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yea just go to the flashpointresistance/res/dta and get the Data3D, and Data.pbo (plus the HWTL folder) and put it in your Operation Flashpoint\Res\Dta folder (and hwtl subfolder) then run the llaumax installer included in the Y2K3 Beta Addons Pack. .

now heres where it gets tricky. . before running the installer you need to go to your newdata folder in the llaumax directory and remove the following files:













that will remove thecustom water and custom nvg textures from the installer (preventing their installation)

while the installer is running open up the editable version of Y2K3 config (OFPY2K3.cpp) and find

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class NVGoggles : Binocular










and change the

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">modelOptics="\wgl_ui\nvgoggles\wgl_nvg_optics.p3d";


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">modelOptics="optika_night";

this will revert the NVG back to the default BIS veiw.

finaly get the cpp2bin utility from OFP and rebin the edited config

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Also, Have you tried logans M1911? Its Homer's one, but its very accurate now.

thanks for reminding me. . im gonna replace it in this beta config and test it out ingame and see it smile_o.gif

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Some things I've learned about this shader mod....

This is on an AMD 64 3000+ and 6800 Ultra so this may not apply to all hardware.  I hear OpFlash runs much better on Intel Processors for whatever reason (I'm willing to believe that).

Reflective water is a big hit.  It's highly customiseable but I kinda like things set to all or nothing.  Using it in conjunction with the Y2K3 mod is undo-able for me unless I was to turn off all other shader effects.  Without the Y2K3 mod the shader mod runs smooth as silk with everything turned on ,but no Y2K3 is not an option.

Post processing effects do not work well with anispotic filtering.  If you have any level of AF going you wont be able to see cutscenes.  With AF off everything works fine, if your going to use this with Y2K3 your probably going to need all the horsepower you can spare as it is.

Post processing also automiticly turns off any Anti-Aliasing you have set.  I can literaly see jaggies appear and dissapear by togeling it on and off in game.

Though the NV glare effect is cool, I prefer the much larger viewing area and non-staticy Llaumex NV shades. BTW With post processing fires at night with the glare set high enough look awesome even with the Y2K3 versions (I have glare strength at .50 and size at 4.00).

There is an extra setting in the config file for special tracer effects.  Despite what someone claims on the forum, that setting DOES work, at least for me.  Maybe it need post-processing effects and no AF??  The tracers look sweet, especialy the 50 cal's so I recommend just going ahead and turning it on.  It seems to work in conjunction with the existing tracer settings instead of just fully replacing them (though I can't verify this).

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ok first have to test kegetys refelcting water than I can go on the other sights

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Hello Poppey its me again smile_o.gif What about replacing russian soldiers with that ones?

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Hello Poppey its me again smile_o.gif What about replacing russian soldiers with that ones?

nope. the RNI stays.

im tryin to spare all the MB-age as i can for final. they are nice and i considered it for a few seconds. . but again size counts and as the USMC pack is used in so many different ways besides the east troops. . .

besides i gave it some thought. . . if the russians attacked an island such as the theme is in this game. . . who would u send to take over an ISLAND, surrounded by WATER? the 'marines' or in this case the russian ones. . .so it makes even more sense to use the RNI as default

by the way i tested the new colt and i agree its much nicer, and will replace the EC one in the next version smile_o.gif

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Pappy have you tested DXDLL

when using your mod the nice night vision effects coming with DXDLL won't work because of your custom nightvision view !!!

how can i disable it rock.gif

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Pappy have you tested DXDLL

when using your mod the nice night vision effects coming with DXDLL won't work because of your custom nightvision view !!!

how can i disable it rock.gif

Posted By pappy boyington on previous page:

Quote[/b] ]yea just go to the flashpointresistance/res/dta and get the Data3D, and Data.pbo (plus the HWTL folder) and put it in your Operation Flashpoint\Res\Dta folder (and hwtl subfolder) then run the llaumax installer included in the Y2K3 Beta Addons Pack. .

now heres where it gets tricky. . before running the installer you need to go to your newdata folder in the llaumax directory and remove the following files:













that will remove thecustom water and custom nvg textures from the installer (preventing their installation)

while the installer is running open up the editable version of Y2K3 config (OFPY2K3.cpp) and find

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class NVGoggles : Binocular










and change the

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">modelOptics="\wgl_ui\nvgoggles\wgl_nvg_optics.p3d";


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">modelOptics="optika_night";

this will revert the NVG back to the default BIS veiw.

finaly get the cpp2bin utility from OFP and rebin the edited config

And pappy, I agree with you about the actual russian soldiers. They are better.

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"lower goggles" option disappeared. Anyone know why?

teh goggles down option disappered for the normal west soldier.

all the other ones, machine gunner, at soldier, law, ect ect still have it.

this was to keep compatability with all other addons. . . 99% of addons are sub-classed to the soldierwb class. therefore any eventhandlers, actions, or features giving to SoldierWB carries on to martins DC3 pilot, carries on to uhh ok i cant think of another west classed soldier, but you get the idea. . .

@dxdll: yes i tested it, unfortuntilty ppl like me. . .who are broke. . and have gf2 cards cant experiance any of the fun from it. . luckily a buddy of mine is gonna sell me his gf4 so mabe ill be able to see it.  . . and as netwalker posted. . thats how u disabled it (the nvgs)

and now for some more bad news: this friday i will be goin in for surgery on a pilonidal cyst, they have to cut it open, clean it out, and im off my feet for the next 3 to 6 weeks. . . literaly off my feet cuz where this "problem" exsists. . will not allow me to sit down during the "healing process". . . wonderful crazy_o.gif .

good news is: my bed is a foot away from my desktop PC which means ill still be able to work on the mod and the USCG mod and such cuz i have my thing set up so u can be sitting or laying at the computer.

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now it works fine but the nice NVGs model is gone .....

that would be great if it all works together !

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