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Pappy Boyington

Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

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Good job PB there are just two things I dont like, firstly the blood rainbows when you slot someone with the barret are absurd looking and have a tendency to stick around from time to time.

Secondly the UH60L while in black still looks better carrying regular joes than the Pavehawk.

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@burns: pkm- i did this due to the fact that i loved the gun but im not a big fan of the apcs. nothin agasint him jsut those things are target practice for me. wiether thier shiney and pretty or ugly. as long as they blow up. im happy so i felete seperating the pkm model and textures was the easiest way to go. plus i didnt want you all to have to download huge addons. just what was "nessacary"

just the exploding bodys.  making them explode with the barret was rather an accident really. its due to the barrets high power bullet it fires in game.  but it does look rather interesting when you see a helo crash. played the campaign again. first misison the second helo crashed into the trees. with a combo of ECP and GMR explosions it was rather realstic to watch. . .but ECP (if im not mistakin) ejects bodys from destroyed vehicals form time to time and at the point of explosion these bodys too exploded leaving bloody stumps and whatnot layin around. rather disturbing. which was the whole idea

@ Imshi-Yallah: i choose the pavehawk over the blackhawk due to the fact that the BAS blackhawk is more of a special forces type thing. be like replacing the default units with delta units. i wanted to use a more common "everyday" helo. and i felt the pavehawk was better suited for that.

just curious. i continue to work on the config now for personal use but if anyone is interested i repaced the BIS m113 with INQ's m113 and crew. as well as replace resistance soldiers with edges retextured ones (i gave in and did it hehe) if theres anyone interested in this version ill upload that (under a different link) for you  smile_o.gif

i was gonna replace the m163 with inq's version but ive been over this config a billion times and i just cant find where its defined crazy_o.gif

Edit: uploaded just in case

Super Config (optional update)

Needed Extra:

INQ M113 replaces BIS one(animations and weapon class retained)

Edge's Retextured Resistance

(bug detected in this version that kicks you out of mission discovered by only one person. . . works 100% fine for me... if this version causes OFP to ctd by anyone else let me know ill take it off and u can redownload the orginal in post #1)

im glad you all enjoy this config as much as i do

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I get a error

something like



EDIT:  I have INQ APC but stillget error that I dont or somethng... rock.gif

EDIT2: And I get a error bout  ec_m11blablablabla  what addon is that

EDIT3: Ok guys.. I have the ec_m11blablablab and dynamic range addon but why do I still get error on the ec_m11blablab addon ?? and why dont I hear the grendae sound on the grenade rock.gif

and I still get error on INQ apc rock.gif and yes.. I have it

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is there any more mirrors for GR soundpack ?  I only need that now

EDIT: I found a bug if u wanna know

when I start a game with the M2A2 there is NAM soldiers in lol..dont really fit as modern soldiers  tounge_o.gif

hope u fix

EDIT2: Just some suggestions:

1: change NAM to Modern

2: Change BIS pilots to BAS SOAR

3: Change BIS A10 to INQ A10

4: Replace BIS Blackhawsk with BAS BH/PH

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is there any more mirrors for GR soundpack ?  I only need that now

EDIT: I found a bug if u wanna know

when I start a game with the M2A2 there is NAM soldiers in lol..dont really fit as modern soldiers  tounge_o.gif

hope u fix

EDIT2:  Just some suggestions:

1: change NAM to Modern

2: Change BIS pilots to BAS SOAR

3: Change BIS A10 to INQ A10

4: Replace BIS Blackhawsk with BAS BH/PH

@DiabloTerror the EC_m11bla blah bla  u refer to sounds like the EC_m1911 (the colt .45) that came with out C47 addon BUT i included the seperate pbo for it in the orginal download  (along with the vitpkm, sjb barret, and somethin else i forget lol)

yea i left the INQ crew in ithe M113 they must have carried over to the bradly somehow crazy_o.gif  ill change that and reupload the new beta

2: changed the bis helos cept the oh58 to use teh soar pilots already. didnt want to replace the pilot all together due to they DO fly planes ya know  tounge_o.gif soar doesnt operate planes smile_o.gif

3: considered it but if you want i can do that

4: BIS UH60MG repalced with BAS Pavehawk in euro camo already from first release

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is there any more mirrors for GR soundpack ?  I only need that now

EDIT: I found a bug if u wanna know

when I start a game with the M2A2 there is NAM soldiers in lol..dont really fit as modern soldiers  tounge_o.gif

hope u fix

EDIT2:  Just some suggestions:

1: change NAM to Modern

2: Change BIS pilots to BAS SOAR

3: Change BIS A10 to INQ A10

4: Replace BIS Blackhawsk with BAS BH/PH

@DiabloTerror the EC_m11bla blah bla  u refer to sounds like the EC_m1911 (the colt .45) that came with out C47 addon BUT i included the seperate pbo for it in the orginal download  (along with the vitpkm, sjb barret, and somethin else i forget lol)

yea i left the INQ crew in ithe M113 they must have carried over to the bradly somehow crazy_o.gif  ill change that and reupload the new beta

2: changed the bis helos cept the oh58 to use teh soar pilots already. didnt want to replace the pilot all together due to they DO fly planes ya know  tounge_o.gif soar doesnt operate planes smile_o.gif

3: considered it but if you want i can do that

4: BIS UH60MG repalced with BAS Pavehawk in euro camo already from first release

Hmm to me its like:






Pavehawk ( dont remember the "nick"name )




and if I test UH60mg its still the default BIS chopper.. cuz the pavehawk is loger up on the list.. wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]GMR\blabla\apctankdamage.sqs i get too

I fixed it.. just Download the GMR pack and isntall the GMR.pbo in ECP / addons


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Hmm to me its like:






Pavehawk ( dont remember the "nick"name )




and if I test UH60mg its still the default BIS chopper.. cuz the pavehawk is loger up on the list.. wink_o.gif



hmmmm crazy_o.gif your not by chance running any other mods with this config bin like the ecp mod or gmr mod. . . cuz OFP does read up too 2 different configs and combins the differenaces. found this out accidently awhile ago.

New Config Uploaded same link as above. crew back to BIS tank crew. A10 replaced with INQ A10 (still uses BIS 30mm ammo with inq sounds for it). sound fx, and other eventhandlers.

added eventhandler from BAS blackhawk that emits ECMs if missel fired at. and before yall complain it only works about 40% of the time. . . and ONLY with evasive action

New Version

(new version new link. pbos are the same in it config and dev config are updated)




Edges Retextured Resistance

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Question: how many people use the CLSA mod?

Reason I ask: i may be able to replace the BIS russian helos with the CSLA ones WITHOUT needing the entire mod. i debin thier config. grab the model paths budda bing budda boom all you need is the CSLA air.pbo

anyone for the idea?

this is funny. when i released this i had no plan on ever updateing it. figured ill eave taht up to yall. and here i am offering to update this for you. i either really respect this community. or have no life tounge_o.gif

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very very good..

but there is 1 thing.. ( surely not anything with the config to do but.. )

when I throw a grenade, there is no sound on the hit... do u have any idea why ?  rock.gif

EDIT1:And I still get that ex_m11blabla error sad_o.gif

any idea what the prob might be ?

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very very good..

but there is 1 thing.. ( surely not anything with the config to do but.. )

when I throw a grenade, there is no sound on the hit... do u have any idea why ?  rock.gif

EDIT1:And I still get that ex_m11blabla error  sad_o.gif

any idea what the prob might be ?

yea your missing the ECP_DRextra.pbos from the ECP mod

the error u get im assuming its "missing addons ec_m1911" and u click ok and it goes away u can still play and shot bad ppl with the pistol right (if ur officer or sniper u get it)? if that is in fact the error and u can still use it that just means that i need to put it in the preloaded addons section of the config. i get these typs of errors on occasion but im used to them doesnt bother me really.ill try the fix

Edit: new update being uploaded now

Uses CSLA Mi17 and CSLA Mi24 WITH retractable gear and user action to restract them if ur pilot

bonus: east sniper now uses CSLA svd

needed csla pbos:




CSLA is gonna kill me for this but i edited thier pbos to use only the models and textures/scripts in this (only if ur not a CSLA mod user)

CSLA Moded Config

Modded CSLA Addons to use ONLY model and textures of needed addons

New Bug: Mi17 and Mi24 has BOTH russian and csla markings. cant fix without editng texture paths and im not gonna do that for those csla fans

word has it boh has a decent AH64 long bow? ill check it out if the helo and textures are prettyful consider it implemented on next reelase  smile_o.gif

Edit: the longbow will take a lil longer becuz i need to get it "retextured" using the BIS textures for it

thank you mods for all your hard work im just replacing the BIS vehicals with the best of the best of your mods. we love you and dont hurt me  tounge_o.gif

Edit: click download links mention above (make sure u grab required addons from page ones superconfig.rar)

i replaced the BIS AH1 with the BOH Ah1 (no markings distingquished)

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I'm having some problems with this one. I dled all the required add-ons and installed them and replaced the config.bin but every time i try to run a mission i crash back to the desktop.

I also get an error message at the main menu, something about a bin file to do with the barretm82.

Kurayami's config works pretty good, so I don't really know what the problem is.

BTW, the version I'm trying to use is the one with the optional resistance skins and m113s

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The missing addons ec_m1911a1 error

This comes from the recently released Douglas C-47 Skytrain, specifically from the addon "EC_m1911a1". It and the other addons in the C-47 archive have addon dependency errors, which is why you get the error.

Trenchfeet and the guys now know of this problem and it will be fixed in a (hopefully near) future update. If you want to fix it yourselves in the meantime, see this thread: C47 feedback thread on the WWIIEC forums where I describe the problem and the fix.

The Blackhawk/Pave Hawk choice

I'd say replace the Pavie with the basic BAS UH-60L (class name "bas_uh60l". This one isn't a specops variant, but a bog standard troop transport/utility version and fits the original BIS UH60MG perfectly. It just looks odd with an Air Force helo hauling Armstrong and the boys around...

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@Pappy Boyington:

Why do you use CSLA units without asking permission ?! crazy_o.gifmad_o.gif

PLZ read readme files carefully !!!


HERE info and download for official CSLA2 - RIP.

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I'm having some problems with this one. I dled all the required add-ons and installed them and replaced the config.bin but every time i try to run a mission i crash back to the desktop.

I also get an error message at the main menu, something about a bin file to do with the barretm82.

Kurayami's config works pretty good, so I don't really know what the problem is.

BTW, the version I'm trying to use is the one with the optional resistance skins and m113s

your missing the latest addons i added in. im about to make another post listing all the addons needed for the config for this release due to there wont be an update for at least a week or two so this is the final beta.

@csla dude: take a chiller bro i linked the model paths to your PBO for your mod users theres nothing changed or edted man n dont worry i credited you. the modded pbos are for those who cant afford a 200meg mod

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*.*.*Pappy Boyingtons Super Config*.*.*

Full list of changes in current version:

*US Soldier -> HYK soldier

(M16 and M4 optincs replaced with suchy & earls USMC ones)

*US officer -> HYK officer

(equiped with M4for day and M4/203 for night eq)

*US sniper -> HKY sniper

(all 10 mag slots open and is equiped with Barret M82 and Colt M1911)

*US black op -> BAS Delta sniper

*US M-60 -> SIG M-60A3

*US M-1 -> SIG M-1A2

*US 5t truck -> Marfy's 5t truck

*US UH60MG -> BAS HH60G Pavehawk (jungle camo, all scripts and animations retained)

*US Helos (except cept OH58) now "crewed" by BAS Soar Pilots


*US M113 -> INQ_M113

*Res T-55 -> RHS T-54

*Res soldiers -> edge's retextured resistance

*RU soldier -> Suchey & Earl Russian naval infantry

*RU officer -> Suchey & Earl Russian naval infantry officer

*RU Spetsnaz -> Suchey & Earl Russian naval Spetsnaz (recon)

*RU SVD -> csla SVD

*RU Crew -> RHS crew

*RU T-72 -> SIG T-72B

*RU T-80 -> SIG T-80BV

*RU PK -> PKM Replaced with VITPKM

All (other) Weapons Replaced with INQ's

All optics are also changed to INQ's / suchy-earl

Other changes:

*Burst fire mode removed from AK-74 & AK-47 for realism's sake

*Bodies explod upon direct hit with rocket or if too close to something that does explode Example

Addons Needed For Super Config

-ECP - Get the Core


-Dynamic Range Soundpack (grab the DR Extra sound files too)


-Hyakushiki's US Infantry 1.02


-BAS Delta/Rangers 1.5


-BAS HH60 Pavehawks


-Sigma-6's US Tank Pack


-Sigma-6's T-80 pack


-Sigma-6's Tank Pack 0.5 - There's no real reason to install the ustanks.pbo in this because of his updated US tank pack.


-Suchey and Earl's Marine Assault Pack 1


-Red Hammer Studios' T-55 Pack 1.0, Crew Pack 0.5


-Marfy's M-925 5ton truck, NATO camo


-INQ Weapon Pack (in paa/pac texture format with added M203- ONLY FROM THIS LINK)


-GMR Explosion Mod (you only need the gmr.pbo)


-INQ M113


-Mini Pack Addons*

*Pack Includes:





(only use these CSLA + BOH pbos if you DONT have thier mods)

-Vitja3000's EffectPack


-SJB Barret M82




-VITPKM (made seperate pbo with model and textures only-required)


Unofficaly Offical Stuff:
















Suchey & Earl

*Installation Instructions:

1: Install ECP, Dynamic range, and ECP DR config

2: Install required addons if they are not installed already

3: Go to (Your OFP directory)\@ECP\bin. Back up config.bin by renaming it to config-old.bin

4: Copy my config.bin to (Your OFP directory)\@ECP\bin

5: Play the game using your ECP OFP shortcut

Download Super Config(3.06 MB)


Will add pic of said changes later today

Edit: forgot link for M113

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How about useing CSLA's Bmp's and uaz etc. since you're already useing there helo's

p.s Can you please use a Russian version of the hind instead of the CSLA one being used now

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Why are you using the gmr mod, ecp v1.71 has an improved version of gmr built into it. This looks like a great mod but please get rid of the gmr mod stuff and make it for the newest version of ecp. I think this is a really great idea and once it gets updated I will try my best to download it on my 56k. biggrin_o.gif

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Bas UH-60L is equipped with an m60 and fitted out to conventional standards, the HH-60 has a minigun and is equipped for SOA.

Apart from being in european camo there is nothing conventional at all about the pavehawk.

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Hmm  me and my errors  tounge_o.gif

I am testing the mission amush to test for errors etc..

and I fund this.

when I try to start I now get this error when  the intro lanuch:


and this error when I get the the briefing:


BUT.. I have both addons.... rock.gif  rock.gif  crazy_o.gif

u know why ?

And to everyone. anyone else have that bug that u dont hear the grenade sound when impack ? if u have and u solved it. plz tell me how..


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I do understand why the CSLA team don't want people messing with there mod but please take it as a complement that we want YOU'RE Helo's, Bmp's whatever to replace our standard stuff, this go's for all addon and mod makers we want to replace our BIS equipment with yours, why? because its better the fact that we want it as default must be taken as a complement to you and you're work.

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Hmm  me and my errors  tounge_o.gif

I am testing the mission amush to test for errors etc..

and I fund this.

when I try to start I now get this error when  the intro lanuch:


and this error when I get the the briefing:


BUT.. I have both addons.... rock.gif  rock.gif  crazy_o.gif

u know why ?

And to everyone. anyone else have that bug that u dont hear the grenade sound when impack ? if u have and u solved it. plz tell me how..


nam 113 due to addon dependancys cant help that sad_o.gif click ok you should be alright

bout the INQ_m203 you get taht error becuz you need to redownload his weapon pack from the link i provided. sorry. i put in an "unathorized" M203 but it uses the INQ M16 textures so the default one isnt out of place. so to fix that problem download the INQ Weapon pack directly from the link provided in the readme.

UH60: when i get home today since there is an overwheleme request for the UH60L from BAS i will change that.

CSLA uaz, ural, and bmp: the uaz and ural ill look into. bmp too? alright ill check it out

Maddmatt: im using parts of GMR becuz ecp has dar k red and black flames. gmr has pretty orange flames. put them together and you have the perfect explosion. i created this config becuz all other config mods left out the beauty of GMR explosions. the whole idea of this concept was in incorperate the GMR explosion with this smile_o.gif

Russian version of the hind: which model was that? i choose the hind A. im goin off of texture hunting thru the folders so if you could kindly let me know which 'model' the russian hind is i can do that. smile_o.gif

will release another update with UH60L, CSLA- uaz, ural, bmp replacing orginals.

Quote[/b] ]I do understand why the CSLA team don't want people messing with there mod but please take it as a complement that we want YOU'RE Helo's, Bmp's whatever to replace our standard stuff, this go's for all addon and mod makers we want to replace our BIS equipment with yours, why? because its better the fact that we want it as default must be taken as a complement to you and you're work.

i agree here. perhaps i should "ask for permission" but i didnt edit anything or change anything nor did i claim credit. for 2 years people have requested a hind with retractable gear. and you delieved that. only to deliver it with a mod without answering the call of "stand alone Mi24 pack". the people asked for it. and i deliver. im not here to play which mod is best. im here to combine the best of the best for the good of the community.

PS: would be a big help if while im out today that the csla fans here could depbo thier addons and get me the model path for the said vehicals(russian hind,uaz,ural,bmp). would save me alot of time smile_o.gif

my applogies on the list i forgot the INQ_M113 i added link now smile_o.gif

c u all in a few hours

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