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Pappy Boyington

Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

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read this man

The US Army uses ten-man squads with a squad leader, medic, and two four-man fire teams. Each fire team has a 5.56mm M249 light machine gun called the Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) and three M-16 rifles, one with an M203 40mm grenade launcher attachment. Many units have begun to use the M4 carbine (a mini M-16) with a shorter barrel which provides even less punch. The Army prefers ten man squads to easily fit in a single armored personnel carrier or Blackhawk helicopter. The US Marine Corps uses the same organization, except with three fire teams to provide 14-man squads.


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can someone do me a favor and translate this since english isnt working


Unit selection is done

scripting is done

extras are done

y2k3 is finished complete fineto and absolute.

please stop making suggestions for something else that needs changed cuz nothing else is getting changed.

can that be translated into french, german, swedish, russian, and every other laungage cuz ive said it about 10000 times now in english and apperntly its not being comprehended mad_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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So that means you won't include the next (supposedly *awesome*) release of ECP?

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The US Army uses ten-man squads with a squad leader, medic, and two four-man fire teams.  Each fire team has a 5.56mm M249 light machine gun called the Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) and three M-16 rifles, one with an M203 40mm grenade launcher attachment.  Many units have begun to use the M4 carbine (a mini M-16) with a shorter barrel which provides even less punch.  The Army prefers ten man squads to easily fit in a single armored personnel carrier or Blackhawk helicopter.  The US Marine Corps uses the same organization, except with three fire teams to provide 14-man squads.

d. PARAGRAPH 04, 9 Rifle Squads

(1) Functions. Closes with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver in order to destroy or capture him or to repel his assault by fire, close combat, and counter attack. Each squad is commanded by a squad leader and who is assisted by two fire team leaders; two automatic riflemen; two grenadiers and two riflemen.

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ok good luck !

waiting for this last incoming config ! I hope that it'll be the best ! smile_o.gifsmile_o.gifsmile_o.gifsmile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Its time to give Pappy a break that he has so rightfully earned. I regularly edit the config, and it can be a real mess sometimes crazy_o.gif .

We can all incorporate the new ECP ourselves when it gets released wink_o.gif

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thier timed grenades for me everyone from BAS to hyk units have timed exploding grenades

well for some reason in some missions the fuse is set to infinity...  biggrin_o.gif  I used the recommended fix to take care of it so it don't matter to me.

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So that means you won't include the next (supposedly *awesome*) release of ECP?

if/when its released im sure its minor config work and 99% of ECP is in ther ECP_Effects.pbo which is run by the ECP_Effects\ECP_init.sqs" which is already being run by Y2K3 so any changes to that should fall into Y2K3. . .the only thing im conserned with in the new ECP is the campaign/save game bug fix

@triumph: umm just a lil tip for ya. . .pull the pin... THEN throw the grenade not throw it first pull the pin later tounge_o.gif

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Exellent work Pappy, enjoying Y2K3 alot. Great idea and I hope more modders/collectors will follow with different kinds of such compilations (like WWII collection). We're looking forward to your final release.

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@triumph: umm just a lil tip for ya. . .pull the pin... THEN throw the grenade not throw it first pull the pin later  tounge_o.gif

Grenades have pins?  wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]try a -nomap in your OFP shortcut. the no sounds is caused by a memory error if u have to many addons. -nomap usualy helps solve this

Thanks, it worked smile_o.gif

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I need just a small suggestion !

do you think that's a good idea to replace snipers by those


is it realistic ? because I've just few informations about them...

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...hey Pappy one more question, you see i have some config.cpp (can't remeber from who i took it) but i cant replace CH-47D, reason ?

...here is a part with ch-47d, all so i try to add model="..."; but it doesent work...


...why i do not have information like this one for cobra ?


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wolf. ..i swear to god man. ..1 more freaking suggestion and im gonna go postal on someone!!!!!!  mad_o.gif

god almighty what part of "no more suggestions, the mod is finished im ONLY waiting on the hummer" is not clear? need i spell it out?

here translated into several different launages. .  one more suggestion on a mod ive declared finished and awaiting final. . .im goin postal:

stop suggesting shit. the mod is finished with changing stuff

pare sugiriendo mierda. la modulación se termina con el material cambiante

arręter suggérant la merde. le mod est fini avec la chose changeante

Hören Sie auf, um Scheiße vorzuschlagen,. der mod ist fertig mit änderungem Stoff gewesen

fermare suggerendo lo shit. il mod Ä finito con cambiare di cose

slutt foreslĺ dritt. mod avslutter med forandringsav stoff

@CH47: open up the cpp in the ch47.pbo and do a search for "model=" its in there. and it doesnt look like the cobra cuz the cobra has most of those defines in the above class of "helicopter"

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lol pappy biggrin_o.gif

the suggestion wasn't for you !! wink_o.gif

It was for me ! and I used your topic to do it !!

I know that you've already finished your mod ... don't worry

and I understand very well smile_o.gif

stay calm man !! listnen bob marley , he did good songs

I've said in my post to others people , is it a good idea to replace hyakushis snipers by those...


Quote[/b] ]I need just a small suggestion !


I didn't write : I have suggestion for you pappy

No problem kamerad Tavaritch smile_o.gif

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I ran the llaumax installer found in the beta addons pack. While it added the nvgs textures, it installed new water-but a different water than previously before-a much bluer water. Where can I find the previously, more grayish-water?

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I ran the llaumax installer found in the beta addons pack. While it added the nvgs textures, it installed new water-but a different water than previously before-a much bluer water. Where can I find the previously, more grayish-water?

the orginal water? you would need to run the installer again and this time remove the "moreanim01" thru 07 files to keep the orginal water (tahts if ur using kegetys reflective water. . .or if u like the ugly BIS water tounge_o.gif

if u cant run the reflective water my personal suggestion is status_cz's clear water texture in that bright tropic blue smile_o.gif

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no...I don't mean the original original BIS water...lol its hard to describe water tounge_o.gif When you got close to it the water texture was real nice which I what I liked about it. the water bump looked like this:


I'll see if I can find some better pics of it.

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Pappy, what does it mean when it says modified config data - cfg/CfgWorlds/Defaultworld/Subdivision? I compare that area of my config.cpp to the original ofp config.cpp file and they are the same.

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Finally applied the X Version of Y2k3. Great, works now but I was confused at first a little bit as the Beta Addon Pack 1 was altered after the Beta Addon Pack 2 and not a word about that on the download page.

I first had the no entry errors "...wip_m1911" and ".modelSpecial" but after searching the thread for an hour I found out you changed the first beta addon pack, so I re-downloaded. Would be nice to add release dates to archive names.

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Thanks pappy. Oh, also I found 2 bugs (I think). One, you can no longer lower the goggles of soldiers, and two, I still need to check on this but it seems you cannot drop any weapons and put them on the ground.

EDIT: You actually can drop weapons, its just a UI problem that prevents the options from appearing on the action menu. Still having trouble with goggles, though.

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@cfgworlds: you prolly use a modified desert island or something (like i do) or modified everon and the model itself is differnet and OFP knows that

@archive dates: sorry about that i never thought about someone jumpin in this late in the updates and at this point im a few weeks away from final so i didnt think much of it

@lower goggles: it works on all the west soldiers except "soldier" the grenader, the machine gunner, the law soldier, the medic ALL have that option but the default soldier does not. this is due to compatability with other addons. if i left it on the default soldier (soldierwb) any other addon classes as soldierwb would have that option (IE: Martins DC3 Pilot has goggles down option)

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ok just a quick update status

the humvee will have its own CD player (using the songs from the ssv_documents.pbo)

the Hummer CD Player will have the following


Never Gonna Stop Me

Up In Here



Die Mother Fucker Die (newest addition to ssv_documents and the hummer)

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