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EECP - Enhanced ECP

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Sure you can, it just hasn't been beta-tested extensively by our beta-team, we're gettin OT btw, this is the EECP thread. wink_o.gif

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Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I get CTD randomly when I try to run the original single player missions.

I reinstalled OFP with Gold pack, Resistance and the latest patch.

I extracted all of the add-ons to the @ECP\Addons folder. I followed the ECP and EECP install instructions to the letter.

I was really lookin forward to trying this mod and I'm bummed out now.

Faulting application flashpointresistance.exe, version, faulting module flashpointresistance.exe, version, fault address 0x00056d55.

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Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I get CTD randomly when I try to run the original single player missions.

I reinstalled OFP with Gold pack, Resistance and the latest patch.

I extracted all of the add-ons to the @ECP\Addons folder. I followed the ECP and EECP install instructions to the letter.

I was really lookin forward to trying this mod and I'm bummed out now.

Faulting application flashpointresistance.exe, version, faulting module flashpointresistance.exe, version, fault address 0x00056d55.

Have checked everything in the troubleshooting section? Generally, a CTD indicates a problem with an addon (wrong version, wrong name, etc.)

Quote[/b] ]Issue: Crashes to desktop

First off, allow me say that there are no errors in the config itself that should cause this--I would never release it if there were. There are several things that can cause this, so there are several solutions.

Solution 1: Check to ensure that you do not have an addon loaded twice -- especially two different versions of an addon (Ex: BAS Delta/Ranger 1.55 in @ECP\Addons and 1.0 in Res\Addons)

Solution 2: An addon is corrupt. You'll need to experiment to find the culprit.

Solution 3: You're using the incorrect version of an addon. Example: Somebody had a problem with crashes when they were using a different version of Marfy's M925 truck than I used in the creation of the config. His PBO had a different name than the one that the config was pointing at for the model, so this caused problems.

Solution 4: Replace the ECP settings scripts in the root ECP directory (\@ECP\) with the original unmodified files. You can do this simply by reinstalling ECP, but if you do that, you will also need to reinstall EECP. Dreamline has reported that fractional values in these files as selected through the ECP options menu in-game can occasionally lead to problems.

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I downloaded all the add-ons using the links in the first post... what would be really helpful is if someone compiled the correct versions in to one zip/rar. I'll try and go through them to figure it out.

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I downloaded all the add-ons using the links in the first post... what would be really helpful is if someone compiled the correct versions in to one zip/rar. I'll try and go through them to figure it out.

I do intend to (try to) do this in the future. I'd just like to hold off until the required addons are fairly static.

I'd also need permission from all involved parties to do it.

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Try to use -nomap with your E:ECP shortcut, if your system has difficulties with too many addons, it should help it.

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A bit confused with the installation....just to start with I cannot find the Combat Misc Pack....

Also, is there only one file that I can download and install instead of all them little bits and pieces...?

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@ Tomcat

Heres a link to the MISC file your after link

AFAIK there is still not one whole download and i think the reason is mainly that most people will already have the vast majority of the needed addons anyway.

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thanks for the link...

prob is..that people like me...that just started playing OFP (or trying to do so..) is difficult to figure out...all these things...

Whole files..help make it easier..and once you familiarise yourself with mods..and how they work...you can start puting bits and pieces...

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I don't like saying this on this thread but maybe you should try either Y2K3 here or the Flash FX mod here as thay have a whole pack in one download. I've been using this MOD since it came out so i've stuck with it but you might like the others instead.

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Since ECP has been experiancing delays, is there any chance you'll add any content to your current EECP before the next ECP engine update?

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Since ECP has been experiancing delays, is there any chance you'll add any content to your current EECP before the next ECP engine update?
Unless the 1.075 release gets pushed back signifigantly (doesn't look like it's going to happen) or something comes out that totally breaks compatability with EECP 0.4.4, I don't plan on updating it before 1.075 hits. If I had known that things would be delayed quite this long, I would have incporporated a few updates to 0.4.4 a couple of months back.

Honestly, I haven't done any work for a couple of months now. I ported the vast majority of the EECP 0.4.4 config over to ECP 1.075 back then, but I've mostly been waiting to get my hands on the 99.9% final release version of 1.075 before I commit to finishing things up. I don't want to have to do things twice, especially considering how long it took me the first time. tounge_o.gif

I know it has been said a lot, but it will be very soon now. There have been good reasons for the 1.075 delays. It does some very ambitious stuff. Once I get rolling again, it should not take me too long to finish up.

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Very good news. Thank you (and the whole ECP team).


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On that note, does anybody know of a good PK replacement? I've been looking for one, but I've been unable to find any.

I think that you can look for a good PK replacement in the ICP_rfwp_3.2 pack or in the CSLA weapon pack II with new cool optics... Look at LINK...

Thanks for EECP  tounge_o.gif

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Hey Gazmen - nice to see you're still around!!

Are you going to tweak your Eastern Forces collection to make use of the new JAM3 mags (RPKs, new SD rounds etc)?

I still rate it as a great OPFOR pack!


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I think that you can look for a good PK replacement in the ICP_rfwp_3.2 pack or in the CSLA weapon pack II with new cool optics... Look at LINK...

Thanks for EECP tounge_o.gif

Maa gave me permission to make use of any CSLA addons that I'd like as long as I don't alter them, so it's pretty safe to say that I'll be borrowing several things from the update when it comes out.

I'm really looking forward to just playing the CSLA updates, honestly. That stuff is looking very good. Those guys do some great work.

I will be gearing up again very shortly. I will most likely begin getting things sorted out with the next ECP dev build. Unfortunately I'm going to have to dig in and do a bit more work than I had originally anticipated, but it's not too bad and I should be on track for a release very soon after the ECP release.

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Hey Gazmen - nice to see you're still around!!

Are you going to tweak your Eastern Forces collection to make use of the new JAM3 mags (RPKs, new SD rounds etc)?

I still rate it as a great OPFOR pack!


Yes, if all ammo I need are in the pack, I will update it, to FINAL 1.0 pack.


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Quote[/b] ]Unless the 1.075 release gets pushed back signifigantly (doesn't look like it's going to happen)

What!!! The first thread was started in December of 2004! This thing isn't coming out until '06!!

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finally i get to the end page

anyway since i cant find an eecp bug page i thought i would say when you reload a mortar round the m16 turns to the bis m16 then when reloading back to a m16 mag it changed to the eecp m16.

Also another thing sounds afer a week they seem to disaper none whatso ever i have tryed reinstalling eecp and the sounds and ecp core. but the sounds are still gone and i dont really want to play it without sound the only way ive found of fixing is deleting the whole of ecp and eecp then reinstalling along with the addons wich takes up alot of our download limit and my time.

So could these be fixed thats if a new version is going to be made but since a new ecp version is planed (will it ever hapen) there is no wasy that an eecp one shouldnt and also great mod

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I'm having a problem with the current release of EECP.

I did a clean reinstall, installing all my addons again, including EECP. Whenever I get to the menu in OFP, it has some error about not finding the DisplayNameMagazine of the M16GrenadeLauncher.

It's probably conflicting with an addon, but I have no idea which. If anyone could save me the time of going through each individual addon...

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finally i get to the end page

anyway since i cant find an eecp bug page i thought i would say when you reload a mortar round the m16 turns to the bis m16 then when reloading back to a m16 mag it changed to the eecp m16.

This is noted in the readme. There's no way to fix it unless somebody wants to remodel the S&E M16 to include a mortar.
Quote[/b] ]Also another thing sounds afer a week they seem to disaper none whatso ever i have tryed reinstalling eecp and the sounds and ecp core. but the sounds are still gone and i dont really want to play it without sound the only way ive found of fixing is deleting the whole of ecp and eecp then reinstalling along with the addons wich takes up alot of our download limit and my time.

So could these be fixed thats if a new version is going to be made but since a new ecp version is planed (will it ever hapen) there is no wasy that an eecp one shouldnt and also great mod

I can't fix that. You're the only one that has ever reported this problem, so I'm lead to believe that it's something specific to your install.

With more details I might be able to offer some suggestions.

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I'm having a problem with the current release of EECP.

I did a clean reinstall, installing all my addons again, including EECP. Whenever I get to the menu in OFP, it has some error about not finding the DisplayNameMagazine of the M16GrenadeLauncher.

It's probably conflicting with an addon, but I have no idea which. If anyone could save me the time of going through each individual addon...

I just went over my stringtable and the pertinent parts of the config and couldn't see anything that should cause it.

From my stringtable.csv:

Quote[/b] ]STR_DN_EECP_M16203,M16A4/M203,M16A4/M203,M16A4/M203

STR_DN_EECP_M203,M203 Grenade Launcher,Lance-grenades M203,M203 Granatwerfer

STR_MN_EECP_M203,M433 HEDP 40mm Grenade,Grenade HEDP 40mm,M433 HEDP 40mm Granate

From the config:

Quote[/b] ] class M16GrenadeLauncher



Quote[/b] ] class M203Muzzle : GrenadeLauncher



Quote[/b] ] class EECP_M203_Launcher : grenadelauncher





Those are all the references to strings as far as the M16/M203 is concerned (M16Muzzle in the M16GrenadeLauncher class inherits its name strings from the M16 class, but those check out as well.)

About the only other possibility that I can think of is that you're using an outdated version of EECP_RSC.pbo (though I'm not sure offhand if that would be an error related to the class name or string name.) Grab the latest core and try replacing the one you're currently using just to be sure.

If that doesn't work, try running OFP without EECP and playing a mission that uses the M16/M203. If you still get the error, you'll know it's caused by something else. If you don't, then it would appear to be an odd conflict.

If you still get it after trying those two things, maybe give me a list of whatever addons you're using that you know contain M16s. I'll take a look at them.

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