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Albanian terror on kosovo

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...and if he after all get a way with this i have my uncles SHOTGUN loaded crazy_o.gifmad_o.gif

I'll have my own FA-MAS loaded ;)

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If Milosevic goes free, the ICC will have lost its credibility and may as well not exist. I hope he gets life.  mad_o.gif

Milosevic is not tried by the ICC. He is being tried by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). It's a predecessor to the ICC and there are many differences in structure and procedure.

Having said that, the Milosevic trial has been one disaster after another. The incompetence of the prosecution has been amazing. As for Milosevic, his arguments are political rethoric more aimed at the people in Serbia than being any form of real legal defence.

Either way I'm pretty sure he'll be convicted. The political pressure is very strong plus he was seen as guilty by the whole world before he stepped into the court room. What the prosecutors have failed to do is to show any hard evidence in form of incriminating documents etc So their case is based on testimonies, and when it comes to words against words, Milosevic is not in a very good position.

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...and if he after all get a way with this i have my uncles SHOTGUN loaded crazy_o.gifmad_o.gif

I'll have my own FA-MAS loaded ;)

awww, ran is stealing weapons from the military. tounge_o.gif

eh what the hell, gun dealing is such a nice buisiness blues.gif

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What the prosecutors have failed to do is to show any hard evidence in form of incriminating documents etc So their case is based on testimonies

...prosecutors do have shit of evidence !

i`m equaly awaything to convict him as wall as you all do and im very suspicious about legal way to do it...

...then, those stupid statemens of some former prisoners or soldiers or anyone they brouhgt there to testemony agains him...it is ridiculously...nothing points to Milosevic, nothing.

* I SAY AGAIN: not a single document, tape, video record, sound record,...

** I SAY AGGAIN: please give him life and do not put that man on freedom...whole world knows he is guilty !

* + ** = judge the man with no evidence, hmmm

@denoir, reason that Milosevic has many supporters in Serbia is becouse in time that he was on power he gave them previleged and corruption was everywhere so many people incluiding criminals, ex criminals and all dark sides of population had nice life and thay use to it...eaven now in police, goverment,... are his people and lots of criminals are in special police and secret services...

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Radnik you are kind of a very funny man.   smile_o.gif  Show me the paper where Hitler ordered the Endloesung?

Milosevic was in charge, and if he wasnt, why didnt he support the Nato? Milosevic therefore is obliged to proof that he is NOT guilty instead of the court having proof that he was . I dont know the term in english but in german we call it "Umkehrung der Berweislast" which corresponds to "reversed onus of proof" or "reversal of the burden of proof".

We all know that whether he will win or loose that trial he is gonna die very soon. Just like Erich Honecker. It is the fate of fallen leaders with megalomania.

I would feel better arguing with you if I would have the feeling you would freely repeat these words: (that I as a german have no problem with)

"Yes, my nation is responsible for a genocide. All of us, including those that killed and those that didnt dare to prevent it.

I do not see any blame on the side of the kroatians (for me it is "jews"). It was a unilateral agression and we accept the shame of having killed innocent children, women and having raped, tortured and stolen from them.

I accept my share of responsibility for it, I will never try to justify or excuse it. FULL STOP

I hope you are not anoyed if I say that I believe you still think that there are many NATO-lies out there.

Peace!  wink_o.gif


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...and if he after all get a way with this i have my uncles SHOTGUN loaded crazy_o.gifmad_o.gif

I'll have my own FA-MAS loaded ;)

awww, ran is stealing weapons from the military. tounge_o.gif

eh what the hell, gun dealing is such a nice buisiness blues.gif

Well, the FA-MAS isn't really mine smile_o.gif

I can also take with me my personnal weapons such as my Manufrance Perfex shotty or my Manurhin .38 and all the others smile_o.gif

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Radnik you are kind of a very funny man.   smile_o.gif  Show me the paper where Hitler ordered the Endloesung?

Minutes of the Schwannsee Konferenz.

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Radnik you are kind of a very funny man.   smile_o.gif  Show me the paper where Hitler ordered the Endloesung?

Minutes of the Schwannsee Konferenz.

Ronin, I am afraid but there still is no written proof!

The Führer Order on the Final Solution apparently was never committed to paper -- at least no copy of it has yet been unearthed in the captured Nazi documents."

-- William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (New York: Fawcett Crest, 1960),

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Quote[/b] ]I would feel better arguing with you if I would have the feeling you would freely repeat these words: (that I as a german have no problem with)

"Yes, my nation is responsible for a genocide. All of us, including those that killed and those that didnt dare to prevent it.I do not see any blame on the side of the kroatians (for me it is "jews"). It was a unilateral agression and we accept the shame of having killed innocent children, women and having raped, tortured and stolen from them.

I accept my share of responsibility for it, I will never try to justify or excuse it. FULL STOP

I agree up until it sounds like you Schweizer believe you deserve some of the blame. How old are you? I think it's ridicules to hold generation of Germans responsible who weren't even born yet.

Quote[/b] ]I accept my share of responsibility for it

What responsibility do you hold? Please explain?

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What responsibility do you hold? Please explain?

He's german, hence guilty by association. Thats what 60 years of finest german schooling have produced. Great, aint it. a nation and 4 generations of guilt ridden ppl...well done german gvt....

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What responsibility do you hold? Please explain?

He's german, hence guilty by association. Thats what 60 years of finest german schooling have produced. Great, aint it. a nation and 4 generations of guilt ridden ppl...well done german gvt....

As quaint and useless as that might seem at first glance, would you prefer 4 generations of people nostalgic for the good old days when they were led by the greatest warlord of all time? Like it or not there needs to be a collective acceptance of what happened, and a collective sense of responsibility - not because all Germans in part want to kill Jews, but to combat those who say "The holocaust never happened, 'we' would never do such a thing"

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Quote[/b] ]Radnik you are kind of a very funny man.   smile_o.gif  
...i can describe my self as a funny man... tounge_o.gif
Quote[/b] ]Show me the paper where Hitler ordered the Endloesung?
...exactly ! Show me the paper where Milosevic orderd a Srebrenica massacre !
Quote[/b] ]Milosevic was in charge, and if he wasnt, why didnt he support the Nato?
...wait, wait, wait...where does it say you must support NATO, and in what ?, since Serbia is not Nato or Eu member.
Quote[/b] ]Milosevic therefore is obliged to proof that he is NOT guilty instead of the court having proof that he was
...i mean, wheter you or me knows that he is guilty and whole world knows but as i said in some previous post, i have not seen or heard any real evidence against Milosevic, there are just stories but nothing is point directly on him, the only thing is that he was head comander and he new for most of that what "his" soldiers have done. crazy_o.gif
Quote[/b] ]I would feel better arguing with you if I would have the feeling you would freely repeat these words: (that I as a german have no problem with)

"Yes, my nation is responsible for a genocide. All of us, including those that killed and those that didnt dare to prevent it...

...well, i wont repeat those words ! (..lol..like on some cult session  tounge_o.gif ...repeat after me...and those staffs...joke), anyway as Serb,with my 24 years i do not feel that i done somethig wronge, i was 11-15 back than, quite contrarily, i feal angry when im being asked to do this, i mean why ?
Quote[/b] ]we accept the shame of having killed innocent children, women and having raped, tortured and stolen from them.
... rock.gif we, why do you say we ?, well to be honest with you, is it easy for you to say after 60 years
Quote[/b] ]I accept my share of responsibility for it, I will never try to justify or excuse it. FULL STOP
..realy you do?!...and may i ask what aftermath you suffer ?, EU or US isolation ?
Quote[/b] ]I hope you are not anoyed if I say that I believe you still think that there are many NATO-lies out there.
...no im not, realy... wink_o.gif  smile_o.gif , but i do belive that there are lies about NATO angagement on Balkans wink_o.gif  
Quote[/b] ]Peace!  :;
...all the way !  smile_o.gif

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lol @ radnik

come on, how shallow are your comments. Everyone knows whos responcible with or without evidence. If he wasn´t then what kind of president doen´t know what his own armed forces do? If it where up to me then with the comments that you said then I would like to see every one of your nationalist Centik put to jail and shot to death. There is no evidence... please

The only difference between serbia and former nazi germany is that germans admited their regrett, you just try to save whats left of the crap.

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lol @ radnik

come on, how shallow are your comments. Everyone knows whos responcible with or without  evidence. If he wasn´t then what kind of president doen´t know what his own armed forces do? If it where up to me then with the comments that you said then I would like to see every one of your nationalist Centik put to jail and shot to death. There is no evidence... please

The only difference between serbia and former nazi germany is that germans admited their regrett, you just try to save whats left of the crap.

Recommendation for next time: read the the thread in its entirety before attacking people.

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Recommendation for next time: read the the thread in its entirety before attacking people.

Im attacking the people in general, don´t need to read others oppinions on it

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Recommendation for next time: read the the thread in its entirety before attacking people.

Im attacking the people in general, don´t need to read others oppinions on it

No you were not. You were attacking radnik's comments as shallow and then went on to show how he was wrong.

Hence, if you want to avoid looking like a fool (which you have now managed to do), read the thread in its entirety, then you might understand the context in which radnik's comments were made.

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Recommendation for next time: read the the thread in its entirety before attacking people.

Im attacking the people in general, don´t need to read others oppinions on it

No you were not. You were attacking radnik's comments as shallow and then went on to show how he was wrong.

Hence, if you want to avoid looking like a fool (which you have now managed to do), read the thread in its entirety, then you might understand the context in which radnik's comments were made.

Whats the beef ex-ronin? I followed the thread from the start and now Im trying to show my feelings for the serbian minority in kosovo. And the comments about the shallow. Well wheres the documents is kind of shallow. Maybe you don´t like what I feel about those animals, here I´ll write it again

Quote[/b] ]If it where up to me then with the comments that you said then I would like to see every one of your nationalist Centik put to jail and shot to death. There is no evidence... please

The only difference between serbia and former nazi germany is that germans admited their regrett, you just try to save whats left of the crap.

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...in a first time, i wanted to add some word @ crackerjack but on a second thinking i realize that it would be pointlles !


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What responsibility do you hold? Please explain?

He's german, hence guilty by association. Thats what 60 years of finest german schooling have produced. Great, aint it. a nation and 4 generations of guilt ridden ppl...well done german gvt....

Nah smile_o.gif I have the responsibility to prevent such a thing from happening again. Responsibility is not guilt.

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Recommendation for next time: read the the thread in its entirety before attacking people.

Im attacking the people in general, don´t need to read others oppinions on it

No you were not. You were attacking radnik's comments as shallow and then went on to show how he was wrong.

Hence, if you want to avoid looking like a fool (which you have now managed to do), read the thread in its entirety, then you might understand the context in which radnik's comments were made.

Whats the beef ex-ronin? I followed the thread from the start and now Im trying to show my feelings for the serbian minority in kosovo. And the comments about the shallow. Well wheres the documents is kind of shallow. Maybe you don´t like what I feel about those animals, here I´ll write it again

Quote[/b] ]If it where up to me then with the comments that you said then I would like to see every one of your nationalist Centik put to jail and shot to death. There is no evidence... please

The only difference between serbia and former nazi germany is that germans admited their regrett, you just try to save whats left of the crap.

Calling the Serbs "animals" is the kind of racist remark that is a bannable offence.

Just for the record and to show you just how stupid your comments were - Radnik was playing Devil's Advocate and using the highly elusive art of Irony and Sarcasm to bring his point across.

If you had bothered to read the thread properly, you would be well aware of Radnik's feelings towards Milosevic. Either way, it is irrelevant now. Congrats on contending for Stupid Ban of the Year. crazy_o.gif

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crazy_o.gif eeehm...

recorded smile_o.gif (ban of the year, something that happend rearly wow_o.gif )

Edit: here you see why i am afraid to post in politic threads rock.gif .

you just cant stop youre fealings wink_o.gif

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my view is that if something goes wrong, if you are in charge, its your fault, if you did'nt want it to happen, you should of made preventable measures to stop it. smile_o.gif

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