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Ardennes island v1.0 by reinhard

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Sorry, if this has already been touched before, but

will there be paths for ai being able to cross the bridges

in your next version?

ATM it looks like i've left my dogs outside a supermarket

they're just standing there having no clue what to do now,

and as soon as i'm back from the other side of the river,

it looks like they're happy again wagging with their c*cks biggrin_o.gif

Else it's a really cool island with a nice touch of ww2 era.

btw - about the discussion wether to use cwc buildings or

not - IMHO cwc buildings do really fit best into ww2 maps

rather than anywhere else in OFP. - I'm talking about those

cwc buildings, you're already using there - it's just that they

really do not fit together with any MARPATS/BAS/VDV/etc.

but with ww2.

~S~ CD

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here are some more pics of new area biggrin_o.gif

<a href="http://es.msnusers.com/_Secure/0RAAAANITMZZdubROA1cIZBNZ0inlFhAhHivNgxEAUxsGaJuo5Sr58*nyrCfLSjRS4nRlblZU3tQTFh6vc6S0J68G5

tuJX8OduNcQjOXB8Us/GCS0006.jpg?dc=4675470782675427890" target="_blank">pic 1</a>

pic 2

pic 3

<a href="http://es.msnusers.com/_Secure/0RAAAANATvZUlLRpqtSGRrq8oTencx6904PBewECbTbWFNvVRw8Dfz1wd2BqWcd2FZlRFQTNENxa5lmdG*RwP3IWsP

rxFiqJb1PmEl3UYJpo/GCS0040.jpg?dc=4675470844793290147" target="_blank">pic 4</a>

pic 5

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wow! absolutely amazing!

btw: any chance of replacing the trees with better looking ones? or does the island simply looks better with these trees?

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Actually im using a mix of Res and cwc trees and vege, this is the only that i have, if someone make new trees would be a pleasure place it in the island biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]wow! absolutely amazing!

Make that a double wow! from me. Now with also the help of MiG's farm pack I can be a real farmer LOL

Oi, git orf my laand LOL


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reinhard, you are definitly "da man"!  tounge_o.gif

Great work and nice screens!


these vegetables looks awsome (like the rest of the farmland pack)! I hope reinhard will use them on his island.

MEDICUS smile_o.gif

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Added right now some individual potatoe plants to my farm biggrin_o.gif


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One more fence included, this time a "bushfence". I'll make one more wood fence. Do you want wood paint fence? If so, maybe white is the more common, what do you say reinhard66?

Bush fence screenshot


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mate this definitly i mean damm cool, excellent smile_o.gif ...and yep i want wood paint fence hehehehe great again.

please mate contact me in this adddres i have some cool for you kurtvsova@hotmail.com

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Any new pics of this cool map ? Would like to make soon some salad with some tomatos wink_o.gif

Keep the work up, man !

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well this week the update with with 5 new villages, new textures ans MIG stuff will be released biggrin_o.gif

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Holy shit ! Thats a lot of work you did .... I know this, believe me...it´s kind of hard work.

Did you manage it already that the bridges are working for AI ? Bridges are really hard to handle in ofp map editing ....

Well, thanks for your work !!!! tounge_o.gif


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yep mate bridges are like hell hehehhe sad_o.gif

i cant fix the bug beacouse its a problem of the model, i think ill need to redone the model with the correct values.

actually im adding last details for the release smile_o.gif

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Well guys ardennes update release its inminent perhaps tomorrow or the next ( i forget the name in english wink_o.gif )

The update includes:

-New textures for farms and fields.

-5 new villages.

-a gigant mountain forest area.

-And ofcourse MIGs farm objects smile_o.gif.

-Some mapfat objects.

-New big area with earth textures.

here are some pics of what is to come biggrin_o.gif

La gleize


<a href="http://es.msnusers.com/_Secure/0RQDSAgQUtKNdubROA1cIZDMSDoYiI4nb9BBeceJ9Sy0NYzsd3tkXhJuo1rGCLL3ZNhvJxdNHILWw0eDWRzLpEshNo

F1Wea4D72L9TB79hmA/GCS00070.jpg?dc=4675472606761511972" target="_blank">Namur2</a>

near Troix points

La gleize2

outside La Gleize

<a href="http://es.msnusers.com/_Secure/0RADaAtcTAZeGSoIJWlu1asfPIdtxNt6TAmz*JYWlY4sRcXiIeT5OnCdh8npbiBs1ZstO1zvS6YfIozO3zZ1yno1Yt

kLdpEP7l1j5JhF9TZI/GCS0019.jpg?dc=4675472606910965699" target="_blank">La Gleize3</a>

<a href="http://es.msnusers.com/_Secure/0RABFGtETmpWzJnvPpwXPN4SGZmdJJs0pQk8U6fFtBkW2JapokxthfRTZk7aJch9etRszftRRQ7GRL7xNsOm52Qtv4

EaQgIb30df2mFfCfEk/GCS0022.jpg?dc=4675472606962218976" target="_blank">Troix points</a>


<a href="http://es.msnusers.com/_Secure/0RAAAAM4T5ZSGSoIJWlu1atVEsRg3nIh7yZxJU4Cbnu8cVbn0i4Qc3BmKXqAD8ndtcFz34QIaDKTXhEZEQYARSAt5L

o6R9DgCMwaQ0KfSA!g/GCS0010.jpg?dc=4675472608516224043" target="_blank">near La gleize</a>

<a href="http://es.msnusers.com/_Secure/0RADlGM8TIJVdubROA1cIZE2LpbRWKwU0Jn2WZR1i6DGaaoXLf6CX1MNB3O2XsQ6bFLIDGCznJCHlp2hDbvNWl0pu3

HvpshbeOjZLqmOzDoQ/GCS0002.jpg?dc=4675472608485580246" target="_blank">MIG potatoes</a>

MIG tomatoes and potatoes hummm smells like saladˇˇˇ heheheh

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Well guys ardennes update release its inminent perhaps tomorrow or the next ( i forget the name in english wink_o.gif )

Day after tomorrow biggrin_o.gif

Man, it looks great, I can't wayt.

Its still middle end friendly, or it laggs?

Good job fella.(Felicidades)


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The terrain on the screenshots look great. I am looking forward for release !



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thanks mate smile_o.gif

well about the lag i think in dependig the areas probably have a bit of lag beacouse i work with high level of detail,

but the new areas are fully tested and i think everibody can play and enjoy it.

the file its sent to ofp cz smile_o.gif

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Great news reinhard!

Really outstanding work! smile_o.gif


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Ardennes by reinhard66 v. 1.1 released !!! You my download direct from our site (ofp.info). You will find on our site more (8) screenshots. There is one teaser pic:



DOWNLOAD (mirror # 1)

DOWNLOAD (mirror # 2)

The .rar file is 13.94 MB, needed addons included.



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Just tested it and it's wonderful! There are so much lovely details ... outstanding! The Farmpack objects fit perfectly in the terrain and the new textures/objects are great!

That's just excellent work, reinhard!

THX a lot!

Mfg MEDICUS  smile_o.gif

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