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Cpt. FrostBite

Btr-t released

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I'm very much suprised nobody noticed this. Well, actually I'm not. I noticed it myself just 10min ago. Sabastian has a new site, no longer on tacticalblunder (that's when I lost track of his site).

He has released a very great and interesting vehicle the BTR-T. The BTR-T is a heavy russian APC based on the T55 chassis. Designed to give better protection for the infantry inside.

The addon is as realistic as it can get (although balanced against BIS units) and has some very nice features like an explosion effect and DKM suspension (as seen on the black eagle addon by DKM). I suggest you get it asap at:

Sebastian's site




*Thanks for giving me some credit in the readme, Sebastian. Allways a pleasure helping to test your addons, so thanks to you as well*


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yep, I'm suprised as well major gripe, but as I said; sebastian has a new site. He used the tacticalblunder as a host. I didn't even know he already had another one up until I clicked on his sig in one of his posts.

It's a very good addon. Before anyone asks; It's realistic too. The vehicle excists.

Known bug:

When you're the driver and turn on manual fire, don't fire the missiles while standing still. You will fire both missiles at the same time and the second one will hit the first one and explode and damage your tank. I'm not sure what's causing this, but I'll look into it. If your the gunner there's nothing wrong with the missiles.

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i love the "bubble" camo on the FIA version smile_o.gif

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I wanted to release it together with the RHS version. Unfortunately the RHS version is a bit delayed but I could not wait to put the news on my site wink_o.gif So I thought I would not tell somebody about it to give RHS more time. But RHS website and forum is down for a week now wow_o.gif

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Great job, this addon is fantastic! smile_o.gif

Textures, suspension, weapons, everything is top-notch.

The only thing missing IMO is the ability for infantry to sit on top of the vehicle, like Russian forces often do in real life and many other addons have.

Well, you can't have everything, great addon anyway. wink_o.gif

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good to see you fixed the rate of fire issue of the test version, sebastian. The AI fires it like a dream ( crazy_o.gif or a fucking nightmare when you're on the recieving side). It's actually quite a good tank-killer now.

Known bugs (2):

-muzzle flash will get darker as the tank get's damaged

-reloading of missiles is not "shown" in the topleft of your screen (with the red-yellow-green indicator for ammo). It stays green even though you can't fire it.

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It is seriously one of the best looking addons I've ever seen. I can't download this fast enough. Thanks, Mr. Lemonade. wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Great job, this addon is fantastic! smile_o.gif

Textures, suspension, weapons, everything is top-notch.

The only thing missing IMO is the ability for infantry to sit on top of the vehicle, like Russian forces often do in real life and many other addons have.

Well, you can't have everything, great addon anyway. wink_o.gif

Well, this would be unrealistic in this case. The vehicle (like I said) was designed to give infantry more protection. The reason for the soldeirs to sit on top is that ones the BTR's (BTR60 to 90) hit a mine everyone inside dies (also the reason for US troops to ride shotgun in nam).

So the whole concept of the vehicle is to make it strong enough for the infantry to be save from mines ect. It was also meant to give more protection against RPG's, but I doubt if this vehicle will make a difference.

conclusion: placing troops on top would be against the nature of this vehicle. And I hate it anyway. The best place to get yourself killed is riding on top so don't.

[edit] post of gollum misuderstood by me (see following page), but information is correct so this post remains unchanged. [/edit]

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Dear Sebastian,

there are GREAT work, as usual by you. Nice addons !



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Wow! Those Screenies are amazing!

Downloading smile_o.gif

Im a proud user of all your addons Mr. Lemonade, your Star Wars speeder bike was the second addon i've ever dloaded (on my 56k hamster days), from then on I try to have all your work loaded on my ofp, Txs a lot.

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good to see you fixed the rate of fire issue of the test version, sebastian. The AI fires it like a dream ( crazy_o.gif or a fucking nightmare when you're on the recieving side). It's actually quite a good tank-killer now.

Known bugs (2):

-muzzle flash will get darker as the tank get's damaged

-reloading of missiles is not "shown" in the topleft of your screen (with the red-yellow-green indicator for ammo). It stays green even though you can't fire it.

just fixed the second one of the known bugs (reloading). I'll try to iron out mre config issues and than send it to sebastian.

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Frostbite, I meant that if the BTR is full the rest can sit on top, since it certainly doesn't hold a full squad right now.

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That feature will be in the next update, the anim maker had some probs so youll have to wait for the update

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sorry, gollum. I misunderstood yoour point. I'm sorry. Your idea is indeed good.

has everybody noticed the footprints on the textures of the top of the tank?? Don't they look awesome, drool, drool??

fixed issues:

-reloading of missiles is not "shown" in the topleft of your screen (with the red-yellow-green indicator for ammo). It stays green even though you can't fire it.fixed

-When you're the driver and turn on manual fire, don't fire the missiles while standing still. You will fire both missiles at the same time and the second one will hit the first one and explode and damage your tank. I'm not sure what's causing this, but I'll look into it. If your the gunner there's nothing wrong with the missiles.fixed

those were the only two real config issues. I send the updated config to sebastian.

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Good, now if only we can get Flashpoint Revival back crazy_o.gif . Then we could make some good missions with all these new Russian units biggrin_o.gif .

Psst - I'm sure that Concept404 could handle a Flashpoint Revival site wink_o.gif .

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There has been forum space, a TS channel and a test server kindly provided by Shrike for the Flashpoint Revival over at www.ofp-zeus.com of which i notice you are not a member. rock.gif

What more could you need?

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ermm...i think i found a weird bug. Has anyone tried to take out East Olive Btr-t with ECP version of Marpat Javelin? I got 4 consecutive system reboots as soon as Jav hits the target , even stranger is that one time this error didnt occur, with the East camo version all was fine, havent tried it on Res Btr-t's yet 'cos im in a hurry right now, can someone reproduce this crash?

System reboot did not happen with original Marpat Javelin.

Btw: i love the explosion when the Btr-t gets blown biggrin_o.gif

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Awesome addon, looking really good.

But I noticed a minor bug, you can't turn the engine off.

This will most likely be the next addon included in my edited mfcti smile_o.gif

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Awesome addon, looking really good.

But I noticed a minor bug, you can't turn the engine off.

This will most likely be the next addon included in my edited mfcti smile_o.gif

D'oh wow_o.gif

Never noticed. It's such a small thing I never thought of it.

Thanks for noticing. Should be a config issue. I'll look into it asap.

@Bonco the sane:

I'll look into it, but I think it's just too many explosion scripts running together all trying to blow the BTR-T up in a different way biggrin_o.gif

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Just curious, which island was used for that second shot (the BTR-T in the grass)? The first one looks like Catsh*t's Afghanistan island.

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