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Us presidential election 2004

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What Bush has actually said is this: "The best way to deal with job creation and outsourcing is to make sure our businesses are competitive here at home."


the thing about competing with outsourcing to foreign countries, is that its whats really bad about globalisation for the west.  

Competing with countries that the labour is outsourced to means cutting pay and lowering labour conditions, no one cared when it was happening to blue collar workers, but it makes even more sense to shift information based jobs to India, China, etc because all the outputs are things that can be sent via computer, its why call-center work gets shifted overseas, and why more and more I.T jobs will be lost.  

The only way to get these jobs back is to hit pay and working conditions, which is bad for everyone except the very wealthy.

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**World Exclusive**

Dem presidential hopeful John Kerry personally phoned anti-Kerry swift boat vets, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

Kerry reached out to Robert "Friar Tuck" Brant Cdr., USN (RET) Sunday night, just hours after former Sen. Bob Dole publicly challenged Kerry to apologize to veterans.

Brant was skipper of the #96 and # 36 boat and spent time with Kerry in An Thoi. Kerry and Brant slept in the same quarters, and Brant used to put Kerry back to bed at night when Kerry was sleepwalking.

Brant received a call from Kerry at his home in Virginia while he was watching the Olympics on TV.

The call lasted 10 minutes, sources tell DRUDGE.

KERRY: "Why are all these swift boat guys opposed to me?"

BRANT: "You should know what you said when you came back, the impact it had on the young sailors and how it was disrespectful of our guys that were killed over there."

[brant had two men killed in battle.]

KERRY: "When we dedicated swift boat one in '92, I said to all the swift guys that I wasn't talking about the swifties, I was talking about all the rest of the veterans."

Kerry then asked if he could meet Brant ["You were one of the best"] -- man to man -- face to face.

Brant declined the invite, explaining that Kerry was obviously not prepared to correct the record on exactly what happened during Vietnam and what happened when Kerry came back.


What exactly does Kerry have to apologize for?

It sounds like the vets need to apologize, if they don't want to accept the fact that some of what Kerry said actually happened (I talk of the "mutilations" "rapes" etc).

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I said to all the swift guys that I wasn't talking about the swifties, I was talking about all the rest of the veterans."

I kinda doubt he said that, hes a politician, running for the presidency, that seems like a stupidly broad, poorly thought out statement that would alienate people.

I read the whole of the winter soldiers tribunal a while ago, and to try and pretend the whole thing is a lie perpetrated by commie sympathisers is naive.

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Quote[/b] ]What exactly does Kerry have to apologize for?

It sounds like the vets need to apologize, if they don't want to accept the fact that some of what Kerry said actually happened (I talk of the "mutilations" "rapes" etc).

Akira, I'm surprised you missed this...

Quote[/b] ]

KERRY: "When we dedicated swift boat one in '92, I said to all the swift guys that I wasn't talking about the swifties, I was talking about all the rest of the veterans."

If this is true... wow_o.gif (kerosene, I agree with your first sentence)

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Hi All

I apologize to you and the rest of the forum for this graphic testimony from here. If you are easily disturbed stop reading now.

Quote[/b] ]Hersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tape

After Donald Rumsfeld testified on the Hill about Abu Ghraib in May, there was talk of more photos and video in the Pentagon's custody more horrific than anything made public so far. "If these are released to the public, obviously it's going to make matters worse," Rumsfeld said. Since then, the Washington Post has disclosed some new details and images of abuse at the prison. But if Seymour Hersh is right, it all gets much worse.

Hersh gave a speech last week to the ACLU making the charge that children were sodomized in front of women in the prison, and the Pentagon has tape of it. The speech was first reported in a New York Sun story last week, which was in turn posted on Jim Romenesko's media blog, and now EdCone.com and other blogs are linking to the video. We transcribed the critical section here (it starts at about 1:31:00 into the ACLU video.) At the start of the transcript here, you can see how Hersh was struggling over what he should say:

"Debating about it, ummm ... Some of the worst things that happened you don't know about, okay? Videos, um, there are women there. Some of you may have read that they were passing letters out, communications out to their men. This is at Abu Ghraib ... The women were passing messages out saying 'Please come and kill me, because of what's happened' and basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children in cases that have been recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras rolling. And the worst above all of that is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking that your government has. They are in total terror. It's going to come out."

Quote[/b] ]"I saw [name blacked out] "expletive deleted"ing a kid, his age would be about 15-18 years. The kid was hurting very bad and they covered all the doors with sheets. Then when I heard the screaming I climbed the door because on top it wasn't covered and I saw [blacked out], who was wearing the military uniform putting his dick in the little kid's ass," Mr Hilas told military investigators. "I couldn't see the face of the kid because his face wasn't in front of the door. And the female soldier was taking pictures."

It is not clear from the testimony whether the rapist de scribed by Mr Hilas was working for a private contractor or was a US soldier. A private contractor was arrested after the Taguba investigation was completed, but was freed when it was discovered the army had no jurisdiction over him under military or Iraqi law.


Colusion points up the chain of command

You then need to consider that at Abu Ghraib 5 different groups all came up with the same plan.

The Five groups are:

1) The MPs and soldiers who guarded the prison.

2) The Military Intelligence about to be charged.

3) The doctors who according to The Lancet were actively involved in setting up the torture and hiding the deaths caused by it.

4) The National Security Operatives yet to be investigated.

5) The Civilian Contractors yet to be investigated. There were two of them one them is the rapist in the films he he was arrested and then set free because his company had a get out of jail free card from George Bush Junior.

How do separate branches in the military all come up with same plan independently?

The key factor here people is that those are all separate chains of command until you get really high up.

Factors that point to the involvement of George Bush Junior and John Ashcroft

We then need to consider that only George Bush Junior and John Ashcroft can grant the kind of immunity from prosecution that the contractor who is alleged to have raped the boy has gained. Despite this crime happening a year ago this alleged pedophile criminal is free to roam the streets of the USA. He may live next door to your children's school but you can do nothing about this.

Quote[/b] ]Memo on Torture Draws Focus to Bush

Aide Says President Set Guidelines for Interrogations, Not Specific Techniques

The disclosure that the Justice Department advised the White House in 2002 that the torture of al Qaeda terrorist suspects might be legally defensible has focused new attention on the role President Bush played in setting the rules for interrogations in the war on terrorism.

White House press secretary Scott McClellan said yesterday that Bush set broad guidelines, rather than dealing with specific techniques. "While we will seek to gather intelligence from al Qaeda terrorists who seek to inflict mass harm on the American people, the president expects that we do so in a way that is consistent with our laws," McClellan said.

White House Counsel Alberto R. Gonzales said in a May 21 interview with The Washington Post: "Anytime a discussion came up about interrogations with the president, . . . the directive was, 'Make sure it is lawful. Make sure it meets all of our obligations under the Constitution, U.S. federal statutes and applicable treaties.' "

An Aug. 1, 2002, memo from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, addressed to Gonzales, said that torturing suspected al Qaeda members abroad "may be justified" and that international laws against torture "may be unconstitutional if applied to interrogation" conducted against suspected terrorists. My use of bold: Walker

The document provided legal guidance for the CIA, which crafted new, more aggressive techniques for its operatives in the field. McClellan called the memo a historic or scholarly review of laws and conventions concerning torture. "The memo was not prepared to provide advice on specific methods or techniques," he said. "It was analytical."


The seeking of immunity from prosecution I believe is what led to the civilian contractors being given immunity from prosecution. I believe the man who signed that immunity that lead to the alleged rape of the boy is either George Bush Junior or John Ashcroft.

George Bush Junior is open to the charge of being the pedophiles friend.

Unless he orders the immediate arrest and investigation of this alleged child molester it lays open the person who grants him this immunity from prosecution; George Bush Junior of helping an alleged pedophile avoid persecution.

Kind Regards Walker

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Is this site for real?


Quote[/b] ]

The "Mother" of All House Parties

The East Bay for Kerry/MoveOn House party on December 7th combined the forces of two grass-roots organizations based in San Francisco East Bay Area. We had 200 guests eating, drinking, and watching the MoveOn Documentary “Uncovered†featuring Joseph Wilson and Rand Beers from the Kerry campaign.

When Teresa Heinz-Kerry arrived, she handed me a pin that read in the center: “Asses of Evil†with “Bushâ€, “Cheneyâ€, “Rumsfeld†and “Ashcroft†surrounding it. She met, greeted and talked to a jam-packed room of Kerry supporters and others who came for the MoveOn documentary. Many were curious, others undecided, or belonging to other candidate camps.

Teresa talked about her life as the daughter of a physician in Africa, about life during a repressive regime, to life inside Washington DC, and a brief intimate glimpse into her courtship with John. She told a rapt crowd about how they met and their first date, and that he did not call again for six months, adding, “He was slow on the uptakeâ€. Just as she was about to add more to the story, the phone rang. It was the Senator.

The synchronicity of this call was not lost on the crowd. We all laughed. John then spoke about the Medicare Bill recently signed by the president that effectively forces people into expensive HMO plans and prevents Medicare from using its formidable consumer base to drive the bulk purchase of expensive prescription drugs down. He also spoke about the recent Bush Thanksgiving visit to our military in Iraq, carrying a platter laden down with a fake turkey, smiling for a photo op.

People were hungry for the food we had prepared, but more so, hungry for John’s message of hope. After the call, Teresa took questions from the crowd. One of the questions was about grass-roots organizing, and the effect it had on the current presidential campaigns. Teresa responded that grass-roots has to happen at EVERY level, from the Internet, to canvassing and meeting people, to letter writing and phone calling. She reminded us that this was the way to connect with others and to get the message out.

A PBS producer working on a documentary on MoveOn interviewed Teresa. He asked, “Just as radio was for Roosevelt, and television was for Kennedy, the Internet has been defined as the new political grass-roots organizing tool for this era. What is your reaction to that?â€

Teresa said, “The Internet is a great grass-roots organizing and political tool; but it is still an adjunct.†The producer asked her to clarify. Teresa responded, “Until EVERYONE has access to a computer and knows how to access the Internet, it will still be an adjunct political grassroots organizing toolâ€.

It was hard for Teresa to stay on schedule. The lovely voice of opera singer, Susan Gundunas was on hand to sing a few tunes, and that kept Teresa with us a while longer than expected. Before saying goodbye, she took with her some “Condoleezza Rice Crispies Bars†and “No Child Left Behind Chocolate Chip Cookiesâ€, sold to generate donations to the cause. She left with a lilt to her step, a warm smile, and some new converts, some of whom were uncommitted and undecided, and some who were definitely committed, but came over to our camp. Because of her.

She gave us a bit of what she does best, connecting us as a community with her heart, compassion, and willingness to fight throughout all her life for the good of all of us. As her husband, John Kerry has throughout his life. Teresa completed the picture many people had unfinished about John Kerry. Now they know they have a “Real Dealâ€. From baking cookies, gathering food donations, staying up late cooking chicken wings, putting up artwork, and decorating that beautiful rambling modern home in the Oakland Hills, we at East Bay for Kerry did our job because we believe grass roots efforts include all of these finer, human details. We brought in more than 80 people to John’s birthday party the next night, bringing the room to capacity at 350 the following night

Thanks to Teresa, we kept the party going on, and she helped us here at East Bay for Kerry, throw the Mother of All House Parties.

Fe Bongolan - December 11, 2003

East Bay for Kerry - Berkeley, CA

Ohh...it happened in 2003.... crazy_o.gif

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Akira, I'm surprised you missed this...
Quote[/b] ]

KERRY: "When we dedicated swift boat one in '92, I said to all the swift guys that I wasn't talking about the swifties, I was talking about all the rest of the veterans."

If this is true... wow_o.gif (kerosene, I agree with your first sentence)

I didn't miss it. As of yet it is unsubstantiated, as some one pointed out.

And it still doesn't answer what exactly he's suppose to be apoloizing for...

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Hi all

The Torture of Children at Abu Ghraib is starting to come to the fore in the press. Today's article in the Washington Post

Quote[/b] ]Iraqi Teens Abused at Abu Ghraib, Report Finds

Officials Say Inquiry Also Confirms Prisoners Were Hidden From Aid Groups

By Josh White and Thomas E. Ricks

Washington Post Staff Writers

Tuesday, August 24, 2004; Page A01

An Army investigation into the Abu Ghraib prison scandal has found that military police dogs were used to frighten detained Iraqi teenagers as part of a sadistic game, one of many details in the forthcoming report that were provoking expressions of concern and disgust among Army officers briefed on the findings.

Earlier reports and photographs from the prison have indicated that unmuzzled military police dogs were used to intimidate detainees at Abu Ghraib, something the dog handlers have told investigators was sanctioned by top military intelligence officers there. But the new report, according to Pentagon sources, will show that MPs were using their animals to make juveniles -- as young as 15 years old -- urinate on themselves as part of a competition.

"There were two MP dog handlers who did use dogs to threaten kids detained at Abu Ghraib," said an Army officer familiar with the report, one of two investigations on detainee abuse scheduled for release this week. "It has nothing to do with interrogation. It was just them on their own being weird."

Speaking on the condition of anonymity because the report has not been released, other officials at the Pentagon said the investigation also acknowledges that military intelligence soldiers kept multiple detainees off the record books and hid them from international humanitarian organizations. The report also mentions substantiated claims that at least one male detainee was sodomized by one of his captors at Abu Ghraib, sources said.


The fact that the man who Sodomized the child is still free to roam the street of the USA under what apears to be George Bush Juniors immunity grant is disgusting beyond words.

Cleary because there has been no attempt to arrest this man for more than a year the charge can be leveled that George Bush Junior is the pedophiles friend.

Disgusted Walker

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Quote[/b] ]Hi billybob2002

I apologize to you and the rest of the forum for this graphic testimony from here. If you are easily disturbed stop reading now.

You are missing the point. Do you believe that TBA supported (OKed) the sodomizing of kids?  rock.gif

Now I do. Do you?

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I beleive people like Rumsfield created the environment for these abuses to happen,

Cheney, Rumsfield there wanna-be tough-guys, if you tell people or allow them to rely on the assumptions that the people there dealing with are linked to al-queda then its gonna encourage violence towards prisoners.

The guy who made the statement about that boy being sodimized was apparently threatened with sexual assault himself. I do believe military intelligence people had a hand in a lot of this, they did shitty things in the 70's and 80's and I guess the moralities still the same.

I know British troops in Basra have taken in kids as young as 10, their handed ovr to the U.S, presuably so the U.K can distance itself from whatever happens afterwards

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Quote[/b] ]I will pray for you...

Pray for the sodmised children instead, im doing fine.

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Quote[/b] ]Pray for the sodmised children instead, im doing fine.

Like that come back....just worried that you actually believe that crap about Bush oking it.

Quote[/b] ]And it still doesn't answer what exactly he's suppose to be apoloizing for...

Maybe here is one of those reason....


Quote[/b] ]

not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command....

The whole winter soldiers thing has a lot of BS in it. Many were frauds (i.e. Al Hubbard, the guy who helped set-up the whole event to get the "facts"). You cannot really seperate the truth from the BS today.

Quote[/b] ]We saw that many people in this country had a one-sided idea of who was kept free by our flag, as blacks provided the highest percentage of casualties.

Blacks provided the highest percentage of casualties... rock.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Pray for the sodmised children instead, im doing fine.

Like that come back....just worried that you actually believe that crap about Bush oking it.

Hi billybob2002

Simple question:

Why has George Bush Junior not arranged for their arrest and trial if he did not grant them immunity?

Just Curious walker

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If those reports are true, they should go to major news stations some time soon. i can't register and read the more specific articles myself because the washington post asks that you register. I should register but im afraid it will be true. The washington post is supposed to be a reliable and believable paper. Another thing, the only post that I saw for myself directly from the site looked like just a simple webpage anybody could have cooked up. I'm going to look further into this, and see what Bill O'Reilly thinks when it gets to him. Not that I side with him, i just like to hear him speak.

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Hi all

This Article shows that George Bush Junior is attempting to extend the immunity of contractors. It is also proof that they were given immunity to commit any crime including child molestation.

Quote[/b] ]Contractor Immunity a Divisive Issue

Interim Government Resists U.S. Proposal to Exempt Foreigners From Iraqi Law

By Edward Cody

Washington Post Foreign Service

Monday, June 14, 2004; Page A01

BAGHDAD, June 13 -- In an early test of its imminent sovereignty, Iraq's new government has been resisting a U.S. demand that thousands of foreign contractors here be granted immunity from Iraqi law, in the same way as U.S. military forces are now immune, according to Iraqi sources.

The U.S. proposal, although not widely known, has touched a nerve with some nationalist-minded Iraqis already chafing under the 14-month-old U.S.-led occupation. If accepted by Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, it would put the highly visible U.S. foreign contractors into a special legal category, not subject to military justice and beyond the reach of Iraq's justice system.

The U.S. request, confirmed Sunday by Allawi's office, is one of a number of delicate issues revolving around government authority that will confront the incoming U.S. ambassador, John D. Negroponte, when Allawi's interim government assumes formal sovereignty June 30.

Although the Bush administration repeatedly has promised that Iraqis will receive authentic sovereignty, the U.S. military has made it clear that U.S. officers will remain in charge of security, the country's top concern. People here widely assume that U.S. influence will remain decisive for a long time in almost every domain.

The in-control status of U.S. troops and officials -- from Humvee drivers who demand priority in traffic to civilian administrators intervening in the choice of Iraqi leaders -- often has been cited by Iraqis who oppose the occupation on nationalist grounds. The civilian contractors, particularly armed security personnel, have generated similar resentment from Iraqis, many of whom long ago tired of having foreigners tell them where they can and cannot go.

The question of the contractors' status also has arisen because of two U.S. contract employees at Abu Ghraib prison who were accused in a Pentagon report of participating in illegal abuse of Iraqi prisoners. The two -- Steven Stephanowicz of CACI International, an Arlington-based defense firm, and John B. Israel of the Titan Corp. of San Diego -- have not been charged with any crimes in Iraq or the United States, although some of their Army colleagues face military tribunals.


One of those two men is the one that the pentagon has film of raping a child he could be living in your neighbourhood because George Bush Junior has refused to have him arrested. George Bush Junior has clearly left himself open to the charge of being the pedophiles friend.

Regards walker

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Not Matt Damon!!!! crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]

Celebrities Appear in New Anti-Bush Ads

2 hours, 8 minutes ago

By BETH FOUHY, Associated Press Writer

SAN FRANCISCO - Young blacks walk to a city polling place, only to be blocked by a menacing white cop. Businessmen unwillingly parachute into Iraq (news - web sites). When Americans begin disappearing from their jobs, actor Matt Damon says, "George Bush (news - web sites) — it's his job, or yours."

Each scenario is part of a new series of anti-Bush ads created for MoveOn.org, an upstart political group that uses the Internet and other media to skewer the president and his policies.

The release Tuesday of 10 ads coincides with the final 10 weeks of the presidential campaign. The spots draw on the talents of A-list directors like John Sayles, Rob Reiner and Doug Liman and stars that include Scarlett Johansson and Kevin Bacon.

Many of the spots likely will remain on the Internet, circling among activists, rather than appearing on television. MoveOn says that while it has committed to a multimillion-dollar ad campaign throughout the fall, it will test market the ads and commit to airing only those that have a discernible impact on voters.

"We let creative people be creative, then throw it at testing and see what sticks," said MoveOn political director Eli Pariser.

Benny Boom, a leading hip-hop video director, produced the first ad in the series MoveOn will release. The group has committed to airing it next week on cable channels that target urban voters.

"We've got to get George W. Bush out of office, and it's very important that kids understand what a serious condition the world is in with this madman," Boom said.

With a throbbing bass line and wailing sirens in the background, Boon's ad shows a white police officer confronting young blacks out to vote. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's the problem?" the officer asks. "No problem — we're here to vote," a young man says, and those in the group raise their voting cards.

In a playful animated spot voiced by Bacon, Johansson and longtime actor-activist Ed Asner, a flight attendant straps parachutes to businessmen chortling over war profits and then pushes them out over Iraq. Bacon asks, "What if the same men who profited from the war were asked to fight it?"

The ad featuring Damon reunites him with Liman, who directed their 2002 hit "The Bourne Identity." In that spot, various working people — doctors, firefighters, auto factory workers and teachers — disappear as they do their jobs. "Since George W. Bush has been in power, he has lost over 1 million jobs. That's more than any president has lost since the Great Depression. George Bush — it's his job, or yours," Damon says.

Jonathan Wilcox, a Republican strategist who teaches a course on politics and celebrity at the University of Southern California, said MoveOn's ads are not likely to resonate outside the group's core audience.

"These ads are artistic portrayals, cool and interesting, that play to only themselves," Wilcox said. "They don't intend to turn a single undecided voter."

I love the playing of the racial thing.... crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Hi billybob2002

Simple question:

Why has George Bush Junior not arranged for their arrest and trial if he did not grant them immunity?

Just Curious walker

It is the fear of losing all those contractors ( ? ).

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Quote[/b] ]Why has George Bush Junior not arranged for their arrest and trial if he did not grant them immunity?

It is the fear of losing all those contractors ( ? ).

And how far above justice and morality do you suppose George Bush is willing to place the well-being of those contractors? rock.gif

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This is a bit unexpected:


Quote[/b] ]

Cheney rejects gay marriage ban

US Vice-President Dick Cheney has said he does not support a federal ban on gay marriage, apparently contradicting President George W Bush's stance.

Mr Cheney was addressing a campaign audience in Iowa that included his daughter, Mary, who is openly lesbian. He said the issue of legalising gay unions should be settled by individual states rather than by Washington. However, Mr Cheney said he accepted the views of Mr Bush, whose opposition to gay marriage is well publicised.

'Gay daughter'

President Bush recently backed a motion calling for a federal ban on gay marriage, prompted by attempts in some US states to have same-sex unions legalised.

The motion was defeated when Republican senators sided with Democrats on the issue. Vice-President Cheney said he and his wife "have a gay daughter, so it's an issue our family is very familiar with".

Regarding the issue of same-sex relationships, he said, "my general view is freedom means freedom for everyone".

He said individual states have historically decided "what constitutes a marriage".

'Mixed message'

Mr Cheney has said his views are personal and have no bearing on White House policy.

However, says the BBC's Dan Griffiths in Washington, they strike at the very heart of President Bush's thinking and should revive debate around the issue just days before the Republican convention in New York. While gay rights activists welcomed Mr Cheney's comments, there was criticism from some conservatives.

Genevieve Wood of the Family Research Council said Mr Cheney's remarks were disappointing and sent out "a mixed message to voters".

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Hi Denoir

It may be a figleaf for his resignation Dodgy Dick Cheney may be about to resign siteing policy diferences. Since health reasons have been blown out the water by pre-emptive strikes by the democrats siteing it as the previous excuse for getting rid of him.

He is such a vote looser for the Republicans that the Democrats are pre-empting the excuses to prevent him being ditched.

If Dodgy Dick Cheney is kept on the Republican Ticket he will loose them votes.

Kind Regards Walker

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Or shit is about to hit the fan on Plaime or something else.. blues.gif

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basically, Cheney's wife was unhappy about his position, and many people were asking whether he can sacrifice his daughter's well being over his political perspective.

what Cheney is doing is a classic dodging manuever. let the states decide, not the federal gov't. By this way, he won't get attacked by gay marriage activists, but at the same time save his face.

Guess it is hard to criticize gays when one of your leader's daughter is one.



Quote[/b] ]WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A legal adviser to the Bush-Cheney campaign resigned Wednesday after revealing that he had also advised the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the 527 group that has launched a campaign to discredit Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's military record.

A campaign official told CNN that Benjamin Ginsberg advised the group a few months ago at the same time he was working with the Bush-Cheney campaign.

Campaign adviser Terry Holt told CNN that the Bush-Cheney campaign learned Tuesday of Ginsberg's double duty.

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is a so-called 527 -- named after the federal provision that makes such organizations tax exempt and allows them to accept unlimited donations.

The group has aired commercials in several battleground states criticizing Kerry's record and accusing him of lying about the mission that led to him being awarded the Bronze Star in the Vietnam War.

In his resignation letter, Ginsberg said there is "a stunning double standard" between the news media's focus on "the activities of 527s aligned with John Kerry and those opposed to him."

"I cannot begin to express my sadness that my legal representations have become a distraction from the critical issues at hand in this election," Ginsberg wrote.

"I feel I cannot let that continue, so I have decided to resign as national counsel to your campaign to ensure that the giving of legal advice to decorated military veterans ... doesn't distract from the real issues upon which you and the country should be focusing."

Ginsberg is the second Bush-Cheney adviser to separate himself from the campaign over the group, which has accused Kerry of lying to get his three Purple Hearts, Silver Star and Bronze Star during his Vietnam service.

Retired Air Force Col. Ken Cordier, an unpaid adviser to the campaign on veterans' issues, resigned earlier this week after he appeared in a new ad taking on the Massachusetts senator for his antiwar activities when he returned from Vietnam.

The Kerry campaign filed a complaint last week with the Federal Election Commission alleging that the group illegally coordinated with the Bush campaign.

The Bush campaign called the complaint "frivolous and false." (Kerry files FEC complaint against swift boat group)

Republicans filed FEC complaints months ago accusing the Kerry campaign of coordinating with similar 527 groups such as the Media Fund and America Coming Together.

nice going. and you wonder why Kerry filed complaint? rock.gif

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More indeep article on it. Interesting read. No ties ?

No, caught with a lie !

Lawyer Advising Vets Quits Bush Campaign

Quote[/b] ]


DNC spokesman Jano Cabrera said that "isn't even comparable" to Ginsberg's relationship with the Bush campaign and veterans group.

"Of course a lawyer can have multiple clients," Cabrera said. "The issue here is one of deception. The Bush campaign repeatedly denied anyone on staff, including its legal counsel, had any ties to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth."


Separately, Kerry gained some support from a prominent Republican. Senate Armed Services Committee (news - web sites) Chairman John Warner of Virginia, a former Navy secretary, said he was confident Kerry had earned his highest military award based on the officers who had endorsed it.

"Based on persons that I knew extremely well and worked with on a regular basis, I feel that I can speak to the Silver Star, that it is a credible award," Warner said.

In Texas, Democrat Max Cleland was rebuffed when he tried to deliver a letter protesting the attack ad at Bush's ranch.

The former Georgia senator, a triple amputee from his service in Vietnam, carried a letter from several Senate Democrats who wrote Bush that "you owe a special duty" to condemn the attacks on Kerry's military service.

Cleland said he wanted to hand the letter "to a responsible officer here on the gate," but neither a Secret Service officer nor a state trooper would take it. A Texas state official and Vietnam veteran, Jerry Patterson, said he would accept the letter and offered Cleland one of his own supporting Bush. Cleland left and said he would mail the letter.

No ties ? No....nononono... crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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