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Us presidential election 2004

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Quote[/b] ]Study: Bush Tax Cuts Favor Wealthy

(CBS/AP) President Bush's tax cuts since 2001 have shifted more of the tax burden from the nation's rich to middle-class families, according to a study released Friday by the Congressional Budget Office.

The tax rate declined across all income levels — but more so in the top brackets, the report said.

The study found that the effective tax rate for the top 1 percent of taxpayers dropped from 33 percent in 2001 to 26.7 percent this year, a decline of 19 percent. The middle 20 percent of taxpayers saw a decline of 4 percent.

The study, requested by congressional Democrats in May, quickly provided fodder for the presidential campaign over the fairness of more than $1 trillion in tax cuts Mr. Bush has pushed through Congress since taking office.

"Over the last four years, the burden of taxes has shifted from the wealthy to the middle class," Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry said at a campaign event in Springfield, Oregon. "The middle class is paying more taxes."


As I have always said Republican Tax and Spend Policies are clearly hitting the middle classes and they face a double squeaze with NeoConMen's high unemployment policy.

This is based on the NeoConMan idea that by increasing the number of unemployed people they can reduce wages by threatening those who have jobs with unemployment this is also suported by the NeoConMan policy of exporting US jobs to third world countries putting an even bigger squeaze on the US middle Classes.

It is the complete failure of George Bush Jnr. and his cronies in TBA that has lead to the downward spiral in the US economy throughout the reign of the NeoConMen. With massive national debt a dollar worth nothing and a fantasy war that has triggered oil prices to reach record levels leaving the US middle class with the gas pump prices through the roof and soaring electricity bills. While George Bush Jnr and his friends in the Oil and energy Companies make their biggest ever profits.

At the election in November America will reward the NeoConMen as they deserve with a place on the unemployment line.

Kind Regards Walker

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I did not say the job was dangerous but Kerry believed something totally different at the time.

LoL, Kerry even "believed" that he was in Cambodia.  Of course he wasn't, but he likes to believe that story so much that he used it in his review of Apocalypse Now.  And later on the floor of the Senate.




Notice in the movie review he mentions that they were drunk South Vietnamese, but when he's a Senator, they were Vietnamese, Khmer Rouge and Cambodians.  Should of added the Grinch while he's at it.


And to cover up his lie, in Tour of Duty, Kerry's recent biography, he says he was in a mortar attack near the Cambodia border on that Christmas eve.

What a douche.

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I did not say the job was dangerous but Kerry believed something totally different at the time.

LoL, Kerry even "believed" that he was in Cambodia.  Of course he wasn't, but he likes to believe that story so much that he used it in his review of Apocalypse Now.  And later on the floor of the Senate.




Notice in the movie review he mentions that they were drunk South Vietnamese, but when he's a Senator, they were Vietnamese, Khmer Rouge and Cambodians.  Should of added the Grinch while he's at it.


And to cover up his lie, in Tour of Duty, Kerry's recent biography, he says he was in a mortar attack near the Cambodia border on that Christmas eve.

What a douche.

Have you ever been in a mortar attack?

Besides the fake ass one's in a military sim game?

I doubt it.

In fact have you even served?

Who's the douche here, the guy judging a guy who fought in combat from his oh so safe cushy, pussy-assed civilian existence, or the guy who fought in combat and 30 years later, might have mixed up the day he was in Cambodia when re-telling the story?

I'd say the douche is the person talking right out of his ass, with no combat experience whatsoever, but all the willingness and the balls in the world to judge someone who's actually been to see the elephant.

Edit: Ralph or Placebo, you can give me my warning now, it was worth it. crazy_o.gifmad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I'll believe that quote when I hear it come out of Kerry's mouth or he acknowledges it himself, or it appears in a real paper.

Ok, I'll respect that.

Quote[/b] ]Would you have supported the Gore/Lieberman ticket in 2000?

I already said I made a bet that Gore would had won.. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]NeoConMan policy of exporting US jobs to third world countries putting an even bigger squeaze on the US middle Classes.

Offshoring accounts for a fraction of job losses.

Quote[/b] ]a fantasy war that has triggered oil prices to reach record levels leaving the US middle class with the gas pump prices through the roof and soaring electricity bills.

Also, the demand from China and its the summer season. Gas prices are actually down from a couple of weeks ago.

Quote[/b] ]George Bush Jnr. Received Student Deferment and Used Family Connections to Secure Spot in The National Guard Before Graduation

John F. Kerry Enlisted in the Navy

It should be,

John F Kerry denied Student Deferment after graduation and then enlist.

Come on Walker, spread the truth like you usually do... biggrin_o.gif

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I don't know whether to laugh or cry...

Quote[/b] ]10. The 17 percent productivity growth from the first quarter of 2000 to the first quarter of 2004 stands head and shoulders above the growth rate for any comparable period. In the first 13 quarters of the Bush Administration, the basic determinant of our standard of living increased by almost as much as during the entire 32 quarters of the Clinton Administration.

9. The USA Patriot Act brought down the artificial wall separating law enforcement and intelligence officers and allowed them to talk to each other as they work to prevent future attacks.

8. If the Indian tribes sue to get back the land you're living on, which candidate do you want in control?

7. What's more important, knowing how to pronounce "nuclear bombs" or knowing who to drop 'em on?

6. He can't be as dumb as everyone says.

5. He's the only candidate who stands for the principles that originally made this country great - like slavery and denying the vote to women.

4. If Bush had been President, we never would have gotten involved in Vietnam. Especially if he could have been President and still have been "draft age".

3. Big deal, Kerry got the Purple Hearts and Silver Stars. Bush got the Yellow Moons and Green Clovers.

2. Are you a man or not? Our guy - named after a beer. Their guy - named after a character on Sex in the City.

1. Actually, there's no reason to vote for him if you live in Florida. You don't have to. We got that shit under control.

Top Ten Reasons to Vote For Bush

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yeah, vote bush. He won't take any crap from them injuns, not like kerry who would give the whole coutry away.

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Quote[/b] ]5. He's the only candidate who stands for the principles that originally made this country great - like slavery and denying the vote to women.

Where did this come from rock.gif ?

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Quote[/b] ]5. He's the only candidate who stands for the principles that originally made this country great - like slavery and denying the vote to women.

Where did this come from rock.gif ?

Constitutional amendment for a gay-marriage ban? It's in the core the same shit - denying a group of the population basic rights because of dogma.

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Quote[/b] ]Constitutional amendment for a gay-marriage ban? It's in the core the same shit - denying a group of the population basic rights because of dogma.

Well, I personally believe that gays should be allowed marry, but I still don't equate slavery or denying voting rights with not letting people get married in the eyes of the IRS. Besides, marriage isn't a basic right, it's become more of a pseudo-religious ceremony with government benefits/penalties.

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The Republican Party has been hijacked by hardcore extreme right-wing religious fundamentalists. For those of you who do not see the need to be "born again", you should vote Kerry just to send a message to the Party to get back on track and shift towards moderation once again.

I was a moderate Republican until Bush took office, but I'll be damned as a Catholic if I'm going to allow some religious extemist whackos to dictate morality to me or to try and push their religion down my throat, and force it into goverment or State sponsored activities. Nor will I accept that I have to be bigoted or tolerate bigotry because everyone that falls outside the narrow-minded world view of conservative christianity is going to hell.

I love the fact that these nut jobs think they know what God's will is and how God will judge those whom they don't see as "saved". I love that they intepret the bible literally. I want to know if they actually do have a direct line to God because I can't see how they came by the information they base their claims off of with absolute certaintity any other way. It'd be nice if I could get one of them to ask God why my brother is dead, or why the war in Iraq was morally justified.

These are the people in charge of your party Republicans. They don't like gays, they don't like Catholics, they don't like blacks, jews, or hispanics.

They want to tell you whom and how you can marry, when you can have sex, what to do with your children and how to raise them and when, where and how you may pray.

They favor censorship over free speech, prayer over artistic expression, safety and comfort over liberty.

These are the type of people our founding fathers were afraid of. it is why they insured a system of checks and balances so that the minority would not suffer from the tyranny of the majority and many of you would trade that away out of fear after 9-11. Man the fuck up and quit thinking George Bush is going to protect you like he's your daddy or some other fucking thing. Learn the difference between tough talk and tough action and for God's sake don't just swallow the shit being spewed out by the media.

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Quote[/b] ]Constitutional amendment for a gay-marriage ban? It's in the core the same shit - denying a group of the population basic rights because of dogma.

What does Kerry support? He wants the states to decide... sounds like slavery and that kind of crap. Also, it sounds like Kerry supports murder because he believes that life starts at conception and he supports abortion ( http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2....printer ). That is like saying I do not believe in slavery but I'm going to allow it because another group said that blacks are sub-human or not human.

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Quote[/b] ]They want to tell you whom and how you can marry, when you can have sex, what to do with your children and how to raise them and when, where and how you may pray.

They favor censorship over free speech, prayer over artistic expression, safety and comfort over liberty.

Sounds like a word for word description of the Taliban....ironic, huh? rock.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Constitutional amendment for a gay-marriage ban? It's in the core the same shit - denying a group of the population basic rights because of dogma.

What does Kerry support? He wants the states to decide... sounds like slavery and that kind of crap. Also, it sounds like Kerry supports murder because he believes that life starts at conception and he supports abortion ( http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2....printer ). That is like saying I do not believe in slavery but I'm going to allow it because another said that blacks are sub-human or not human.

Kerry favors pro-choice, not abortion. There is a huge difference.

He, like many Catholics feel it isn't up to the State to legislate morality, but that the choice should be made on an individual moral basis. The law should not have its nose in every woman's womb.

Making abortion illegal isn't going to end it, and every non-fundamentalist with half a brain in their heads knows that. Abortion should remain legal so that women don't engage in unsafe medical practices while the public should be educated to see abortion as a solution only when it is absolutely necessary and not as a means of birth control.

Making abortion a part of the legal system isn't going to change people's minds about it, just like outlawing drugs didn't do away with their use. People will happily disobey the law if the act they commit fits within their moral framework, it is the moral framework of the average individual that must be changed before social change can truly occur.

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Quote[/b] ]Kerry favors pro-choice, not abortion.  There is a huge difference.

Again, that is like saying I do not support slavery but the people should have the choice to have slaves. It took a long time (and a war/ amendment) to educate people that having slaves were wrong because they were just like you.

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Quote[/b] ]Kerry favors pro-choice, not abortion. There is a huge difference.

Again, that is like saying I do not support slavery but the people should have the choice to have slaves. It took a long time (and a war/ amendment) to educate people that having slaves were wrong because they were just like you.

No. It's not.

Slavery is taking basic human rights away from someone. Treating them as less then human.

That is not abortion, and don't give me the life begins at conception arguement. Many feel it doesn't. Everyone agrees that african-americans are humans.

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That is an extremely poor analogy.

Your example of slavery involves a decision made by a third party and sanctioned by the government that gives that third party absolute control over an individual's freedom.

Abortion Law on the other hand is a government decision that legally sanctions a governmental intrusion on an individual's choice over what to do with their body.  Unless the pregnancy is viable, there is no third party involved and Roe v. Wade only legalized abortions in cases where the pregnancy is in a stage where the fetus cannot have developed enough to sustain a viable birth (the only exception is for extreme emergencys).

Your slavery argument actually supports pro-choice better than it denigrates it.  Your argument basically says the government shouldn't intrude upon an individual's freedom and control over their own destiny.  But outlawing abortion as it is currently legal would do just that.

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i find it appealing that Kerry can at least separate his religious belief from leading a branch. It is very hard to be objective and not to have your personal view of morality dictate policy of nation.

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i find it appealing that Kerry can at least separate his religious belief from leading a branch. It is very hard to be objective and not to have your personal view of morality dictate policy of nation.

Good lord, could you imagine if Kerry couldn't do that?

Unlike Bush, who seems to be able to get away with it, if Kerry brought his religion into policy discussions, all those bigoted fundamentalist christians would be barking, stark-raving rabidly mad that he was taking orders from the Pope.

It would rekindle all those old prejudice-driven fears the ignorant masses had of a Catholic President when John Kennedy first took office.

Of course, if you are born again and use religion in policy decisions, well then, by all means, go right ahead.  That's perfectly acceptable.

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I'm not saying that abortion should be not be made illegal. Kerry should come out and tell other pro-choicers that it should not be used has as a means of birth control but as a absolutely necessary. And then, he will lose a lot of the pro-choice crowd but would of been one step closer to getting my vote.  


Quote[/b] ]Everyone agrees that african-americans are humans.

At a time that was not true and was one of the reasons that justified slavery (that blacks were not human).

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I'm not saying that abortion should be not be made illegally. Kerry should come out and tell other pro-choicers that it should not be used has as a means of birth control but as a absolutely necessary. And then, he will lose a lot of the pro-choice crowd but would of been one step closer to getting my vote.  


Quote[/b] ]Everyone agrees that african-americans are humans.

At a time that was not true and was one of the reasons that justified slavery (that blacks were not human).

Actually, this country was born divided on that issue.

Read the uncut draft Jefferson wrote for the Declaration of Independence. He had a long portion citing the evil of slavery they made him cut out so it wouldn't offend the slave owning members of the revolution.

Did you know that Lincoln, while supporting freedom for African americans, did not personally consider them equal?

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Quote[/b] ]Did you know that Lincoln, while supporting freedom for African americans, did not personally consider them equal?

Yes, and wanted to only give the right to vote to only the blacks that fought in the civil war. Furthermore, wanted to kick a lot of blacks out the country. He was a man of his time.

Quote[/b] ]Actually, this country was born divided on that issue.

Yes, I know. Not everyone believed blacks were not human.

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Quote[/b] ]don't give me the life begins at conception arguement. Many feel it doesn't.

Well, when do you feel that your life began? When did you cease to be a choice and become a human?

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