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Us presidential election 2004

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Quote[/b] ]What´s up with you posting such nonsense ?

What's up with your picture of the "war criminal" crap?  rock.gif

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Hi all

He has done it again.

Quote[/b] ]New 'Bushism' born at bill signing

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush offered up a new entry for his catalog of "Bushisms" on Thursday, declaring that his administration will "never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people."


Can some one tell him to engage the gears in his brain before letting the clutch out on his mouth.

I shake my head in wonder that they allow any one so thick to be commander in chief of the worlds biggest nuclear stockpile crazy_o.gif

Flummoxed walker

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Hi all

He has done it again.

Quote[/b] ]New 'Bushism' born at bill signing

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush offered up a new entry for his catalog of "Bushisms" on Thursday, declaring that his administration will "never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people."


Can some one tell him to engage the gears in his brain before letting the clutch out on his mouth.

I shake my head in wonder that they allow any one so thick to be commander in chief of the worlds biggest nuclear stockpile crazy_o.gif

Flummoxed walker

walker if I only knew how to answer that question sad_o.gif

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Let's beat a dead horse, shall we?


Quote[/b] ]WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A veterans group that has been sharply critical of Sen. John Kerry launched an ad Thursday that accuses the Democratic presidential nominee of lying about his Vietnam war record.

"John Kerry betrayed the men and women he served with in Vietnam," former Lt. Shelton White, one of the veterans, says in the ad.

Kerry's campaign quickly pointed out that not one of the men featured in the commercial served in the two patrol boats Kerry commanded in Vietnam and that some of them had previously been quoted as praising Kerry.

Kerry's campaign also released material noting that the group has gotten some financial backing from a contributor to President Bush and the Republican Party.

Meanwhile, Bush's re-election campaign distanced itself the ad. Campaign spokesman Steve Schmidt said the president's re-election effort "has never and will never question John Kerry's service in Vietnam. The election will be about the future."

And, in an interview with The Associated Press, Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona -- a former prisoner of war in Vietnam -- denounced the ad as "dishonest and dishonorable."(Full story)

In response to McCain's criticism, the group released a statement, saying it had "the right to be heard" and asserting the veterans knew Kerry better than McCain.

The ad comes from a group that calls itself Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. It comprises more than 220 veterans from the naval units in which Kerry served in 1968-69.

Kerry led a pair of high-speed, 50-foot crafts, known as swift boats, that patrolled the Mekong Delta to disrupt Vietcong supply lines.

In the commercial, former sailors accuse Kerry of lying to win two of his combat decorations, a Purple Heart and the Bronze Star, and criticize his anti-war activism after he returned home from Vietnam.

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is registered as an independent "527" committee, named for the section of the federal tax code under which similar groups are organized. Its contributors include several major Republican donors.

Kerry, now a U.S. senator from Massachusetts, has made his Vietnam record a major theme of his presidential campaign. At a Washington conference of minority journalists Thursday, he said the country needs a president "who understands the test before you send young people to war."

When Kerry accepted the Democrat's presidential nomination last week, 14 of his former crew mates appeared on stage with him, and one spoke of how Kerry had saved his life in Vietnam.

now here's some fun part

Quote[/b] ]In Columbus, Ohio, where the president was traveling Thursday, Bush spokesman Scott McClellan cast the commercial as a product of "unregulated soft money activity."

"We will not and have not questioned Sen. Kerry's service record in Vietnam," he said. "This is another example of the problem of unregulated soft money."

The president, he said, "thought he got rid of all of this when he signed the McCain-Feingold bill [regulating campaign financing] into law," adding, "This should all be stopped. It does nothing to elevate the discourse."

The Bush press secretary said he "hopes the Kerry campaign will join us in calling for an end to all unregulated ads." Asked whether the campaign will demand the ad be pulled from the air, he said, "We are calling for a cessation of all unregulated ads and hope the Kerry campaign will join us."

let me guess. moveon.org gave enough grief to Bush campaign? I beleive GOP frowned upon McCain for pushing that bill. How about GOP pulling the SwoftBoat vets ad out first?

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Can some one tell him to engage the gears in his brain before letting the clutch out on his mouth.

The other day, Bush announced the creation of the position of National Intelligence Director.  According to the New York Times, his speach began as follows:

Quote[/b] ]Today I'm asking Congress to create the position of a national intelligence director. That person - the person in that office will be appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate, and will serve at the pleasure of the president.

I heard that speach and what he actually said was, "...and will serve the pleasure of the president."


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Quote[/b] ]Can some one tell him to engage the gears in his brain before letting the clutch out on his mouth.

Well it´s not that Bush´s brain is a six-gear ferrari, but a toy car with a key to wind up, so to say wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]What's up with your picture of the "war criminal" crap?

He isn´t ? Haha, wake up billybob or do you still think that war was justified ? Boy, wake up !

For me G.W Bush is a war criminal and I do think that historians one day will write exactly that about him.

He goes unpunished because he runs the punishment agencies

and the investigations. He´s the boss. Does that tell anything to you ? Maybe you will be convinced when all the things surface as they do right now. Every day.

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It's times like these I wish someone would feed that idiot another pretzel maybe this time he won't be so lucky tounge_o.gif I am sure this retard will go down as one of the worse presidents in U.S. History

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God, I really need to draft OB Kenobi from the militaryphotos.net forum. He would fit just right in with the rest of you. *shakes head in shame*

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Quote[/b] ]Today I'm asking Congress to create the position of a national intelligence director. That person - the person in that office will be appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate, and will serve at the pleasure of the president.

I heard that speech and what he actually said was, "...and will serve the pleasure of the president."

The Clinton Legacy  wink_o.gif

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Hi all

George Bush Junior may be suffering a Mental Health Breakdown.

Rather frightening news I did not publish this until two reputable media sources had published it.

The information first apeared in doubtful sources about a month ago and so I ignored it however all questions about the subject have been ignored by the White House press office so they have had a chance to refute it.

I think as several journalists do that if it was to be denied it would have been so by now. Now it has started to apear in mainstream media sources and the question keeps getting asked of GOP aids with no reply so it must be placed before you

Quote[/b] ]Bush is going over the edge, say his aides

US President George Bush is said to have gone crazy, at times going over the edge in cursing the media and liberal critics while calling them "enemies of the state",  the Daily Times quoted an online publication "Capital Hill Blue" as saying Monday.

Bush has become increasingly unpredictable and erratic, the report said.

"In meetings with top aides and administration officials, the President goes from quoting the Bible in one breath to obscene tantrums against the media, Democrats and others that he classifies as 'enemies of the state'," it added.

According to it, the worried White House aides describe Bush as a man on the edge increasingly wary of those who disagree with him and paranoid of a public that no longer trusts his policies in Iraq or at home. "It reminds me of the Nixon days," it quoted a longtime GOP political consultant as saying adding "Everybody is an enemy; everybody is out to get him. That's the mood over there."

Aides further say that the President gets "hung up on minor details", micromanaging to the extreme while ignoring the bigger picture, and spends hours personally reviewing and approving every attack ad against his Democratic opponent and then kiss off a meeting on economic issues.

According to them, Bush says that he rules at the behest of God, can tongue-lash those he perceives as disloyal, calling them "Editors bleep-bleep" in front of other staff, berating one cabinet official in front of others and labelling anyone who disagrees with him "unpatriotic" or "anti-American."

One troubled aide was quoted as saying: "The mood here is that we're under siege, there's no doubt about it. In this administration, you don't have to wear a turban or speak Farsi to be an enemy of the United States. All you have to do is disagree with the President." He added that he was looking for work elsewhere to avoid Bush's remarks. (ANI)

My use of Bold


Second Source


I think a simple unscripted press conference by George Bush Jnr. would put paid to these questions about George Bush Jnr.'s mental health. All he has to do is take the White House presedential press briefing for a couple of days same as any past President has.

The fact that this is happening as George Bush Jnr. is under presure is rather worrying. I know there were fears about George Bush Jnr's Health and that he may have Graves' disease (what may have realy caused the choking on a pretzel episode) but that things seem to have come to this stage seems frightening.

Worried Walker

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George Bush Junior may be suffering a Mental Health Breakdown.

/Bernadotte roasts some popcorn in eager anticipation of Billyboob2002 arguing that a crazy Republican President is still preferable to a sane Democrat.


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Rather frightening news I did not publish this until two reputable media sources had published it.

Reputable press. One wonders.

Quote[/b] ]the Daily Times quoted an online publication "Capital Hill Blue" as saying Monday.

Here's Capital Hill Blue's (CHB)site.

CHB is run by The Save America Foundation.

But it's not OK for BillyBob to reference The Drudge Report.

Quote[/b] ]Worried Walker

You should be, posting such shennanigans.

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Hi Avon

1) I did not quote Capitol Blue as I said

Quote[/b] ]The information first apeared in doubtful sources about a month ago and so I ignored it however all questions about the subject have been ignored by the Whithouse press office so they have had a chance to refute it.

2) I quoted yahoo news and the Citizen-Times both reputable sources. Other sections of the press have started to print it.

3) Both TBA and GOP have had over a month to refute the claim and yet refuse to even aknowledge the question.

4) It is very simple to refute this by having George Bush Jnr. apear unscripted in the White House Presedential Press briefing something other every US president has done throughout their Presidency.

Kind Regards Walker

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But it's not OK for BillyBob to reference The Drudge Report.

Not only is it OK, it's quite amusing.  biggrin_o.gif

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Hi all

The abiding issue of this campaign is the fitness of George Bush Jnr to be Commander in Chief.

If as hapened on 9/11 a Commander in Chief freezes terrified in fear as is verified on video tape, then has to be told by an aid he has to stand up and then continues to not give the orders necasary to the nations defense for not less than 34 minutes, as is recorded on official logs of the day then that person is not of the level of mental fitness and strength required of a commander in chief.


"Had I been reading to children and had my top aide whispered in my ear, 'America is under attack,' I would have told those kids very politely and nicely that the president of the United States had something that he needed to attend to."

- John F. Kerry

George Bush Jnr is not fit to command it is there in his history, it is there on video, it is there on the offical government logs.

George Bush Jnr. freezes in terror in an emergency; hei a danger to the families of every single american for he is proven not to be able to command in an emergency.

The USA needs a proven commander the USA needs John F. Kerry as President.

Kind Regards Walker

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If as hapened on 9/11 a Commander in Chief freezes terrified in fear as is verified on video tape

He didn't. It isn't. It's your wishful thinking and vivid imagination.

Yes, please post the link to the video again. Everyone can judge for themselves.

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Hi Avon

He froze, I know what it looks like when someone freezes in terror. I teach climbing I have seen it many times in over 15 years of climbing. I have had to talk people down and indeed climb up and pry them loose; although usualy if they are that bad I just tie them off with the rope tight and wait till they lose grip them selves; it does not involve them in the drowning man reflex. I have seen that fixed stare on Geoge Bush Jnr's face usualy ones like that I just give them their money back.

On other occasions I have had to rescue people where they have made serious errors. When I have done so there have been others around me who have done nothing; some people are like George Bush Jnr.; incapable of action in an emergency, they freeze, some you can tell them what to do but obviously they are not suited to leadership roles.

I am sure there are Soldiers on this site who have seen the same reaction in others as is exhibited by George Bush Jnr. They too know what that is. I dont blame George bush Jnr. for it he has no control over it but clearly he cannot do the job of commander in chief and now the US is in more danger than it has ever been before it needs a resolute leader with proven ability under fire.

Look at the photo his eyes are fixed and staring off in to the distance. He is not doing anything he is trained to do; to get the Nuclear Football to a safe location and to make decisions about the nations defense in ten minutes max yet there he is reading My Pet Goat or rather not reading it he is staring off into the distance.

Avon these are indusputable facts recorded on video and in government logs of what happened that day. You cannot fantsize away the facts they are verified by the very fact that the plane hit the Pentagon that George Bush Jnr the man whos job it was to give the orders for the nations defense. Not a single plane was ordered to shoot it down yet that is the commander in chief's job. That plane went on the hit the very top of the US military and defense command and control system.

Indications are that on the day people usurped the chain of command because they were so frustrated that the commander in chief never gave orders for the nations defense. Have you any idea how serious this failure was?

Kind Regards Walker

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I think what people always forget (and parties 'forget' to emphasize on) is that this isn't about the election of one person, but about the election of a whole new administration, where it actually doesn't matter wether the president himself is good at his job - as long as the rest of the administration is. Unfortunately with the Bush administration BOTH the president AND the rest of the administration failed. The latter failiure being the worse.

It doesn't matter wether Bush is prone to 'combat freeze' or not. He doesn't have to make split-second descisions. Keeping on nagging about that blinds people to the real shortcomings of this administration.

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Thanks Placebo

I was having to trawl back through posts to find it any chance you can let me have that search script?

Kind Regards Walker

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I think what people always forget (and parties 'forget' to emphasize on) is that this isn't about the election of one person, but about the election of a whole new administration, where it actually doesn't matter wether the president himself is good at his job - as long as the rest of the administration is. Unfortunately with the Bush administration BOTH the president AND the rest of the administration failed. The latter failiure being the worse.

It doesn't matter wether Bush is prone to 'combat freeze' or not. He doesn't have to make split-second descisions. Keeping on nagging about that blinds people to the real shortcomings of this administration.

Hi Joltan

The Nuclear codes and National defense orders have to come from the Commander Chief that is the law. The planes could not defend the capitol with out an order from the Commander in Chief.

George Bush Jnr. never gave the orders.

In fact what you are talking about is usurping the chain of command otherwise known as treason.

The Commander in Chief has to give the orders that is why you have Chain of Command that is why you have a commander in chief.

There are indication that it happened on the day but consider how serious that is. Suppose the person who usurped the chain of command had interpreted 9/11 as a hostile act by say Russia and attacked a Russian nuclear sub.

Joltan what your talking about is at least as dangerous as no orders coming from the commander in chief and in any case is a result of the power vacuum from the George Bush Jnr. suffering 'combat freeze'.

George Bush Jnr. is just not up to the job of Commander in Chief and in this time danger for every family in the USA the nation needs a resolute leader proven under fire to be able to act in an emergency

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]It's times like these I wish someone would feed that idiot another pretzel maybe this time he won't be so lucky I am sure this retard will go down as one of the worse presidents in U.S. History

I hope you get hit by the Bush bus.... tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]

He isn´t ? Haha, wake up billybob or do you still think that war was justified ? Boy, wake up !

For me G.W Bush is a war criminal and I do think that historians one day will write exactly that about him.

He goes unpunished because he runs the punishment agencies

and the investigations. He´s the boss. Does that tell anything to you ? Maybe you will be convinced when all the things surface as they do right now. Every day.

......... crazy_o.gif People talk about me being crazy or something...

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Quote[/b] ]2) I quoted yahoo news and the Citizen-Times both reputable sources. Other sections of the press have started to print it.

3) Both TBA and GOP have had over a month to refute the claim and yet refuse to even aknowledge the question.


Quote[/b] ]It is very simple to refute this by having George Bush Jnr. apear unscripted in the White House Presedential Press briefing something other every US president has done throughout their Presidency.

"In this administration, you don't have to wear a turban or speak Farsi to be an enemy of the United States. All you have to do is disagree with the president."

- White House aide quoted in Capitol Hill Blue, June 4


Quote[/b] ]the Daily Times quoted an online publication "Capital Hill Blue" as saying Monday.

It seems they are all just quoting "Capital Hill Blue"....

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