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Us presidential election 2004

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Wonder who is going to make the first official john kerry campaign for ofp with nampack. tounge_o.gif

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I´d go for the Bush military campaign biggrin_o.gif

2 or 3 training missions and that´s it. Lot´s of bars, table-dance, cocain and alcohol included biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Mr. President, you said would we have more leverage if both parties got our votes, but we didn't come this far playing political games. It was those that earned our vote that got our vote. We got the Civil Rights Act under a Democrat. We got the Voting Rights Act under a Democrat. We got the right to organize under Democrats.

One sided, AL....If it was not for the republicans in Congress, the civil rights acts of 1964 would not have passed. Republicans favored the bill 138 to 34; Democrats supported it 152-96 in the House. In the Senate, 23 Democrats and 6 Republicans opposed it. The twenty-six major civil rights votes since 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 % of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 % of the votes.


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I want ballons!!!!!


Quote[/b] ]

Oops! Convention producer caught out

Fri Jul 30, 9:06 PM ET  

By Steve Gorman

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - CNN gave its viewers an unscripted and unexpected moment in the final minutes of the Democratic convention on Thursday when it aired a producer's profanity-laced rant as he demanded that crews speed up the release of balloons and confetti.

Don Mischer, a veteran of Olympic broadcasts and televised awards shows making his debut as convention executive producer for the Democrats, was heard yelling over his headset as the balloon drop at the end John Kerry (news - web sites)'s acceptance speech on Thursday night got off to a slow start.

"Come on guys, let's move it. Jesus. We need more balloons. I want all balloons to go. Goddammit. Go confetti. Go confetti," Mischer shouted. "There's not enough coming down. All balloons. Why the hell is nothing falling? What the (expletive) are you guys doing up there?"

At that point, CNN's Wolf Blitzer broke in to explain the gaffe, the apparent result a communications mix-up, to the estimated 4 million viewers watching CNN.

"What you heard was the voice of Don Mischer," Blitzer said. "He's the organiser of this convention. He's been giving instructions to let the balloons come down."

Co-anchor Judy Woodruff then chimed in that "it was an accident to leave the microphone open."

Before signing off from the telecast, Blitzer apologised to viewers who "may have been offended by that bad word."

"We just want to make sure that our viewers understand that it wasn't us," he said. "Somebody else was saying it. These things happen when the balloons don't come down as rapidly as a director would like them to be coming down."

Network spokeswoman Edna Johnson said Mischer apparently was unaware, or forgot in the heat of the moment, that CNN had arranged to carry a live feed of his voice from the control room during the balloon drop.

"We had permission to air the live audio of the convention producer directing the balloon drop to give the viewers a behind-the-scenes feel of the convention," she said.

But Mischer, himself, told Reuters, he had no idea that anyone planned to use his voice on the air, or that the headset channel he used to communicate with the pool of commercial network producers had been left open.

"Obviously, had I known that my voice was being broadcast around the world, I would have chosen some other option to deal with my frustration," a contrite Mischer said in a telephone interview. "I just feel terrible about it."

He also lamented that the snafu occurred after four days in which the convention played out with hardly a hitch.

If anything, television news executives and journalists covering the event have complained that conventions had become carefully orchestrated "infomercials" for political parties.

In an unrelated example of convention-related vulgarity during a live TV broadcast, comedian Dennis Miller joked on NBC's "Today" show on Thursday that conventions were a way of rewarding local party activists -- "Listen, we'll get you into a big city and maybe you'll get laid."

Co-host Matt Lauer, caught off-guard by Miller's comment, chided him: "Don't always sneak it in on the last word on me, all right?"

An NBC spokeswoman said Miller's remark was merely a reflection of his irreverent humour.


Link to the audio: http://www.drudgereport.com/dnc.mp3

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Quote[/b] ]

If anything, television news executives and journalists covering the event have complained that conventions had become carefully orchestrated "infomercials" for political parties.

Duh!!  crazy_o.gif

That's almost as enlightening as saying TV networks are more interested in selling their sponsors' products than informing the public.

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Quote[/b] ]Seriously .... this gets media attention? Maybe people should actually focus on the issues and not this meaningless BS?

How about you look were I got it from....Oddly Enough section of Yahoo! News

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Quote[/b] ]Mr. President, you said would we have more leverage if both parties got our votes, but we didn't come this far playing political games. It was those that earned our vote that got our vote. We got the Civil Rights Act under a Democrat. We got the Voting Rights Act under a Democrat. We got the right to organize under Democrats.

One sided, AL....If it was not for the republicans in Congress, the civil rights acts of 1964 would not have passed. Republicans favored the bill 138 to 34; Democrats supported it 152-96 in the House. In the Senate, 23 Democrats and 6 Republicans opposed it. The twenty-six major civil rights votes since 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 % of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 % of the votes.


You speak of the fabled Dixie-crats. But it is the office of the President he is talking about.

Quote[/b] ]And the unscripted portion responding to remarks Bush had made in Detroit:

Actually most of his speech was unscripted. He was suppose to talk for 6 minutes but talked for about 20, though he informed the Democrats before hand he was going to do it.

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Quote[/b] ]You speak of the fabled Dixie-crats. But it is the office of the President he is talking about.

Majority of who are still democrats (i.e. Gore Sr and Byrd). The bill would not have passed it was not for a coalition of republicans and northern dems. Al is implying that republicans did not do anything to help blacks, and they do not deserve the "black vote" like the dems have. Dirksen, a republican, was a major help in stopping the filibuster of the civil rights act of 1964 and 1968 in the Senate.

Edit: Al was trying to answer the old question, "why do a clear majority of blacks vote for democrats".

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Hi all

Just like his reaction on the day of the 9/11 attack George Bush Jnr. has continued to dither when it comes to making security decisions.

On the day of the 9/11 attack George Bush Jnr. froze in terror unable to react and command the nations defense. He sat reading an upside down book about goats while the plane that attacked the pentagon flew steadily on toward the capitol.

In the 34 minutes it took from George Bush Jnr. being told America was under attack to the plane hitting the Pentagon in the capitol Geoge Bush Jnr. never ordered a single plane to the capitols defense.

That dithering nature of George Bush Jnr. continues to dog George Bush Jnr. as he first of all refused to have a commision to examine the lessons of 9/11 and then tried tried to keep his officials and himself from giving any sworn testimony to the commision.

Now that the report is out George Bush Jnr. continues to dither and to say we need to think about it and Congress needs to spend the recess thinking about it and then after that thinking about it instead of making the decisions that are needed.

If the nation is under threat George Bush Jnr.needs to stop dithering and recall Congress to enact the laws needed to protect the nation.

Quote[/b] ]Kerry Says Bush Has Not Acted Quickly Enough on Terrorism Defenses


Published: August 3, 2004

RAND RAPIDS, Mich., Aug. 2 - Senator John Kerry accused President Bush on Monday of dragging his feet in bolstering the nation's defenses against terrorism and said that he should call a special session of Congress to adopt the recommendations of the Sept. 11 commission.

"We cannot afford reluctance in the protection of our country," Mr. Kerry said after Mr. Bush announced that he planned to establish a director of national intelligence and a national counterterrorism center, one day after reports of threats against financial centers in New York, Newark and Washington.


Clearly the USA needs a commander in chief who will act in the Nations defence. John F. Kerry is proven as being such a man.

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]John F. Kerry

You must be peeing in your pants to change Kerry's last name to Kennedy like that guy did during the convention.... biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]John F. Kerry

You must be peeing in your pants to change Kerry's last name to Kennedy like that guy did during the convention.... biggrin_o.gif

Maybe that is similar to you being too high on testosterone to realize just how badly Bush screwed things up for you. biggrin_o.gif

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Hi all

Since George Bush Jnr. Froze with fear on 9/11 to such a degree he had to be told to get up from reading the upside down book about goats and was incapable of making decisions about the nation's defense despite being trained and sworn to do so.

I thought it would be worth while talking a little about the Psychology of fear.

Fear in itself is normal behaviour it is normal to be afraid when in danger anyone who says they are never afraid is either not telling the truth or a seriously disturbed individual. (Suicide bombers a case in point)

The fight, flight or freeze responses are part our genetic history that go back to when animals first evolved.

The response to a fear stimulus in animals usualy relates to their place on the food chain:


Preditors such as lions or bears will fight or attack some of the larger and more powerful herbivors such as the elephant, rhino, hypopotamus or water bufalo will also fight. The hope is to either kill or scare off the threat


Smaller and weaker animals will run such as the gazell, deer or a fox at its kill when a Polar bear shows up. The hope is to outpace the threat and leave it behind.


The smallest animals are usualy the ones that freeze. A mouse faced by the snake or a rabit frozen in the headlights. The hope is that the threat will not notice it.

Freezing is the least effective responce to fear; road kill tells us that.

Also that kind of response is the one that atracts the predator to easy meat. That is is the kind of response that muggers, rapists, bullies and of course terrorists look for in their intended victims.

George Bush jnr. seems to suffer from what Sun Tzu in his book the Art of war calls 'the inner opponent' this esentialy is a little inner voice that tells him he is not capable of making a decision to effect the outcome so instead he dithers hoping the threat will not notices him and will go away on its own; what Winston Churchill called the 'Black Dog' of fear.

As a result of that visable failure of resolve, in the US commander in chief, North Korea promptly anounced it had Nukes and has continued to develop more and more powerful rockets; like the predators, muggers or rapists it smells easy meat.

George Bush Jnr.s aparent weekness as a leader is an obvious target. It is probable that other nations have been testing George Bush Jnr.s resolve on a range of issues.

The USA needs to replace this obviously lame duck leadership which still dithers over whether to recall Congress in the light of the current threats.

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]John F. Kerry

You must be peeing in your pants to change Kerry's last name to Kennedy like that guy did during the convention.... biggrin_o.gif

Hi billybob2002

Sorry to shatter your illusions but unlike George Bush Jnr. I dont freeze in an emergency. I like John F. Kerry am one of the 5% who act. It is programmed into me; gentic.

I have got to say it is an odd experience it is like I go into auto pilot everything seems to slow down I find myself knowing exactly what to do yet when I think back about it afterwards; I cannot for the life of me think why I did it when every logical bone in my body should be telling me to run away.

George Bush Jnr. on the other hand is programmed to freeze in terror and has no ability to lead in his nation in an emergency.

Just like John F. Kennedy John F. Kerry is a hero both of them share that same ability to lead their nation in an emergency. Like John F. Kennedy in the cuban misile chrisis John F. Kerry has the kind of resolve the USA needs to guide it through these threatening times.

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]Just like John F. Kennedy John F. Kerry is a hero both of them share that same ability to lead their nation in an emergency. Like John F. Kennedy in the cuban misile chrisis John F. Kerry has the kind of resolve the USA needs to guide it through these threatening times.

asssuming a lot, you are.....Tell me why 12 swift boat commanders from Coastal Division 11 (Kerry's outfit) consider him unfit to be commander-in-chief out of 19 commanders in an ad that Kerry uses. Only one is working with Kerry campaign, two died, and four are neutral. Four other officers not used in the ad (not in the picture he uses) consider him unfit to be command-in-chief. That means a total of 16 officers....

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Quote[/b] ]Just like John F. Kennedy John F. Kerry is a hero both of them share that same ability to lead their nation in an emergency. Like John F. Kennedy in the cuban misile chrisis John F. Kerry has the kind of resolve the USA needs to guide it through these threatening times.

asssuming a lot, you are.....Tell me why 12 swift boat commanders from Coastal Division 11 (Kerry's outfit) consider him unfit to be commander-in-chief out of 19 commanders in an ad that Kerry uses. Only one is working with Kerry campaign, two died, and four are neutral. Four other officers not used in the ad (not in the picture he uses) consider him unfit to be command-in-chief.

Ummm...because they are Republicans?

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Quote[/b] ]10. Why are you not demanding that President Bush release his records?

It is our understanding that President Bush has released his records. If there are additional facts about his conduct in the military that should be disclosed, then we hope and trust that servicemen who had served with him will come forward as we have.

Quote[/b] ]

15. How common was it for a person to receive medals at the rate and number that Senator Kerry did?

Winning three Purple Hearts, the Bronze Star and the Silver Star in four months is rare. We have received letters from countless veterans outlining serious injuries -- far more serious than any Kerry sustained –- who said they did not seek a Purple Heart, because they did not feel it was warranted by the minor nature of their wound. In any case, the Senator’s full disclosure of his military records will shed light on the truth.

16. How can you demand that Senator Kerry release his records when you refuse to release your own?

We are not candidates to be Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Services. We are acting on principle -– namely the principle that the public has the right to know the details of Senator Kerry’s service. We believe that as a candidate for Commander-in-Chief, Senator Kerry has an obligation to disclose those records.

17. Are you working or involved in any way with the Bush/Cheney campaign or any other Republican organization?

Absolutely not. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is a non-partisan organization. As part of our mission, we believe it is incumbent on ALL presidential candidates to be totally honest and forthcoming regarding personal background and policy information that would help the voting public make an informed decision when choosing the next president of the United States.

The organization was created, organized and funded by swift boat veterans who joined together to defend a common cause. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth accepts donations from individuals and groups as a 527 organization

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Hi billybob2002

Maybe you should post asking those swiftboat crew men with their medals to stand up beside George Bush Jnr. at the republican convention smile_o.gif

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]

Nancy Reagan Backing Bush's Re-Election

Tue Aug 3, 4:39 PM ET Add Politics - AP to My Yahoo!

By JEFF WILSON, Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES - Former first lady Nancy Reagan, who opposes President Bush (news - web sites)'s policy on limiting embryonic stem cell research, is backing the Republican's re-election bid.

"The campaign is certainly about more than one issue," said spokeswoman Joanne Drake, who described Reagan on Tuesday as in "full and complete support of President Bush's candidacy."

Nancy Reagan is a strong advocate of stem cell research, arguing as many scientists do that stem cells, the body's building blocks, can be used to repair organs or treat diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Former President Reagan died June 5 of pneumonia related to his decade-long battle with Alzheimer's disease (news - web sites).

However, stem cells are typically removed from days-old human embryos that are later destroyed when the cells are extracted. Many anti-abortion activists oppose such research, and Bush has ordered sharp restrictions on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, allowing it only for stem cells created before Aug. 9, 2001.

Reagan has limited her public appearances since the death of her husband two months ago. She will not attend the Republican National Convention in New York later this month, but the former first lady hasn't ruled out campaigning for Bush, according to Drake.

"She's taking it one day at a time right now. We'll see," Drake said. "She will certainly want to help but there are no plans right now."

Reagan's son, Ronald Prescott Reagan, told delegates at last week's Democratic National Convention in Boston that he was unhappy with the administration's opposition to stem cell research. He also implicitly endorsed the Democratic ticket of John Kerry (news - web sites) and John Edwards (news - web sites).

"Whatever else you do come Nov. 2, I urge you, please, cast a vote for embryonic stem cell research," the younger Reagan told delegates.

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hey I have an idea let's ask bush jr's squadron mates how bush stood up in combat....oh wait bush didn't see any tounge_o.gif I think what bothers republicans is the fact that they have two COWARDS in the white house and Bill Clinton was right when he said him, bush and cheney could've served their country but chose not to. Now all the republicans can do is try to split hairs on how Kerry earned his medals and how he acted in combat since the Cheney and Bush are such expects....lol NOT tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ] Now all the republicans can do is try to split hairs on how Kerry earned his medals and how he acted in combat since the Cheney and Bush are such expects....lol NOT


Quote[/b] ]

10. Why are you not demanding that President Bush release his records?

It is our understanding that President Bush has released his records. If there are additional facts about his conduct in the military that should be disclosed, then we hope and trust that servicemen who had served with him will come forward as we have.  

15. How common was it for a person to receive medals at the rate and number that Senator Kerry did?

Winning three Purple Hearts, the Bronze Star and the Silver Star in four months is rare. We have received letters from countless veterans outlining serious injuries -- far more serious than any Kerry sustained –- who said they did not seek a Purple Heart, because they did not feel it was warranted by the minor nature of their wound. In any case, the Senator’s full disclosure of his military records will shed light on the truth.

16. How can you demand that Senator Kerry release his records when you refuse to release your own?

We are not candidates to be Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Services. We are acting on principle -– namely the principle that the public has the right to know the details of Senator Kerry’s service. We believe that as a candidate for Commander-in-Chief, Senator Kerry has an obligation to disclose those records.

17. Are you working or involved in any way with the Bush/Cheney campaign or any other Republican organization?

Absolutely not. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is a non-partisan organization. As part of our mission, we believe it is incumbent on ALL presidential candidates to be totally honest and forthcoming regarding personal background and policy information that would help the voting public make an informed decision when choosing the next president of the United States.

The organization was created, organized and funded by swift boat veterans who joined together to defend a common cause. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth accepts donations from individuals and groups as a 527 organization

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Hi billybob2002

Have you posted up at their forum asking those swiftboat crew men with their medals to stand up beside George Bush Jnr. at the republican convention yet?

Kind Regards Walker smile_o.gif

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