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Anims that ofp need !! :)

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Hey all out there !

I was thinking about what anims Ofp need..

Post ur ideas here but only simple anims what i can realize with OFPANIM..

I will make this anims if i can.

THX for all posts


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I think that is a replace anim smile_o.gif

I mean anims like Handsignals(I was working on some) or something like that smile_o.gif


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What about a 'take cover' anim, with hands over head, lying on floor? Like this;


and variations on a theme.

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Good Idea.

I think i can realize that.

i will give it a try.

CU later

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How about crew served weapon animations?

Dropping mortars down tubes and then plugging the ears.

Loading arty rounds into the breech of the BAS howitzer and then pulling the lanyard.

Feeding a belt of ammo into an HMG.


Hand Signals

Smoking a cigarette.

Playing taps on a bugle, firing lines and folding a flag (for military funeral cutscenes at mission end)

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Clapping, Picture Taking, Schratching your Balls and put a hand for a enemies eye anim "Kiekeboe, who am i", "My momma njet njet my poppa njet njet" Bad Russian but he i dont care tounge_o.gif

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Perhaps some animations like this one:

s_001.jpg         soldier.jpg        soldier.JPG

or this


But what i really miss are new "Sidearms" Animations .... if you hold a Handgun or something like that. In OFP it looks always the same.


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Simple anim, rifle often jam wink_o.gif ...or reload anim like in America'sArmy   ghostface.gif

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Just found one for the "Sidearm"-animation.

Something like that:


or that would be cool, too


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Hum, some animations from scratch:

- Smoking

- Standing and walking LAW Animation (if possible)

- Stop / Halt animation (palm of the left hand to the front, other arm holding the gun slightly to the front to shoot if person / vehicle will move)

- Walking with hands behind the head (surrenderes)

- Holding the weapon with two arms in front of the pelvis, walking (a kind of new safe walking animation)

would be nice if you could make some smile_o.gif

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I think its enough smile_o.gif

I will have a look what i can realize ...

Maybe Wilco can try some too ! ;)

Or any other who can make anims..


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what about some new death animations? Y'know sort of rag doll type physics. Have a look at the film We Were Soldiers when they get hit by bullets.

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IMHO just about all relevant static animations have been done and then some, now it would be nice if someone made a really good and high-quality replacement pack. Hunter's and Dreamy knight's anims are both good, but they both have their flaws, smaller and larger, and don't replace nearly everything that needs to.


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Dreamy Knights Replacment is 99.9% my replace pack..

He change only my anims a bit ...

I was working on that but it takes more time than the first ..


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Currently HUNT and me are working on a mayor ANIM.pbo replacement.

HUNT is doing the moves first, and i am doing all the Vehicle anims.

Any ideas what we could make for Vehicle anim repleacements or move anims?

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Quote[/b] ]what about some new death animations? Y'know sort of rag doll type physics.

If you want ragdoll physics, then you can go rewrite the game engine tounge_o.gif .

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Heheh ragdoll..right. tounge_o.gif

BTW I liked that death anim when running in Dreamy Knight's pack, the soldier falls down limply and his weapon doesn't stick out of the ground as it does with the BIS anims. It really feels like a..."takedown", I love it.

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lol, there is ragdoll physics, the anims are jus fixed (chuck a nade at some1. If it hits dead on, they fly into the air) but I see what U mean, and it would be cool. I may try to make a flying back death anim

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Get your definitions straight. Why do you think it is called "ragdoll"? The OFP engine supporting things flying through the air isn't ragdoll, for crying out loud!

This is ragdoll. wink_o.gif

The whole point of ragdoll is NOT to have fixed animations, that's the opposite of ragdoll, so OFP doesn't "just" have fixed animations and a ragdoll engine biggrin_o.gif

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Smoking anim:

Smoking Anims

3 different animations (you may be able to see them change or guess where they change in the movie):

1. Start - gets the cigarette out his pouch and lights it.

2. Loop - loop of him taking a drag

3. End - throws the ciggy at the ground and stamps on it.

Planned anims:

1. Arms waving

2. Corner-peeking

3. Rifle Cleaning

4. Hand signals

5. Pick up weapon

Though I obviously won't bother making them if Hunter has/is...


P.S. Sorry to go a little off-topic Hunter, don't want to start a new thread though as it's about the same stuff.

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If OFP needs some new/reworked anims, then it is definitely all moving animations of MAN equiped ONLY with HANDGUN which he has currently "on back" (let me say hidden) - so he would not behave like he's got a gun (an M16 for example) on his back, that drives me crazy_o.gif

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