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Albert Schweitzer

If you would be president bush

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Oaky, first of all this is not a thread for political discussion. If you wish to do so then please post in the corresponding thread!

If you would be President Bush, what would you do (in terms of propaganda) to win the election. Please, dear voters of the conservatives dont feel attacked, just take it as it is (Bush IS president) and imagine how you would run your campaign.

As an example from my side:

1. Make people believe that there is an imminent threat. Pretend that there are terorist attacks and announce that due to you tight security management several terorists have been captured and are now being questioned in Guantanamo Bay.

Come on people, continue and use your propaganda skills! Wag the dog! tounge_o.gif

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My plan would be something like yours, only the "terrorist detainees" would be real, and their names would be John Kerry, Howard Dean, and John Edwards. Then I'd bomb Wes Clark's campaign headquarters, claiming that he was concealing weapons of mass destruction on the premises. After that, I'd give myself a tax cut, and then go to Crawford for a month and a half, to take advantage of the absolutely beautiful weather they're having in East Texas right now (beat the heat and all that). Maybe one night I'd get shitfaced and start making annoying prank calls (collect, of course) to French and German ministers, using a European phrase book to taunt them with queries as to what time it is, and of course how much does the ice cream cost.

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Just simply have a defence contractor build a very crude nuke with a few missing parts and place it somewhere in Iraq and then unviel it as the WMD, in one swift stroke you settle the arguement about no WMD and the whole platform of attacks by your political opponants.

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Declare watching FOX News tax-deductable smile_o.gif


Seriously, If I were Bush.... I'd do absolutely nothing.

The Democrats have always managed to make fools of themselves on their own. (As do Republicans, but in this case they are me and I am not doing anything)


I would convince America to "hate" countries and groups that were previously allies and declare them enemies. I would keep the public desensitized and have daily "hate" rallies. I would spread lies and talk about how evil they were. I would declare war to boost the economy. Then, when the war was over... I would pick another country and declare war on it and not acknowledge the first war to keep it going. In fact, I would continue to do that over and over and over...

but I can't take full credit for that answer. George Orwell thought of that one first in "1984".

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If you would be President Bush, what would you do (in terms of propaganda) to win the election.

Not talk wink_o.gif

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this is what i would do on several things

Aircraft Security (and airport)

i would assign assign undercover Marshal's armed with non lethal weaponry (i.e Tazers) to every flight leaving the US or incoming to the US if they are US companies

(more to come just woke up so tounge_o.gif)

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Quote[/b] ]Aircraft Security (and airport)

1. Give all aircraft crewmembers concealed guns.

2. Say "Bring 'em on!" a couple hundred times.

3. Laugh as terrorists with boxcutters are mowed down by stewards with Uzis.

4. Say how my improvements to aircraft security have saved American lives.

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Quote[/b] ]Nuke the middle east.

Just threaten to nuke them. Then when there's a terrorist attack, push the button wow_o.gif .

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i would assign assign undercover Marshal's armed with non lethal weaponry (i.e Tazers) to every flight leaving the US or incoming to the US if they are US companies

Ever seen the movie "Anger Management" with Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson? Great scene when he's on the airplane in the beginning. So true too--everyone always freaking out over airport security.

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You missed the obvious, finally get OBL before election end. wink_o.gif Plant WMD evidence credible enough to leave major suspicion until at least the elections are done.

@Mister 5, yes clueless you seem.

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You also need someone you can put all the blame on for whatever might have went wrong during the legislation period. I think I would take Rumsfeld and Cheney and subsititute them by someone younger. smile_o.gif

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Bribe all the late night show hosts (Letterman, Leno, O'Brian ect..) into cracking insaults and show incrimidating pictures/vidoes about other world leaders and the Democratic canidates so everybody will hate them and not Bush. Photograph all the anti-war protests add a one sided story and give it to Fox News and Rush Limbah to air.

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1) Bribe the whole population and have anyone who doesnt accept shot.

2) Get a less evil sounding laugh.

3) Find that comedian who crashed that party as Bin Laden and attempt pass him off as the real thing

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You also need someone you can put all the blame on for whatever might have went wrong during the legislation period. I think I would take Rumsfeld and Cheney and subsititute them by someone younger. smile_o.gif

Pay forum members to use Bush avatars online. biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Pay forum members to use Bush avatars online.

Hah! I'll do it for free tounge_o.gif .

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Quote[/b] ]1. Give all aircraft crewmembers concealed guns.

2. Say "Bring 'em on!" a couple hundred times.

3. Laugh as terrorists with boxcutters are mowed down by stewards with Uzis.

4. Say how my improvements to aircraft security have saved American lives.

yeah m21 that will reall work, imagine flying at 30,000 with a safe pressurised cabin and then imaginea bullet sized hole appear, more than likely would A. kill everyone due to rapid depressurisation or B. cause a crash which would most likely kill everyone

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Quote[/b] ]yeah m21 that will reall work, imagine flying at 30,000 with a safe pressurised cabin and then imaginea bullet sized hole appear, more than likely would A. kill everyone due to rapid depressurisation or B. cause a crash which would most likely kill everyone

A. Use ammunition that fragments/mushrooms rapidly.

B. Descend. Rapidly.

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Change your point of view on global warming. Admit that your scientists have found it exists and is a iminent threat to homeland security.

Then 2 weeks later anounce that you have found the ones being guilty for global warming. It is nothing else than a WMD built by the germans and the french and sold to North Corea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and china. While the arab nations use the global warming bomb to attack the US and Australia, the chinese government hides them in chinese cars and cheap products that flood the US market.

Then call Blair and advise them to consider the Mad Cow desease as a terorist attack on your farming industry. Blame chechnian terorists to spread deliberately spread the desease around the globe. Then bann all foreign food products to safe US consumers from this terorist threat.

And if that aint helpin.... well you can still proclaim that national deficit was a terorist attack and that the enemies are sitting in foreign companies based in Manhattan! tounge_o.gif

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yeah m21 that will reall work, imagine flying at 30,000 with a safe pressurised cabin and then imaginea bullet sized hole appear, more than likely would A. kill everyone due to rapid depressurisation or B. cause a crash which would most likely kill everyone


Hate to do this, `cause I personally hate the idea of having armed goons on any plane I fly on too, BUT: According to the airlines and officials opposed to `sky marshals' it's unlikely that a bullet hole, or even a few bullet holes in the fuselage will crash a plane through depressurisation, even at extreme altitude. Forget Alien: Resurrection / Goldfinger, the rate of depressurisation would not be that dramatic or fatal and, provided the pilot did descend in fairly short order, no-one ought to die. The opposition is because of the potential for stray bullets to damage electronics or other vulnerable components running through the fuselage.


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thats what i heard i've tried to search for some info on that but couldn't find any. Anyway another plan for realection:

capture OBL, make a announcement that we will capture him before the end of the year, and right before presidental elections start anounce that we will capture him. I willing to wager w/ anybody thats excatly what maybe happening now.

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