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Unified zombie pack release imminent

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OMG! finally!

i tried to make something like that for almost a year now, but well, i just suck at making missions, so im glad someone else is making it! biggrin_o.gif

i love you! (well, not really but..., you know... tounge2.gifwink_o.gif )


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jee murphy you seem like a very skilled mission maker! whats your email? i've got this addon i made. it's just horror type objects. would you want to have em?

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i may release my coop campaign to the public, along with my personal edition of moaning zombies, but it uses a lot of other addons....heheh

I for one would be interested in your zombie coops. I just set up a small LAN at home, and I'm a sucker for horror stuff.

@D.Murphy man.

Perhaps you could have randomised end conditions? At the start of the mission randomly determine if the players must:

- take a boat/plane/helo

- off the north/south/east/west side of the map

- or hold out for X days for a rescue mission to arrive (but you must find a way to contact the rescuers first)

And so on. Anyway, your mission sounds great smile_o.gif

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Yes at the moment i havnt really started work on the mission yet just need to get this music question i got in the editing section answerd first before i do any thing major.

But im torn between having one single way to escape being randomnised every time the mission starts, or have sevral ways of escapeing (all involving mini quests and sub missions) being randomised every time, or having sevral ways of escapeing but, for example collecting the radio parts, all the radio parts would be in randomised locations but escape points stayin static.

Although i love your idea about having to hold out for a few days. Especially with implemented hunger it could be quite intresting for players to hold out and wait for rescue. Ammo running out, food running out, ect..

Im also trying to think of clever ways of restricting player movment and avoid the old trick of just running through the crowd of zombies and none of them manageing to 'catch you' and hurt you. At the moment its just too easy to run pass the zombies and not get killed. I am thinking of maybe useing a randomised chance of a zombie 'grabing' you if they get to close to you. Simulated by the player not being able to move, and playing an animation that looks like your pushing or fighting the zombie of you (stroke fist?) that takes X amount of seconds to finish which by time you might be rather dead.. just to make things a little more harder biggrin_o.gif

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Im also trying to think of clever ways of restricting player movment and avoid the old trick of just running through the crowd of zombies and none of them manageing to 'catch you' and hurt you. At the moment its just too easy to run pass the zombies and not get killed. I am thinking of maybe useing a randomised chance of a zombie 'grabing' you if they get to close to you. Simulated by the player not being able to move, and playing an animation that looks like your pushing or fighting the zombie of you (stroke fist?) that takes X amount of seconds to finish which by time you might be rather dead.. just to make things a little more harder biggrin_o.gif

In some zombie missions that I never got around to finishing, I tried a few different things to address this problem. One I had was simulating fatigue, which could be reduced by resting. If the fatigue got too high, the player blacked out (simulated by playing an anim and going to a black screen).

Another thing I tried was a loop that occasionally caused the player to "stumble", once again, playing an anim (lying down). It could be annoying at times, but it had the desired effect. No more waiting until they got close, going for a headshot and then running away for a bit. You always wanted as much distance as possible, just in case.

Another idea, maybe have a chance for a player to panic if a zombie gets too close?

I think OFP has great potential for horror gaming, I just wish there were more horror units available.

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Yea me too, what i really would like to see is some big 'boss' like zombies that are hard to kill and have some sort of special attack. instead of waves and waves of zombies.

any way i just finished my 'grabing' script for the zombies and it works like a charm. Been killed a good couple of times by them now. pistols.gif

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smile_o.gif hehe nice to see the zombie mod still being active. I always love scary missions with sneaky zombies. goodnight.gif

Quote[/b] ]One objective - escape

rofl.gif Haha about the only objective you can make with the zombie mod. I've tried to make something different with The Unholy Cult were you needed to investigate all kind of strange stuff going on Kolgujev. But I'm waiting for ArmA untill I start working on it again.

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any way i just finished my 'grabing' script for the zombies and it works like a charm. Been killed a good couple of times by them now. pistols.gif

how did you get the player unable to move? <s> :huh: </s> huh.gif

(what happened to the old raising eye smiley? huh.gif )

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_victem playmove "CombatStrokeGunEnd"

the player cant move whiles the animation is playing, thus making him easy pray for zombies biggrin_o.gif . I also been playing around with genral barons vampire pack just now and im very impressed with the hell hounds. i might use them but i dont think they work in multiplayer huh.gif

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_victem playmove "CombatStrokeGunEnd"

aw, the easiest answers are still the best ones.. (and the ones i never think of  crazy_o.gif )  biggrin_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]i dont think they work in multiplayer

host a game and we try 'em.. wink_o.gif

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I cant host, sad_o.gif no idea why its most properly got somthing to do with running my internet through my older brothers PC via LAN. But thats a different story all together tounge2.gif

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I cant host,  sad_o.gif  no idea why its most properly got somthing to do with running my internet through my older brothers PC via LAN. But thats a different story all together  tounge2.gif

Ah yes, everyone has those problems with crappy LANS, that excaclty the reason why i'm going to keep this and the computer i'll get soon seperate..  wink_o.gif

But lets go back ontopic...  tounge2.gif

(and what happened to the old :P smiley? placebo stop messing around!  tounge2.gif  wink_o.gifyay.gif )

EDIT: about those hellhounds: the readme said this:

Quote[/b] ]DO NOT use these units or scripts in MP, as they are untested in MP, and likely to not work properly.

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i tested the hellhounds in mp... they dont work. neither do the vampires. they do really weird stuff, like on the client side, they just kinda move in the ground then come back out or something.....really weird..


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Never mind then! I might download that animated dog that was releaed a while back, then edit the config to use the Zombie mod scripts biggrin_o.gif I have little experience of config editing but i imagine it should just be a simple case of pasting a few things out the zombie mod config and simply changing one or two names and vaules and such. Wish me luck! yay.gif

Edit:Well that was easyer then i though it was going to be biggrin_o.gif i now got some zombie dogs! although i think ill change there amour vaule a bit as they die too easy.

Edit2:Hmm dunno how to change the amour vaule of the dogs, the configs alot different compared to the zombie mod where i can edit there amour with ease. Any one know how to do it? also any one know how to edit the speed of units, if its possible in config?

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Bloomin' typical.. it's been ages since I used this mod, and now the Zombies don't appear very hungry.

Downloaded the testressurection.intro mission, and they wont still wont try and eat the squaddies in the mission!

Where am I going wrong?

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I can send you an example mission if you want showing how to use the latest zombies, its pretty simple. Just place one of the zombie game logics down (easy game diffculty logic,medium,or hard) then in the init line of the logic put

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">gblAllTargets = units TEAM1 + units TEAM2

Then place down 2 groups, or 2 seperate units and in there init lines put TEAM1=group this and TEAM2=group this. Now just quikly place down a bunch of zombie groups, and begine the mission. Tada! the zombies now target and chaces the closes unit in iver the groups. pistols.gif

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Maybe we should do some zombie-coop-nights?

i want to use these things in MP biggrin_o.gif

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Yea that be great biggrin_o.gif

My mission progress:

Well i made a fog adpater script, i made the fog really thick in the mission that makes driving too hard, so i made script that *should* run on clients seeprately, when the player enters a vehicle it adjusted the fog for the player a little less thick so you can see the road and thus crash and die less often smile_o.gif

plus finished a raidble building scripts, that means i can simply input building types into an array and when players are near one of the building types they get the option to 'raid' that building, and then recieve a randomised ammount of food rations.

Also improted my hunger and eat scripts from fallout RPG to my mission and edited it slightly,removed the 'you are 10% hungery' and such with a much more realistic 'you eat 1 item of food ration, you are still hunger/starving/full up.' asnt really needed but it looks a lot better as in real life you dont actully know what % hungery you are tounge2.gif

Edit: Woops also made another 2 scripts i forgot to mention!

A zombie spawn optimizing script - when there are 3 or less players playing, every spawn location spawns 12 zombies for each player (so if all players are at the same location 12 X 3 = 36 zombies) and if there is 4 or more players playing the spawn locations only spawn 5 zombies per player (so if all the players decide to meet up in one location 5 X 5 = 25 zombies) Hopfully this should help lag out but i will be adjusting it after testing, if the lag is fine ill try and see if i can up the vaule to 12 per player even when there is 5 players playing (12 X 5 = 60 zombie units crazy_o.gif laging mofo!wink_o.gif

Also imported and edited my random start location script ofr players.

Next on the todo list - first randomised mission, NPC's, and hopfully a weapon jamming script(seen one over at ofpec) with repair and maintance script.

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once you guys have your coop night, lemme know, i will join you smile_o.gif

heh, first we need

1. A server thats fast enough

2. some zombie missions

3. prolly something else...  tounge2.gif


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hey, one more thing we need is for u guys to dl my moaning zombies from ofp.info, just sent them there, they should be up shortly!!!!!!!!! they would be awesome in multiplayer, i play coop with my freind, and moaning makes it so much better.

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