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Marine assault pack

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How is the Javelin "fixed"? Did they remove the top attack capability and made it almost identical to the Carl Gustav?

Yep sad_o.gif

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How is the Javelin "fixed"? Did they remove the top attack capability and made it almost identical to the Carl Gustav?

Yep sad_o.gif

I will stick with version 1.0 then, sry sad_o.gif .

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Do these overwrite the old PBO?

I'm not going to even bother downloading it because of the above 2-3 posts. Does it overwrite or no? If it does, take the download off immediately as it needs to be in a seperate PBO.

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yep, the top-attack has been removed, making it the most boring javalin yet. The other bug-fixes are good, though. So just don't overwrite the c8xusmc file (or whatever it's name is) and keep the rest

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Isn't the "top attack" thing something the Javelin has in real life? There's an option as far as I know for top down and flat trajectory firing.

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Both of those are possible with the MAP Javelin... Perhaps have two versions, the AI version (carl gustav style) and the player version. Though I've never seen the AI blow itself up with one, I've never seen it fire one.

And of course a seperate PBO.

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Please release your 'upgrades' under a different pbo name, I do not want to deal with addon conflicts due to people not having the REAL deal...

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Alright I'll try to address your questions and comments.

About this version and its compatibility with ECP...

This version of the file is the v1.1 upgrade to the Marine Assault pack files that are available on the Digital-Grenade website. A while back I spoke to Suchey and he said that (when he gets around to it) he will update his website with this file.  

Replace all old files with new ones (actually TactEvent has not been edited).

That being said, these are not the ECP files ... as it says on the ECP website

"The default version of the Marine Assault Pack will not work with the ECP. Download the ECP-compatible version below. This component is an optional addon and will work with any of the available ECP configs (ECP, ECP/DR, ECP/INQ).

Note: Because of complications in the MAP addon, at least one default BIS unit is required in a mission containing MAP units in order for the ECP to initialise.

(Download link)


Download the above zip file to your computer.

Extract the contents of the zip into your \Res\Addons folder (overwrite old MAP files)."

THIS IS THE NEW DEFAULT VERSION, NOT ECP VERSION.  That doesn't mean its not compatible, but to be safe, if you play with ECP (not everyone does mind you), then keep using the ECP files.  

**You should note that Suchey had nothing to do with ECP (or its files), and nor do I.  

But since there seems to be a lot of interest in the ECP version of this pack,  I wil contact the ECP guys, find out what they did to make it ECP compatible, and make an ECP version of this file too (with their permission).

I hope this satisfies people and I apologize for adding to the confusion that was apparently already there.

About the Javelin...

The top attack was NOT removed,  it was never there in the first place.   It was only a function of the Missile drop and the site.  That is, YOU HAD TO FIRE IT UPWARDS OR IT WOULD BLOW YOU UP.  Unfortunately, the AI CAN'T fire it upwards, so they would always blow themself up.  

All I did was minimize the drop, and tweak the thrust of the missile so the AI can use the Javelin in direct fire mode - It will skim the ground but wont hit it.  But human players CAN NOW FIRE IT BOTH WAYS, JUST LIKE IN REAL LIFE.  If you want a top attack, just aim slightly upwards.  The Javelin missile locks to it target and tracks it so it will arc down towards the target after being fired.  I did NOTHING to change this feature.

Anyways I hope this helps.  Give me a few days to find out about the ECP version....


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Alright, we could use a real quality update to the marine pack, anyone who checked vitapc have seen vits spetznas and vdv units based on Sucheys models and textures, these are great quality work too and come with nice SVD and PKM that just doesnt fit the marine assault pack because of the sounds and sights/optic. Maybe i should post this at digital grenade forums, Suchey and Earl are out but maybe Jocko would help with the sounds, maybe im dreaming here but i would love to see this happen smile_o.gif .

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Someone needs to make the regurlar Marines with helmets. No American Marine squads walks around with the riflemen and machinegunners with helmets, and the squad leaders and grenadiers with boonie hats and caps. This is the Marine Pack's greatest disadvantage. It really really irritates me that alot of the packs coming out lately has some of the squad units without helmets. Everyone who has been in the army knows that either everyone wears the helmet, or noone does. This pack also lacks a radioman.

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These Marines were designed for MP play, so Suchey wanted to make them distinguishable.

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Just have to vent a little here. To me this was done very poorly. This is NOT an official v1.1 pack. Per Suchey. This is one guy's tweaked config file, period. Calling it the Marine Assault Pack v1.1 is very misleading and lends far too much weight to what is nothing but one guy's config updates.

It is not hosted at Digital Grenade because it is not an offical update to this outstanding pack.

I also have an issue with changing entries in the MAP configs and not assigning new class names, nor tagging them per standard convention.

To me, no one has the right to change/overwrite the official MAP pbos unless Digital Grenade actually endorses it. To then pass it off as an "official" upgrade to the pack is even worse.

Part of my anger is also from having some thunder stolen, as I was literally submitting a new addon when I saw this pack on the front page of ofp.info.cz, which did almost the same thing, but is only 100kb, does not overwrite the originals, and is properly tagged. After downloading this "update" to check it out and seeing what was done, I got even madder.

I for one will NOT be using this addon in any mission I make. I would also request the mods move these posts to a new thread, as this is not an official update to Digital Grenade's Marine Assault Pack.



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the hat issue is annoys me too.

one the boonie cap is WAAy to big..

and other, no one in their right mind would go into real combat with out a helmet...

if anyone does it would be SF ops but not for heavy combat only for the lighting recon or seath attack..

and for you ECP complainers out there.

what is the big deal? if you want then fix it. BFD.. and MP will not even work right if the other people isn't using ECP so sheesh..

Hell I fixed My assualt pack and jsut aboot every add on to use JAM ammo.. hell I even fixed JAM so the RPG's actual had different damage rates like in real life. if you don't liek something fix it yourself or ask once but don't whine and whine and whine aboot it.. I have nto installed this pack due to My need to fix the ammo stuff.. I might even bother fixing the helmets and stuff but I don't know..

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The issue isn't whether people can fix it, most can. The issue comes into play with released missions. I have custom versions of every addon I've downloaded too, but when it comes time to release a mission, I then have to redo the whole damn thing, write a "clean" description.ext that fits the default weapons (not the custom ones I've created in the addons) and change the loadouts on all the units. Its not convenient. Ditto with new units which I've put into addons. And especially with balancing addons. Runs fine on my tweaked .pbos, but when playing with the default pbos the mission turns horrible.

This is one reason why I was about to release kmkSUCHusmc.pbo, so I could put out the missions I've made using those new units and not worry about it anymore. At least not worry about *those* particular tweaks anymore. smile_o.gif

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@ Folks complaining about models & hats:

Honestly, please explain why this is such an issue with the MAP?

Is it just because you want the squad leader in the mission to say "Squad Leader" instead of "Rifleman" in his popup?

Almost all of Suchey's models are interchangeable, there being no unique item in the model that tags it as a specific unit.

I routinely use the Rifleman as a squad leader, and I use the Rifleman Grenadier as a Recon Marine, since he is wearing the Recon Cover. How many mission makers ever use the default loadout instead of specifically equipping the unit in the init field? I never use default loadouts, even on the bad guys! If the mission is not a patrol, every Marine is the "Rifleman" model, some with rifles, some with M203s, some with SAWs.

I use the "Squad Leader" model as a patrol Marine in several missions. Likewise I equip the Russian autorifleman with an SVD a lot...looks good with his shirt on his head.

What *I* find really annoying is an addon that has "36 classes", which is really just ONE model with 36 different loadouts. I prefer the "units" be based on model, and let me (the mission maker) decide what they actually carry. I just want to know what they look like - soft cover, recon cover, helmet, bandolier, grenade vest, Corpsman armband, etc....

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I like the tweaks, but yes I have to agree...keep this as "unofficial" even though it is endorsed by Suchey...

And pleas, pleas don't add any new stuff to the pack (sniper rifles etc), its better off having seperate add ons (E.G. similer to the medic fix)

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the hat issue is annoys me too.

one the boonie cap is WAAy to big..

and other, no one in their right mind would go into real combat with out a helmet...

.. I might even bother fixing the helmets and stuff but I don't know..

I think the boonie looks good and its nice to have distinctive units in a pack other then their weapons, its not dificult to change the weapon loadout of a unit in the init line and for private use people can change it in their own configs if they dont like the boonie for whatever reason, way i see it you wouldnt be "fixing" nothing there, just releasing another "tweaked" version of other peoples work causing confusion and incompatbility betwean users for no good reason smile_o.gif .

I have the real deal version 1.0, the fixed extra desert medic and the rni armor crew BD released, JAM is quite useless has i dont like to mix other weapons with Earls so...im happy smile_o.gif .

This pack really is awsome, otherwise people wouldnt be nitpicking and trashing it all the time...

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? It is not endorsed by Suchey. Suchey gave him permission to edit configs and release his own version...not re-release the MAP with his changes and call it version 1.1

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Actually Kamak you are mistaken.  Here is some of my conversation with Suchey ...


Holy shit!  Nice work man!  You absolutely have my permission to send that

out!  That rocks!

Everything looks good to me.  Thank you for taking the time to do this!  

Does it interfere with any missions which ar already out?  It doesnt look

like any of the changes would casue many problems.

In any case...thanks again and yes...by all means feel free to distribute

the package!  I will more than likley update the pack at digitalgrenade as

well if no problems arise in regard to the missions folks are using.  I

wonder if the changes could be distributed via a config upgrade...hmmmm  

food for thought!  (its been so long I can't remember the methods we used).



(after some procrastination) ...

Hey Suchey, I just wanted to let you know that I still plan to release the update to the Marine pack.  I took a few days off as I was in the process of moving (I'm Canadian fyi)  but I''m finally settled and got my internet going again....


----- Original Message -----

From: "Suchey" <suchey@digitalgrenade.com>

To: <Mako_969@hotmail.com>

Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 9:39 AM

Subject: Marine Pack

> Sounds really good!  Unfortunately, I am currently unable to check them

> out from within OFP due to some issues I'm having with my rig.  The

> changes sound solid though.  Feel free to distribute when you are

> comfortable with their performance.  Please send a final package when you

> are set to go public and Ill also post the package update.  Thanks for the

> time and effort you put into this!


> -Suchey

> www.digitalgrenade.com


Sorry to have to correct you on this matter.


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Your recollection differs from Suchey's on this.  Check the Digital Grenade forum.

Edit - And after re-reading your post, there is nothing contradicting what I posted. Suchey gave you permission to release your configs. You did not have permission to call it the Marine Assault Pack v1.1 and represent it as an official Digital Grenade update. All it is is your tweaked configs, which aren't tagged, and which overwrite Digital Grenade's Marine Assault Pack.

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Does it really matter. Thiers no money involved and all credit is given to the creator. Dont start shit like this.

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Does it really matter? Yes, it does.

Don't call it something it isn't. Simple.

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Just have to vent a little here.  To me this was done very poorly.  This is NOT an official v1.1 pack.  Per Suchey.  This is one guy's tweaked config file, period.  Calling it the Marine Assault Pack v1.1 is very misleading and lends far too much weight to what is nothing but one guy's config updates.

It is not hosted at Digital Grenade because it is not an offical update to this outstanding pack.

I also have an issue with changing entries in the MAP configs and not assigning new class names, nor tagging them per standard convention.

To me, no one has the right to change/overwrite the official MAP pbos unless Digital Grenade actually endorses it.  To then pass it off as an "official" upgrade to the pack is even worse.

Part of my anger is also from having some thunder stolen, as I was literally submitting a new addon when I saw this pack on the front page of ofp.info.cz, which did almost the same thing, but is only 100kb, does not overwrite the originals, and is properly tagged.  After downloading this "update" to check it out and seeing what was done, I got even madder.

I for one will NOT be using this addon in any mission I make.  I would also request the mods move these posts to a new thread, as this is not an official update to Digital Grenade's Marine Assault Pack.



<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>AGREED!</span>

Release the addon with different classnames.

On the Javelin shooting up:

(13:50:31) suchey: thats why we didnt allow the AI to use it in the first place ;)

(13:52:21) suchey: I'm not gonna support someone elses edits...thats for sure

Hey guyz, now that BAS is out of the community I guess I'll take their Deltas and Rangers give them a new config overwriting the existing classnames and PBO's and call it an official 1.1 update! Woot!

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I will have to agree on this, although there is no need to over react about this whole misundertanding, afterall OFPMako's intentions were good in the first place smile_o.gif .

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