Harnu 0 Posted November 19, 2003 Then how about a misc. category? For beta pics and anything else that may not fit into the other categories. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sanctuary 19 Posted November 19, 2003 I think that is a good idea , a misc. category . As long it is related to OFP and is not against forum rules , of course. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ale2999 0 Posted November 20, 2003 good Idea. I think it would be a great idea to have categories as stated above, as we are going to be judging art, and art my friends, is judged by opinions, our opinions, so with no category it would be way harder to get a clear cut winner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hellfish6 7 Posted November 20, 2003 If you guys want, I'll help out in a semi-unofficial capacity. I can be the impartial judge, help figure out what is going to happen, etc. So, once you guys get organized, let me know. Â I propose the following categories, for simplicity: 1. Best overall (will be selected from pic of any category with most votes) 2. Natural OFP (editing limited to resizing, cropping, etc., nothing funky) 3. Edited OFP (any level of editing allowed) 4. Miscellaneous (anything goes as long as it's an OFP-oriented pic) 5-10 finalists per category. Up to 5 submissions per person for all categories (meaning, you can post one pic in natural, 4 in edited, and that's it. No more.) I don't know if the forums here will support so many open threads for voting and whatnot (I'll talk to the other mods about this, as I imagine we'll need this thread and three more for the finalists categories) so it would be cool if someone could host the preliminary selection galleries on a web site, then move the finals here. I'd like to have some kind of solid plan hammered out by December 1st, begin accepting submissions no more than a week later, and maybe have the finals the last week of December. Edit: What's wrong about having betas in the contest? If someone can take a nice sunset pic with an unreleased helo, can't you theoretically take just as nice a pic with a pre-existing addon? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Fubar 0 Posted November 20, 2003 I can see the point about Beta addons - naturally a pic could potentially look more appealing with (for instance) Earl & Suchey's marines instead of BAS Deltas (not criticisng the BAS Delta's, but they don't have quite the same level of intricate details as E&S Marines...just an example, don't bite my head off!). So this could be considered an "unfair advantage" to Beta testers, as opposed to screenshots using addons available to the general community... Just some thoughts on the topic... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackdog~ 0 Posted November 20, 2003 nm, someone would get pised about something eventaully (who knows what it would be) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harnu 0 Posted November 20, 2003 Quote[/b] ]1. Best overall (will be selected from pic of any category with most votes)2. Natural OFP (editing limited to resizing, cropping, etc., nothing funky) 3. Edited OFP (any level of editing allowed) 4. Miscellaneous (anything goes as long as it's an OFP-oriented pic) I like those. Â For natural OFP though, would that allow for editing our crosshairs or HUD? I.E. Can you spot all the things I edited out from here? I think a Multi-Player category should be added. Â In MP play, you get more action pics, and shows how hectic a realy game of OFP can become. Â MP rules would be just a pure pic, no editing, no resizing, nothing. Â The whole thing. And how's OFP:CP sound for a short acronym for this? Operation Flashpoint : Combat Photography. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hellfish6 7 Posted November 20, 2003 OK, Ok... we'll have an MP category too. Ralph will like that one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harnu 0 Posted November 20, 2003 Here is a pic with what I pointed out and where it's at My point being, anyone with medial editing skills can just edit out the crosshair of a pic, so should that be allowed in with normal OFP? Either a) they wont say they did and and you might fall for it, or b) it's just as easy as cropping or resizing. So maybe it should be included? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jamesia 0 Posted November 20, 2003 Ok, heres my submission.... Im only gunna submit one. and its unedited too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ralphwiggum 6 Posted November 20, 2003 OK, Ok... we'll have an MP category too. Ralph will like that one. Â yeah thanx for implying that i get killed so easily in MP and have plenty of time to take pictures. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JAP 2 Posted November 20, 2003 My submission Totally UNedited and taken ingame ! God i love that pic  Cheers PS : that hind got nailed hard after the shot .... weird what a law can do to a lowflying hind Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sole 0 Posted November 20, 2003 Noone is competeing??I win then, with my beautiful Logo  heh, that would be me winning then, unless your marvelous letters are the winning factor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harnu 0 Posted November 20, 2003 Maybe it's just me, but we should probably hold off on submissions until we get a firm set of rules and judges. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Antaris 0 Posted November 20, 2003 myeah, i can back sole up for that one.. oooooh btw check my new fancy sig.. thank you "anonymous contribrutor", for that one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilco 944 Posted November 20, 2003 Noone is competeing??I win then, with my beautiful Logo  heh, that would be me winning then, unless your marvelous letters are the winning factor I'd share Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
debug2112 0 Posted November 21, 2003 The whole purpose of art is creation. IMHO I say let the people edit their picture(s) as much as they wish. Let them express themselves, then stand back and enjoy the show. Don't make it a contest, make it a art-depot, with the only requirement being, it has to be universially pleasing. This should keep out the stick-art garbage and force quality over quantity. "If" enough great pieces appear, I will revamp my site as a temporary art depository to display them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Postduifje 0 Posted November 21, 2003 Art is never universually pleasing, that's why a contest is a just way to make out which are the most 'universually pleasant' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jamesia 0 Posted November 21, 2003 My submissionTotally UNedited and taken ingame ! God i love that pic  http://users.pandora.be/j_a_p/jap/Picsofp/Classic%20pics/GCS0085.jpg Cheers PS : that hind got nailed hard after the shot .... weird what a law can do to a lowflying hind  I sware ive seen that pic before on a website as an official pic....... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Milkman 1 Posted November 21, 2003 Jamesia, I swear I have seen that pic of yours somewhere else, claimed by somone who does not answer to the name Jamesia. Otherwords, shututp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted November 21, 2003 If either of you have proof send it to a moderator, otherwise keep quiet, any further conversations along a similar theme will not be tolerated, if you have a complaint PM a moderator. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Koolkid101 0 Posted November 21, 2003 I'd support totally non edited pics or very little editing so people can have a good look about what the game really looks like. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harnu 0 Posted November 24, 2003 Lets see, who should be the judges? Non-entrants? Specific individuals? Myself? (Since I made the OFP:CP thread ) Forum mods/BIS staff? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Fubar 0 Posted November 24, 2003 I'd be happy to judge, but I'd also like to enter some pics...could be a conflict of interest... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites