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Ecp released!

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Lt Damage

Spot on mate, I wholehartedly agree with your sentiments concerning the greater good and the collaboration

between the Explosions mod and the ECP Guys. I hope others in the OFP community do too.


One config to rule them all


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@Baron - things like that will be addressed in the next version, when we do some serious config changes.

What we wanted to achieve with this version was all the scripting, and to see how many people would use it, and what config changes people would like.

Look out for a thread asking what sort of config changes you lot want soon.

Wasn't saying/complaining that these weren't/were included. Just posting info from the post I read above WRT gun velocity, etc. I assumed the sound engine would work with the "delay" you hear on it's own (Built in delay judged by distance from sound source). Is that incorrect, and you guys will have to actually script in the delay? Haven't played more than a few minutes with it since d/l last night. (If so, even BIGGER thanks for your work. Imagine that in itself can be time consuming for every sound!!!)

If your statement was WRT the BAS OPFOR not bleeding yet, than please disregard incoherant rambling above, smile, and nod. biggrin_o.gif (been indulging on the joy juice)

Thanks again for giving this to us (let alone leaving it open sourced, and taking a positive stance in working with others, to make the "super"config into the Superfuntrapulisticlyduperiffic config. wow_o.gif

(Edit) My memory seems to have not served me correctly. (I'll pretend to act like that surprises me) M/v of M256 120mm on Abrams is ~5000 F/ps. Latest Sabot type adds ~340 F/ps. Seeing that, the BIS stats are spot on, given the 1985 time frame, Sabot would be 1-2 generations younger than what my figures are from (Didn't see if mine were from M829A1 or A2. latter adds aprox 345 f/ps to A1 velocity. But since OFP is not a hardcore armor simulation (and since there is no solid standard between mods) I think "in the ballpark" is more than close enough. smile_o.gif Besides, we all die from "Friendly" AI's misplaced hand grenades before having the chance to worry about tanks anyways. smile_o.gif

(thats what I get for using a specific example for speed of sound comparison)

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I love the new effects. I'm gonna have to try playing CWC again with the new effects, and the revamped islands (with resistance foliage). I only have one minor issue. I don't like the fact that I can still be burned by a burning vehicle when I am flying over it in a chopper several meters above it. Also the AI are not smart enough to avoid burning vehicles, so if they try to walk past a burning vehicle they will be wipped out! This could have major consequences in the original campaigns and missions. Solution: make human players burn (unless they are way above the fire in a chopper...), but AI players can't die from fire...

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Hi unhappy customer,

AI are not damaged from the fire or the secondary explosion wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I don't like the fact that I can still be burned by a burning vehicle when I am flying over it in a chopper several meters above it.

Good pt well fix that next release

thanks for your comments


ECP team

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Will have to set it at something absurd like 2km and see if it works. Hmm... Possible Chemical weapons built off of this base? Shell/Bomb triggers. Gasmask built and prevents damage like BAS dust and Goggles w/ coughing and vision? Blood script kicks in, and damage is continued untill recieving medical treatment, or dying? Different chem agents triggering different damage "intensity" in area of effect. (if going to that level of detail, but 1 would be enough I imagine, unless making teargas..now that would be nice too. Teargas, AND nerve agent! The coughing stuffy head, watery eyes, sleepy, achy, bleeding out your ears, no need for Ny-Quil, you'll never rest again add on. Would add an interesting new layer to the game.

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YOur download probably cut off... For some reason OFPEC seems to be really slow, and cuts off people's d/ls

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Is the dynamicrange.rar from ofpec corrupt for anyone else?

all the ofpec files are in zip format,

there have been some some reports of the file being corrupt but that has been proven to be due to a bad download.

Unfortunately some peoples connection to the OFPEC is not as good as others

Toadlife has been good enough to offer a mirror:





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Is the dynamicrange.rar from ofpec corrupt for anyone else?

The md5 for the "DynamicRange.zip" from ofpec.


And a small question for web admin ppl. I would like to know if it's a big deal to put a md5 or crc file with all download like:


MD5# b8ac16aa8bf173b6d5763b30f0949c45


MD5# 544ceb5f9862c5621e0349aa3700c453

BTW this is the md5 result for the file allready dowloaded so dont use this result as reference.

Here a link if you need a small and free md5 tool. Link

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Look what happened when I was playing around with the effects_test biggrin_o.gif (You have to copy and paste the links)





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One Q does this mod change the way tracers work as well i was playing with the BTR80 by DKM/VIT and saw some truly nice tracer effetcs flying around and even nicer AP rounds smoke effect... smile_o.gif

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YOur download probably cut off... For some reason OFPEC seems to be really slow, and cuts off people's d/ls

I am not really sure what you mean with "really slow" tounge_o.gif

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">wget http://www.ofpec.com/editors/ecfg/current/DynamicRange.zip

--13:30:27-- http://www.ofpec.com/editors/ecfg/current/DynamicRange.zip

=> `DynamicRange.zip'

Resolving www.ofpec.com... done.

Connecting to www.ofpec.com[]:80... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 31,054,356 [application/zip]

100%[=======================================================================================>] 31,054,356 667.40K/s ETA 00:00

13:31:13 (667.40 KB/s) - `DynamicRange.zip' saved [31054356/31054356]

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I have a little problem with helidust.

For me it works ONLY with "standard" OFP choppers sad_o.gif

And i have a nice set of other choppers...

Does anybody has same problem?

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I have a little problem with helidust.

For me it works ONLY with "standard" OFP choppers sad_o.gif

And i have a nice set of other choppers...

Does anybody has same problem?

This will be changed in the next version that will be ready for download tomorrow or saturday.

@Gourka: Thanks for the link, I will add Md5 sums to the next downloads.


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Using what units? The backblast works fine with all BIS units.


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Wierd it doesnt work on BIS for me ... and it CERTAINLY didnt work on other units like RF infantry or BAS units.... sad_o.gif

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I am not sure why the BIS units are not working sad_o.gif Maybe the next patch will sort them out.


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Many other people are having similiar problems , no AT back blast .... one of friends reported this at another forum.

I wonder why is it not working for us few , is it activated by default or do ihave to change it in the settings? I didnt see it there though..

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It is activated by default, I have no idea why it isn't working for you. What version of OFP are you running?


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Thanks smile_o.gif

And another question. It is possible to change dust type ingame and have other dust for different choppers?

For instance 2 choppers starts from concrete, than land to unmount troops - one on grass, one on sand, than both r landing on concrete again.

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Thanks smile_o.gif

And another question. It is possible to change dust type ingame and have other dust for different choppers?

For instance 2 choppers starts from concrete, than land to unmount troops - one on grass, one on sand, than both r landing on concrete again.

Yep, make a trigger than activates when the choppers are landing (near the grass) and put this in the opnactivation field:

ECP_global_terrain = 6

Changing the number will change the colour to these:

1 - Desert

2 - Standard

3 - Vietnam

4 - Snow

5 - Sand

6 - Grass

Edit: To change the dust colour you must turn the engine off then back on again, this bug will be sorted.


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