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bonko the sane

Sea demon mig29 v2.02

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Cero you idiot dont give him ideas now he'll go and make one tounge_o.gif , it'll delay the release even more besides let him fix these first then we can allbe greedy and ask for respective camo's ...

[shameless plug mode] i want a Iraq camo [/shameless plug mode]


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Cero you idiot dont give him ideas...

Acecombat, don't be dull, they will be inclouded in version 2.04, he just released 2.03v, so if the man wants to take time to release another pack... even better, it will give you chance to get broadband, or you want to download twenty different updates of the same addon just for the seek of downloading in a 56k modem tounge_o.gif

BTW Ace, have a look at my signature, what it say about my name? Acero? eh? wink_o.gif

The more versions the better, the problem is the file size, something that I'm not too bother about. tounge_o.gif

Yes, like someone sayd, more versions with different weapons load outs, or a read me that tells you the weapons so it can be loaded in the unit init.

I ofer my selfe to make a read me in English for Sea Demon, I been using one of them online translators, so I think I could understand what Sea Demon say if he put it in Russian.

Another thing is the sounds. I'm getting handy with a cuple of sound programs, I may be able to hellp?

Let me know, if yes, or if you finded a decend sound editor to hellp you with your MIG addon.


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peace seademon

Do us a favor and please slow down your plane a bit, say a maximum of 1000 kmh

Because if your plane flies faster, faster missiles are needed against it and the faster your missile, the lower the chance of hitting

What I mean is your plane cannot be shot down

And I don't know if this was asked for but it's HORRIBLE to fly the plane (I think I got v2.03) with a joystick, you push the stick slightly to the left and the plane rolls a whole turn

So please modify the flight handling (PM me if you need help)

Otherwise, a great plane wink_o.gif



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I would love to see an ejection seat script, like on the falklands harrier and like on hudsons F18. smile_o.gif

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Nice version, but the groundhandling is still far away from being perfect. It is still impossible to taxi on the airfields and the brake of the mig need some major improvement (can't explain why it needs 300 meter to brake down from 20 to 0).

BTW: check your pm SEA DEAMON.

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Is that link to v4? Sorry but i am confused and dont wanna red/ld but it looks similiar to the previous versions link rock.gif

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I like the exhaust smoke!

Standing on the gound and looking at a mig which is slow passing by, is great!

It looks real, good work!

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Great work !!! Nice afterburner !!! Nice camos !!!

But please check Czechoslovak (or Czech) roundels >>>look:


Have a nice day :-)



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Great work superb!!!smile_o.gif

I have an request I will be verry happy if you do a MIG in Polish camo from 1 PLN Warsaw plase  rock.gif   here is something that can help you


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The fighter is still almost impossible to taxi on the ground. Even if you can turn it tighter now, it still keeps drifting to the original direction. Please fix this!

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I didn't know Mig-25 had 6 weapon hardpoints under it's wings!

...just checked it up - I was right... it has 4 underwing hardpoints instead of 6.

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