ExtracTioN 0 Posted October 25, 2003 Released downloadLink Picture thanks for blackdog taking the picture Thanks for Tigershark for letting me use his Pavehawk textures Thanks to Tysiek for letting me use his MH-60L model Thanks to Solid Snake from Operation Snakeeyes for letting me use his Seahawk textures enjoy For the Seahawk I will fix the left wheel it looks blurry and the seats will be removed as I heard there are no seats in Seahawk but first I go to investegate that Edit:Thanks to Dezzerx old member from Operation Snakeeyes for letting me use his Seahawk textures Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
edc 0 Posted October 25, 2003 Not bad  I like how the Seahawk has the rear wheel in the right place, and the look and feel of the Pavehawk.  The Seahawk is really neat w/ CoC's Torpedos.  Maybe if some one could make a Penguin(anti-shipping missile) for the seahawk... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reconmercs 0 Posted October 25, 2003 the exterior of the pavehawk looks pretty good...u need to get rid of the seats though...there aren't any seats in the cabin..there also isn't any extentions on the bottom of the fuselage...looks like a modeling error..great start though Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pappy Boyington 0 Posted October 25, 2003 some texture bugs on the seahawk. im assuming this is a beta. the rotor also spins oddly. it spins off its axis for some odd reason. other then that looks pretty neat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Consigliere 0 Posted October 25, 2003 I haven't downloaded it yet, but from what I can see in the picture, it just looks like a retextured Blackhawk...It should have a radar on the underside near the front, should have a dipping sonar port and should have short pylons on the mid fuselage as well as the standard red and yellow torpedo like object which it carries on one of its pylons at all times (lol sorry but I don't actually know what this thing is.I think it's something to drag something in the water, perhaps a sonobuoy?) But the Pavehawk look good Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cpt. Bazikian-5thSFG- 0 Posted October 25, 2003 hehe, that red and white torpedo looking this is called a MAD, stands for Magnetic Anomole (spelled wrong.. ) Detector Is used to basically detect Subs... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panzergrenadier3 39 Posted October 25, 2003 The Pavehawk has a radar under the nose. Look at the picture again, you'll find that. And see the side of the Seahawk. It doesn't looks like a blackhawk. But I think the BAS Pavehawks will be much better. But the Seahawk is very usefull for the Seals from BAS when they'll released. The Seahawk is great! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Consigliere 0 Posted October 25, 2003 The Pavehawk has a radar under the nose. Look at the picture again, you'll find that. And see the side of the Seahawk. It doesn't looks like a blackhawk. But I think the BAS Pavehawks will be much better. But the Seahawk is very usefull for the Seals from BAS when they'll released. The Seahawk is great! I said the Seahawk needed a radar...What you're referring to as a radar on the Pavehawk is a FLIR turret.The Seahawk should have a large SS radar on the underside of the fuselage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted October 25, 2003 Both are nice, but the Seahawk definitely needs more work. First the Seahawk definitely needs a doorgun as I'm sure they don't go dropping off Navy SEALs unarmed. Also as others noted the rotor mast is not centered and it has missing textures on at least one of the LOD's. I agree with others that the Seahawk really needs the large circular shaped sonar dish on the bottom of the Seahawk. That is one of the most distinguishing features of the Seahawk in my opinion. Some also have a FLIR camera pod on the front nose similar to that of the Pavehawk. Oh also on the Pavehawk the engine and rotor sound very wimpy like a tiny helicopter. The best Blackhawk sound I've heard is from Satchel's Dynamic Range pack. (I've flown in real UH-60's before by the way). Also in the pilot view of the Pavehawk, if your head to the right, you'll see a .50 cal door gun, yet when looking at the right side of the helicopter from the outside, there is no door gun, only the one on the left side that the gunner uses. But other then that it looks fairly good. Chris G. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AOCbravo2004 0 Posted October 26, 2003 The HH-60H(same with SH-60F) does NOT have the APS-124 radar underneath the nose like the SH-60B Seahawk and SH-60R Strikehawk. That radar you are referring to is for detecting subs and is used in conjunction with the MAD(that red/yellow torpedo some of you have referred to ;)). The 60B LAMPS III is the version that is carried on cruisers and destroyers, the -60F was designed to operate off of and near the carrier since the screws of a carrier generate more noise then the escort vessels. The -60H was designed for SAR and for use by NSW(Naval Special Warfare) for insertion/extraction of SEALs. The S/HH-60's at times also have a FLIR attached to their nose. The Navy is going to replace the -60B and -60F with the -60R, and the Navy is also now bringing online the CH-60 for VERTREP. Links to pics of SH-60B/F/R Link to pics of HH-60H and HH-60G George Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExtracTioN 0 Posted October 26, 2003 Will correct all the bugs in next release Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted October 26, 2003 The HH-60H(same with SH-60F) does NOT have the APS-124 radar underneath the nose like the SH-60B Seahawk and SH-60R Strikehawk. That radar you are referring to is for detecting subs and is used in conjunction with the MAD(that red/yellow torpedo some of you have referred to ;)). The 60B LAMPS III is the version that is carried on cruisers and destroyers, the -60F was designed to operate off of and near the carrier since the screws of a carrier generate more noise then the escort vessels. The -60H was designed for SAR and for use by NSW(Naval Special Warfare) for insertion/extraction of SEALs. The S/HH-60's at times also have a FLIR attached to their nose. The Navy is going to replace the -60B and -60F with the -60R, and the Navy is also now bringing online the CH-60 for VERTREP.Links to pics of SH-60B/F/R Link to pics of HH-60H and HH-60G George Cool. Â Thanks for the explanation. Â Then perhaps, if it doesn't take up to many megabytes, that another model in the pack would be good. Â Anyhoo... overall I really like the helicopters. Â Once the bugs are fixed, I'll be happy to use them in Marine and Navy Seal type missions (great with the Tonal map for "Tears of the Sun" type missions). Oh, and thanks Evi for the quick response! I can't wait for the fixed versions!!! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExtracTioN 0 Posted October 26, 2003 Ok I'll try to add a few more Seahawks models but dont expect it too soon cause I work outside the OFP world and have a fammily so I'll try to make them so soon as possible Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted October 26, 2003 Cool! No problem. Take your time with the addition models. But if you can make a quick fix of the missing textures and the off-center main rotor on the Seahawk, that would be awesome! But I understand real life and family always come first. Thanks for your hard work!!! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExtracTioN 0 Posted October 26, 2003 I send ofp.info now the quick fix Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExtracTioN 0 Posted October 26, 2003 missing textures on pavehawk or seahawk and can you show a picture where the missing texture bug is so I can fix it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted October 27, 2003 Here's a pic of the missing textures. Â It usually doesn't happen with just a few units, but only on a map with alot of units (over 3 friendly squads and 4 or more enemy squads along with a few helicopters). Â Â So in other words, the problem is most apparent when memory resources get low. Â Nevertheless I don't have this problem with other helicopter addons and it's very distracting seeing the helicopters turn white as they come in to pick up the troops or as they fly by. Â Anyhoo... I hope the pic helps. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExtracTioN 0 Posted October 27, 2003 Ok thanks for pic will look into it as for the quick fix I send Cervo from ofp.info the file he should put it today I hope on their site. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panzergrenadier3 39 Posted October 27, 2003 ok, good that there is no update. I think (and only think) that the nose is a little bit to acute if you look from the side. The BAS Blackhawk is near perfection to the original one. On this the nose is not so acute. And the original dosn't have such a acute nose too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExtracTioN 0 Posted October 28, 2003 Good news guys I begun today on HH-60B Seahawk I have tried to add torpedo proxies from CoC torpedo addon to let it use some torpedoes and I made it work just asked Dinger from CoC mod permission if he agree you see in next release the seahawk armed with 2 torpedoes the MK50 But you will need the CoC_Torpedo.pbo to use it as I only used the proxies on my addon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExtracTioN 0 Posted October 29, 2003 Got 3 models now I got the following version done -HH60H Seahawk unnarmed -SH60B Seahawk armed with 2 torpedoes from CoC -SH60R Seahawk armed with 2 torpedoes and 2 sidewinders The SH60R gave me some problems with the rocket proxies I added 2 torpedo proxys and 2 sidewinders proxys but in game all the 4 proxies shows torpedo models I have asked a friend of my some help he is looking into it to make it work hope it works Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExtracTioN 0 Posted October 29, 2003 I plan to make the SH-60F too but shall it work with the zodiac boat mounted under it Do I need to add the zodiac as a weapon proxy under the chopper or must it be scripted Can some skilled addon makers answer my question Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panzergrenadier3 39 Posted October 29, 2003 Sorry, for this question, i've got no answer. But I'm going to ask our modeller. What do you think about the releasedate of the update? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExtracTioN 0 Posted October 29, 2003 I work hard to release it so quick as possible and I dont want to say a date and than not release it if it is not ready. So like everyone says when it is done but dont worry it wont take too long if everything goes like it is going right now it will be less than a month there will be 3 seahawks for sure like I said HH-60H unnarmed SH-60B armed with 2 torpedoes SH-60R armed with 2 torpedoes and if my friend can make it work + 2 sidewinders otherwise I go and add a machinegun. For other version I plan to make the SH-60F mounted with machinegun on side and a zodiac boat under it but I am not sure if I can make it work if it takes longer than a month than the SH-60F will be added add a later date till I got it working but the 3 other versions will be released in next update and for the HH-60G Pavehawk in next update I release a fixed version there was a problem with the second machinegun visible from cargo gunner and pilot view it is fixed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted October 30, 2003 Wow! That's great news!!! I can't wait to use the fixed updates and I think the using the CoC torpedoes is a great idea!!! Keep up the awesome work!!! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites