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Mister Frag

Lock on: modern air combat

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I've got SFP1, and it's really good, there's a lot of very nice addons for it already. The only bug that affects me really, is with ATI cards, the RWR will look really weird. But there's only one plane that has an RWR in it so it's not that big of deal. I'd highly recommend it.

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we could call ourselve the flying Bees (in omage to bis).

As opposed to the non-flying bees?  rock.gif

How bout "The Clanbusters" (instead of "The Dambusters" biggrin_o.gif  )

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The Flash Points? biggrin_o.gif

Just give me an A-10 and things to blow the hell out of and I'll be happy. smile_o.gif

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Theres always the Nogova Air Force (or malden air force, everon).

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Everon Air Force would sound best. Considering it is the *first* island as well as sounding alot smoother.

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Another game... Rushed into competiting with others..

I tell yall this.. If Companys

1. A: ATI

B: Nvidia

2. A: Air combat Game Companies

B: Air combat Game Companies again


If people sat down and learned from what other games, video cards offered.. They could 1. Drive the price down. 2. Not Feel rushed to get there game/Video Card done before the other one does..

if you dont aggree with me and think that people should comlete. may it be that people may work harder under pressure, the fact is... the majority of people rather work in stable conditions with almost no pressure.

For example, Air Combat looks good from the screen shots & all but, the units could have been tweaked a little more...

ALL games could just use a little more teakin.

I have a list of like 20 things that are a must have for a big patch for flash, or flash2... But 1's optionion dosnt amount to a high respected person and or 100's of peoples opinions.


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@ July 27 2003,22:49)](btw, that's a gallery, so there's a next and previous option down at the bottom for your viewing pleasure)

LOL now you tell me, here I was manually changing jpeg names

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Semi off-topic, but this is about a flight sim and doesn't warrant it's own thread...

Anyone play Strike Fighters Project 1? I'm a bit interested in that, it looks nice and has a mercenary campaign, but I heard that the post-Walmart release was still buggy and not quite playable. Is it patched and playable yet?

I was looking at getting it, but two things stopped me - the bugs:

Quote[/b] ]Amazingly, there are absolutely no SAMs or AAA, no air defenses at all. This completely robs the air-to-ground missions of any tension or drama. Other obvious omissions include no explosions for many of the bombs, no ground damage (such as craters), wingmen refusing to attack ground targets, the rudder on the F-104 moving the plane in the wrong direction, and several key commands on the reference card being inoperable. In addition, the briefing map's lack of zoom reduces mission planning to simply picking your weapon load.

And this bit from the FAQ:

Quote[/b] ]

Q. Are the MiG flyable?

A. No, there are no plans to make the MiG flyable in the initial release.

I want my Balalaika (MiG-21)

*edit* that and it seems to be a fairly "open" sim...."open" sim....every one and his cousing making up flight models....uhhhhh....no thank you.

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At one time there were no SAMs or AAA in SFP1, but that was fixed in the patch(though, there aren't that many/any in the earlier years of it, since there were very few SAMs back in the 50s).  And, although the Soviet aircraft aren't flyable when you install it, all you have to do is just change/add like a couple lines in the cfgs for the aircraft to get them to be flyable.  This also holds true for the other non-flyable planes.

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At one time there were no SAMs or AAA in SFP1, but that was fixed in the patch.  And, although the Soviet aircraft aren't flyable when you install it, all you have to do is just change/add like a couple lines in the cfgs for the aircraft to get them to be flyable.  This also holds true for the other non-flyable planes.

I just took a quick glance around the Aircraft Modelling forum and edited my previous post....that fact alone is enough to make me avoid it like the plague.

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Well, believe it or not there are things other than multiplayer biggrin_o.gif .  I've never played MP in SFP1(or anyother flight sim come to think of it), so I can't speak for that, but if you're in any way interested in fighters/attack a/c from the 50s through 70s, you're really missing out. It's neat because there's just enough techonology to make it exciting, but you don't just fire a slammer(AIM-120) from 50 miles and get a kill, you really have to use skill and fight for it.

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Well, believe it or not there are things other than multiplayer biggrin_o.gif .  I've never played MP in SFP1(or anyother flight sim come to think of it), so I can't speak for that, but if you're in any way interested in fighters/attack a/c from the 50s through 70s, you're really missing out.

I don't follow you. Do addon planes only work in multiplayer?

A couple more questions:

- How buggy is it now?

- How good is the campaign?

- Is there a campaign to fly Russian jets?

And to go back on topic....Lo-Mac Multiplayer testing screenshots!!! biggrin_o.gif

*edit* PS, if you Don't play MP in flight sims you have no clue what you're missing. Shooting down an AI dosen't even compare to shooting down a human player.

*edit 2*

Quote[/b] ]It's neat because there's just enough techonology to make it exciting, but you don't just fire a slammer(AIM-120) from 50 miles and get a kill, you really have to use skill and fight for it.

Check the animated Gif in my sig (Taken from a multiplayer recording by the way) and you'll see that I indeed appreciate low-tech dogfighting smile_o.gif.

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No, addon planes work in SP.

Yes, there is a 3rd party campaign for the Soviet a/c.  You can get it here at Avsim.

I'm not that much of a campaign person, so I can't tell you how good the original one or the Soviet one is.

There's not really any bugs that I can think of off the top of my head other than the RWR/ATI one, though I haven't played it in a while(I just got back from vacation yesterday.)

The LOMAC shots, look fairly good, but not as "spectacular" with like fx and stuff as some of the previous ones.  I wonder what the red and green smoke trails are for?

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 I wonder what the red and green smoke trails are for?

Aerobatics (haven't you ever seen footage of an airshow?)  rock.gif


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Yeah, but they're not really doing aerobatics. . . Though, I guess they could just be showing off the feature.

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Yeah, but they're not really doing aerobatics. . .  Though, I guess they could just be showing off the feature.

You don't think so? check out the paint scheme of the MiG-29's they're flying with the former paintscheme of the Russian MiG-29 aerobatics team:


and this is their new scheme:


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Everon Air Force would sound best.

Definitely, I love that name! Everon Air Force, Everon Air Force, Everon Air Force.

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Tovarish: Is the team called the Russian knights? smile_o.gif If so i sat i one of their flankers as a kid when they came to the nearby airforce base smile_o.gif

Edit: My grammar fails me yet again!

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Tovarish: Is the team called the Russian knights? smile_o.gif If so i sat i one of their flankers as a kid when they came to the nearby airforce base smile_o.gif

No, but they're closely related. The Russian Knights fly Su-27's, the Strizhi (Swifts) fly MiG-29. They're both based at Kubinka airbase and they often fly together.

Russian Knights English website

Swifts webpage (english coming soon)

Swifts and Knights in formation:




And this one's just too beautiful not to post  wink_o.gif


Swifts promotional video (9mb)

There was a video like that one for the Russian Knights as well that I posted here a long time ago, but I can't find the link now.

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