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Freedom fighters

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It looks promising. Storyline might not sit with some people but who cares what they think. I might buy it when it comes out. Sounds like OFP:Resistance to me though. tounge_o.gif

After playing demo: wow_o.gif This game is cool. It has urban combat and the people crouch and use buildings as cover. Download this demo. It is really fun. I will buy it! smile_o.gif

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Pretty good game if somewhat stupid teammates dont piss you off. tounge_o.gif

Wish there would be some Hitman-style gore though.

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Looks a bit naff, checking out some movies of it smile_o.gif

Edit: watched about 60 seconds of movies, very naff, not for me I think smile_o.gif

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It´s fun and simple, obviously it´s developed mainly for the xbox. Pros: Nice graphics, AI use cover, shoulder view, nice music... cons: Hard to control teammates, no blood (altough the sparks and half-fantasy Russians kind of fit the game´s comic-book style smile_o.gif ), flat weapon sounds, no autosave, seen it 1000 times before...

I like the demo, but I don´t know if it´s worth 50 EUR...

go Freedom Fighters! unclesam.gif

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Some more cons I hope they fix:

All of the Russians have the same face

Ak47 is too inaccurate

They need to do a little research of what russians look like biggrin_o.gif


And it scared the crap out of me when I saw the BTR 80 crossing the one street. crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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I was hoping for a sort of real time Silent Storm but so far this is dissapointing. It looks more like a shooting gallery of old time arcade games.

But it is a demo so we'll see smile_o.gif


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Some more cons I hope they fix:

All of the Russians have the same face

Ak47 is too inaccurate

They need to do a little research of what russians look like biggrin_o.gif


And it scared the crap out of me when I saw the BTR 80 crossing the one street. crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

The rifle isn´t a Ak47, just a fictional Kalashnikov and the "BTR-80" is a fictional APC too wink_o.gif (BTW I tried to kill it with molotovs and the rocket launcher but it´s invincible)

And hey, it´s an alternate reality, who are we to say what Russians should look like biggrin_o.gif

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It's a rather nice arcadey shooter with a fair bit of fun to be had smile_o.gif

Grenades are rather useless though and the AI isn't terribly bright. Also, the demo map says that it's a Brooklyn post office, yet if you look up you can see the Chrysler Building crazy_o.gif

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Some more cons I hope they fix:

All of the Russians have the same face

Ak47 is too inaccurate

They need to do a little research of what russians look like biggrin_o.gif


And it scared the crap out of me when I saw the BTR 80 crossing the one street. crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

The rifle isn´t a Ak47, just a fictional Kalashnikov and the "BTR-80" is a fictional APC too wink_o.gif (BTW I tried to kill it with molotovs and the rocket launcher but it´s invincible)

And hey, it´s an alternate reality, who are we to say what Russians should look like biggrin_o.gif

How do you get a Moltov cocktail and rocket launchers? Is there a hot key?

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When i saw the name of this thread i got a picture in my head that it was that one game where you play as super heroes.

DL now. Got to wait 5 mins crazy_o.gif

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When i saw the name of this thread i got a picture in my head that it was that one game where you play as super heroes.

Well, that´s not far from the truth...c_rolleyes.gif

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Just tried it and i think i fell asleep through it.

The weapons are too inaccurate. If were going to have no accuracy why dont we just get m60s and go rambo.

over all im not impressed.

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Well, I just played half-way the full version and I must say that they did improve AI and atmosphere quite a bit. I doubt ill touching this in, say 3 months but good quick fun nonetheless. tounge_o.gif

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Played it, hated it, uninstalled it.  3rd person shooting games are inherently crap IMO.  And yes, Max Payne is 10x better in first person.

No their not tounge_o.gif , just curious but how does one play Max Payne in fps view rock.gif .

edit: just tried the demo, er... it felt like a bad mod for Conflict Desert Storm, how can they charge money for this crazy_o.gif . When will the "good" games come out? Im desperate for a new game sad_o.gif

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I have NEVER played a shooting game that was not better in first person.  Name one.

Max Payne.

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I hate 3rd person, reminds me of playing with dolls.

1st person draws me so much more into the game.

Sorry for hi-jacking the thread. tounge_o.gif

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Max Payne plays 10x better in first person, in my opinion. I can't stand being able to look round corners without actually exposing yourself with some magical floating camera behind your head. Removes most of the skill from the game.

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It depends imo. Games where you are dependant of a group rather than yourself only I think is better in 3rd person. I never liked first person RPG:s for one.

It depends on game style as I see it.

Btw gamespot gave FF 9.2, I don't know what they were smoking. It's decent but no way it's a 9.2.


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Oh definitely yes, some games are good in third person, multiplayer RPGs like baldurs gate, etc. Basically, if you need to aim at things though, instead of having an auto aim, then IMO the game will be better in first person.

I'd love to make a 'realistic' sword and sorcery/ D&D style game, with detailled locational damage (so eg an archer does a lot more damage if they hit an enemy in the eye, heart, etc.)

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