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British citizen arrested by fbi

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A British citizen of Indian descent was arrested in an FBI sting operation in New Jersey trying to sell Russian man-portable surface to air missiles. Breaking news on CNN.

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Note to self, don't call firendly guy with stuff in New Jersey tomorrow.

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Quote[/b] ]An administration official said the man was an arms dealer and that no terrorism was involved. Sources said the man appeared to have been motivated solely by profit.

The sources said the shoulder-fired missile was never delivered, but a separate law enforcement source told CNN the missile was successfully smuggled into the United States on a ship that went from Russia to New Jersey.

That law enforcement source said the man was in the United States to complete the transaction and pick up his money.

Two additional arrests are expected, the source said.

The man was arrested in Newark, New Jersey, in an FBI sting that involved the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force, sources said.

good thing that was not my shipment. ghostface.gif

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Dang Brits!  Watch out, Georgie's gonna send in the Marines to eliminate your WMD spreading evil regime. :P

Edit: Tex, LMAO!

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Quote[/b] ]An administration official said the man was an arms dealer and that no terrorism was involved. Sources said the man appeared to have been motivated solely by profit.

The sources said the shoulder-fired missile was never delivered, but a separate law enforcement source told CNN the missile was successfully smuggled into the United States on a ship that went from Russia to New Jersey.

That law enforcement source said the man was in the United States to complete the transaction and pick up his money.

Two additional arrests are expected, the source said.

The man was arrested in Newark, New Jersey, in an FBI sting that involved the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force, sources said.

good thing that was not my shipment. ghostface.gif

Ralph, I didn't know they made airsoft Strelas.

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Man, I knew we should have invaded Britain instead of Iraq.  mad_o.gif


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It would  be too hard seeing as the  most resistance u would get would be ppl holding sticks and rocks and  in the unlikely event that someone had something more powerful and defended the island  they`d then  be arrested for defending their home and put in jail  or u could take the asylum route and just all come  in rock.gif

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It would  be too hard seeing as the  most resistance u would get would be ppl holding sticks and rocks and  in the unlikely event that someone had something more powerful and defended the island  they`d then  be arrested for defending their home and put in jail  or u could take the asylum route and just all come  in rock.gif

New WMD found in Britain deters Yankee invaders from occupying the isle for prolonged period!


WMD: Weapons of Mass Disgustion.

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I wonder how he declared that at the U.S. Customs.   rock.gif

SAM... as in Uncle Sam?  biggrin_o.gif

"Something to declare sir?" "Uhm ... no ... *moves strella to others shoulder* not really. Why ask?"

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No no sir, it's just for Air to Air defense in case we get attacked by terrists while on the trans Atlantic flight, I'll pop the door open and fire one off. tounge_o.gif Heck everyone should have one of these.

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Ralph, I didn't know they made airsoft Strelas.

uh...yeah...airsoft.... wink_o.giftounge_o.gif

from what i heard from a local news.

this was a sting operation. the FBI had the arms dealer under surveilance, and sent in a FBI agent disguised as an Arab, and made the deal.

but not sure on how true this report is.

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Hang on... The FBI poses as a terrorist and manages to buy an Ingla SAM off a british arms dealer, who knew that it would be used to kill people. Sure the guy should be strung up and quartered.

Who did Pinochet pose as when the US sold him helicopters, fighters, Guns ammo and trained his soldiers? " Um... they are for decorative purposes only...."

Heres a joke...

A turkish man walks into a bar...

and walks away with brand new F-16C/D Block 50's that he promises to use to fertilse the crops of picturesque Kurdish villages...

or Indonesia.... etc etc

Hypocricy I reckon.


No Flame intended, but I have had a bad day. wink_o.gif

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Okay... so we should let international gun-runners off the hook because we've got some bad karma in the department? I've got news for you, buddy: every country that exports weapons of war have sold them to less than savory characters at one point or another. However, arms smuggling always has been and continues to be a big giant no-no in the big book of international trade laws. Oh yeah, and one more thing: flipoff.gif. I don't see you getting down on the German government for cracking down on anti-Semitism. After all, what business do they have reversing a bad policy? They're eeeeeevil icon4.gif

Seriously though, how low have you sunk when you start criticizing us for upholding the law? rock.gif

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I think he more meant it the other way around: that it's too bad that other cases weren't pursued as vigilantly as this one.

Anyway, an Igla is a formidable weapon that could easily take down a passenger jet at takeoff or landing. Or Bush's plane. But then taking the missile all the way to America would have been pointless. Just shoot him down when he's visiting Europe - less distance to smuggle the missile.

One serious thing though was the fact that the missile was already in Baltimore. Who knows how many more weapons like this are being traded..

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I think he more meant it the other way around: that it's too bad that other cases weren't pursued as vigilantly as this one.

Exactly Denoir.

Take the Canoe out of your arse for a minute Tex, the US has lots of competition when is comes to selling Killing Machines to undesirables. Sweden, England, South Africa, Russia ( gotta be the worst yes?) Germany, France, Belgium... etc etc.

I find the black market weapons trade scary as hell. The "legitimate" weapon sales are scary too.

The FBI agent is reported to have said " I want this to blow up something big " to the British Arms Dealer in Question, which shows that the Dealer was totally aware of its intended use. Unlike the the owner of the gun shop that sells an automatic weapon to the guys who says "I hunt entire herds of deer at once.." Then goes on a killing spree...

But if your going to sell weaponry to a dictator who is known to be torturing and executing his political and ideological enemies at the time of sale... How can that not be questionable? wink_o.gif

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anyways, the more news is that the AA tube was a dud tounge_o.gif and was planted by Russian authorities. so Russia was in with this investigation and was cooperating with US. heard UK was involved too.

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So it was a big sting, basically. Good to see some international cooperation- props to all involved.

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anyways, the more news is that the AA tube was a dud tounge_o.gif and was planted by Russian authorities. so Russia was in with this investigation and was cooperating with US. heard UK was involved too.

Humzzz does a strela have enough to blow up something big that isnt an airplane? I was under the impression that the warhead on those things isnt VERY strong. I heard stories of IDF F-4 Phantoms taking multiple hits from older soviet shoulder launched SAM's and still making it home. Passenger planes wouldnt be as strong as a Phantom offcourse as they are not designed to be shot at. But a building would be pretty safe right?

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I heard about this in the news, but I wasn't listening so I just thought that it's Al-Qaeda or something, but they were english. wow_o.gif

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Anyway, an Igla is a formidable weapon that could easily take down a passenger jet at takeoff or landing. Or Bush's plane.

I thought Air Force One had automatically activated (?) countermeasure systems? But a regular passenger jet would probably be an easy target for an Igla.

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