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Starwars kid

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Not very funny

I'm sure everyones seen this video floating around on the Internet(Hudson, the add-on maker has it as his avatar as well), I was just wondering what your opinion of it is?

I personally think its disgusting what people have done to it. While being totally humuliated at your own school is one thing, to have your face pasted all over the world and mocked by almost everyone who's seen it is a whole other. The future of the teenager is pretty much ruined now, probobly making it more difficult to get into a new school . Even if he gets into a new school or both, it's going to be hell to fit in or try and make friends.

The situation is now worse that he dropped out of high school, probobly ruining his entire future carrer. As well as the fact that he is now in phsycratric care.

IT just shows how cruel some people can be, no matter waht the situation is. If the video was stupid or not, no one should have deserved having their entire life ruined by just fooling around with a video camera.

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Joys of technology eh? Now instead of showing you up on your school friends VCR's, now they can show you up in front of the entire world!

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Great, whoever hasn't seen that video yet (like me) just learned about it from reading the news.

Great... rock.gif

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Edit: If I had read the link before I replied, I'd have realized that you already mentioned that he was suing... crazy_o.gif

I don't think there is much of a case here. The kid used school property and a school tape to make an ass of himself. It was his responsibility to delete it. Still, those kids that spread the video are complete and total jerks and I'd like to see them suffer for what they did.

The funniest thing about it is that when I was 15, I was just like that kid. Maybe not as fat and I had already started shaving my head by then, but I was a super dork too and I count myself lucky that I never got caught doing anything like that. Looking back at it, though, I can at least admire the courage that the kid had in doing it at all. When he's 25, he'll probably be able to have a good laugh about it.

And yes, I thought it was exceedingly funny. Only because I was just like him.

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i think its tight.. as well although he looks good doing his actions its still unfair to broadcast it over the net if he didnt want other to see it.. although if he wanted it broadcasted thats another story

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Quote[/b] ]While the video of Ghyslain's antics generated some derisive Internet comments, others felt bad and started raising money for him. One group collected more than $3,000 (U.S.), which they used to buy him an Apple iPod portable music player.

In the excerpts from Internet chats filed in court, the four appear to be plotting ways to get the gifts sent to another address so they can keep the iPod for themselves.

that says it all. those 4 asshole need to be severely reeducated before getting back into society.

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I agree with Dark Knight, I thought he looked pretty cool, sure he's a smidge tubby but so what, he's famous now (kinda) what will those other 4 achieve with their lives? The kid should embrace it and use it to set himself off on a good footing, how many $ to go on Oprah? smile_o.gif

I just found a website with about 20 different edits. "BraveKid" spoof of Braveheart, damn if I was this kid I'd be proud, makes him look pretty cool IMO smile_o.gif

Edit: Ok so I'm working my way down the list of edits, just watched "Star Wars Kid 2.0" they added sound/special effects, and it looks really cool, if I was 15 and this kid I would do a screen grab of this edited one with the lasers and stuff, turn it into a T-Shirt with this picture on the front, and on the back I'd put "I'm the hottest thing on the internet, who the fuck are you?", and I'd wear it to school, if they want to mock him, fuck them, bullies only win when you let them think you give a shit, he should walk up to them and say "thank you, I'm this cool net star and you four are all losers".

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Here's the link to the 40 clone versions, watch the ones like the Terminator one, and the Star Wars one I just mentioned, tell me you wouldn't have thought it was a blast at 15 to be turned into the trailer for some of the coolest movies around? smile_o.gif I know I would have loved it smile_o.gif

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Come on man. When I went to school people were humiliated in ways that cant compare to this.

So the guy made a silly tape that was sent over the net. Well, so? He wont even meet the people that watch it, the problem he has to deal with is the bullies at school and thats an every day issue for many people.

I am not impressed, nor do I pity him. I have seen far worse result in far less.

But sure, some people are pricks.

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Ok yes I know I keep going on, but it seems I'm not the only one who thinks the same, this site has a letters section, here are some of them......

Quote[/b] ]July - 26 From Ray

Ghyslain, you are awesome! I know what's happened has been mortifying, but one of the things that life teaches us over time is that we have to be who we are or we'll never be happy. I was in the fifth grade when the original Star Wars came out back in the 1977 and I've pretended I had a lightsaber after every single episode since - even now when I'm an old guy! So keep doing your thing, man! Mark my words - it's embarrassing now, but good things will come of this down the road!

July - 26 r3dian

Ghyslain, your the coolest person on the face of the earth. and I really hope your in episode 3 cause you deserve it more than anyone

July - 26 From Lorelei

Hey Kiddo, I think you rock! You're great with a lightsaber. My two little boys think you're the coolest thing on the planet. Don't let anybody give you a hard time about being yourself.

July - 26 From Adrial

It's perfect justice that Ghyslain is more and more becoming a cult hero instead of an object of ridicule. I hope the kids who uploaded the video with malicious intent realize that that is what's happening, and I especially hope that Ghyslain recovers from the initial humiliation and comes to embrace the positive effects that this whole thing is bringing about. If Ghyslain is granted a spot in Ep. 3, the kids who uploaded the video with malice should be forced to watch and rewatch the cameo scene for hours on end. Sweet justice indeed...

July 23 - From Chuck

Anyone who feels the need to make fun of this kid is just an insecure idiot who is reveling at the opportunity to feel like a big person by ridiculing someone who is exposed while remaining untouchable themselves - cowards. If anyone wants to show support for this kid, its easy - make your own video. I for one am going to hook up the camcorder tonight and show off my own fancy fighting moves, it takes a lot of guts to endure what Ghyslain is, it would be good to show him some support. Keep swingin' big guy.

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Here's the link to the 40 clone versions, watch the ones like the Terminator one, and the Star Wars one I just mentioned

Just watched the original. I think he has a good chance of challenging Tiger Woods for the PGA title.

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We should get someone talented from the forums to make an Opf version smile_o.gif

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Why did he video tape himself in the first place?

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newsflash : kids are mean

This kid, even though I really do feel sorry for him, brought this on himself. even I know you shouldn't tape yourself doing something embarassing, then leave it at school. even if it's for a school project, take it home or put it in your locker.

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Why did he video tape himself in the first place?

You're 15, if you didn't own a camcorder and suddenly had the use of one wouldn't you film yourself or your friends doing something stupid? I know I would have smile_o.gif

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I think the kid is suffering more from the mocking of the kids at school, rather than the whole internet malarky. That's the gist I got from the original article anyway.

On the other hand, he is now famous, might as well build on that, like Placebo suggested smile_o.gif

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Camcorders just make people do stupid things. This is one example, then there are those kids who filmed their crime spree. crazy_o.gif

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As mentioned in something that Placebo quoted, I totally think this kid should get a role in Star Wars III. He deserves it.

Edit: Here's a link to an online petition. I don't think these work, but what the hell? HERE

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I got the original vid from Kazaa Lite and OMG I couldn´t watch it to the end it was too embarrassing biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.giftounge_o.gif

Not funny what those other kids did though, everyone can do stupid things in front of a camcorder...yeah, kids are cruel nothing new here. sad_o.gif

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The problem is,

1. the 4 assholes who distributed did not get written consent,

2. the kid is mocked and is under psychiatric help.

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As mentioned in something that Placebo quoted, I totally think this kid should get a role in Star Wars III. He deserves it.

There's a really funny quote I found in reference to that, posted in the comments section of another SWK fansite......

Quote[/b] ]Dear Georges Lucas

That kid s great.i have not seen episode 2 in a theater cuz the first one sucked but be sure i ll see the third one if the kid's in it...

Edit: I've just created a screensaver of the Star Wars 2.0 version, gonna use it at work biggrin_o.gif

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It's just something stupid he did. It's not like it was a video of him having a wank infront of a school camera.

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I was a big dorky kid like this when I was in highschool, (Now I am a big dorky adult biggrin_o.gif) and I can see how this would affect someone who wasnt vrey confidant and secure to start with.

My opinion is that it's not the fame that is humiliating and degrading to this kid, it's what his real life peers are doing to him. It's tough being a big dorky kid to start with, and if you dont have a good group of friends to keep you relatively stable, then something this could easily cause a lot of problems.

I think the kids who did it deserve to be nailed to the wall. They stole the camera and the tape, and then started this whole thing. If the kid had left the tape in a camera that was available to all, anytime, then it would be his fault. But there was theft involved. Plus these kids knew EXACTLY what they were doing, and intentionally set out to make this kids life hell. I hope the courts award the full amount. smile_o.gif

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