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Russian sf pack

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These Russian units are great. They really look the part, specially the Naval infantry.

Only problem is that I tried them yesterday in a CTF game against the BAS delta guys and I got nailed.

It was really frustrating. Those BAS have really powerfull gunsights, but is it me or do the BAS soldiers have very unrealistic armour?

They keep walking after getting shot many times. I was unloading full clips of ammo on them with no apparent effect... and they just hadto turn around and shot a single crappy bullet to kill me. Grrrr mad_o.gif

Shame. I'd love to use these Russians against BAS guys but there's just no balance whatsoever. Maybe the problem is the BAS soldiers, though...  smile_o.gif

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These Russian units are great. They really look the part, specially the Naval infantry.

Only problem is that I tried them yesterday in a CTF game against the BAS delta guys and I got nailed.

It was really frustrating. Those BAS have really powerfull gunsights, but is it me or do the BAS soldiers have very unrealistic armour?

They keep walking after getting shot many times. I was unloading full clips of ammo on them with no apparent effect... and they just hadto turn around and shot a single crappy bullet to kill me. Grrrr mad_o.gif

Shame. I'd love to use these Russians against BAS guys but there's just no balance whatsoever. Maybe the problem is the BAS soldiers, though...  smile_o.gif

the bas soldiers have increased armor compared to default bis soldiers. crazy_o.gif

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These Russian units are great. They really look the part, specially the Naval infantry.

Only problem is that I tried them yesterday in a CTF game against the BAS delta guys and I got nailed.

It was really frustrating. Those BAS have really powerfull gunsights, but is it me or do the BAS soldiers have very unrealistic armour?

They keep walking after getting shot many times. I was unloading full clips of ammo on them with no apparent effect... and they just hadto turn around and shot a single crappy bullet to kill me. Grrrr mad_o.gif

This looks like a job for JAM. smile_o.gif

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It sure does... And my only worry is that a addon like this, and BAS delta/ranger pack all big in size that will be re-released becouse of JAM.

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I think what would be nicer is if the Russian SF troops with body armor, had increased armor levels to match that of the BAS soldiers.  Otherwise what's the use of even making their model wearing body armor?  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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This addon pack needs the GRU spetznaz to be able to heal each other like the BAS then Im pretty sure these would be a perfect match for them.

But thats my 2 cents But dont get me wrong these rock.

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Well, talking about self-healing...

IMHO thats big bull....!!!

Not only that the AI units are even harder to kill, they will not even stay wounded for a while, which completely lacks realism. Let's say you launch some grenades towards an enemy position/cover, you will hardly be able to weaken them unless you fully kill them.

On the other hand it's realy stupid behavior if the enemy runs over an uncovered area, gets hit/wounded and immedeately starts healing himself in the middle of the line of fire just to get finished of.

Plus firefights get quite boring if your enemy does not continue to fire but heals himself first gets wounded again, heals himself, gets wounded again.............

On longer distances - especially when sniping that is - you really HAVE to make one shot kills or you will just be wasting your ammo. That's one of the reasons I don't use BAS-units anymore.


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Well, talking about self-healing...

IMHO thats big bull....!!!

Not only that the AI units are even harder to kill, they will not even stay wounded for a while, which completely lacks realism. Let's say you launch some grenades towards an enemy position/cover, you will hardly be able to weaken them unless you fully kill them.

On the other hand it's realy stupid behavior if the enemy runs over an uncovered area, gets hit/wounded and immedeately starts healing himself in the middle of the line of fire just to get finished of.

Plus firefights get quite boring if your enemy does not continue to fire but heals himself first gets wounded again, heals himself, gets wounded again.............

On longer distances - especially when sniping that is - you really HAVE to make one shot kills or you will just be wasting your ammo. That's one of the reasons I don't use BAS-units anymore.


How is it unrealistic? In a middle of a firefight if a special forces soldier gets hit hes not going to ignore the emergency medical supplies he carries and crawl around on the ground is he? And yes, ofp may make it a little unrealistic by making them heal completely, but then again, people die far too much in ofp, on various accounts of battles how many times have you seen absolutely no survivors? No wounded? Normally there is a huge amount of wounded and only a few dead in the real thing, so really, which is the more unrealistic? So thank you for your comments, but i think we'll keep it as it is.

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So anyways, back to this addon, what about increasing the armor level? This is a extremely simple thing to do. It would take the addon maker about 2 minutes to change that to the same level as the BAS Rangers/Delta addons.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Maybe the answer to satisfy both those parties that are pro or against self healing is to have it so that if you self heal it can only be done to give you about 80% of health back. Each and every time there after, the effectives of the self heal is reduced by 20% until it gets to zero and you are then dead and sent home to momma in a bag.

Evis is right in what he says about real units carrying out first aid on themselves and their buddies, but their effectiveness is some what degraded by being wounded, can we make it such in OFP?

I must agree that to have units that can self heal and others that cant even if both are SF and are pretty much balanced in real life, it is not good for us who like to mix add ons together when making missions, the debate on who can do what and who can do it better will go on for ever but the only alternative is to get mod teams to co operate and to make add ons with a few commmon rules and factors each should implement to make for a better game using amazing add ons. rock.gif

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no self-healing please! On the USMC addon by suchey and Earl there's a bleeding script that makes that you slowly bleed to death if you get hit (if the shot didn't kill you instead). It would be nice to have some sort of self-healing to only stop the bleeding. Although it would be best if this could be activated by the action menu. For really healing the wounds you'd have to see a doctor. Now this is a much better way of implementing some form of self-healing.

But to reflect this to real-life; when you get wounded in real-life you can't really treat yourself, because most of the times to stop the bleeding you'd have to put pressure on the wound and fill it up with bandages (I'm not kidding; particulary leg and arm wounds are nasty, because the bullet rips through the flesh like a butchers-knife and causes a very big wound on the side which you have to fill up with bandages. The lighter 5.56mm and the russian light caliber are very nasty because the bullets are light and start to tumble when they hit, cuasing a very large exit wound). Now, this hurts like hell and you really can't do this yourself (unless your name is rambo). So actually self-healing should not be implemented at all (at least that's my opinion on the subject)

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OMG lmao in no way did i say that they should be able to heal themselfs "ai C get shoot and C heals himself = B-S ai C get's shoot and B heals him alittle more real" but make it an option so they can heal from anyone in their group..............

The BAS can not heal themselfs they need a group member to heal them.

thats all im talking about someone took what i said and totaly turned it around.

If the owner wants a mod of his original addon i redid them so they can heal anyone in their group but they cant heal themselfs.

Just to make it even with the BAS addon for MP CTF Etc.

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Quote[/b] ]i redid them so they can heal anyone in their group nut they cant heal themselfs.
That's a good idea!

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Thanks Cpt. FrostBite

now also i have to say these units have the same armor as the BAS addons looked in the cfg file now maybe the BAS weapons bullets are stronger or this addon bullets are to weak against the BAS who knows but i just had to settle that too lol.

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Please no self-healing.  That's what medics are for.  

Also will one of you guys involved with making this addon PLEASE answer me about the body armor.  

The whole issue about making them more compatible with the BAS soldiers is NOT ABOUT SELF HEALING!!!  It's about simply raising their armor level.   If you guys don't want to do this then you should remove the body armor off of the soldier model.   Russian forces DO use Type-IV heavy body armor using either ceramic or steel plates in them.  They are not as lightweight as the US Army's interceptor body armor, but they are most likely just as effective.  

Again it should be a very simple thing to fix.  

Edit: Oh wait... hmmmmm they got the same armor levels as the BAS units? Are you sure? Cuz one or two shots seems to kill them.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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he, just wait for Suchey, Earl and tactician's marines. They make the US marines and Russian marines, both with the same armor level.

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Miles Teg i think you are confussed here BAS can not heal themselfs = BUT THEY CAN HEAL FROM A TEAM MATE...

Thats not self healing to have someone in a group your in heal you.

This addon and the BAS addon Have the SAME ARMOR Look in both BAS and this addon CFG file... my quess BAS Bullets are STRONGER, higher bullet Hit # in their weapon CFG file for them.

This addon cfg file for armor







BAS addon CFG File For their units







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Miles Teg i think you are confussed here BAS can not heal themselfs = BUT THEY CAN HEAL FROM A TEAM MATE...

Thats not self healing to have someone in a group your in heal you.

This addon and the BAS addon Have the SAME ARMOR Look in both BAS and this addon CFG file... my quess BAS Bullets are STRONGER, higher bullet Hit # in their weapon CFG file for them.

This addon cfg file for armor







BAS addon CFG File For their units







I don't think I ever said the BAS soldiers healed themselves...others were saying that...  however now that you bring it up, the BAS Delta units DO heal themselves because I just tested these units out side by side and lo-and-behold, when you shoot a BAS Delta soldier.... he heals himself!  

Anyways I ran a few tests with the BAS Delta units and these Russian SF units. It turns out that actually the GRU Spetsnaz with the AK-104s seem to have more powerful weapons then the BAS Deltas and Rangers.  

AK-74 shots to kill (all shots were aimed at chest or torso at a distance of about 3 meters)

Delta- 3 shots

GRU officer- 3 shots


Delta- 2 shots

GRU officer 2 shots


Delta- 2 shots

GRU officer 2 shots


Delta- 3 shots

GRU officer- 3 shots

VSS Sniper rifle (super zoom)

Delta- 2 shots

GRU officer- 2 shots



Delta- 3shots

GRU- 3 shots


Delta- 3shots

GRU- 3 shots

M24 Sniper Rifle (disadvantage-slow reloading between shots)

Delta- 2 shots

GRU- 2 shots


Basically I was wrong about these Russian SF soldiers so please ignore my uninformed rants above.  Interestingly however from these tests they seem to have the advantage over the BAS units (except for the self-healing of the Delta soldiers) which is contrary to what people posted when they tried pitting the BAS units up against these Russian SF units.  

Because of this advantage I agree with Evi... probably best to leave the self-healing on the BAS Delta units.   But I'd still rather not see self-healing on these Russian soldiers.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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well ill admit when im wrong and man am I wrong in the editor the BAS do heal themselfs cough "GAY"

I truly hope someone has told them about this.

But I must say we haved played with the BAS addon on are server alot and i have never ever seen one heal them selfs before weird.

In the editor i run shoot down to hit my toe lol and my guy stops cold and starts to heal himself with no action giving to me for the heal.

On MP server the guy doesnt so who knows this one.

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I'm more than happy to see new Russians forces for special use, so I don't care if the BAS units had one grenade more, or better weapons or anything else, that addon is in no way competiting against U.S S.F, and the scenarios I envision would be more in the Chechen conflict than the old cold war rivalry.

The LSR addon is good, and it looks like a base for more elaborate units, because OFP is an infantry game above all and not a flightsim, less and less new units are made while we are overfeeded by useless planes, carriers etc.....

By the way I'm waiting for an Ural truck without WHITE bache, and "emergency" bumper stickers, you see just a flat green to be .....unoticed, and maybe a version unbached.

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The BAS can not heal themselfs they need a group member to heal them.

I beg to differ...on numerous occasions playing around in the mission editor I have shot lone BAS units, and watched them hunch down and begin self healing...

I'll post a screen if you like...

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I'm more than happy to see new Russians forces for special use, so I don't care if the BAS units had one grenade more, or better weapons or anything else, that addon is in no way competiting against U.S S.F, and the scenarios I envision would be more in the Chechen conflict than the old cold war rivalry.

The LSR addon is good, and it looks like a base for more elaborate units, because OFP is an infantry game above all and not a flightsim, less and less new units are made while we are overfeeded by useless planes, carriers etc.....

By the way I'm waiting for an Ural truck without WHITE bache, and "emergency" bumper stickers, you see just a flat green to be .....unoticed, and maybe a version unbached.

Yeah I agree that these Russian SF units are better for Chechnya missions and stuff like that. But they also make a nice opponent for the BAS Delta/Ranger soldiers, at least for some mission makers, or just for fun make-believe MP Death Match games.

However I disagree about the aircraft. It is true that OFP is not a flight simulator, however aircraft I think are extremely valuable in this game as they can provide critical air support.

Anyone who has ever played a MP game using the SEB NAM2 addon pack and the DKM OV-10 Bronco can vouche for the fact that close air support can really make the difference between winning or losing a battle. It's also fun flying sometimes as well, although there aren't enough good fighter-pilot missions in OFP.

But I do agree that OFP is primarly an infantry game, and likewise I hope to see more good infantry units. But any good addon, (whether it be a soldier, vehicle, or aircraft) I think is welcomed.

This Russian SF addon is certainly one of the best, if not the best Russian infantry addon to come out in a long time.

Some improvements could be some custom Russian voices when they get hit as well as the sound of their gear shaking when they run.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I beg to differ...on numerous occasions playing around in the mission editor I have shot lone BAS units, and watched them hunch down and begin self healing... I'll post a screen if you like...

Same here. I've seen those BAS guys healing themselves quite a few times. It's quite a silly thing to see: You shoot once, they guy kneels down to heal, you shoot him again, he kneels down again... and so on untill you decide to put a whole clip on the bugger.

And I'm pretty sur the BAS units have stronger armor. I just don't use them anymore in CTF or DM games.

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...because OFP is an infantry game above all and not a flightsim, less and less new units are made while we are overfeeded by useless planes, carriers etc.....

Sorry but I disagree. OFP is whatever you want. A tanksim, a choppersim, a flightsim, a Jeepsim... ;)

It's obviously not a very good flightsim when using fast jets, but aircraft like the Bronco are really good fun when helping your mates on the ground.

And above all OFP is the best Helicoper sim out there. Nothing gets even close. Not even LB2 and EECH. They might have nice accurate avionics and weapon systems, but they lack the landscape detail, true feeling of "being there", and Multiplayer possiblilities of OFP.

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