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Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

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I see you've never resolved eliminating PUT OUT FIRE from the action menu.

Show me one who did! Those talented BAS team couldn't solve this. Burning blackhawks also has PUT OUT FIRE.

I stand corrected. I just retested the BAS Chinook Cargo mission (without your mod) and indeed PUT OUT FIRE shows up in the action menu when approaching the burning scud launchers.

Never mind. Live and burn - uh - learn.

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I forgive you Avon:)

If somebody missed Blood or INQ support don't worry I done it this weekend.

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Boom! <pause> Pop...fizzle... Hehehehe... I love this mod :-D

Found a couple of bugs, though

(1) The green smoke shells don't have any picture in the gear part of the briefing. The fix: add

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

picture = "smokeshell";

to the class SmokeShellGreen in the config.cpp:s CfgWeapons. As a reference, here's the SmokeShellGreen from the official BIS commented 1.91 config:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">        class SmokeShellGreen: SmokeShell




               \patch 1.78 Date 7/23/2002 by Viktor

               - Fixed: Green smoke shell has its picture in the gear


               picture = "smokeshell";

               ammo = SmokeShellGreen;





(2) Some of the scripts in the GMR.pbo have goto:s that reference non-existing labels. Often, there is a 'goto "exit"' without a "#exit" at the end of the script. Take hit_tank.sqs:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_tank= _this select 0

? (not alive _tank):goto "exit"

? (not canfire _tank) or (not canmove _tank):goto "getout"

goto "exit"


? (not (commander _tank  in _tank)):goto "exit"

~ 3+ random 3

_tank stop true

~ 3+ random 3

commander _tank leaveVehicle _tank

~ 0.5 + random 0.5

driver _tank leaveVehicle _tank

~ 0.5 + random 0.5

gunner _tank leaveVehicle _tank

_j= (random 100)

? (_j > 50  && _j  <= 100):commander _tank allowFleeing 0;driver _tank allowFleeing 0;gunner _tank allowFleeing 0;

? (_j >= 0  && _j  <= 50 ):commander _tank allowFleeing 1;driver _tank allowFleeing 1;gunner _tank allowFleeing 1;


Rewritten and with no need for gotos:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_tank= _this select 0

// Rewrote the two following condition expressions to get rid of unnecessary gotos

? (not alive _tank):exit

? (canfire _tank) and (canmove _tank):exit


? (not (commander _tank  in _tank)):exit

~ 3+ random 3

_tank stop true

~ 3+ random 3

commander _tank leaveVehicle _tank

~ 0.5 + random 0.5

driver _tank leaveVehicle _tank

~ 0.5 + random 0.5

gunner _tank leaveVehicle _tank

_j= (random 100)

? (_j > 50  && _j  <= 100):commander _tank allowFleeing 0;driver _tank allowFleeing 0;gunner _tank allowFleeing 0;

? (_j >= 0  && _j  <= 50 ):commander _tank allowFleeing 1;driver _tank allowFleeing 1;gunner _tank allowFleeing 1;


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Thanks for checking my scripts. I fix smokeshell error and rewrite that script lines.


I made small changes in v1.4.

- Added small sparks to secondary ammoexplosion

- Sometimes secondary ammoexplosion sets vehicle fire - if it not burning before (based on Maveric suggestion)

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The new features sounds great! Let us know when the new version is available...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Realistic explosion MOD v1.41

changes to version 1.40


- added small sparks to secondary ammoexplosion

- sometimes secondary ammoexplosion set vehicle on fire

link to: GMR_exploMODv1.41.zip


id: a_goldmember

password: faszkalap

GMR_exploMOD directory

OFP version 1.91 required.

I also uploaded Blood and INQ addon support zip's.

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Fan-fricking-tastic. I like this one so much I've already memorised the username/password to get it. The blood mod isn't as obvious when playing, but is cool up close when a buddy gets shot or you shoot a rebel in the face. This makes helicopter gunships twice as fun, too.

One thing I've just noticed: When I hit a UAZ with a Hellfire, the UAZ smokes, sizzles, and flips for a half second before it actually bursts into flames. Do they normally do that, is it because of my crappy processor, or is it a feature of the explosion mod? Of course, in real life a car hit with a Hellfire just turns into a greasy black spot on the ground and the occupants' extremeties are thrown over a half mile... That would be interesting, but a bit much. The burning is plenty of fun.

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Uhh, is there meant to be rearm option at all vehicles in SP? I'm glad it doesn't work clientside in MP as it would be a cheat. Could there be a no rearm version for us anally retentive people who don't like it? biggrin_o.gif

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Great modification Goldmember Just a couple of queries. Is there a way of extending the time the vehicles and tanks burn for. Or is there a set limit to this function. and having installed the latest files I recieve " Cannot find BIS Resistence" when starting up the game did not see this on the earlier versions of ur mod. Great work m8 keep em comming.


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Uhh, is there meant to be rearm option at all vehicles in SP? I'm glad it doesn't work clientside in MP as it would be a cheat. Could there be a no rearm version for us anally retentive people who don't like it? biggrin_o.gif

I dont' really understand what you mean cheating? There is no rearm command in my scripts. The secondary ammoexplosion is only an effect not rearms the vehicle and blows up again.

Please clear a bit your problem!

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Uhh, is there meant to be rearm option at all vehicles in SP? I'm glad it doesn't work clientside in MP as it would be a cheat. Could there be a no rearm version for us anally retentive people who don't like it?  biggrin_o.gif

This seems to be a 1.92 beta "feature", unrelated to the explo mod.

*EDIT: Please disregard this. It is a feature of the explosion mod related to all vehicles having been furnished with an extra ammo load to make them explode. See later posts in this thread. Again, it's not 1.92 or a bug therein.

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great work a_goldmember! smile_o.gif i only noticed a little problem with the hisky stuff... maybe it´s my pc but i son´t think so.

has anyone the same problem? i use gmrmod with the blood middle config and hisky, but with the hisky it doesn´t work  sad_o.gif

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Thanks for the update Goldmember!

Just curious if someone else seen any problems with this addon using it on a dedicated server (Win32)? As I mentioned before we had problems in some MP missions but not all and wonder if it just us or what?

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Absolutely terrific work Goldmember!

This has breathed new life into OFP - blowing things up is so much more satisfying now...

Great to see you continuing to update the mod, keep up the good work smile_o.gif

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... biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif grat work....

... is it posible that smoke of explosions goes litle more higher in the air ~10m ?

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great work a_goldmember! smile_o.gif i only noticed a little problem with the hisky stuff... maybe it´s my pc but i son´t think so.

has anyone the same problem? i use gmrmod with the blood middle config and hisky, but with the hisky it doesn´t work  sad_o.gif

I have Hisky, GMR Explosions, FatWombats Islands, Inq´s Weapons, OFPc Blood and JAM, working here.

I run the gmr.pbo & ofpec-blood.pbo from my res/addons folder and only load the bin through a mod folder...maybe htis works for you too wink_o.gif

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great work a_goldmember! smile_o.gif i only noticed a little problem with the hisky stuff... maybe it´s my pc but i son´t think so.

has anyone the same problem? i use gmrmod with the blood middle config and hisky, but with the hisky it doesn´t work  sad_o.gif

I have Hisky, GMR Explosions, FatWombats Islands, Inq´s Weapons, OFPc Blood and JAM, working here.

I run the gmr.pbo & ofpec-blood.pbo from my res/addons folder and only load the bin through a mod folder...maybe htis works for you too  wink_o.gif

thx - i´ll try it... rock.gif

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This version didn't work for some reason?...I get the "cannot locate GMR/check_damage .sqs "for both tank and air units???...but the 1.32 woks(skipped the 140 version went straight to 141)...any ideas?...im using just the straight 141 without blood or INQ's stuff.

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This version didn't work for some reason?...I get the "cannot locate GMR/check_damage .sqs "for both tank and air units???...but the 1.32 woks(skipped the 140 version went straight to 141)...any ideas?...im using just the straight 141 without blood or INQ's stuff.

Make sure you replace both the GMR.pbo and whatever "effects config.bin" you had with the newer ones.

And, if you aren't already doing it,  do place them in a mod folder either as described by the readme or a mod folder of your own choosing. (I have mine in mods/xplo/AddOns and mods/xplo/bin instead of GMR_exploMOD/... )

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That was the ticket..thanks.Strange the other method of install didn't work???...it did before 140 series?...why the change?

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That was the ticket..thanks.Strange the other method of install didn't work???...it did before 140 series?...why the change?

It must work without mod folder, I didnot change this. Maybe you forget to replace the old GMR.pbo (this is not contains that "check_damage .sqs" therefore can be located) with new one?



I working on it to make costumizable smoke height.

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GM just to let you (and other) know that the problem we had in some MP missions where solved by using the "-mod" parameter also on the dedicated server.

Test played 1.41 tonight and everything seemed to work fine in the missions we tested (including the one with lot's of armour) and haven't noticed any specific lag issues with it smile_o.gif

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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That was the ticket..thanks.Strange the other method of install didn't work???...it did before 140 series?...why the change?

It must work without mod folder, I didnot change this. Maybe you forget to replace the old GMR.pbo (this is not contains that "check_damage .sqs" therefore can be located) with new one?



I working on it to make costumizable smoke height.

mmm..well....I attempted it 3 different times??...surely i got it right atleast once??

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I uploaded a file called bigsmoke.zip that contains a demomission showing

taller smokes to destroyed vehicles. Anyone who interested in please send me

feedback what should I change.

link to: bigsmoke.zip


id: a_goldmember

password: faszkalap

GMR_exploMOD directory

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cool thing ! i like the smoke on tank #1 the most.

It looks somehow realistic, but...i´ver never seen a burning Tank wink_o.gif

Could you add that the smoke column grows in diameter the higher it rises ?


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