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The Iraq Thread 2

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Hey guys i got some new pics from Iraq in my mail if you guys are interested in seeing them i can post them here but i havent got any where to host them ... can anyone help me if you wanna see them ...i get such mails once a week bing fwd'ed by some person and these mails usually end up being fwded through out the place crazy_o.gif .... but i doubt if yo guys get them cause these rotate around the ME only i think since all the addresses are arabic in nature.

If you guys ar interested let me know.

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We all know about the Shia's and the Sunni's in Iraq becoming more and more angry at the U.S. forces, but now they've gone and pissed off the donkeys!

Quote[/b] ]BAGHDAD, Iraq - More than a dozen rockets fired from donkey carts slammed into Iraq (news - web sites)'s Oil Ministry and two hotels Friday — attacks dismissed by a U.S. general as "militarily insignificant" but which also exposed weaknesses in gathering intelligence on insurgents.

The brazen, coordinated strikes at some of Baghdad's most heavily protected civilian sites defied a U.S. crackdown.

Two other donkeys — one pulling a rocket launcher and another rigged to a bomb — were found within hours, one 30 yards from the Italian Embassy. U.S. officials said the targets were the headquarters of a Kurdish political party and a law school.


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Quote[/b] ]

"This is the work of terrorists," said Loay Yunis Khalil, manager of the Palestine Hotel.

A major DUH factor on that one.

Problem is, no ones going to be able to transport donkey's safly anymore. Just imagine though, US soldiers shooting at every donkey in sight.

To think they were edgy with car bombs, now they have donkey bombs.

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channelnewsasia.com: DHL plane hit by missile over Baghdad

Quote[/b] ]BAGHDAD : A civilian plane belonging to international express courier DHL was hit by a SA-7 surface-to-air missile over Baghdad forcing it to make an emergency landing, the US military said.

"A DHL plane took off from Baghdad airport this morning and was hit by a SAM-7 surface-to-air missile," said a military official who asked not to be identified.

"It caught fire, it turned around and came back to the airport where it safely landed. The fire was taken out. There are no injuries," he added.

It was the first time that a plane using Baghdad airport had been hit by a missile although eight previous firings had been reported. All of those were against military or official aircraft, not civilian planes, according to the Iraqi transport ministry.

A resident of the southern Yusifiyeh area of the capital said he saw the missile being fired on the aircraft and hitting its left wing, setting it ablaze.

DHL, the formerly US-owned courier now owned by German giant Deutsche Post, confirmed that its staff had suffered no injuries.

Obviously someone was p***ed because he didn't get his delivery on schedule. I myself am still waiting for a packet...

They hit the right ones this time. wink_o.gif

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Do you think that the donkey now gets transported to Guantanamo Bay and gets interrogated by proffessionals?


Hell, I hope that donkey doesnt have british predecessors, that would ruin the intercontinental relations once again.

The Iraqis tried to equip the cart with cruise missiles, but it seems it was slightly overarmed! They had to reduce fire-power!


Yes, times get hard and harder. Imagine you are private Naivesoldierfromkentucky and you are confronted with the following creatures approaching you. Now the question is which of the 2 is the civillian and which the terorist. What hints are there for you to judge.


There is only one way out, you have to mark areas in  Bagdad that are dangerous and pose potential threat. The US-army intelligence service has chosen the following sign-post to warn its soldiers. The message is: be aware, this road might be a terorist trap!


I assume Denoir would argue that if the donkeys would have better grain to eat and fresh water to drink they wouldnt have a reason to socialise with the Baathists. It is a cry for help, once the donkey infrastructure is rebuild in Iraq the donkeys will reduce or even stop their fight against the US occupational forces!

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I guess the US was wrong when it said that violitile activity was down 70%. It seems to have risen in the past month more than any other.

These attacks don't seem to be ones of desperation as they claim it is.

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What can one say except: way to go Airbus. Not many civilian planes get to meet an SA-7 and live to tell the tale. I can imagine the pilot kissing the ground after landing.  smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I assume Denoir would argue that if the donkeys would have better grain to eat and fresh water to drink they wouldnt have a reason to socialise with the Baathists. It is a cry for help, once the donkey infrastructure is rebuild in Iraq the donkeys will reduce or even stop their fight against the US occupational forces

Yes! More and better hay and even the most hard-core baathist donkeys will calm down.  wink_o.gif

But seriously, the donkey attack was beautiful. You have the green zone in Baghdad, the most secure area, guarded by the best troops in Iraq with access to satellite images, tanks, helicopters and if needed stealth bombers. And what breaches that impenetrable fortress? A donkey with a rocket launcher attached to it  biggrin_o.gif

Even the US commander smiled in an interview and said that you could say a lot of things about the guerillas but not that they lacked imagination. Just hilarious.

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Quote[/b] ]DHL, the formerly US-owned courier now owned by German giant Deutsche Post, confirmed that its staff had suffered no injuries.

what did Germans do to deserve this? crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]DHL, the formerly US-owned courier now owned by German giant Deutsche Post, confirmed that its staff had suffered no injuries.

what did Germans do to deserve this? crazy_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]The courier was the first to be given authorization by the US-led coalition to operate out of Baghdad and started worldwide advertising of its Baghdad service in July.
An easy and obvious target... that's all. I mean, you may not down the plane, but it's sure easier to hit than those military planes with ECM, flares and whatever. Also if DHL suspends its service and the GIs get their xmas packets or the letters from their beloved (all transported by DHL) late because of that, you manged to hit their morale.

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I guess the US was wrong when it said that violitile activity was down 70%. It seems to have risen in the past month more than any other.

These attacks don't seem to be ones of desperation as they claim it is.

Well what do you expect when almost the entire Iraqi army dissolved into the population when push came to shove? It's quite obvious there are more than enough weapons and capable people to cause havoc in Baghdad for years and not allow the US to gain proper control. Whether they are pissed enough is another issue. biggrin_o.gif

I mean, this is infact the worst nightmare of troops on the ground, as the enemy is one that you can not detect and fight until they strike at you. There are lots of Iraqi soldiers that can be inactive even for 2 years, and then all of a sudden decide to pull out hte weapons from a hideout and kill a couple patrolling GI's. Its totally unpredictable and FUBAR to be in Iraq as a coalition soldier. But hey, contractors from all over have been preparing to start the reconstruction of Iraq, even some from Canada have been getting ready... while I have been saying, wait a minute don't plan anything just yet, shit is still blowing up down there. tounge_o.gif

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Maybe they hope to equip US troops with radioactive coffee, plus rocket propelled timbits with dohnut-shields. Plus, the bagels would make good grenades.

I heard that the United States were going to pull out in June, saying that the work is already done. I think it was on Fox News(of course, with the "We saved Iraq" thing) and it was late at night. Is this true?

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I doubt they will pull out that early, and either way I don't think even Bush himself has any idea exactly when they will leave. smile_o.gif Yet. (have not seen the June claim BTW)

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Apparently 12-30+ US troop suicides are associated with combat stress. wow_o.gif Well it's not a very high rate, but tack on at least 12 soldiers to combat losses. (certainly would not have happened if there was no war)

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Quote[/b] ]But seriously, the donkey attack was beautiful. You have the green zone in Baghdad, the most secure area, guarded by the best troops in Iraq with access to satellite images, tanks, helicopters and if needed stealth bombers. And what breaches that impenetrable fortress? A donkey with a rocket launcher attached to it

So true!!! I think it is the old David against Goliath syndrom. I sympathise and admire "David" ALWAYS! Even if, like in the case of Iraq it quickly comes to my mind that David, in other words the Baathists, are the actual enemies to peace.

And no doubt, the donkey cart is a masterpiece! And the message is clear: Even the most technologically advanced army can no longer occupy a country for a long time without the ideological support of the people. There is so many examples out there, from Northern Ireland to palestine that Bush could have learned from.

"But eh, our army is the strongest in the world, some towelheads will not be capable to stop our Abrams!" Correct Mr. Rumsfield, it is gonna be donkeys that gonna do that job! wink_o.gif

(offtopic: by the way, we should do a poll on which democrat will be the final candidate!)

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It is like Starship troopers biggrin_o.gif

Well, a eye candy militaristic propaganda.  rock.gif

I remember have seen such images in WW2 old propaganda lol.

J.A.G ? Delta force 5 ?  biggrin_o.gif (too much Hollywood eye's candy)

The reality of a militar engagement is far different...

ABRIR LOS OJOS lol  unclesam.gif

(sorry for my bad english)

Thank you for this movie, verry interesting.  smile_o.gif

The argument syllogism's are very bad to depict the causes of this war,  a good laugh  biggrin_o.gif

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When was that video made? Are they STILL trying to feed that "harbours terrorists blah blah blah" bullshit?

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Wohoo i smell band of brothers in the end tounge_o.gif

Now i know why people went to se Jessica Lynchs movie , Hollywood are great movie makers no doubt biggrin_o.gif , they can make a victory look like lose and vice versa... crazy_o.gif

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Wohoo i smell band of brothers in the end  tounge_o.gif

Now i know why people went to se Jessica Lynchs movie , Hollywood are great movie makers no doubt  biggrin_o.gif  , they can make a victory look like lose and vice versa... crazy_o.gif

Yeah, except the Marines really did a bang-up job. Propaganda aside, that's just the simple truth.

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Yeah, if I'm not mistaken the baathist donkeys are beating the army, not the marines smile_o.gif

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I don't know about this concrete blocks stuff man, I just know they were dumped to the roadside because the car was randsacked.

Well anyway, those Iraqis really wanted to be liberated. wink_o.gif Oh and did I mention, they didn't have weapons due to Saddam's iron fist. tounge_o.gif

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