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The Iraq Thread 2

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Quote[/b] ]

U.S. levels houses of Iraqi insurgents

The U.S. military has begun leveling houses and buildings used by suspected Iraqi guerrilla fighters in a new tactic which is part of a more aggressive strategy aimed at crushing the anti-American insurgency, Pentagon officials said Tuesday.

Yeah that one worked out excellent for Israel that has no problems with terrorism whatsoever crazy_o.gif

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Yeah that one worked out excellent for Israel that has no problems with terrorism whatsoever  crazy_o.gif

Excellent? No. Helped? Yes.

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I refer back to our discussion Denoir,

1. I think the political and cultural issues of the Kosovo are far too exquisite in order to use it as a standard example for conflicts.

2. Baathists are indeed willing to commit suicide bombings. The national guard did not loose so miserably during the war because it was illoyal but because it wasnt coordinated. There are many stories about loyal fighters that ran towards tanks with simply old Aks and grenades in their hands. That is suicide!

However I assume that Suicide bombings is not a long-term strategy of the Baathists. That was meant to errupt the fundament of the occupation, but the upcoming attacks will be roadside bombs and LAW's.

They have enough AA missiles but unfortunately limited steering units! But we are still talking about several thousand AA missiles. The exact number I can tell u tomorrow. The Spiegel recently undertook an interview with 2 baathist fighters.

3. If you look at the areas where the attacks took place you will see that they are mostly on the outskirts or from less inhabited areas. The Baathists are hiding and seeking alienated hide-outs. The americans are offering quite a lot of money for information and the iraqis are fed up of war anyway. Without the fear-factor most iraqi civillian would have no remources to hand over information about hiding fighters.

And how come there are reports of several iraqis with tongues that have been cut. No, the only reason why the Baathists are successful is because they are hiding from everyone!Saddam wasnt only hated, many people profited from his system and kept it alive. Now many feel responsible to put the old struture back in place.

This is not an Anti-american war of resistance fighters against oppressing occupiers. This former system-profiteers struggling to get back power and influence.

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Sheeesh! UK security goofs up big-time again:

White House Plays Down Palace Intruder

Quote[/b] ]LONDON (Reuters) - The White House voiced confidence in British security Wednesday after an undercover reporter infiltrated Buckingham Palace and posed as a footman in President Bush's royal suite.

And to think we paid a fortune for the Palace tour! mad_o.gif

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Sheeesh! UK security goofs up big-time again:

White House Plays Down Palace Intruder

Quote[/b] ]LONDON (Reuters) - The White House voiced confidence in British security Wednesday after an undercover reporter infiltrated Buckingham Palace and posed as a footman in President Bush's royal suite.

And to think we paid a fortune for the Palace tour! mad_o.gif

Hi Avon

What do you expect when Republicans and their Monarchs kiss each others fundaments?

The world turned upside down. Well as the US seems to be back in the fold and no longer the US but a UK colony once again maybe they should put up the tea tax.

I saw the film of Bush getting the 41 gun salute he was shaking like an old grany. Age? Back on the booze and suffering the DTs? Scaired of being assasinated by a roving footman from The Times? Or excited at kissing the Queens hand?

WAKE UP BUSH! Your suposed to be the President of a sovereign nation not some shivering corgy wanting to be peted.

Get some backbone. So your foreign policy is not working and your Iraq policy has failed and your anti Terrorism policy means there are more attacks on US citizens than at any other time in history.

You are still the President of Strongest single Millitary and Economic power in the world today ACT LIKE IT! And not like some prancing lightweight.

Anoyed Walker

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Well as the US seems to back in the fold and no longer the US but a UK colony once again maybe they should put up the tea tax.

/avon spits out green tea all over the monitor

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What I am trying to figure out is how the protests are going in London. Hmm... nothing on the tele. tounge_o.gif

Apparently the mayor of London praised the demonstration preparations, saying that the protestors will be protesting against a big injustice. I tell you, won't hear anything like this from a Canadian Mayor since our population is always split 50/50 on everything, and I mean everything. tounge_o.gif

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our population is always split 50/50 on everything, and I mean everything.  tounge_o.gif

I disagree tounge_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Oh yeah? 54% wanted Chretien to retire 2 months early (like it makes a freakin difference geniuses). 40% think Martin will do a better job... more geniuses among us. (that was from the same poll)

We do agree on some things with a huge majority:

1. any person in power for more than a year sucks (that explains your problem Tovarish)

2. Racism is bad, and anything that points out a difference between races is racism

3. Tim hortons is great

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I was googling to find US military rank insignias. I found them and spotted the General of the Army. It says it's reserved for war time only. Apparently USA doesn't have one now. What is considered as war time in the US? Does it have to be an attack against USA on it's own soil before it's bad enough to be called war time?

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Oh yeah? 54% wanted Chretien to retire 2 months early (like it makes a freakin difference geniuses).  40% think Martin will do a better job...  more geniuses among us. (that was from the same poll)

We do agree on some things with a huge majority:  

1. any person in power for more than a year sucks (that explains your problem Tovarish)

2. Racism is bad, and anything that points out a difference between races is racism

3. Tim hortons is great

rock.gif Dude, that was a joke! You know, the two of us not agreeing, 50/50 wink_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Sheeesh! UK security goofs up big-time again:

Before you critcize our security might i add that britain has had only one assasinated prime minister and no monarchs (well i suppose harold at battle of hastings could be argued) in god knows how many years whereas america in about 400 years has managed three assasinated presidents and a few other attemts.

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rock.gif Dude, that was a joke! You know, the two of us not agreeing, 50/50 wink_o.giftounge_o.gif

LMAO I was thinking but I decided you meant Chretien. biggrin_o.gif Sorry, I've been under the weather a lot lately...

EDIT: But what I mentioned about the polls still is funny. wink_o.gif :leave so we can get a worse dude

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Been liking Chretien less and less lately but I didn't think Martin was much of an alternative....anyway, how aboot that Iraq eh? IKON613375c4346b4ec02f496ef92db2a56f10d33108a9.gif

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Blah... Where are the patriots? FSPilot disappeared a long time ago. RedLion was slaughtered too. Let's just keep agreeing with each other to keep this thread alive.

War is a justifiable tool Couldn't watch it. Damn Reuters says I don't have RealOne.

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Been liking Chretien less and less lately

You can't dump a PM that has such a nice name, so similar to to the french "crétin" (=moron). I chuckle every time I see his name written smile_o.gif

Anyhow while I'm not too familiar with Canadian politics, he's a liberal and he handled the Iraq war well. That's more than many other world leaders.

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Been liking Chretien less and less lately

You can't dump a PM that has such a nice name, so similar to to the french "crétin" (=moron). I chuckle every time I see his name written smile_o.gif

Anyhow while I'm not too familiar with Canadian politics, he's a liberal and he handled the Iraq war well. That's more than many other world leaders.

his name means christian in french

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Been liking Chretien less and less lately

You can't dump a PM that has such a nice name, so similar to to the french "crétin" (=moron). I chuckle every time I see his name written smile_o.gif

Anyhow while I'm not too familiar with Canadian politics, he's a liberal and he handled the Iraq war well. That's more than many other world leaders.

I watched the interview with his wife lately, umm what's her name,Mrs. Chretien tounge_o.gif anyway she noted that she was pretty upset he was elected for the last 3 year term as she wanted him to retire already.(after 37 years in politics) However she was quite pleased that he had stayed in power because she is pretty sure if it was not for him we would have gone to Iraq. Said something about Kyoto as well, but Iraq is what is relevant in this thread.

Jean also said himself one of his biggest achievements was how he handled the Americans on Iraq, he said this in the Liberal convention just recently. Nearly the whole floor stood up applauding at that point except the supporters of our new PM, Paul Martin, who sat there poker faced. Our minister of security had to be picked up on his feet, he had that kind of negative reaction to the Iraq comment. smile_o.gif Gee, Good times must be ahead of us.

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Been liking Chretien less and less lately

You can't dump a PM that has such a nice name, so similar to to the french "crétin" (=moron). I chuckle every time I see his name written smile_o.gif

Anyhow while I'm not too familiar with Canadian politics, he's a liberal and he handled the Iraq war well. That's more than many other world leaders.

his name means christian in french

goddamnit ran, don't spoil my fun. I was perfectly happy with crétain. mad_o.gifwink_o.gif

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You can't dump a PM that has such a nice name, so similar to to the french "crétin" (=moron).

I assure you, that connection has been made before. smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I was googling to find US military rank insignias. I found them and spotted the General of the Army. It says it's reserved for war time only.

Too bad no nation uses good old Field Marshall rank anymore...everybody's just a another brigadier-general ,lieutenant-general,major-general or general..

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The Field marshal was used back in the 60's IIRC Pakistani General Ayub Khan used to have it before his name for some reason tounge_o.gif

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